Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 805: And slow, I have something to say!

Chu Yang can't help but be speechless; Big Brother, here is the big battle, you don't participate, but you have to intervene in the decision of others... But Chu Yu’s belly is on the belly, and he decides to dance the city. The foot is in favor.

Who is the beneficiary, but my sister!


"The fifth is soft!" On the top of the mountain, Mo Tianji shouted.

The sound is coming out.

On the opposite side, it is also located on the highest peak of the mountain. The fifth gentle seat sits, and there are only a few people like Lan Mofeng.

The two supreme commanders have their own tacit understanding; this battle is the moment to verify the true victory and defeat of the two. Whether it is in the bureau or outside.

"Mo Tianji." The fifth soft smile.

"Today is here, I know!" Mo Tianji's clear voice echoed in the air: "No regrets in life and death, no regrets in victory or defeat!"

The fifth soft smile, said: "Good! No regrets in life and death, no regrets!"

Although Mo Tianji and the fifth gentle one are far away, they can't really see each other, but they can still clearly hear each other's words. The sounds of the supreme level masters are far-reaching in the vast, relatively insufficiency of the sky.

At the moment when they perceive each other and stand on the opposite peak, both of them have smiles in their eyes.

It is a smile that knows each other and knows each other.

Sure enough.

A rival with equal strength is another confidant in the sense of the other.

The pride of a generation of military divisions, the conceit of the legendary think tank; let the two in this last battle, invariably chose a positive confrontation!

The frontal confrontation, the dispatch of troops, the battle against the enemy, a high and low.

With the upright teacher, the flag of righteousness, to defeat the other party with a mighty grand plan!

Only the positive dispatch of troops, marching forces, is the true level of the legendary think tank! Intrigues and tricks, surprisingly winning, can only be used for accidental moments, and the surprisingly sloppy plan will give the other party unnecessary buffer time.

The so-called "military speed", in this case of confrontational dispatch of the frontal confrontation, one child is wrong, all loses, and one loses, it is difficult to recover, and the losing party will react slowly later. A beat.

This shot has often determined the outcome of this war, so predicting the battlefield trend and responding in a timely manner, there must be no mistakes at any point, and any miscalculation may cause irreparable failure.

A bad response, accompanied by many casualties, countless living lives disappeared in front of you.

The two think tanks have carried out this kind of cruelest fighting method for the military think tank!

At present, the strength comparison between the two sides is not very balanced, and the coalition forces occupy too much advantage.

The strengths of the eight major families and law enforcement officers in the coalition are: the nine peaks of the supreme one, the nine elites of the eight masters; eight of the supreme forty, seven of the supreme ninety, six of the supreme two hundred, left There are more than a thousand supremes at all levels.

There are more than 15,000 sacred masters!

As for the Li family, there are nine senior high-end ones, nine high-end ones, and Li Chunbo’s most reliant life-and-death relationship also appeared in this battle! Known as the life-saving life-and-death knife, it also appeared at the last moment.

Qu Xiangge, Jiu Pin Supreme, Li Chunbo, a life-and-death brother; known as the ‘Life and Death Knife’; a supreme knife in the nine heavens.

It is also the last and biggest card of Li Chunbo.

In addition, eight products are supreme and six people, seven products are supreme and seventeen, and six products are supremely twenty-five. There are ten supreme five, and ninety-six are supreme. There are more than five hundred and sixty people in the holy class!

Even if you add a few people like Mo Tianji, such as the arrogant cloud, the assessment of the overall strength is just a drop in the bucket, and it is difficult to affect the balance of the overall situation.

The real strength of the two sides is compared, the gap is calculated at ten times!

Therefore, the fifth gentle requirement is - all wins!

Such an advantage, if you can't win the whole victory in the end, the fifth gentleness is equal to losing to Mo Tianji.

The fifth gentle mentality bears the bottom line, which is the loss of 20% of its own strength, in exchange for completely destroying the family!

The standard of Mo Tianji is that it has a limited force at the moment, which will cause an enemy without limit!

At least, it will cost more than 30% to the other party! It is the goal that Mo Tianji gives to himself.

At the moment when the strength is at a glance, I want to use such a weak force to create such a killing. It is difficult to compare with the sky!

No, it is difficult to go to the Qingtian, as long as it is the ability of the nine products to have the ability to go to the sky, so the difficulty should be, comparable to the broken void.

The final result of the war situation has long been doomed. There will be no accidents in the end of the Li family, so that neither side will deliberately care about that. The only thing worthy of concern is the performance of both sides in this battle.

The bleak horn sounded suddenly. Resounding between this vast sky.


More than tens of thousands of people and the war people screamed at the same time!

