Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 809: The children of Li family are the same!

The fifth soft smile: "At that time, we are not breaking, but unilateral slaughter! Eight thousand people are fighting against 8,000 people. I predict that our 8,000 people will only lose a few hundred at most. Even less, you can eat all of the other eight thousand people!"

On the one hand, an eight-product supreme martyr said: "Isn't it a fair fight to win a battle? Is it a fight? Isn't it... it has become a conspiracy trick?"

The fifth softly snorted and said: "I have already explained that it is a decisive battle at the moment; where is there any fight? It is his fault to be able to make such a choice. It is not our despicable; it is a decisive battle. Naturally, it is all-powerful."

"Everything is to keep one's life and fight the enemy! What is fair?"

The Supreme Supreme agrees with the same voice, saying: "It's not bad. If this is the time to defy the fair battle with the other party, it is the brain that is broken... Is it because the other party has come up with a decisive battle, we have to accept it?"

One of the supreme spurs nodded and said: "Yes, is it that the other party has proposed a fair duel for the one-on-one, we have to accompany it, this is a battle for hundreds of thousands of people, maybe we are all dead after we finish playing..."

Everyone suddenly couldn’t help but laughed.

During the speech, I only heard the voice of Li Chunbo on the opposite side: "The Nine Palaces are in the air! I can dare to fight! I will fight in a battle!"

Xiao Chenyu laughed and said: "Spring wave, this time, the second brother will inherit."

The voice is full of confidence.

Yes, in the fifth gentle arrangement, this opponent's incomparably sinister luxury is extremely strong and sturdy, just a complete joke.

Destroy the dead, a battle can be decided!

The fifth soft waved, a drum sounded dull, and the bang seemed to shake the whole piece of blue sky.

The nine family masters of the team after another, with a bloodthirsty expression, all the murderous, quickly lined up; in order to avoid the other side to see the situation and retreat, all this is extremely fast in the blink of an eye.

Then the fifth softly whispered: "Go! Kill!"

At the top of the mountain, the flag waved and pointed to the front; the eight-way man was like an arrow, and shot out with lightning!

It’s like a long sword that kills the soul and murders!

Opposite, the top of the mountain, Li Chunbo's face changed disappointingly, and angered: "Xiao Chenyu! What are you doing, so there is a formation in the formation, what is a fair decisive battle?"

This kind of momentum, even those who do not understand Xuan Gong can also see that the eight thousand people here and the eight thousand people there are not on the same grade!

On the one hand, the primary school students were sent to participate in the battle, on the other hand, the regular army was directly dispatched!

It is such a gap.

The difference in strength, the difference is far!

Xiao Chenyu laughs in the sky: "Spring wave, my good sage! In fact, there is a saying, I have long wanted to tell you; the reason why you fall to the present is because you pursue fairness in everything. And you don't Know, what is fair? Fair... There is no fairness in this world!"

Xiao Chenyu’s laughter echoes between heaven and earth: “Fairness has never existed since the beginning of heaven and earth in this world! Heaven is always heaven, earth is always land! If it is to be fair, then whether heaven and earth need it Why have you interchanged positions at intervals?"

"Since someone has appeared, there will be no real fairness! It is also a pregnancy in October, but some people were born in the home of the princes of Jinyi jade, but some people can only be born in the thatched cottage! Fair? Who to go to fair?"

"Someone is born to be smart and enlightened. Some people are born to be fools. Who is going to be fair?!"

"In the hundreds of thousands of years, the innocent people who died under the strong, how many billions? Who are these people going to be fair?!"

Xiao Chenyu laughed happily: "Now, my army is coming with the ravages of the dead, the strength is dozens of times more than you, and between the life and death, what will be fair?"

Li Chunbo trembled: "Good! Good! Good! That being the case, the old man is still pursuing fairness. Since it is a ruin of the family, the old man will wait and see!"

The previous call was unfair, but it was actually inspired by the Mo Tianji. Li Chunbo’s work was naturally aimed at paralyzing the enemy, lest it be seen through the true intentions.

But Xiao Chenyu’s fairness theory makes Li Chunbo’s heart as cold as it is!

Under the eyes of the public, the eight teams in the coalition have already arrived before the Li family.

On the top of the mountain, Mo Tianji held his hand and his face was calm and waveless, just watching the crowd of ants below approaching. The conversation between Li Chunbo and Xiao Chenyu, echoing between the heavens and the earth, is like a word and he is not listening to his ears.

Until Li Chunbo finished the last sentence, Mo Tianji showed a sneer in his mouth and murmured: "Yes, what is the real fairness in this world? You are not thinking about fairness in the fifth gentleness. I have never thought about it." !"

"Since you are eager for unfairness and your intentions are unfair, then I will give you an unfairness!"

