Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 796: I don't care for people [the fifth! 】

Severely pale, it seems that even the shackles will not. The two eyes turned white, and they were suffocating, and they were grievances. They were angry and dare not attack. They were a little embarrassed... almost fainted on the spot.

"You actually want to move me..." Chu Leer has never been a temper of ignoring people. At this point, she is greatly influenced by Master's dancing in the city, otherwise she will not be so squandered because of nausea.

Beating people will kill! Be a person to be afraid! This is the teaching of Master.

Good people being bullied. For any provocative plot, you must die! Eliminate the trouble! - This is the teaching from the big brother.

Where will you let go at this moment? Going one step further, smiled and said: "Yes, my master is a poisonous doctor and dance city! Do you dare to move me?"

Li Jiazhong Supreme Collective Petrochemical!

Damn, the backstage of this gimmick has not been finished yet... one is more than a horror!

This time, even Li Chunbo was a little moved.

Actually, he is still an apprentice of the city. Yes, I heard that the dancers in the city have received a girl named Chu as an apprentice. The name seems to be called Chu Leer...

That is the super-powerful person of Megatron for 40,000 years... If this little girl is really a matter of life, it is almost unparalleled in the world. It seems to be at least two or three generations higher than me...

At this moment, the sternness is close to the edge of the collapse, and even the head is sluggish...

Chu Leer screamed twice, and a small nose, said: "My sister's master is Ning Tianya and Bu Liuqing! You dare to move me?!" Infinite happiness in the heart: that little girl also wants to be my nephew, beg my beg Sister!

Ok, even Li Chunbo is dizzy.

If it is really offended by this little girl... Don’t say anything about the coalition forces outside the army, it’s just that the people mentioned in this little girl’s mouth are coming together... Li’s family is only a bleak end of the collective neck.

Who are the names of these people?

How many champions can't be provoked by the entire Nine Heavens? Little girl signed up one by one. It seems that in addition to the law, other people are basically gathered here. If it is said that it was just in the potholes, it is now the ancestral ancestors, and the whole squad is ruined...

Originally on the verge of collapse, this will be a complete collapse, and the collapse is very thorough!

Slamming, sitting on the ground.

He was sitting on the ground so dull, his eyes were sluggish, and obviously he did not know what he was thinking.

Li Chunbo deeply sighed: "Throwing people's eyes!" A slap in the face, the whole person will be shot in the corner of the hall.

just now. Li Chunbo has killed the fierce heart and has been disgusted. It is really...

Kill the dirty hands!

He didn't even say a word that he wanted to punish, but everyone knew it clearly. Li Wubo. Strictly the two fathers and sons, from now on, the whole family. There is no longer their position!

"The door is unfortunate, so I don't want to see the children, let the girl laugh." Li Chun wavelength sighed and said.

Chu Leer's show Yan Xiaodao said: "Li Laotai is polite, the family is big, and it is common for a few bad families." She smiled softly. Dao: "It is also a matter of small women who are not able to raise their homes, but they are born with a temper. You must not be surprised."

"I don't like the guys who are stunned. If you see one, you need to punish one." Chu Leer said: "At the moment of Li Jiasheng's death, there are people who are ignoring and mourning at this juncture. It’s unbearable!”

"The girl said it was good." Li Chunbo was amazed in his heart.

Looking at the little girl is only 14 or five years old, but if you say it, the things you have done are even rare in the ordinary rivers and lakes.

Chu Leer smiled and said: "The old man is too polite. If your grandson can really make my big brother, my uncle, my master, I don't dare to say anything, I will give him a small trick but it is no problem... ”

This sentence makes Li Chunbo's mouth twitched. Other Lijia Supreme has an impulse to collectively faint.

This little grandmother is really going to face, this style of work is too welding!

瞧 This is a lot of light, so that the nine robbers and the ninth robbers together with the moon to listen to the snow and wind and soft dance all over the city do not dare to scream...

Well, looking around today, even the nine families are tied together and the law enforcement can't do it!

Li Chunbo said with a smile: "The girl is laughing... but I don't know who the teacher is... and, what is the order of the uncle?"

Li Lao asked this question, but everyone was bright. Yes, this little girl is now here. If these three high-ranking people who have never dared to provoke for the last three days have come... Is the danger of Li’s family disappearing easily? At least not facing the crisis of the dead family, right?

