Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 866: Devil game

"Predecessors, this place has always been called the nine heavens continent, but do not know what is wrong with this name?" Night drunk finally found the opportunity to interject, but it is the neck, even the corner of the eye does not sweep the law.

Grandma dripping, Lao Tzu thought that you are more sacred, taller, and more great. I can’t think of the bones, and I’m not the same as Lao Tzu. It’s also like practicing magic, and it’s still so deep... You don’t want to offend Laozi. Otherwise, if Laozi finds an opportunity, and fights together, he will never let it go, and let your hypocrite and true devil head become ruined!

With this in mind, the night drunk suddenly has a thrill of 'challenge authority'.

"Not right? Big mistakes!" The geek was cold and cold: "The place where the pellets are, like a garbage dump, how can it be, how to match it... is it called Jiuzhongtian?"

Suddenly irritated stop, roared: "Don't entangle in this matter, and then nonsense, I will kill you!"

Night drunk.

**, is this topic not your first start? How is this now? Open your mouth and shut up the murder. If you can't beat you, you will be jealous, you are a bastard!

"How come? How can I fall into such a ruined place!" The man cursed: "There is not even a little bit of sorrow here... it’s really the best!"

The law is in the air, with a smile and a calm face.

In his heart, he seems to be calm, but he can't stop balancing: this person is hurt.

This person was seriously injured!

This person suffered a fatal injury!

In addition, this person came here is a great accident, and more importantly, he is not willing to come here.

So, how did he come?

The strength of this person is strong, but now, it does not exert too strong power.

If I want to retire from the whole body, I can do it at any time. I have full control.

However, if I can absorb the magic of this person...

I will be great!

No one will be my opponent in the whole Nine Heavens, no matter whether Ning Tianya, Bu Liuqing or Wucheng City are not enough to watch, even the mysterious woman is coming back, no need to be afraid, as long as I can absorb the magic of this person. come!

"I like to play games very much." The grotesque voice screamed and said: "Now, since you are here, you must play with me. If you really don't want to do it, just leave your life."

"Doing the game? Do not die?" Don't say that the young man who is drunk at night, even if it is the law, when he heard this sentence, he almost bit his tongue.

The black fog fluctuated for a while, and the grotesque inside was all covered in dark fog, but his face was a strange twist. You two jerkes want to say this, do you want to do this?

If this seat is not seriously injured, and the temperament of your body is miscellaneous, your heart is not open, how can I have a good time to play games with you?

Still not to purify the temperament of your two idiots...

"Oh... don't think about escaping. If you don't play, you must die." The grotesque sneer: "There was a stone family who refused to play games with me. I was angry and would be the family. All slaughtered, even a cat and a dog have not let go..."

"The original Shijia thing, it really is what you did!" Fa Zun's pupil slammed and shook. During this time, Law Zun naturally heard about this incident, and he still knows the most clear one. After all, he is the first of the law enforcers, and it is the biggest sustenance of the help of the remnants of the Shijia people. Object...

"I am, how about? Do you want to play games? Don't play the game again, my patience is not very good!" The weird man smiled sadly; from the laughter, it seems that he can see his greed. With the tongue.

This is certainly not the case; he killed so many people, the original intention was for this so-called 'game'; there are other reasons...

But this thing can’t be said by the two people...

"But I don't know what games the seniors want to play. How do the rules and how do I want to cooperate with them?" Fa Zun's eyes flashed, and the heart, this guy wants to play games, it's not simple, it's all about the spirit of the devil. Or, it is good for his recovery injury... Otherwise, he will never play any Rush game in this situation at this time...

But this person has always claimed to be 'I', and there is no other self-proclaimed similar to 'this seat' 'this king' 'this...' and so on, that is to say... the status of this person, in the demon, Not necessarily very high, maybe even low, maybe.

Fa Zun’s eyes flashed, and a conclusion has been made in his heart.

"Now, start playing games." The geek can't wait, said: "You listen to me, start right away, oh... this is a very interesting game, you may be addicted, oh..."

