Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 749: Great rumors

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Fa Zun’s eyes are a little dignified, and the last two shadows are striking, but they are not able to leave a dance city with serious injuries and a sigh of relief!

Moreover, I thought that using the magic of the sky to directly destroy the city of dance, but did not expect the dance city to be so tyrannical, not only did not die on the spot, but also caused himself to be seriously injured. ()(.()(..)

If the dance is dead, it will be nothing to support this body to participate in the action, but now the city is not dead!

"Yes." The two agreed.

"This is my identity token, see me as you see me, mobilize the law enforcer, with the fifth gentle!" The law is sullen: "I understand?"


With the fifth gentle, it is not with the eight families!

The meaning of this, of course, the two are not fools.

Fa Zun snorted and his eyes were somewhat resentful. He really did not think that the city of dance could actually have seven poisons that temporarily suppressed the magic of the sky! If not, today, the city will die, and you will not suffer such a heavy injury!

But now, it’s too late to say anything.

Fa Zun is also a coincidence of sad reminders, Chu Yang in order to treat Chu Leer, seven poisons are matched with Qi; dance the city's natural way Chu Leer's injury how to cure, at first glance, ask Chu Yang there is no surplus ......

These seven poisons were not available when dancing with the city, but they were given to the city by Chu Yang in this year.

Because of this, today I saved the life of the city!

The reason why Chu Yang was given to the dance city was because the dance city received Chu Leer as an apprentice; Chu Yang sent a meeting ceremony. However, Chu Yang is able to get these medicines together, but part of the reason is because of the Wanpin Dictionary...

And the Wan Dian Dadian. It is the command of the law and the drug valley...

In this way, the plan of Law Zun’s seamlessness is that it is destined to leave an opponent here at that time... If someone thinks about this, it will be stunned--there is such a thing in the world!

Fa Zun’s body flashed and disappeared without a trace.

He does not believe anyone.

Even his own personal guard!

Therefore, his recovery must be secretly looking for a place. Use the secret method. Will not let anyone know his whereabouts. Although the cause of the fifth family may have a little influence because of this injury, Faun believes that there is a fifth gentleness. The problem is not that big.

What's more, now, he still wants to focus on his injuries.

Even if the fifth family died, it is necessary to raise the wounds first.

"Because of me, it is extinguished because of me; nothing." Fa Zun thinks so.

The dance city that has retired is also fortunate. I don’t think that the fifth 惆怅 is so terrible now, so it’s really ridiculous to enter the country. This time, I am really too big...

"However, after World War I, Fa Zun will not reply for at least four or five months. This should be very beneficial for those few guys."

"It’s a pity that the old man’s old bones. It seems that you have to open your mouth to the nine-density Dan...” The dance in the city’s heart was a bitter smile, and suddenly there was some heart-throat: this Jiu Dan... Jiuzhong Dan!

I have eaten that year...

Thinking of this, the dance city couldn’t help but burst into the nose. Long sigh; turn and walk.

He did not return to Chu Leer, he was also worried, if the Fa Zun sent people to catch up with themselves ... until then, the magic of this day, the real attack, can not protect their apprentice.

And... he is not willing to let Chu Leer see how he is hurt.

That little girl will cry...

Thinking about the city. Going northwest.


In the past few days, the fifth softly and constantly launched the attack, every time, very cautious; Mo Tianji sat in the town, seeing the move, the soldiers will block. The water comes to the bandits and the past ones are dealt with.

The fifth gentle attack is very measured, and the Mo Tian machine can handle it with ease.

No one has the upper hand, no one can take advantage of it, and the two sides are glued up. Both sides are coming and going like the wind, walking in a hurry, you come to me, plainly created a tension that almost wants to crush the blue sky.

But each party just killed dozens of people.

Li Jiafeng sounds like a crane, and the grass is all soldiers.

The coalition forces are coming and going, and the black cloud is pressing the city to destroy!

Only a few contacts, are exposed to the tail of the team, which is thrilling, even if the nine products supreme should also scare a cold sweat.

The fifth softly set ambush, the commander of the Mo Tianji cracked, the fifth ambush of the thunder and thunder, only affected a small team of the Li family, completely destroyed.

However, the brigade was safely evacuated; all those who withdrew had a feeling of 'whitening a life'. The strong strength of the other side, the mighty ambush, everyone's strong feeling of spinning around the ghost gate is simply to make everyone regret the life!

