Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 757: Some things, need chills

The sudden attack is too sudden! Especially for the coalition forces, the other side can dispatch 500 people to come here to ambush, which is much more than expected, and a fierce death battle is almost expected by everyone.

But never imagined that under such circumstances, the other party actually reserved a reserve team!

And look at this, the reserve team is really a lot!

This is unexpectedly unexpected.

And the reserve team is a hidden weapon. Everyone throws it out in the blink of an eye. I don’t know how much...

The hidden weapon is too sudden, too dense!

There is no difference in attack on a chaotic battlefield, and that power is absolutely considerable.

The coalition's people can only deal with the other party's undesired attacks on the one hand, and on the other hand, they will clarify a series of swords and swords.

Do not dare to dodge, people are behind the body, who knows who will flash to the bottom of the knife? I can say something to myself, if it is an enemy?

That is not a dish? And still the service is delivered to the mouth?

In the groaning voice, there was a cry of screams and irritated anger. Obviously, many people have already recruited.

The hidden weapon fell on both sides of the staff. Everyone is a super master. It is a profound skill. These hidden weapons that are already distracting are impossible to be fatal. Even if they are on the lower-level Supreme, they can only scratch a little flesh. You can no longer go inside the body.

But it is to cut through this little bit of flesh, but it will make people's muscles suddenly become blue and color, and the poison spreads quickly. All of them feel the body numb.

Li family was also attacked by a hidden weapon. The flesh that had been cut through the body turned into a blue-skinned look for a moment, but then the color changed, and the antidote immediately showed its effect, and the blood immediately turned bright red.

Toxic solution!

On the one hand, there is some paralysis, but on the one hand, it is no problem!

Although these toxicities are severe, for ordinary people, or see blood seals, but for the Supreme. It is not fatal, at most it is paralyzed, and it will return to normal in the next moment. But on the ever-changing battlefield, this time of paralysis is for both the enemy and the enemy. It is enough!

The family’s counterattacks were swift and fierce. The indiscriminate attack on both sides was huge. The second was the absolute advantage. In the third place, some high-level supreme masters could not make any big moves in such a melee. Inadvertently hurting my own people, this moment has really become the world of Li family!

This massacre suddenly opened its curtains, and a sword and a sword fell, and the blue blood of the blue sky rushed into the sky.

And when the hidden weapon has not yet begun to fall. The large number of Li family members who released the hidden weapon on both sides have already rushed into the battle circle. One by one, the swords are united, and the light bulbs that flashed in the flashing lights are raging everywhere!

The screams come one after another!

At this moment, when the coalition forces of the four major families faced the offensive of Lijia, they were very surprised and fell into a comprehensive downturn! this phenomenon. Let the night and Xiao Yanyan almost broke the belly!


On the other side, Mo Tianji put the head of the hand on the icicles that had just stood up, and brushed a few lines with his fingers. Immediately with the singularity of the sinister cloud, the lightning escaped into the snow, disappearing without a trace.

"As long as the fifth gentleness is slower at the beginning! It will be slow forever!" Mo Tianji smiled, and the sound floated in the snow: "Slow one shot. It is the winner!"

The ten night masters rushed to the slopes and saw only a straight snow pillar. On the snow pillar, there was a lifelike head.

On the snow pillar, there are still a few lines of words that are flowing.

Can not help but face each other.


"Puzzle!" The night screamed and screamed, Xiao Yuyan also flew off several of his fierce masters and issued a full-scale attack command.

Although the lower-ranking Supreme and Holy Masters have died a lot under the hood, the high-ranking Supreme has not suffered much.

The shadows in the distance are flashing, and there are people on the left and right sides who are desperately coming!

A long shout in the distance: "Go!"

One word came out, and all of Li’s family suddenly gave up the entanglement, and some of them slammed hard, and they turned and walked away. They walked neatly and without any delay.

The second change of Mo Tianji, after all, still can not be used. As soon as I saw the three-way man in the distance, Mo Tianji immediately knew that the fifth gentleness had already made the most correct response.

So he immediately ordered the retreat!

Only the tenth group, Li Xiongtu smashed out with a sword, slamming loudly, then the force of the earthquake, and flew back.

Surely he was by his side, suddenly a sly, almost fell to the ground; Li Xiongtu was shocked, reached out and grabbed it, but saw a scream of blood, sprayed on Li Xiong's face.

Li Xiongtu only feels that the line of sight is blurred, and he will be able to fly when he grabs it. He will not breathe: "Xiong! You..."

Li Xiong said: "No time, go!"

