Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 567: Tune the tiger away from the mountain [first! 】

I have waited until recently, and the four criminals are still unbelievable.

Looking at the thirty-six bodies in front of them is almost like a dream. This, unlike Chu Yang and Wan Jie, two people are acting, it seems that the other 36 people are acting.

Wei Wuyan and others are calm, but in fact the heart is shocked!

What exactly is going on?

Everyone is a discerning person, don't say anything like exercises don't act.

The previous battles are definitely a real battle. The injuries suffered by Wanjie and Chuyang are absolutely true! Otherwise, is there a fool in the 36 masters?

If it is not certain that the two men are already dead, can you start to be unscrupulous with no precautions?

The most threatening enemy, of course, the dead!

This truth, anyone on the rivers and lakes knows.

But what is going on in front of this scene? The dead jumped up and killed? Whatever he is, even if he is not killed, he is scared to death...

"What the **** is going on?" One of the prisoners was like a ghost, and asked in amazement.

"This, the secret can not be leaked." Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, the hand quickly smashed the scattered amethyst chalcedony and arranged: "Hurry, pick those that are still clean white robe. There are extra, also one And take it away."

Wei Wuyan and others immediately acted.

Wan Jie has been replaced by a white robe, and his heart is still a little confused. But of course he is shut up. Only the tens of thousands of people, the most telling of the situation at the time; but he is also the most shocked one!

When Chu Yang was selected to carry out the plan. Wanjie has a belief in mortality!

As long as the plan is successful. If you die, you will die. At least, in exchange for the brothers to go out safely.

So he readily agreed.

But after it came down, Chu Yang quietly stuffed himself with a pill, and he wanted to be 'in his mouth';

Next is the battle, Wanjie can point to the top of the sun, the moon and the stars swear: I really do my best! I was really killed!

The fear of death is still awkward!

However, at the moment of losing consciousness, the moment when the enemy also believes that he is dead, there is no sigh of relief...

The medicine suddenly turned into a torrent of water in the mouth, a huge potency, and instantly swam all over the limbs; all the wounds. Sweeping away!

The repair of the loss is made up instantly!

The body that has lost its vitality is full of instant!

The broken bones are connected in an instant!

All over the body. Instantly restored the peak state! And, you have to win!

In such a situation, waiting for the Chuyang signal, violently killing at any time...

Today's experience, 10,000 people dare to take a conscience guarantee: definitely the most bizarre, most thrilling, most enjoyable experience in your life!

Thinking about it, the clothes on the white man were stripped and everyone changed.

"Let's go!" said one of the criminals.

"Walk? Where are you going?" Chu Yang rolled his eyes.

"We have already gotten through this road, of course..." The prisoner is very puzzled: the roads are all open? Don't you go? Don't you spend so much effort?

Besides, you let us change clothes, isn't it just for the sake of the fish?

"So, say, you guys. There is no sense of urgency! Who told you that the road you got through must go?" Chu Yang hated the iron and said: "Follow me!"

Everyone was behind him, but he found that the boy actually returned to the top of the mountain that he had just hidden. He actually fell down in the original position, and his posture did not change.

Everyone suddenly feels that the second monk can't touch his mind: Is this dry?

I worked hard to get through the level, just to return to the cat?

But under the harsh face and gaze of Chu Yang, no one dared to make a sound.

Waited for a long time.

I saw a white shadow flying like a fly, and once I saw the scene, I was shocked and screamed.

In an instant, people from all directions came.

Far in the mountains. I also heard that this person is in a big fight: "There has been a breakthrough here! None of the 36 people survived, the means of good deeds!"

Everyone looked at the breathlessly on the mountain.

I saw that there are countless white people in the hundreds and thousands of places, like the star pill, and all of them are masters. Such a dense master ambushes. The nine people who saw it were all sweating.

Immediately, I saw an urgent discussion after the following people arrived. A faint voice came: "They broke through here, and they took their clothes away... At this moment, I don't know how far I went out... We are chasing!"

"Quickly signal the front!"

Immediately, it was another shouting.

In distant places, each has a long whistling sound.

Immediately, these people turned into a huge arrow, chasing it along this road.

"Let's go!" Chu Yang jumped up: "It is this time, pay attention to hide the mind, stop the life, come with me!"

He took the lead and the white robe flew and rushed down the mountain.

