Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 854: What are you going to do next? [Fourth! 】

Ji Mo even promised, patted his chest and issued a guarantee, and vowed to go. According to Ji Mo’s current cultivation, it is said that Li Xiong’s figure is in a coma at this moment. Even if he is as healthy as usual, he will not be an opponent.

The people were seated in turn, respectively, Chu Yang, Mo Tianji, Tan Wei, Luo Kedi, Gu alone, ignorant, Mo light dance, Chu Leer, ink tears, Dong no wounds, dance city, ancient one drum, Wei The son, as well as the elders of two Samsung saints, in addition to the arrangements for the placement of the arrogant cloud, Xie Danqiong, and the anti-human Ji Mo, the main characters are gathered here.

"How come you are so slow? Why don't you come late for a while, wait for us to join forces with the family, and you will not be more trouble-free?!" Chu Yang frowned and talked to him, one mouth is the tone of the teacher's sin. Looks like it is still a bit condescending, a bad taste.

On one side, the Samsung saints and elders were very dissatisfied with Chu Yang’s attitude. They were furious and shouted: “What do you say? Who are you talking to? Do you know who you are talking to? Let's respect it!”

Don't look at the holy king of his own family. It is always a matter of family, self-family, and outsiders are offended, that is, no.

Talking about his anger, he turned his head and said: "What do you say? Who are you talking to?! Do you know who you are talking to?" Saying, the slap in the face is going to pass!

The matter of our brothers wants you to intervene in an outsider. How can you look so blind? What we say is our business, even if you are in charge of you? If you have nothing to do, no matter what your original intentions are, you can't!

The infinite spit star sprayed the elder's face, and the elder suddenly snarled, but it was the second monk, who couldn't figure it out. He didn't know that he was guilty of the sacred king. Isn't he talking for the holy king? !

The ancient drum was sitting next to him, his face was not moving, his mouth was stunned, and he whispered in a low voice: "Idiot, this is the brother who we often said to the Holy King, that is, the King of Chu! You two Goods, don't hurry up and close your mouth! Just listen with your ears and dare to scream, beware that the Holy King will make your face smashed!"

"Chu Sheng Wang?!" The moon elders suddenly realized that they closed their mouths tightly. People don't know that this is the legendary Chu Sheng Wang. If you know, can you dare to interject?

"Cough, brother, you adults listen to the younger brother to explain, in fact, we are not late, we came quite early." Tan touched his nose and said: "Come is coming... Just waiting for a while, if you are not a brother, you and the old man are hard-pressed, we will wait a little longer..."

Chu Yang frowned and sighed deeply.

He naturally understands what is said in the words of the swearing words, and how the brothers feel about themselves.

The mistake was not to drive out of the car. The Samsung saints had a completely position. There was reason to watch the Li family go up and down, and then pick the peaches. At that time, they took over the entire Lijia site directly. The result was only for the Samsung saints. It is the most ideal.

To be honest, Chu Yang also recognizes that apart from a very limited number of people, other people are really worthy of being saved; but that is a limited number of people, but it makes Chu Yang feel deeply pity. .

In particular, Li Chun, the ancestor of Li Jia, felt that Chu Yang felt a kind of heartfelt respect.

Among the ancestors of the Nine Family, I really don't know if there will be a second person who can give himself this feeling; it is a pity that such a person is so dead.

Secondly, it is the situation of the Samsung saints themselves. The current Samsung saints are in urgent need of a foothold; if the strength of the Li family is still there, even if only a small part, the Samsung saints want to settle on this land, it is still not possible.

In that case, the two sides must have some killings. Of course, they must be defeated, but there is no possibility of a peaceful ending.

At that time, the end of the house and the woman’s house were destined to be destroyed, and the dogs did not stay.

"I understand what you mean, but it is a pity that Li Chunbo I was a hero. It is a pity." Chu Yang sighed and lost.

"I don't understand it." Tan said that he is very rare: "So, I will not be troubled by his children, and we will maintain a cooperative attitude towards them, and will not treat their people as deceased, Slaves; in fact, it is good to keep them. After all, there are some life skills that must be living on this continent. We also need to learn from them. If there are composers in their children and grandchildren, we will try our best to train them. Before I Committed, will retain the independent identity of Li, this will never change..."

Tan said: "This is the way I apologize to the hero Li Chunbo."

He sneered: "Although other people in Li family are not worthy of me doing this!"

Mo Tianji said: "This result is already very good! It must be beyond the expectations of most people!"