If it is not for the Mo Tianji military division to see the machine early, I am afraid that these people...

When I think of this, I will be more admired by Mo Tianji. Even if there is no wave, there is no doubt about the ability of Mo Tianji.

Moreover, Li Jia is now at risk; there is no one in Lijia who has the ability to rotate this kind of thing, so now there is only full decentralization and unconditional trust for Mo Tianji!

Of course, in these few actions, it seems to be a kind of reason for 'very legitimate'. Li Jiaran of course put Li Xiongtu on the battlefield.

If you are stern, you will stay behind and cooperate with Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji has no objections to this! Even, I still agree. Moreover, it seems that the interaction with the stern is getting closer and closer, and occasionally a joke can be laughed at.

For the Li family, it is a sudden flash of light and a dawn.

As for the use of Li Xiongtu, the probability of sending him out of dangerous characters is getting higher and higher. Later, he simply has no time to come back...

The fierceness of Li Xiongtu was also thoroughly demonstrated in this war. With the high rate of battle, Li Xiong’s natural arrogance made him not only lose his life in the danger zone, but he repeatedly made meritorious deeds.


On the other hand, Mo Tianji set traps twice in a row. Every time, Li masters came out of the nest and dealt with one of the eight family coalitions, or two.

To know that the strength of the coalition forces in their respective families can only be regarded as one-fifth of the power. And Li family is out of the nest, facing the two major family coalition forces, it is also possible to face the victory; let alone a sneak attack?

Every time after the fifth gentleness, I found that something was wrong, and I quickly sent reinforcements to save them.

It can be said that if it is not the fifth gentle command here, it is really possible to complete the shocking reversal of the terrible opponent on the opposite side, and to defeat the elite of the eight major families with the strength of Weiwei!

The terrible degree of the opponents makes these eight masters and law enforcement masters who are tens of thousands of years old and tens of thousands of years shocked! Even, there is a feeling of chills.

After four or five consecutive encounters, many people even have the idea that if there is no fifth gentleness to sit here calmly at this moment, ... Laozi immediately goes back and does not participate in this war!

Damn, the crisis of walking the rivers and lakes for thousands of years is not as close to death here!

The fifth gentle magical machine, the first opportunity, the turn of the crisis, and again and again, the power of the eight major families involuntarily use the wise men in their respective families.

But inconsistent conclusions: Compared with the fifth commander, our family is rubbish!

Just don't flow!

During this time, the fifth gentle and Mo Tianji two commanders, although each has no brilliant record, but each has established an unshakable authority!

Mo Tianji is of great power, and the fifth gentleness is completely controlled!

All this happened only for a short month.

No one can know that this time the two people’s prestige is generally soaring, that is, the two commanders of the ancient and modern times are helping each other in the tacit agreement with each other... each needs.

What needs to be sacrificed is a group of nine family masters who have already convinced them that they can't wait for the five-body vote!

Just as the fifth soft prestige gradually became as bright as the sky, suddenly a rumor spread silently among the coalition forces.

"The fifth commander is now only a member of the Zhuge family vassal family. It can be said that there is no strength, no status, no qualifications, no background! But he has reached this height with his own strength! The five commanders are just helping!"

"If one day, the fifth commander established his own family and had a certain strength, what would happen?"

This rumor is like a quiet spring rain that quietly spreads among the coalition forces.

When everyone heard this rumor, they naturally used an answer from their hearts: If so, the fifth commander will be invincible!

No strength, no status, no background, no qualifications, the fifth gentle can still let the world heroes bow down and listen to the heart. If you have strength, status, and background?

Is this still considered?

The fifth gentle and absolutely invincible in the world!

But, this is invincible in the world... What does it mean?

Representing... The fifth gentle family will become the first family of the nine heavens! Moreover, more than 90% of the grasp may unify the nine heavens!

The first super-hegemony established personally in 90,000 years! Do one thing that countless heroes can't do!

Ge Gu Ling today!

Then there was another rumor: "If the fifth commander set up the family, we cast it...become a lord, the what?"

This question is even simpler. There is no need to think about it at all. Everyone has the same answer in mind: then we are the famous people who have been famous for their eternal history. Founding hero!

And under such a person, the worry of life will be reduced by 90% compared to other families! Even more!

Everyone, suddenly, my heart is hot!


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