Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 792: You are different from him [first! 】

Dong’s injury is also a puzzled face. Yes, it looks like a young man. For the young men, do you need to care so much? Not a woman, love and be beautiful...

As long as you squat down, you still have to say... or what men are not... men don’t participate in any beauty pageant...

The dancing city warm smiled, with a hopeful look from the bottom of my heart, slowly said: "If I see them one day, I am afraid they can't recognize me..."

He took a breath: "They have changed a lot after so many years... I really can't guarantee it, I can recognize them at a glance, and they are definitely higher than me now, I may not be able to I found them... Since I didn’t know them, I had to let them find me.”

"If it is because they don't know each other... and eventually missed..." The dance city smiled bitterly: "I am afraid I will really collapse."

Chu Yang Dong did not hurt, only felt that the heart was inexplicably heavy, but it was a somewhat warm feeling of blockage.

It turned out that this was the case.

I am afraid that they will not recognize me... The dance city has been preparing from now on, just to prepare for the brothers after a long time...

It can be seen how much he cares about the relationship again, how much care!

Or, this is the last point in his life!

If even the last point of the sustenance is lost, as he said, it will really collapse.

Chu Yang’s heart is sour, and he feels a little bit more empathetic. He earnestly said: “You will definitely see you again. I firmly believe this point!”

Dancing in the city, looking at the sky, it seems that his gaze can penetrate the clouds of the sky. Prudently said: "Yes, we will definitely see you again! For this, I am sure!"

"In these few days, remember to take time to rest, rest and recharge, and recharge your batteries. You must ensure that your physical strength is at its peak. If you are in the battlefield, you will have the highest survival! If you are serious, Meet with your brother, hope to get along with each other for a long time, without a hard battle experience, on their side. Maybe it will lead to a bleak result of meeting, you understand?" Chu Yang said with a deep heart.

"I understand, I will let myself live well!" He danced in the city, he sneered. Road: "I dance the city. It has never been a brother's burden!"


After a long time, the dance city asked: "Chuyang, I want to talk to you about one thing. This matter, I have been thinking for a long time in my heart. I don't know if I should do it. Finally, I will ask you first. The opinion."

Chu Yangdao: "Oh? What is it that makes the dance predecessors so embarrassing, is it related to me?"

The dance city frowned and said: "Is it relevant? Is it true that I have been thinking about these two days, whether I want to find Fa Zun, the fifth one."

Chu Yang was taken aback: "Ah? What are you looking for him to do? Assassinate him? He is not a good person to deal with!"

Dancing the city road: "How come, you know. Fa Zun was once one of the nine robberies of the year. Most importantly, he also suffered the same misunderstandings as our brothers. I have no good feelings for it. Even more sneak attacks on the use of the big hatred, but in the same time as the nine robbery, the old man feels ... tell him, let him put down the guilt of the heart, can be regarded as the morality between the nine robbers. If he can wake up, What are the little grudges between me and him?"

He smiled and said: "More importantly, if the relationship between him and his brothers has not changed, then as long as the knot is untied, you can also lose the most resistance in a vacuum... you can use the tiniest The price, the unification of the nine heavens, at the very least, the entire situation of the northwestern war situation, instantaneous change!"

Chu Yang was silent for a while, Shen Sheng: "No."

Dancing the city wonders: "Can't?" I want to come in the city of dance. This is a big deal for the overall situation. There is no harm, Chu Yang may hesitate, or will be embarrassed, assessing the feasibility of this move, but how I did not expect Chu Yang to categorically refuse, why? !

"Yes. Absolutely not." Chu Yang took a sigh of relief and said: "You fortunately did not go, but fortunately come to ask me for advice, if you really went, with the fifth ambiguous mind, all kinds of means, You may not go back! The possibility of losing your life is 10,000!"

The dance city sneered and said: "I am jealous, just rely on him? He wants to dare to swear with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu gets him to die."

Chu Yang smiled lightly and said: "Self-cultivation is not the whole strength. I will make an analogy. If you go, tell him the beginning and the end, Fa Zun is greatly shaken, crying, mourning, and even on the spot. What do you do with self-destructive actions..."

"Then he is very grateful to you, thank you for telling him the truth, even bowing to you, what will you feel in your heart at the moment?"

"Furthermore, he and your arm will recall it, telling you that it was the time of the Nine Robbery, will you tell it about it..."