Chu Leer is somewhat puzzled. He said: "Mu Da Ge, I see that the other side is ready. Do the people on our side want to die? How can you give them an unfairness?"

Mo Tian’s mouth was sneer, and his eyes looked at it with a sigh of relief. “It’s not about sending death. The purpose of their trip is to succumb to it. This big array is a luxury bait, and it’s a bait. A realistic bait to the pole! And the fifth soft bait has swallowed it."

"If it is true, according to fairness, it is fair to die in the holy class. Because the other party has more resources than him, he has experienced hundreds of years of cultivation... but now, one Pot 烩! How to say the same to the secluded!"

Mo Tianji looked at the other side of the eight-way man Ma Guo as imagined that there was no positive attack, but from the eight portals into the array, the sneer of the corner of the mouth is even more cruel.

You didn't plan to fight with me, but I didn't plan to.

As Xiao Chenyu said, your real strength is dozens of times more than ours. What fights do I fight with you? What is fair?

You want to destroy, but you don't think that I will not leave you with the chance to ruin!

Because there is no battle at all, only the explosion!

The fifth gentle look at the eight-way man as he arranged, and did not break through the volley, the lineup neatly in accordance with his own instructions to enter the group of nine palaces in the fog of the sky, the eyes flashed calm.

Going in, it is equal to the end of this war.

The results of the first battle seem to have been tasted, but it is not as sweet as I imagined, because it seems too simple, Mo Tianji is always too young, and the idea is too simple. He and Chu Yang are heroes, hoping to use heroes. To ask the enemy, but ignore the enemy's qualities, my fifth gentleness is never a hero, I am a hero! Can be for victory, unscrupulous heroes!

If you can't win with such disparity, or even fail to win, then all the more than 8,000 masters who go in can wait for others to say that they will be ashamed to die.

After the 8,000 people were wiped out, there was only a high-end force left in the Li family, and the last part of the force; then, the follow-up plan...

When the fifth gentle start to consider the future situation...

Suddenly, there was a tragic voice from Li Chunbo.

Li Chunbo’s voice is like a nine-sounding thunder, swaying the world.

"Northwestern Yunnan, a thousand years of eternal; wind knife frost sword, ice buried snow cover; Li Jia Chunqiu, ancient and modern generous; iron and blood, Zhizhen Beisai; heroes, where the wind is; be my family, famous generations! Eight-faced winds come; strong enemy Wei Ling, iron bones are not mourning; with the same return, with the same!"

At this moment, Li Chunbo’s voice is extremely heavy and solemn.

It seems as if you are whispering and solemn, and reverberating in the heavens and the earth for a long time.

A sorrowful and passionate atmosphere, atmosphere, and breath, in this blue sky, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, back and forth.

Seventy-two words, the word beaded, the sound is loud!

Say the brilliance and helplessness of Lijia, and do the best of the grievances of the family, the pride of the family, unyielding!

And the determination of Lijia!

Do not hesitate to fight!

The sound is still echoing in the air, and the fifth gentleness has changed dramatically. He shouted: "Immediate attack! Break at full speed!"

His voice became sharp and unusual, and even a little horrifying!

This long-awaited wise man seems to have felt the arrival of an unknown crisis and knows what the other party is going to do.

However, the opposite of Li Chunbo has been screaming and exporting at the same time: "The children of Li family are the same!"

In the Jiugong Temple, the voice of eight thousand people screamed tragically: "The children of Li family are together!"

In the tragic and strong voice, all the family members who have not participated in the battle, under the supreme, regardless of men, women and children, fell to the ground at the same time, weeping!

Above the Supreme, Li Jia is headed by Li Chunbo and is at the same time!

Can't afford it for a long time.

At this time...


An unprecedented huge explosion sounded suddenly!

Eight thousand holy level, ten supreme, at the same time blew!

This time the explosive power is simply earth-shattering! Even unprecedented!

Always saying earth-shattering, but there are always some names that are not true, but this explosion, but it is really a name!

It’s not even earth-shattering, it’s an unprecedented explosion!

Xiao Chenyu, who has already smashed the peak of Jiu Pin, was shocked by the aftermath of the explosion, only feeling a roar in his mind!

In the position of the Jiugong Miyazaki, there was a huge black hole in the space, and the squatting stretched toward the surrounding. Under this blue sky, there was a black and gloomy space cracking demon snake generally appeared!

The eight thousand children of Lijia, and the eight thousand masters who just entered the coalition, disappeared at the same time!

A huge mushroom cloud rises from the sky, from small to large, leaping and spreading toward the sky! Numerous fragments of broken limbs became debris and flew in all directions!


Surrounded by thousands of miles, at the same time avalanche!


It’s very painful to write... (To be continued. If you like this piece, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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