Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 861: Shocking destruction! [Second more! 】

"Second brother, early in the morning, what do you think?!" Mo light dances red and fragrant, and is embarrassed by his second brother. Thinking of staying with Chu Yang last night, I was infinitely ashamed. Although nothing was done, after all, it was a thin face, and I couldn’t help but swear.

"Oh..." Mo Tianji took a breath: "Little girl, you seem to be different from yesterday, very different..."

Mo Tianji is a concern from the heart, but Mo light dance will be wrong, thinking that there is something in Mo Tianji's words, and the words are sarcasm, and suddenly Liu Mei's eye is round and apricot, and he does not rely on Mo Tianji to pursue.

Going all the way.

Poor nine robbing the first wisdom, the gods and the ghosts are not as good as their own sisters, this time they are being embarrassed; this makes the side of Chuyang feel great, especially seeing the ears of Mo Tianji The light dance twisted into the red ear, and it was a big laugh.

In the early morning, everyone had eaten breakfast; several brothers bid farewell to the Samsung saints and others, ready to go south and go to the city of the elves.

However, when I was looking for Chu Leer, I was told by Wanjie: Last night, the dance city took Chu Leer, who has quietly left here. Now I don’t know where to go.

For the dance of the city, not to say goodbye, Chu Yang only had a bitter smile, the brothers were noisy on the road, no one found out, knowing that the dance city took Chu Leer to leave, Mo Tianji deeply Buried a bitter...

However, when it comes to the most depressing thing of Mo Tianji, it’s not Chu Leer’s refusal to say goodbye.

It seems that Chu Leer is not completely swearing, because -

Chu Leer’s room left a farewell piece of paper: Big Brother, I left with Master. You have to take care, I will always be there for you. Remember to think about me every day. Sister - Leer.

Holding a short farewell letter in his hand, Chu Yang had only a touch of faint smile on his face; his heart rose from infinity.

Mo Tianji is on the side of the probe to explore the brain, a lot of want to ask but dare not ask the virtues, the wise and deep in the weekdays are all thrown into the clouds, Chu Yang sees the heart of the dark, so the light road: "It is Le Le left Letter."

In the depths of the eyes of Mo Tianji, there was a hint of sincerity, and the same pretense was a faint sigh. It seemed to be meaningless and casually said: "Is it a farewell letter?"

Chu Yang nodded, but did not say anything.

Mo Tianji did not ask again, just said: "We should also go on the road."

Seeing that Chu Yang’s pretense was indifferent, Mo Tianji restored the wisdom and calmness of the weekdays. He has already concluded that he must not mention himself in the letter; because if it is mentioned, Chu Yang will definitely say that there is such a chance to dig himself. Yu Wang will not let go.

Since Chu Yang did not say, then Chu Leer certainly did not mention himself in the letter.

This is a fact that can be easily inferred, and it goes without saying.

Three people, including Wan Jie, also gave a speech to Chu Yang in time. They learned that the first-class people have gone to the southeast, and naturally want to be with the punishment. The actions of Chu Yang can be intervened, even though they have Can not be regarded as outsiders, but still not qualified to be involved in these core secret activities, the most important, their own strength is still relatively low, it is difficult to form a boost, or to the southeast is serious.

"I am waiting for the strength of the three brothers at present, this is difficult to help, first go to the southeast to concentrate on the progress, when he destroys Chen Jiazhi, we must also shoot in any case!"

The three men never forgot the **** feud of Wei Wuyan. After leaving such a sentence, they dressed up and dressed up and went to the southeast. The three of them were old rivers and lakes, and they walked southeast. Safety is not to worry.

"I will definitely go find you!"

In the scream of the almost oath of the swearing, Chu Yang and other 12 people were generally away from the northwest, and on the snowfield, lightning went to the south.

When they were on the battlefield, twelve people stayed for a while.

In just one night, it was already snow-capped and completely restored to all the styles before the war. The infinite yang of the previous day and the heat of the summer did not exist. The boundless snow had buried all the traces.

Everyone looked at the spotless snowfield with ecstasy, and it seemed that the cry of the millions of people was ringing in the ear. Li Chunbo was indifferent but tired and tired; it seemed to see those fierce feats of the same family and the same death!

With a slight sigh, everyone bent down and bowed to the battlefield.

No, the land of the northwest, the land of snow and snow!

In the next moment, twelve people, like the same blue smoke, have disappeared at the end of the world.


The end of the Northwest War, the winds and clouds have not stopped.

During this time on the rivers and lakes, once again set off the Xuan Ran*, this wave of momentum is even better before!

The first thing, of course, is that the nine robbery swords are the real thing.

The identity of the Nine Robber Sword Master was finally completely exposed, and it was still the initiative of the Nine Robber Sword Masters! This thing has made the whole river and lake boiling!