"What do you mean by this? Of course, he will be greatly shaken. It is not surprising that he has a self-destructive move. As for the gratitude to the old man afterwards, it is also reasonable. I told him the truth of his greatest regret in this life. The old man can afford it, and the memories are the past, it is the only thing the old man remembers..."

"If this is the case, you have already died at least three times. For the first time, he refused to stop you. When you made a profit, when he was full, you fell. For the second time, he told you to worship you, you are subject to him. The ceremony, the heart is no longer prepared, help him get up for a moment, you still have to fall, the third time, you remember the past nine robbing feelings, it is the biggest touch of your heart, as long as you shoot, you still have to fall!"

"Don't doubt my statement, Fa Zun... The fifth will definitely do this." Chu Yang Qing Xing said: "Fortunately, you have not gone! Fortunately, you come to me to discuss, otherwise your temper, really back Not coming……"

The dance city has thought about it, and it is also a cold sweat. The old man who has experienced 40,000 years of age is far more than the average person. He has already clarified the cause and effect and the possible changes in the situation.

If Faozun really made such repentance, self-destruction, thank you, worship, and then remember the past, with his own temper, he will really be resonated by him, and he is very incomparable.

If at that time, I basically mean that I am totally unguarded. If Fa Zun launches any sneak attack, the chance of his own life is really infinitely close to zero!

"The fifth embarrassment, Fa Zun...he...what would it be? He, after all, was one of the nine robbers. After all, he also had deep feelings with his brother. After all, he had suffered such a heartbreaking, so unforgettable. Misunderstanding, he really will..."

The dance of the city is heart-wrenching: "Lifetime regrets, misunderstandings can be solved, shouldn't you be happy? I can do it, why is he who belongs to the nine robbers, but can't do it? Why?"

"He is different from you! It is completely different and completely complete." Chu Yangdao: "First, you were rescued because of your own chances; but he used the spirits of other brothers. Forced to stay. If it is said from the results, he is the one who truly sacrificed his brother and fulfilled his own!"

"He can survive and be able to come out. The main reason is that the spirits of the brothers have burned to protect himself, and the brothers have been designed to save him. At this point, his original practice has betrayed all his brothers!"

"Second, he now has a fascinating atmosphere in his body. In essence, it is not a passer-by with you, or he is no longer a human being."

"Third, he has been in charge of the nine heavens for thousands of years..." Chu Yang said deeply: "Power will make people change their minds. Now the law is respected, according to his style of action... the mind is already dark enough, dark to order The point where people are pointing."

"Now, even if his brothers still accept him, but he has not dared, and no face to enter that group again." Chu Yang finished in a breath, said: "So, you do not go, do not hold illusions, Thousands of thousands!"

Chu Yang is really lucky. The dance of the city, the 40,000-year-old noble son still does not change his temperament. I really think that he cares about others and cares about himself.

Don't say anything else, Fa Zun...has been making a series of things one after another, how can he be like a dance city?

Such a commentary by Chu Yang, the dance city itself is also a cold sweat, wiped the sweat, said: "I really suspend ... before I really thought about not telling not to inform the law respect ... now it seems, But it is almost silently sent to death..."

Chu Yang was speechless for a while. This old cargo was not one of the nine robberies in the past. How can it survive? If it is not the descendants of the Mori Supreme, how can he come down, if he does not meet himself, how can he survive?

Can't help but say that the dance city can live to the present, it is too lucky!

It’s just that the fact of living has already gone against the sky...


On the other hand, Chu Leer waited for the arrival of the Master in the secret place, but the first time did not come, and then waited for it, left and right, etc. is not coming, even if the mind is better than adults, after all, As a teenager, I was still a half-child, and my heart was getting anxious, lest the master had an accident.

Gradually become restless.

After all, before the dance of the city, I said, this time, a big fight!

"Lee doesn't have to worry about the safety of the predecessors. It is based on the cultivation of the predecessors. There is no rival in the scope of the nine heavens. There will be no accidents. Or maybe it is because of something that has delayed the time. A moment will come." Wanjie saw the anxiety of Chu Leer's heart, could not help but comfort.

Chu Leer frowned and said: "I also know that the master's cultivation is superb, not unexpected, but I am afraid..."

I can’t stop worrying.

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