Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 847: a shame

"The nine robbers are so powerful? Is it all right?"

"This may be God's will, and God's willingness to pay attention to the nine robbers. The strength of the nine robbery swords is not yet in the ranks, but his influence is big enough. Do you think that? Is the dance city here, is it for the sake of watching the movie?"

"Oh, yes, there is a poisonous medicine dance in the city! If he is there, even if he is defeated, there will be room for retreat."

The fifth gentle sneer: "You think too simple, and the nine robbery cards are a dance of the city. Even if the strength of the city is amazing, there is always only one person, but there is enough deterrence, but there are limits, if the nine family If you are willing to pay the price, you still have the ability to destroy it."

He didn't know what it meant to smile: "You high-ranking supreme powers, too much to believe in their own thoughts, not to ask for help, but I have already noticed that the Northeast is murderous, and the soldiers are hidden. There are a lot of great masters out there. Ambush, and the number is absolutely a lot!"

"And in the northeast, it is the Samsung saint."

"Chuyang and others are relatively weak in their own power, but they are still bright and show up.

"So I decided that the northeast must have the reinforcements of the nine robbers, and that...the strength is super high!"

"Once we have done the bottom line, we have to face a brutal melee."

"I don't have any confidence in this battle, and even the danger of destruction!"

"So we have to go ahead; because... Chen Jianlong, those people who have already killed their eyes now, will definitely not care about the bottom line, especially... the bottom line of others."

"So this battle is inevitable."

"Once these people are completely annihilated... For us, it will be a good thing. Now they are afraid that they will not be completely annihilated... Then, the nine families will really be completely removed from the mainland. The main Chu Yang will definitely kill everyone belonging to the Nine Family!"

The fifth soft and long sigh.

"Is this the nine robbery sword Chu Yang, can be more terrible than the nine robbers of the brain?" Lan Mofeng did not believe.

In the past few days, I have dealt with the nine-robbery think tank. It can be said that it is a twist and a twist. Lan Mofeng has already regarded the Motian machine as a ghostly and terrible demon. At this moment, I heard the fifth gentleness saying that I couldn’t help but be convinced.

Say nothing to believe, the nine robber sword master can be more terrible than Mo Tianji...

"The horror of the nine robbers is the bottom line."

"Touching his bottom line, he won't tell you the bottom line... At that time, it was the beginning of a real **** slaughter!"

The fifth soft and faint smile: "Mo Tianji is always only one of the nine robbers, but Chu Yang is the nine robbery sword master, Chu Yang's terrible degree, absolutely must be in the nine robbery of the brains of the ... more than a few times!"

"嘶~~~" Lan Mofeng slammed a cold air, he never doubted the fifth soft judgment, the fifth gentle never judged the mistake.

"In a word, let's go quickly, how fast can we go..." The fifth gentle look is deep: "Be sure to leave the Northwest Territories as soon as possible in the first time!"

The group once again accelerated the speed.

Looking at the followers who came after him, the fifth gentle face was satisfied.

This time in the Battle of the Northwest, how many people died in the Nine Majors, and the fifth gentleness did not care. What he cares about is how much he benefits.

Nowadays, it seems that it is far beyond its own expectations, and its personality charm is still there.

Those who could have been drawn to the Lan family are already good, but now there are two hundred people!

Two hundred supreme!

This is a huge force.

The fifth gentleness has always been intended, and others have their own considerations.

Among the major families, there has always been a habit of raising thugs and surnames.

These people are generally rooted in the major families, relatives and children, all living with their own families; the idea of ​​these people, the fifth gentle is not afraid to fight, can not afford to fight.

But there are still some people who are all alone, or whose family members are dead, or who are unwilling to be tired of their family.

This group of people, the binding force of their respective families is not so strong, it is equal to the free man. The most important point is that these people are not involved in their own actions, and their families are not very good at dealing with them. Therefore, they are easily overlooked in their families.

The fifth gentleness is mainly aimed at the target, this group of people!

The concealment of the times, the ingenious arrangement of care during the birth and death, giving various hints, so that these people can survive in the **** battles.

Among them, the fifth gentle pays too much effort, it is simply impossible to count!

Now, with this go, these people are willing to follow, this is the biggest gain of their own trip!

It is said to **** himself back to the South, but everyone knows that this statement is just an excuse.

This time, there is no turning back!

