Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 864: The devil is where [the second! 】

"Shijiamanmeng, it seems that only the stone roar that reached the peak of the mid-ninth peak of the nine products, only qualified to escape from the heavens. So, the stone roar is missing. That is, want to escape from the World of Warcraft, at least If you have a mid-level repair, you can only get away from yourself!"

"When the stone roaring disappeared, it did not appear. According to the saying, he should have arrived at the night house or the law enforcement person for the first time. But he did not; that means that his disappearance fell. In the hands of the demon, the second is to escape from a serious injury; at present, he is not worried."

"In this way, the nine-product supreme wants to escape from the devil's hand, but also needs to be desperate!"

Chu Yang took a deep breath and smiled a bit: "According to this model, if your brothers are really fighting against the devil, don't you say that you can't win, you can only count the chance of escape?"

The brothers silently said nothing.

Chu Yang directly stated that he was defeated by hopelessness, and even the opportunity to escape was extremely embarrassing; this statement is by no means a loss, and the current information is analyzed. If the two sides really meet, I am afraid that no one can escape with the brothers. Even the Chu Jiu, the master of the nine robbery swords, may not be an exception!

"As far as the world is concerned, the power of the devil outside the domain has been terrible, but I still feel that this so-called demon is still somewhat weak?!"

Gu Zhixing wrinkled his eyebrows and said: "Since the demon can play against the power of Tianzhu, it is said that the mainland is not in the air, and it is almost the same as that of the world. But now it only destroys a stone home and escapes a stone. Roar, this strength may not be invincible!"

"After all, this is the nine heavens, not the nine heavens. If the gods can come and go completely, I am afraid there is no longer there."

Mo Tianji said: "So the demon who came here is definitely not a leisurely generation. Immediately after coming, I started to destroy the stone house... I escaped a stone roar... Can we understand this: This **** is very likely Is it already a serious injury? Is it likely that it has been knocked down? Or may it be seriously injured that is difficult to recover? So it has these consequences?"

"If you infer in this direction, he murders, not necessarily to show the magic, but to heal? Or other?"

"Continue to continue to infer, can be hit here, the strength should be high to what level? Now this injured Tianmo, the strength is certainly sharp, but the remaining strength is still a few percent of the heyday?"

Mo Tianji frowned, continued to smear, and rationalized the beginning and the end: "If a large number of slaughtering creatures, will he recover from injury here, and to what extent can he recover? So, if he wants to kill him, only 趁When he hasn't recovered, he has to hurry up and start his time. But in the face of such an enemy, how can he kill him? If he retreats, he will die. If he enters, he will not have a chance to live. If he does not, he will not be able to retreat. It is really dilemma."

Chu Yang's brow wrinkles more and more tight.

In the words of Mo Tianji, a little bit of clear understanding of his mind in the mind.

Although it has not been confirmed, Chu Yang still believes: the facts, in all likelihood, is like the one mentioned by Mo Tianji!

Even though the small areas are slightly different, the overall direction is undoubtedly correct.

"When you want to come to the last three days, or even the entire nine heavens, in addition to going through the nine-day scorpio, you have to go through time and space." Chu Yang said: "If there is no accident, even if it is the demon king, it is impossible to easily It’s here! So, the arrival of this demon is purely an accident, but this accident is a disaster for the entire Nine Heavens."

"At the moment, it is imperative to hurry up and rush to the Elves of the Elf!" Chu Yang immediately decided: "Though things are important, they need to be solved urgently, but at present we are incompetent and unable to handle them; let this thing be put first, or first It is important to improve the strength! The strength has been improved, at least a lot of life-saving costs."

"This is a big reason. I believe that the nine families now must be more panic than us." Mo Tianji smiled and said: "Let the nine families and law enforcers top it first. Let them know about the devil." It’s amazing, or else it’s going to fight in the nest. They are not saying that the people are squatting ants, why are they hurting? Now they are changing ants, and it’s not hurt to see the wound.”

Everyone is bitterly laughing and laughing.

As Mo Tianji said, the facts are like this!

The pedestrian is like a sharp arrow, galloping in the direction of the immediate direction.

Everyone has some uneasiness in their hearts. As Chu Yang said, it is only the promotion and improvement that is the first priority!

Otherwise, even if you see the demon, you will only be killed.

Trying to cultivate yourself as the only one to survive, you have the capital to deal with the devil!

However, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji still did not think that they went this way, in order to temporarily avoid the edge of the demon, but the result is that the real head-on hit the demon!

The night drunk all the way, he didn't even know why; he used to follow the black gas all the way; he didn't know how far he had gone out, but suddenly he lost the feeling of black gas.

This result led him to wander around the wilderness for a few days like a headless fly.