Severe gasping, wanting to talk, suddenly white eyes fainted. Li Xiongtu was shocked. The enemy behind him had already caught up and shouted: "Catch him!" The shaking hand will throw out the cannonball. However, he himself delayed the speed because of this throwing, and the sound of the golden blade hollowed out was generally heard.

In the back, there are people who are deeply inhaling, which is the prelude of the strong and empty hollow palm!

Flying out of the stern face reveals a strange smug, quietly transported up to repair, light if the hair generally fell in their own camp, then rushed.

Li Xiongtu is watching with concern, and suddenly sees it. But this is the enemy behind him. He screamed, and the broad broad sword slammed back to the next round. He slammed and crossed the two swords at the same time. The two of them could not think of his natural power and the account was shattered. Seven hemorrhoids.

Li Xiongtu shouted, and a blood arrow spewed out in his mouth. He took a few steps, and a sword cut down a second-class supreme, which was dragged up, and dragged the sword, and the wind rushed back.

With a bang, the space rips, and a strong palm is like the essence, madly hitting the back of Li Xiong.

Li Xiongtu screamed and threw no effort to throw the back of the broad sword backhand, and slammed it out, bringing out a gorgeous golden mans, cutting out a clear space black hole, greet the palm of the hand!

And he himself is both palms and launches.

boom! Li Xiongtu borrowed the force to fly, the majestic body in the wind and snow, a trip, went out seven or eighty feet! All the way back, all the way to vomiting blood!

All this happened only in the time of the sparkling fire.

Li Xiongtu is already the last person to retreat! Although he was seriously injured, he did not seem to feel the slightest impact on the general, and he rushed to the ground. Every step was a few dozen feet away.

Almost the speed of the extreme limit, let the rear chasing soldiers continue to shoot, countless hidden weapon swords directly throw, throwing, but all lost.


The night is happy with Xiao Yu’s words!

go? Where is it so easy? Killing us so many people pat the **** and want to go? If you let them go, we are not stupid...

"Desperately have to catch up!" The night screamed and screamed, and Xiao Yanyan took the two horses to catch up.

In the hurricane, a group of people in front of them walked desperately, and some people in the back were desperately chasing.

Among the two groups, a Li Xiong figure was running hard, and there were so many family members in front of him that no one turned back.

Li Xiong only felt that his chest was running almost exploding. The arrogance in his heart did not allow him to ask for help, but he was puzzled in his own heart.

I have saved myself before, but everyone has seen it.

Why did someone else step behind and immediately pull someone to catch up with the progress? I am behind so much, but I have not looked back?

And... stunned him... ran quickly after landing?


Li Xiong is straightforward and bold, but it is definitely not a fool!

Li Xiongtu ran hard, but felt the coolness of his heart rose.

I wholeheartedly repay the Li family, Li Jia... Is this really true to me?

I remembered the sneer of Mo Tianji on his own: "Oh, oh... Repaying the family? Repay? Hehehe..."

Suddenly it was a feeling of disappointment that rose.

Am I really being used? Am I really being used and have been abandoned before I have used it?

Then what do I think? !

I felt that the blood that was out of the plate almost covered my eyes. Li Xiong’s voice snorted, and the spirit spurted out, and the blood that had become a residue in the eyes was flying, and my heart burst into a smile.

There is no such thing as a serious injury. The blood is clearly deliberately sprayed on my eyes.

There is also a reason for everyone in the Li family to ignore it at the time of my life and death.

For a time, Li Xiongtu’s heart raised an endless irony and irony of himself. Even the desire to escape almost disappeared. If there is no girl in the yard who is fluttering in the yard waiting for herself, this moment... is it afraid to give up?

Li Xiongtu smiled in his heart, remembering the gentle face, but under the soles of his feet, he did not know where it came from, and the speed of his feet suddenly increased.

The chase is getting closer and closer, and the four high-ranking Supremes are the first to take the lead.

After walking through a mountain, suddenly a loud bang, the whole mountain collapsed, and the big stone smashed his face to the coalition masters.

At the same time, a sound in the mountains is magnificent: "All attack! Kill!" Sounds like gold and iron, powerful!


I did not expect that the third wave of the Li family is waiting here! Where is the strong power of Lijia?

The Li family in front shouted in unison, and the rhythm was the same as the previous return.

At night, Xiao Yan’s words were also awkward, and he immediately stopped his footsteps, and he was very hard-working and waiting.

Far from the fifth gentle eager command: "Do not stop! At the end of the chase, can not be chased!"

But it was this stop, the whole mountain was already in a situation of catastrophe, and it was rumbling! I reached the top of my head!

Divided the Li family and the chase into two.

.... . )

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