"My uncle and I are naturally sitting in the Chu family in the southeast, but the family is also indispensable to them..." Chu Leer is exquisite and clear, I don’t know what they are thinking, and smiled: "My master is not here, to be honest, I also I don't know where his old man is now, I just heard that it is very fun to play here, so come to the Motian machine to play..."

Very fun, come play...

This time, don't say that other people are supreme, even Li Chunbo is speechless.

We have reached the top of the door, and you have reached this point. Your grandmother still feels very fun and wants to play...

Li Chunbo’s helpless smile, said: “It’s like this, I sent someone to the girl to go to the army.”

"Thank you, Father." Chu Leer laughed, but it was restored to the original age, belonging to the girl's most pure smile.

Le Er’s impression of Li Chunbo’s old man is quite good, because everyone has a hope in his eyes, and he hopes that his master can help the family, but Li Chunbo does not have any utilitarian color.

Looking at the Chu Leer and his party, Li Chun wavelength sighed: "Before you die, look at the wind and bones before you see the benefits. Look at the filial piety before the bed, look at the character before the color..."

"We have a strong family, and we have continued for a whole 10,000 years. In the end, we have come to the present situation where there is no shortage of water. There is no reason for this. The current owner is a savage ancestor. The first heir is more frivolous, greedy, and afraid. Being a a family, able to survive, is the real wonder of the world!"

Everyone in the Li family is afraid to speak.

Li Chunbo looked disgusted and looked at Li Wubo and Li, saying: "The two men will be expelled from my reserve team and put into the first wave of the lineup! Since they will die sooner or later, let them do the last bit of power for the family. I don't have to die in my hands..."

Everyone has to say something more, Li Chunbo has already screamed: "Turn it down! Don't let the old man see them again! They don't deserve it!"

The two elders were stunned and fierce, and they helped out.

This time the father and son both bowed their heads, no one can see the bones of the two people's eyes!


Mo Tianji is standing under a plum tree in the courtyard, squinting slightly, looking at the sky and falling snow.

"Evil cloud, this snowflake, it is really necessary to let Xie Danqiong take a good look." Mo Tianji said with a whimsy.

"Amount? Hey? You said, this snowflake has a good-looking, not all the same!" Some people in the sinister cloud can not touch the mind: "Xie Danqiong now sees Qionghua every day, no better than this."

"The same, not the same, not the same, I was clear in my mind, I saw more than 30,000 pieces of snowflakes, and found one thing, a very interesting thing." Mo Tianji smiled, Road: "I have observed more than 30,000 pieces of snow, and no two pieces are exactly the same shape!"

Pride is greatly interested: "Really? This is quite interesting!"

Say it and look at it.

Mo Tianji said: "Therefore, it can be inferred that this whole piece of northwest has been falling for tens of thousands of years. Every snow that has fallen must have at least trillions of pieces, but since ancient times, no two snowflakes have been completely The same! That is, snowflakes, infinite, infinite number of shapes!"

"The wonder of heaven and earth, it is really amazing!" Mo Tianji's eyes were deeply pondered, and sighed softly.

The arrogant cloud looked at it for a while, and found out that it was not the same. "This is true, but this is no big deal. It's just a piece of snowflake. It just turns into a black hand."

Mo Tianji smiled: "You still can't understand what I mean. Snowflakes in our opinion, it is really a slap in the face, but you know, our nine heavens, in the hands of some people, may not be When you pinch it, it turns into something that is nothing..."

The arrogant cloud looks a little confused: "Hey, this time I really don't know what you are talking about."

Mo Tianji smiled and said: "I just thought, our nine heavens, in the eyes of others, will it be just a falling snow?"

"From falling from high altitude to landing, it is over. This process may be long, perhaps very short. In our opinion, it is countless years, but in some powerful eyes, will it be a moment?"

"And we are in this moment, on this small snowflake, with the fall but unconsciously, still in the eyes of others in the eyes of the ridiculous fight..."

The more sinister cloud is more confused, I only feel that Mo Tianji is simply nervous, saying nonsense, said: "Forget it, your theory is too deep and unpredictable, you really make me look at me! How can there be such a thing! Even if there is such a thing! It was when the nine heavens were folded, it was not a snowflake..."

Mo Tianji laughed and did not explain the rebuttal, but his expression was deeper.


Not a snowflake? Once the nine heavens collapse, what is the difference with a snowflake in this universe?

In the silence, there are footsteps from far and near.

"Someone is coming." Mo Tianji whispered, and turned back with the proud cloud.

At this moment, Chu Leer was in front and stepped into the door.


< fifth more! >

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