When the black gas reappeared, it has changed direction; but no matter what, it has finally achieved the goal of progress.

The night drunk revived and went all the way.

Finally, I saw a black gas spreading over a forest, which is the spirit of the devil that makes him feel strongly attractive.

I was drunk for a while, and my mind decided to step up again and wanted to go into the jungle.

Find the source of this genius and the source.

While sneaking, suddenly the wind stunned, a black shadow quietly fell.

Night drunk turned to look at it, I saw that I don’t know when there was more than one person. In the case of a black long hair waterfall, the shoulders were down and the face was sullen.

Seeing myself at a glance, this person seems to have stunned a bit, and Shen Sheng asked: "Kid, are you a night house?"

With this question, an amazing momentum that dominates the heavens and the earth comes to the fore; it seems that this person standing in front of him is the master of this whole world.

Even if you are drunk like a night, you will feel the pressure of falling into the sky, and you will not be able to resent your mind.

Mindful to the electric, suddenly remembered the shadow of a familiar majesty: it was many years ago, when the French Lord came to the night, the night drunk as the family's first son, had the honor to see.

Now, the momentum of this person is exactly the same as that of the French Master of the Year. At least very similar.

In the night, I was puzzled, and asked with respect and respect: "Yes, the younger nights are drunk at night; dare to ask the predecessors, but the law is great?"

There is a hint of appreciation in the eyes of Fa Zun: "Yes! People at night, it is really good eyesight, good memory! Remember the deity, rare."

The night drunk respectfully said: "Predecessors are in the world, can be described as the world; the night drunk even forgets everyone, but they dare not forget the horror of the law."

Fa Zun nodded and opened his eyes and asked, "Where are you here...?"

The night drunk said: "The younger generation is also the opportunity to pass through this place, suddenly seeing the black air in the sky, the evil atmosphere is stunned, there is fear of evil and harassing the world, specially came to see, a look."

Even if it is facing the law, but kills the head of the night drunk, but also dare not understand that there is the spirit of the devil in his body, the tone is naturally more than enough to be crowned.

The devil's gas is definitely the big jealousy of the whole nine heavens!

Once exposed, the law deity who is the first law enforcer of the Nine Heavens does not immediately kill himself!

Fa Zun looked at him coldly and said: "In this case, what can you find abnormal?"

Night drunk respectfully said: "The younger generation has just arrived here, but has not yet entered, but fortunately hit the predecessors."

Fa Zun said: "So you have a heart, this seat is here for the same purpose as you. I am here to sit in the town. You can go ahead and check it out. Just be careful and you will not be obstructed."

In the night, I am so happy, don’t you go in? That's the best! Said: "Yes, thank you for your guidance!"

Turn around and walk inside.

The dark fog is filled with the breath that seems to have a great desire for oneself, and that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

The night drunk almost couldn't help but rush to the past.

The figure was next to him, but it was the Fa Zun who followed up and said faintly: "The evil atmosphere here is very abnormal, or the seat will accompany you in, so as not to cause any accidents, not help."

The night drunk suddenly a cold heart.

If the first law enforcer of the law is followed by himself, how can he collect the gas of the devil? A little change, I am afraid I will be shot on the spot?

But at this moment, how can you say something to refuse? Even hesitation can't be there, and some hesitations may be murdered.

At the moment of the night drunk, the bitterness in my heart got the extreme.

He is **, did you just say that you can’t go in? How do you say the same as fart?

He did not know that the spirit of the demon in the body of the law is much stronger than that of the night drunk. The gas of the demon inside suddenly enhances the temptation, and the attraction of the law is naturally increased by a factor of ten. Even the practice of such a ruling, in the face of such temptation, is actually the desire to completely curb the heart!

With his eyesight, he has already seen the night drunk and the temperament of the demon. His original intention is to make the night drunk to check the situation and wait for the opportunity. In the unlikely event that there is a risk, I will make plans early; but I find that the attraction has risen hundreds of times in this moment. I am afraid that it will be too cheap to be drunk, and I will never endure it.

When Fa Zun and the night drunk entered the jungle, Chu Yang and other talents just came out to the northwest and went to the town.

The time on both sides is probably a ten-day break!

I believe that Fa Zun and night drunk can't think of it anyway. The jungle that the two of them entered is exactly where Chu Yang is going to get there.

This forest is so dense that it is extremely dense.

Both Fa Zun and the night drunk did not choose to go in from the road, but chose a road of thorns everywhere, all the way to slash the vines in front of the road.

The black fog is in front, not leaving.


Seeking a monthly ticket! ! I continue to code the third one... The plot of this paragraph is very important, so remind everyone to take a closer look. I will make a mistake in the future to remind me... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Floating astronomy registered members recommend this work, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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