This is not the snoring of the average person. These people who participate in the war are just one person. They are all masters who are loud and sound. For the next three days, they can all be called the role of Wang Chengzu. How eloquent is Dan Tian? Tens of thousands of people on both sides were together, spectacular, and more infinite, and they attracted hundreds of hills around the mountain while the snow fell, but the natural powers caused by the earth-shattering movements, in front of tens of thousands of people, but If it is silent, it is small.

"Kill!" is another big noise.

The snow that was surrounded by thousands of miles was shaken up and there was a vertical snow dust on the ground.

But like countless silver dragons, dancing under the sky!

As soon as the sun rises, Wan Dao Jin Mang shines on the earth!

In the northwest, there was a clear starry sky last night, and this morning I bathed in the first Xuyang photo for hundreds of thousands of years!

In the case of Li, it is also boiling.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

On the fifth gentle side, hundreds of heavy drums slowly and dullly sounded.

The army moved neatly forward.

The final duel is about to begin, and it will start soon!


"Cough... Slow, I have something to say." At this moment, a very clear voice suddenly appeared, and the voice did not seem to be very big, but this sentence would scream tens of thousands of people. Press down!

Who is coming? There are such high-level repairs!

Xiao Chenyu was sitting on the back of a snowy snow lion with his eyes open, and he was used for the purpose of transportation. He did not care about everything around him. He only waited for a battle with Li Chunbo. He actually looked forward to this battle. The arrival of this, but there is hope that this war can come sooner, the mood can be said to be extremely contradictory.

But this sudden word is like wearing a brain magic sound, directly into his ears!

Xiao Chenyu slammed his eyes and looked at it.

I saw all the shadows of the white people slowly falling over the battlefield. When they reached the height of seventeen or eight feet, they stopped and stood still in the void.

The people bowed slightly and looked indifferently at the coalition brigade in front of them. An invisible pressure, but the next.

Xiao Chenyu suddenly felt that his chest suddenly became pressed against a large stone, and even some breathless breath suffocation could not help but be shocked.

In the case of Xiao Chenyu, even if the chest is really a few hundred pounds, a few thousand pounds of stone may not have a breathless breath, but at the moment, he really has this feeling, staying Seeing the face of the dance city, the heart is even more shocking.

Although I have never really seen each other, the portraits of the dance city are unique to every family of the nine major families.

Because it is a existence that can never be provoked, even more terrible than Ning Tianya, Bu Liuqing, Fengyue couple!

A poisonous million miles, poison medicine dances the city!

Xiao Chenyu floated up and did not take off, but he walked over step by step, stepped out of the team, respectfully gave gifts, and said: "It turned out that the dancers came to visit, the morning rain was far from welcoming, and the fear was over, please also Former generation forgives crimes."

The attitude of Xiao Chenyu has caused all the coalition forces to have a glimpse of life.

Who is Xiao Chenyu? The ancestors of the Xiao family in the early days of the Xiao family, the nine peaks of the supreme! It is the first master of the coalition. When did he see him so low?

But the opposite person is just a show, and it is done. From the beginning to the end, I have a body and said a word!

Who is the person coming in?

Some people even showed their heartfelt horror. They judged from the words of Xiao Chenyu, who was in front of them, and they were all shocked by the heart, and Venus was in front of them.

An indescribable feeling of powerlessness: Is it true that today’s World War I is going to fight against the legendary killing star? That's not... is it too long?

As for the Chen family who used to play against the city, it is even more earthy. The gangs are not much left now, but as long as they still exist, can you not know the city?

Now, goodbye to the dance city, how can you not think of the original dance city is not really hands-on, talking and laughing is a strange means of a corpse?

The sudden emergence of the dance city will affect today's war situation, because the legendary character has the ability to change the whole situation. In addition to the strength of the nine peaks, the dance city is still a "drug doctor". If you participate in this battle, you may be able to rewrite the battle. If the coalition forces can still win, the price paid will be extremely heavy.

The dance city was held in the air and said: "Xiao Chenyu, it turned out that your kid is hosting."

Xiao Chenyu has some belly and heart in his heart. The ghost believes that you don’t know that I am here, and that you are still not surprised.

Respectfully said: "It is the younger generation who is here."

At this moment, the leaders of several other families have also come to see, dance the city and slowly dagger.

"The old man is here, not to fight!" The dance city faintly said: "It is for a personal matter, to make a request to you."

The dance of the city is a word of this, the high-level coalition of the coalition is full of enthusiasm, this old monster is not the reinforcement of the Li family, if he is a reinforcement, can the master of this side not kill half of the people?

Xiao Chenyu feels happy in the heart, and the expression of humility on his face is not diminished. Christine said: "What kind of people are the predecessors, you will intervene in the war of the world, if the predecessors really come to the family, how can we not be reconciled, but also Selling seniors!"


Today, my aunt had a birthday and came back later. Brothers forgive me. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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