Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 541: Unintentional insertion of the willow [second more! 】

Li Tongtian is so stingy that Li Xiu Tu is somewhat incomprehensible.

When he wants to come, it is obtained in vain. It is very important to give you some old injuries. What's more, they don't want much, half a wine cellar.

With a squint, Li Xiong’s figure is different: “The ancestors, this... everyone needs it, and it’s not a big hindrance to give everyone some cures.”

The muscles of Li Tongtian’s mouth twitched a bit, and my heart: No big hindrance? Obstruction is big! In case you give them a drop, you will be ranked lower in the nine robbers... Then, the whole family is under pressure for 10,000 years...

I want to know that the robbery is to be ranked...

Now that you have given them is easy, but if the rankings are in the end in the future... then it would be a tens of thousands of times to be frustrated by these guys... and they must bear the pressure of tens of years.

How can I get out? That is absolutely not to drop.

Li Tongtian’s heart: Don’t say these guys, even if you are yourself, you can’t. In case you want it... I am afraid that the ancestors will personally lick their own skin...

But since Li Xiongtu said this, Li Tongtian naturally wants to express: "Xiong said, I want to give it to you, hehe... Do you want it?! Um?!"

In the tone, the meaning of the threat is simply that even the dog can hear it.

The seven Supremes shook their heads together: "Where is this? This is a heroic figure, we are just joking, hey, just kidding..."

"Yeah." Li Tongtian nodded with satisfaction, and then his face changed: "Then you still don't go back to get the bottle, what are you waiting for here? Waiting for the male figure to give you? Hey, can you accept it?"

The seven supreme wolves walked away.

Li Xiong figure looked awkward. Really, even the road that I secretly sent is blocked.

"Really his mother will act! It is a nine-robbery!" Li Tongtian and Li Wubo also came up with this idea.

"This... that girl, you come over! The old man confessed to you." Li Tongtian shouted: "You have to monitor the young master, then, this morning and evening, you must watch him drink meticulously, understand?"

The girl in white tremble replied: "Yes."

Li Tongtian nodded with satisfaction...

Li Xiongtu is very dissatisfied with Li Tongtian's attitude. The brow wrinkles, said: "The ancestors, this girl. I like it very much! And... I have already decided. If I break through the supreme, I will submit the family and promote her status; I will do what I am going to do. I will marry her as a wife!"

The implication is of course: you will talk to her later, be polite.

Next to the white girl, Huanhuan’s face was flushed and she lowered her head deeply.

"What?" Li Tongtian and Li Wubo were shocked at the same time. This shock is really a small thing, the two actually stood up.

"You want to swear... a girl?" Li Tongtian frowned.

"Yes!" Li Xiongtu said: "She is not a girl! She is my wife!"

Li Tongtian suddenly brows when he brows.

But Li Bo did not know what he thought of, and suddenly sat down. Asked: "Xiong, the person who just sent you this baby has seen this girl?"

Li Tongtian suddenly wakes up, looking at Li Xiong...

Li Xiong Tuo suddenly stunned; how did this matter relate to that person? What is the relationship with him?

Still replied: "See you."

Li Tongtian nervously asked: "So, what did he say?"

Li Xiongtu frowned and said, "At the time, he said: ‘A beautiful girl with a heart of ambiguity, Li Xiong, you are not too blessed!’ Well, that’s what it is.”

Li Tongtian and Li Wubo also breathed a sigh of relief. Sit back. Zhan Yan smiled and said: "Hah, we are very timid about your marriage, you will not ask. Since the male figure is on, as long as the idea is fixed, I will inform the family tomorrow. This is the status of this girl. Anything else to say?"

Li Wubo also nodded with a smile.

The white girl dreams of Huanhuan’s ah’s uncontrollable scream, and she looks up and looks up! I can't think of dreaming. The family will be so happy. In her original heart, the family cultivated Li Xiong. Nature is the core son!

The marriage of the core son, which one is not everyone? As for myself... This life can be a waiter at Li Xiongtu, and the rest is enough.

I didn't think that things that I didn't even dare to think about, actually just like this... became? This... No, when did the family become so good?

Even the youngest masters, in order to fight for their own marriage, were also beaten by the family. It’s only until the end of the day that I’ve taken the girl in the house, it’s just a small cockroach...

Li Xiongtu also slammed.

So easy?

How... What seems to be wrong?

I don’t know that Li Tongtian and Li Wubo are now suffocating in their hearts: You **** Li Xiongtu, I just asked three people, I don’t know, now I know that I am using that person to press us... The Nine Robber Sword Lord is choosing a wife for his brother, we Even if it is against the use of it?