Wei Wuyan and others just followed him and rushed down the mountain. However, I saw that Chu Yang was not the only way to go, but another road that was inserted obliquely for thirty miles.

That is the road that has been reinforced since the past.

"There has been determined to be broken, so the ambush here is useless. At present, all the guards on this road have already rushed over there. This road should be the safest!"

Chu Yang walked, while hurriedly said: "The current plan is to break through first, how far can go, how far! Even if you take a step, it is a point closer to you!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Chu Yang, this is a misunderstanding in the use of human thought: from this breakthrough, escape from here!

Everyone will have such thoughts and speculations.

Everyone. The four criminals, including the perennial chasing prisoners, are asking themselves: If I am a Li family. What will happen after seeing this breakthrough?

When I think about it, it is exactly the same as the Li family who made the decision!

When I think of it, I can't help but sweat down: As long as you think so, you can't catch the enemy.

Because Chu Yang did not go this way.

Instead, I stepped back.

Going another way.

At this time, other roads were originally full of ambushes, and they have already been tuned by themselves... It is equal to the cooperation between the enemy and the enemy, which should give the enemy a spacious road!

Thinking of this, watching Chu Yang's eyes could not help but admire more: this young man's mind, I really don't know what to think. Actually prudent, long-term to such a point.

Only Chu Yang’s heart smiled; he knew that his plan was definitely useful; but there was some bullying meaning: in the past, the Li family did not have the fifth gentle or Mo Tianji!

If these two people are here to take charge of themselves and others, then the only way for Chu Yang is to return to the northwest, and then look for opportunities in the lurking for many years...

Like the sound of the East, it hits West. It’s totally useless for both of them!


Chu Yang took the lead, but it was not fast.

At the very least, the speed of the family that has just caught up with the whirlwind is at least one grade.

This made people wonder, but no longer doubted: Chu Yang went slow, there are reasons. I just need to follow it!

When you reach the intersection, you can clearly see that the trees that have been cut down are leaning against the roadside, and there are snow caves on the ground, empty.

Chu Yang did not hesitate to go through.

The people followed the past with fear. Always guard against attacks on both sides... but! There are no people on either side, no ambush!

It turned out to be a long drive.

After running forty or fifty miles, after a few dozens of checkpoints, Chu Yang suddenly stood still and calculated it silently. Road: "You are standing here, don't move! Don't leave footprints."

Then he screamed and flew out, his feet stepping on a flat snow, stepping on a footprint; then the other foot stepped forward and stepped on a shallow footprint.

Then the two feet alternately stepped on and the footprints became lighter and shallower. Finally arrived at the point where there is no trace of snow.

Everyone looked at it and didn't even know what plane he was working on.

Chu Yang’s body rushed back and said: “Follow me! Be especially careful, don’t make a sound! Don’t breathe! Don’t release the mind, don’t...”

Then his body turned. It entered the mountain forest on the left.

Crossed the past.

"Why?" Wei Youyan is also a bit confused.

Chu Yang simply whispers: "The enemy is not a fool at all. According to the general wisdom of the mind. Under the raging madness, chasing after madness, by this time, the mind should also be calm; once found, it still has not chased On, it is inevitable to doubt, is this a measure of adjusting the tiger from the mountains? At this time, it is time to change the strategy."

"Not to mention, we have passed the second level. When they chase the second level over there, how can they not doubt that the second level there is no movement?"

"So they are not coming to the two sides, but they are almost the same. What we have to do now is to go back to the original road!"

Nine people sullen their heads and galloped all the way.


On the other side, the fierce and fierce masters of all the way all the way to the top of the blood rushed to catch up with the chasing, while chasing, while calling for reinforcements, while warning to the front.

After a long time, I passed the second pass. Finally, the supreme leader stopped and said: "No! No! How can this second pass not be a little bit moving?"

This suspicion suddenly made everyone's face change: "Is it... the sound of the East hits the West, and the tiger is off the mountain?"

"Absolutely! Terrible, we counted..." The supreme face became incomparably ugly: "Everyone points around and immediately go back and see! The enemy has not gone this way... Fucking Tune the tiger away from the mountains! Laozi counts! Chasing the air and chasing the 80-mile road... I am licking a leg..."

The five-product supreme couldn’t help but sigh and scream.


<Cough, the first! Seeking a monthly ticket! For the brothers and sisters who voted for the monthly ticket, I really want to kiss you... wow haha...

I continue to go to the second word code...>

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