Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 828: The breakdown of the negotiations, who's movement? [补]

Don't look at the nine robbery swords, the huge power, Jiuzhong Dan can not heal, can not always compare with regret drugs...

However, under the two-phase trade-off, Xiao Chenyu still feels that he is taking advantage of it. As long as he can avoid the opportunity of being the enemy of the three old ones, the cost is still worthwhile, and in fact it is.

After all, no one can guarantee that these two gimmicks are not hurt at all...

Chu Yangzheng said: "Predecessors must remember, a few days ago, that sudden black fog."

Xiao Chen Yu Dao: "How about remembering?"

Chu Yang took a breath and said: "Nothing, just the black fog that made the whole sky dark. I can conclude that it is a unique trace of the lower bounds of the outer heavens...that is, the nine heavens continent. There will be a big robbery, this is an inevitable end of the world. I believe that even if we unite all our strengths, we may not be able to turn a blind eye, so that is all."

What is not, what is it? The end of the world has been robbed, and it’s just that, it’s true that his mother’s calm...

Listening to this sentence, the masters of the big family are also somewhat entangled.

Xiao Chenyu's brow wrinkled and said, "The end of the world is robbery? The outer world demon... the lower bound?"

As the supreme peak of Jiu Pin, Xiao Jia’s first generation, Xiao Chenyu naturally knows that the so-called extraterrestrial demon is definitely more than a legend. Although he has never really seen it, this thing does exist.

Chu Yang said: "This is exactly the case. This is the robbery of the entire Nine Heavens. At these critical moments, if we still have to kill ourselves for our own privacy, I am afraid... Together, it is our final outcome. So, I am just taking risks... I will show up in advance!"

Chuyang’s dignified road: “I believe that Xiao’s predecessors should be able to feel it, my sincerity.”

"It is indeed very sincere. The sincerity of the nine-robbery sword master Xiaomou felt it." Xiao Chenyu is also an old monster who has experienced thousands of years. Naturally, he does not know the importance of the people; Chu Yang has already made a gesture, and more Fully demonstrates sincerity; then, Xiao Chenyu naturally has no reason to doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Xiao Chenyu turned his face to the sky and silenced for a moment before he said faintly: "I don't doubt the words of the sword master; I also understand the dangers caused by the extraterrestrial demon..."

Chu Yang nodded.

Xiao Chenyu took a few breaths and suddenly turned his eyes to cold. Some painful said: "But I can't join you!"

Chu Yang Daqi: "Why?"

The old man in front of him is by no means an arrogant person. With his experience, wisdom, and insight into the world, he should not think of it. Now is the perfect opportunity to preserve the future of Xiaojia, but how can he categorically reject it...

Xiao Chenyu screamed at the emotionally complex shouts and screamed: "Because my brother! Because you are the master of the Nine Robbery! Because of your destiny! Because we are natural enemies! Natural enemies that cannot coexist."

Xiao Chenyu’s voice is dignified: “I don’t doubt your intentions, I don’t doubt it at all. I also admire your choice. I absolutely believe that you’re doing this for the sake of the world’s life, and there is no selfishness! You are not a master of the contemporary nine robbery! But..."

"I know all these things, I understand! If other people and other families finally choose to cooperate with you, I will not oppose it, nor will it stop it; but I am Xiao Chenyu, but I must separate you from you!"

Xiao Chenyu screams in the sky, like crying and laughing: "I must avenge my brother! I must protect my family from being destroyed by the Nine Robbery. As for the world, the destruction, or what to do with me?!"

Behind Xiao Chenyu, several of the supremes fell into meditation; but the vast majority of people suddenly became loud.

"Xiao Lao said that it is not bad. The nine masters of the nine-robbery sword will not be brainstorming? Actually take these words to lie to us."

"That is, as long as the nine robbers and the nine robbers are all killed, the world is clear! The extraterrestrial demon? What is it? Even if it is really coming, everyone will be drowned by one spit!"

"It’s purely alarmist! Actually it’s still the disaster of the whole Nine Heavens? The end of the world? Haha... Can you speak more outrageously? Can you do it?!”

"When a person sees it, he knows that this is just a plan to slow down the sword of the nine robbers! But it is just that we want to carry out so-called cooperation with him, and then let the cold and yin die, we must not be fooled!"

"What is the world? The end of the world is catastrophe, is it a dead man who is alive and kicking? I actually use this kind of grandiose reason to deceive people. You have no limit on your shamelessness."

"Don't be fooled by him! Just kill him and everything is fine."


Everyone was making a noise.

Chu Yang’s face always maintains a slight smile, and it seems that these cockroaches have not heard into the ears at all, but the look of the scorpion is becoming more and more indifferent.

The face of Mo Tianji is also quiet, just that quiet, calm and somewhat cruel.