The source of Li’s demise is largely because Li Jia has taken Li Xiongtu, but Li Xiongtu is one of the nine hijacks recognized by the top of the family. Li has more Li Xiong, which means that it will not be destroyed and will prosper again. The fate of Wannian, so there is a battle between the family and the army to fight against the family. In the final analysis, it still comes down to the legend of the nine-year robbery!

Engraved, the nine robbing sword master Chu Yang, high-profile turned out, with his nine robbery brothers, Yang Wei northwest, and the eight major family over the move; this incident, naturally became the first shock thing.

With the appearance of this incident, many people also guessed in their hearts and questioned some things: At the beginning, Fa Zun said that Chu Yang was an extraterrestrial demon, calling on the whole world to be surrounded by...

Now, Chu Yang has changed and become the master of this generation of nine robbers...

How can the Nine Robbery Sword Master be an extraterrestrial demon? The thoroughness of the South, the North, the inside, is it true that the Lord is wrong, or ... What other insider?

Slowly, this rumor slowly spreads and spreads... Many people are already doubting the dedication of the law.

For thousands of years, the prestige of Fa Zun has been questioned for the first time! And this question can’t be contained, it’s getting bigger...

As for the second major event that makes the rivers and lakes vibrate, it is natural that the Samsung saints who have been quiet for hundreds of thousands of years have returned to the rivers and lakes! And when it first appeared, it was confirmed that the males were in the northwest; it was the only one that forced the retreat of the eight major families and law enforcers!

There are even more rumors that the Samsung saints are arrogant and arrogant, and there is a great meaning for the last three days...

As for the third major event, it is... the same family that belongs to the Nine Major Family, tens of thousands of years in the northwest of the country, after the Lan family, announced the official destruction!

Li Chunbo, the ancestor of the first generation of the Li family, was not spared, and the spirits were gone, not alive!

This is the second of the nine families, the second family that was destroyed!

The chaos in the rivers and lakes has begun, and a new round of reshuffle is slowly unfolding.

The whole rivers and lakes are up and down.


On the sixth day of Chu Yang and others leaving the northwestern land, the shocked again received new news!

This sudden news made the once-stable Mo Tianji just couldn't help but be beaten and fell into an ingot when he heard the news.

There is no reason for it. It is really shocking and shocking!

Chu Yang and other people's performance is no better than Mo Tianji, stunned and stunned, but I don't know why, there are all kinds of weird, all!

The content of this news is actually very simple - the stone family among the nine family, no more!

No? What does it mean. The meaning is very simple, that is, the stone family is completely destroyed, completely disappeared in the last three days!

But this simple fact makes the whole river and lake unbelievable!

This news makes the whole river and lake boil again! Thoroughly boiling!

Who is Shijia? It is one of the nine largest families and one of the largest families in the top three days.

Lijia’s location is in the west of Zhengbei, and has always been called the northwest. The nearest home to Lijia is Shijia, which is in the northwest and southward, close to the west. Therefore, when I broke the fierce battle, the first thing I arrived at home was Shijia!

However, after the stone family of the Lijia family returned to their home base camp, they unexpectedly discovered that their family has become a sneaky!

There is no more living person, let alone living people, even a little sign of life activities, it is simply being killed from the outside to the inside, or the kind of chicken and dog does not stay, because not only people, even cats Ah, all the lives are gone!

This accident and horror phenomenon has caused hundreds of Shijia masters who have just returned to fall into a state of collapse!

I waited for a group of people to set off with enthusiasm and intend to destroy other people's families. In the result of this trip, Lijia can be considered as a ruin. Although the women and children of Lijia can still be preserved, the former family has not existed. In the world, it is still a victory worth celebrating. I waited for the threat to return to my home, but I saw such an unexpected scene. It looks like my own family, but it is the real chicken dog!

The Shi family talked about the entire population, but it was slightly higher than the Li family, with more than 400,000 heads. However, there was no living point.

Over the entire Shijia territory, dark clouds shrouded, lifeless!

Everyone who confirms death is covered with a thick layer of black gas.

What does this mean? What exactly is going on?

Everyone went crazy, looking for the murderer, looking for clues, and hoping to find a lucky one who survived for half a lifetime, but eventually found that the whole family, everyone really did not have a living, except for the first generation ancestors, the stone roaring Beyond the trail, no one else, no one is alive!

Not even missing, really died here!

The destruction of the accident, the mysterious destruction, the strange destruction, the complete destruction of the wireless cable!

There is no clue at all, in the end, who is the poisonous hand!

There is no warning in advance, so it is so mysterious!


The monthly ticket is really terrible... This is the bottom of the monthly ticket... Only less than two hundred and forty people have voted for the world...

This miserable, unprecedented brothers! ! !

Looking at this number, I only have one bitterness rising from the bottom of my heart.

Ask everyone for the monthly pass, as well as the support of the ticket, I continue to go to the third word. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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