His sentence is to Chu Yang. Chu Yang nodded; talking about what he can do, it can already be said that it is done with sincerity. After all, there is no friendship between Li and Li Chunbo, and there is no need to give him any sentiment.

In the end, if you can do this, you will only have the face of Chu Yang.

Anyway, no matter how you do it, you can do it in any way. The end result is that you can successfully receive the Northwest!

Can do this step, for Li Jia, this is already an extra benefit!

As for saying that this move is beyond the expectation of the vast majority of people, it is not just a single family, but also other family, law enforcement, and believe that they want to come, Samsung saints into the northwest, even if they still Existence, but it must be completely attached to the saints of Samsung, and it is reasonable to be a sinner or even a slave.

"For you, this battle of the northwest has become a thing of the past, but the key is, what are you going to do next?" The dance city has finished this sentence, and it is not waiting for Chu Yang Mo Tianji to return. Chu Leer went out.

The mentor and the apprentice both went to appreciate the snow scene, or to teach the experience, but after all, they left here temporarily.

What the city must do is to use his predecessor’s nine-robbery status to pull the subject back and return to the right path.

After all, the battle of Li Jia, after all, everyone is more or less guilty. If Li Jiaruo has been shamelessly down, everyone will use it when they use it; if they die, they will die.

But the problem is that the dead Li Chunbo is so respected, which has created a conscience condemnation.

This is the sorrow of the heroes. They cannot ignore their own conscience. Only when they have a clear conscience can they stand proudly in the world.

Whether it is Chu Yang, or Mo Tianji, there will be more or less a heart disease, about the heart of the family.

This is irreparable. It can be said to be a dead knot. If the problem continues to entangle with this issue, everyone will be unhappy.

Therefore, the dance came out of the city and forced the situation to be reversed. As for these little guys who don’t appreciate it afterwards, it’s not something to be considered in the dance city. People don’t care.

I have to say that the family has an old, such as a treasure. The use is too big.

The dance of the city has cut off the controversy of the arrangements for the Li family. Everyone is fully convinced that they will not mention this matter.

For the arrangement of the Li family, it has become a matter of talking about a person, or a matter of the Samsung saints, it has nothing to do with the nine robbers.

"The next thing..." Chu Yang carefully calculated, said: "Talk about it, I am afraid that you can't walk now? Samsung saint is the first time in the past ten thousand years, out of the Jedi, Heaven and earth, you can't do it without looking at the town."

Talking about scratching his head, he said: "Isn't that suffocating me? Or will I hand over the whole power to the ancient drums, and then our brothers will go to the rivers and lakes, how?"

The face of the ancient drum was distorted.

You are not there, who can comfort the old guys in the family? Although the repair of the old guys is not as good as me, they can rely on the old ones to sell the old ones. Except for the holy king, they don’t accept it. Dealing with the old guys is not a problem that can be solved with a big fist...

Chu Yang, who is keenly aware of the difficulty of the ancient drums, smiled and said: "Our brothers, come to Japan... The migration of millions of people in your ethnic group, once something goes wrong, it is a terrible event; it is related to future generations. Inheritance, you can't do it without you sitting in town."

Talk about the very unpleasant fangs, helplessly said: "Well, wait for me to settle down a little, then go to find you, our brothers gather less and more, just meet and break up again, this is what he is ** It’s a matter."

"Don't forget... the Li family here, in some respects, is the foundation of your Samsung saints' foothold in the world! Never be negligent. It is convenient for people to be convenient." Chu Yang shouted.

"Remember." Tan said a little impatient: "How do you treat your mother now than the mother! Mother-in-law is not bothered."

Gu Yigu and the other two elders looked at each other and thought about it.

Originally, they did not value the family very much, but Chu Yang’s ‘base on the human world’ reminded them.

The Samsung saint has not been a nine-day **** for 100,000 years. It is already strange to this land. Since it is now a heart to live here and live and prosper, then you need to deal with local people and deal with it well. .

Trade in trade, customs, etc. These are things that need someone to help and teach.

The people of the saints are ignorant of these! It seems that it is really impossible to rely on the heavy family. What people say is also the local snake that lives here for thousands of years...

Chu Yang, a sentence, has given the current position of Li Jia; seeing the expression of the ancient drum and other people, I know that my statement has been recognized. My heart is a little relieved: Li Chunbo, I can only do it here, and what is the future of your descendants, and then we must look at their own efforts, and rely on the help of outsiders can only be a little while...


Four more! Seeking the monthly ticket... I continue to code the fifth!

I have to say that today's monthly ticket is a bit miserable... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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