The rest of the nine robbery brothers were angered in one eye, and they tried to restrain themselves. At this moment, the boss is still talking, but it is not a good time to move or start.

"You, everyone in the room is the nine masters of the family. For this continent, it has been ruled for a whole 10,000 years; is it that the world is so beautiful, in your eyes, there is no value, no feelings? Actually so disdainful A look at it?" Mo Tianji's eyes sparkled with a fascinating look.

Night sneer: "Value? Feelings? Really a joke! Oh, I am waiting for the nine big families, all of them are high above, overlooking the world in Jiuyunyun; is there no poor people in the world, I can't live without it? What is the injury?!"

Mo Tianji said faintly: "In this case, do you still have to choose to oppose us like this? Fighting? Until you see each other?"

There was only a sneer across the opposite side.

Yes, it is really ridiculous.

Regardless of whether there is an extraterrestrial demon, Mo Tianji, the nine-robbery think tank, and Chu Yang, the nine-robbery master today, today’s actions at this moment are really ridiculous.

"Boss, the other party has made a choice, how?" Mo Tianji turned to ask Chu Yang.

Chu Yang nodded deeply: "Well."

"In this case, tomorrow morning, the two sides will fight!" Mo Tianji’s voice is cold: "You, since everyone is unwilling to manipulate the future destiny of Jiuzhongtian in their own hands, then they have to give everything to God’s choice. The winner is king. The loser is awkward; after the First World War, the merits and demerits are clear at a glance!"


"Boss, today you are doing this, it is..." At night, in the account. Ji Mo, who had been grievous for a long time, couldn’t help but start to make a big slogan. Today he was stunned.

"I think it's a bit awkward..." Rock's enemies did not understand Chu Yang's approach.

In fact, other people have done the same, but they know that since Chu Yang did this, there is absolutely a reason to do so.

"Give me shut up!" Mo Tianji screamed: "You two are stupid! I really don't know how to say that you both, there is no long brain, or the mold inside the brain, how is it different from normal people? ?"

Mo Tianji did not go smoothly in the past few days. It was just that there was no fire. The two men in this time were hitting the big board and became the punching bag.

Gu Zhixing seems to be somewhat aware, hesitating: "Don't you say..."

"It's still something! The boss is doing this for the sake of us." Mo Tianji had a well-thought-out smile: "Including the light dance and the music to participate in the war, the intentions are also here."

"Light dance and fun children participate in the war, although the other side they scruple a lot; but we have no scruples in our hearts? Once the battlefield is red-eyed, whoever manages you in the end, retreat 10,000 steps, even if they do not hurt the light dance, Le Er, but relying on two little girls to contain the enemy, can you feel overwhelmed in your heart, anyway, I am..."

Speaking of this, suddenly four eyes were angry at the same time watching Mo Tianji, Mo light dance and Chu Leer open together, glare at the right: "You say 啥? Who is a little girl? Are you very amazing?"

"Ah? Keke cough... Keke cough..." Mo Tianji sweated and did not dare to look at the two women. These two little girls, it’s enough to provoke one, and both of them...

Chu Yang coughed a few times, pulled the two little hoes into his arms together and said: "The celestial plane is not malicious, let him finish."

"Hey!" The two women were also squeaky at the same time.

Mo Tianji looked at Chu Yang with a grateful and grateful look. This is what he said: "In fact, the reason why the boss is going to engage in this scene today is that he really wants to join hands with them to fight against the demon, but he also knows that it is difficult to achieve success. However, it is still the hope of asking for a try. If the family can put down the defense, it is natural to focus on the evil spirits, and it is best to join hands to deal with the demon. But we all know that the opportunities they can accept are real. Too bad!"

"Since I know the opportunity, I need to try in vain..." I couldn’t help but ask with my eyes.

"Stupid!" Mo Tianji's lesson of the teachings had already been suppressed by Mo Qingwu and Chu Leer before, but it was impossible to get rid of the emotions, and the momentum was clouded. Can't be alive!

Ji Mo and Rock's enemies succumbed to ignorance, and wished to smash the madness of the goods: Do you want to let him finish it? How much more do you have to make us both?

"That is because the final war is about to start, we will participate in the whole process! After this war, there will be no more leisure, and it will definitely kill the blood of the corpse!" Mo Tianji screamed: "This road we want How many people are killed? How many people are there in the Nine Family? Are there any innocent people? Are there any mistakes? Can you live in your heart?"

"How much do we have to add to the end of the killing? How much impact will this have on our future path? Have you thought about it?"

"But now, Big Brother has stood up for the righteousness; they don't agree, they are mad! They don't know the general; they are selfish, they treat all beings as ants, and they turn away from the world... On this basis, if they still have to follow We are fighting for a difficult life, even if we kill it, kill it, what effect does it have on our state of mind? It will become a merit!"


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