Not to say early!

Almost let us not come to Taiwan...

During the talk, the seven Supremes have already returned with the Amethyst Heart Bottle.

Li Tongtian personally started, filled the springs of the springs with the bottles; the last half of the cup left, everyone suddenly looked at them; Li Tongtian sank and said: "Open mouth."

Everyone has a big mouth.

Li Tongtian brushed, and poured a drop of the spring of life into the picture of Li Xiong. He turned his head and said: "Hey, you are not looking like this! It’s a shame, I said let him open his mouth, what are you talking about?" A mouthful of stinky teeth, want a disgusting old man?"

The true meaning of the seven Supreme moments is that the heart of death is there...


Leaving Li Xiongtu's residence, the seven Supreme Heads went back to the brain and sighed all the way.

Li Tongtian and Li Wubo walked back in the snow.

"How? This is the next... Are you sure?" Li Tongtian whispered.

"Definite!" Li Wubo's voice was a little trembling. It was 〖Xing〗: "I originally thought that Li Xiongtu should be like this. It should not be... because his expression is not fake... but this time..."

"Hey!" Li Tongtian rolled his eyes: "The nine-robbery heart, you can see through it? If you don't want to, I will go back to sleep, and finally sleep well... At least for the next 10,000 years, it is peace of mind. ""

Li Wubo nodded again and again: "Yes; but this nine robbery sword master is also very powerful. We can not be said to be strict." But the sword master is actually free to come and go, no trace..."

Li Tongtian snorted and said: "Why is it the nine-robbery master?"

Li Wubo nodded again and again: "Yes. Hey. I don't know how to smother the child. Now how is it with the heroes? If it can go further, if we are in the future, we will have two seats in the nine robbers..."

"Call! You remember to do the gimmick thing tomorrow." Li Tongtian rolled his eyes and walked away.

Li Wubo sighed: "I was really climbed by the **** to the high branch... This is a despicable person. Is it going to be the wife of the Nine Robbery in the future..."


Chu Yang has already returned to the hot springs.

For this time, Chu Yang is somewhat comfortable and somewhat awkward; of course, more is speechless.

Because he did not think that Li Xiongtu could actually be so arrogant. They have already explained to him that this is the priceless treasure of life. I didn’t expect this product to slam a scorpion after I left.

Will you not make a big fortune?

Of course, if he knew what happened later, he would be more speechless.

This time, Chuyang said, according to the conscience, it was really just to help Li Xiongtu. Once, I couldn’t bear to see such a heroic man who died like a lamp; It is also for Dong’s unbeatable future to have a rival.

Then. When standing at the top of the peak, Dong will not feel lonely without injury!

Just like the current legend: cloth staying in love and Ning Tianya.

In addition, Chu Yang does not have a single thought.

But what he never imagined is that things are such dramatic! Because of the scorpion of Li Xiongtu, things have turned incredibly turning.

Chu Yang's unintentional insertion of this kind of work, but more realistically, Li Xiongtu's position in the mind of the Li family is one of the nine! Eliminate the last point of suspicion!

I also let Li Jia’s thought of ‘desperate with the eight major families to die and never stop’, from hesitation, suddenly become rock-solid! And confidence is a hundred times high spirits!

If there are other eight families, they will meet the family. Li Jia will definitely be straightforward and straightforward! Kneeling! How come cruel how come...

Earn a share for one of the nine robberies of his family.

This has to be said to be... the encounter of life. It’s really... too... wonderful...

Chu Yang naturally did not know that he had inadvertently added fuel to the plan that Mo Tianji had lost to the extreme; he did not know. This bag of life is not only a solution to the dangers of life for Li Xiong, but also solves his most difficult lifelong event for Li Xiong.

These are the great Chu Yuzu who do not leave a name for good things.

He just soaked in the bath and absorbed the essence of the Li family: the fire of the earth! Constantly enriching his own dantian, reconciling the yin and yang in his body, and then... his two hands stretched out in the amethyst heap, vigorously absorbing the hard work of the Li family to cut out the amethyst. power……

Even more squinting, it is very hard to consider: Why the huge amethyst mine has been excavated for a hundred feet, why still do not see the shadow of the Amethyst soul?

This is really an insatiable person.


In the early morning of this day, the purple man with a face full of frost, a purple gas, appeared in the amethyst mine.

He walked in coldly and greeted him along the way, all ignored by him.

But everyone just respectfully greeted them and then slammed the soles of their feet.

Because... who can guarantee that the next moment will not usher in the swearing of the purple adults? The level of the deaf of the entire Li family has increased several classes because of this purple man.

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