People have ambitions, but they are also greedy and fearful of death. This is the commonality of people. Follow a commander-in-chief who is undefeated, not falling into the crisis, and following a family that is still high in the decaying years... This is totally different.

There is one more important point. The rise of the fifth family is now unstoppable. These people are now following this time, and later they are the first generation of the family!

Can this be compared to the position of a thug in other families?

Who is not confused.

"In the future, the gentleness will die with all of you." The fifth gentle took a deep breath and said with a heavy heart: "Whether it is a picturesque painting, or a dead end...we will all walk together!"

"I am willing to work with the homeowner to create a great cause and build a brilliant future!"

Everyone shouted in the same voice.

In the voice, there is some excitement.

At this moment, it has been far away from the brigade, and naturally there is no need to call it a "five general commander".

Moreover, the fifth gentle sentence is simple, but it shows one: everyone joins in and retreats, misfortunes and common!

This is the attitude!

It is also the respect that everyone wants most!

The fifth soft and nodded nodded: "Let's go. Here, it is already the world of the nine robbers!"

Everyone is surprised and surprised: Already? Is it really so serious?

"Absolutely!" The fifth gentle smile: "Let's wait and see!"

In the laughter, the group quickly disappeared in the direction of the south...


At this moment, the sound of the explosion in the distance has completely disappeared.

The people of Lijia are still at the door of their homes, looking forward to the emergence of miracles; looking forward to seeing their loved ones returning triumphantly.

But they did not know that the miracle did not happen and their loved ones would never return.

In the middle is a white-haired old woman. She is walking on a cane and looking at the road. There is no sadness and no joy on her face. The white hair is falling in the wind, but there is a bleak bleakness that cannot be said.

Suddenly, there was a sound of running, and then I saw a figure of rolling up and appearing in the eyes of everyone.

There was a commotion in the crowd, but no one spoke.

"Save me! Come and save me..." The man ran, screaming and wrestling, and screaming miserably; such a wolverine, if there is someone chasing after him, it may be forgiven at any time, but the problem is It is...

No one behind this person is chasing him.

But he ran as if he would die at any time.

Everyone is a family of rivers and lakes, at first glance: this person has been scared of courage.

And this person who was frightened by the courage was actually a young master, and he was absolutely stern!

For a time, everyone was a little surprised. What was the situation, what kind of battle had it gone through, and was able to scare the big man who had always been swaying and self-confident?

"Severe!" The old woman in the middle showed an inexplicable sadness in her eyes, but it was a crutches and said: "What happened in front of you? What kind of system do you like? What about other people?"

Severely panicked and ran over, screaming from the soul, said: "Grandma...all are dead, all are me, I, I, I... I am dying..."

The old woman with white hair is the mother of Li’s contemporary family, Li Wubo, who is also a fierce grandmother.

At this moment, I heard the words 'All dead'. I couldn’t help but look a white, and my body swayed and snarled: "All dead? Are you dead?"

Suddenly violently angry: "You are still stupid to do what? Come and save me! I am your big son, the young master... I am the future owner of Lijia! You are not coming to save me!"

"孽畜!" The old woman swayed and gave her eyes black: "All are dead, why don't you die? How do you survive? Is it a shame to survive?"

The eyes of all people showed a skeptical look.

Severe lips and face white, almost no face color, somehow, suddenly loud screams: "He killed me... oh..." It seems that there are thousands of swords to add, but also like a hundred palms besieged, the voice is fierce, It’s shocking.

However, there was no one to pay attention to the look of contempt on everyone’s face.

There is only one thought in the hearts of all the women - heartache!

His own loved ones have been sacrificed, but what is left is such a waste?

Unspeakable and exhausted, he did not know how, but he even cursed, complaining that no one cares about him, threatened to wait for him to be a family owner, and he must retaliate. He wants to deal with his own injuries; in fact, his Although the injury is not heavy, it is not broken legs; at most, there are a lot of injuries, there are hundreds of wounds on the body, and there are a large number of burns.

Looking at the bruises and bruises, the flesh and blood is vague, and it is terrible. In fact, it is all wounds of flesh and blood. As long as the wounds are wounded, it is no longer a problem to deal with the wounds. At most, it is uncomfortable. As for the internal injuries, there is almost no point.

This kind of injury, not to mention fatal, even serious injuries are not counted, even when the last leg of the Li family came into battle, the two injured people were far more injured than him.

............(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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