"If the game makes me happy, the gas of the devil here, you can let the two of you charge! 桀桀桀桀..."

As the words kept talking, the geek seemed to be happy. Later, I laughed a lot, but the laughter was really hard to hear.

There is some tension and expectation in the night drunk and the law respect; this game... seems to be different?

I think that ‘the devil’s gas is pleasing to collect’, even if it’s the law, there’s some confusion in my heart.

"You can put your heart in your stomach. This game is absolutely beneficial to both of you. I can even conclude that after you have played it once, even if I don't play with you, you will be addicted. "The geek laughed and laughed, and then the voice became more and more hoarse. Like the viper, he coughed twice and said: "Now, the game begins."

A group of dark magic suddenly emerged, and the night drunk and Fa Zun were all covered in it.

The night drunk found that his side, it seems to be empty, the law is clearly between the feet, but there is no more sense, not just the law, there are that weirdo, the entire forest, even the whole world They all disappeared, and there was only one person left in the day, surrounded by the darkness of the group.

It seems that this group of magic is the whole chaos.

Then, the night drunk suddenly discovered that this chaos, which is completely composed of magical gas, is so silky, enters from his nostrils, enters through the pores of his body, and slowly enters with breathing.

Then in this magical spirit, suddenly a little bit of golden light flashes, bigger and bigger, more and more obvious, but it is a set of golden text.

Wealth and prosperity, power to the world, only my own respect, longevity, Gaotang parents, blood brothers, life and death brothers, beautiful wife, lifelong companion, the world, the world...

Everything, everything!

As long as it is the desire that exists in the human heart, it is here!

What do you want, what is there.

What you don't want, or you didn't expect it, I never thought that there is also here!

There are at least 56 articles in total.

The grotesque voice screamed tiredly: "The golden letters here are summed up by me. They are the goals that people are most eager to achieve, and the things that they are most eager to acquire. They have everything, and they are comprehensive."

"As long as it is a person, he must have desires. Only desires are the source of motivation!" The geek sneered: "So, you humans are really well controlled... just grab the key and do everything. Master... Hey, now officially start playing games."

Night drunk and Fa Zun were all said by the words of the forehead, and could not help but ask: "What to do in the end? How is the rule?"

"The rules are very simple. There are fifty-six choices here." The man said sinisterly: "Now pick out the things that you most desire and the things you don't want to lose in your life. You can choose nine items! One more, not the other. , one less, no! Start choosing!"

"How to pick? It's all illusory things!"

"It's even simpler. You can look at that one. Just tap it with your finger and you can. After you finish all nine items, the other ones will not be selected. It will disappear automatically." "Remember, this is just a game, but it is the root of both of you, and the ultimate achievement!"

"So you must be careful, don't choose the wrong one! Once you make a mistake, the biggest loss is your own!"

When I heard these words, especially the last sentence, don't say that the night is drunk, even the law is also inexplicably cautious; when you look at the fifty-six human desires, the eyes are also solemnly many...

"Get started." The geek raised his hand, and it was a black mist flying out, blending into the black magic of the previous group; suddenly they felt the darkness and darkness in their respective spaces.

The magical power that has entered his body seems to be driving his own original cultivation. In the endless swaying, the slow heart has changed a little more or less.

Immediately, the black magical whistling rotation, the fifty-six kinds of desires in front of them began to slowly rotate, and each desire, when turned to their own eyes, will stop for a while.

Let yourself have time to see clearly and make choices.

The night drunk and frowning, watching the golden characters continue to rotate in front of themselves, when the words of 'only me alone' flashed in front of me, the night drunk suddenly felt that I suddenly changed.

It seems that I am standing in the middle of the world, pulling the sword and thinking about it, whoever wants to kill will kill, who will follow me, and who will die against me! Looking around, I am the only one who respects the world, and I dare not!

What a pleasure, what a domineering, what a yearning...

I believe that no man will not like the pleasure of being alone.

The night drunk didn't even find out when his hand was lifted up. It was like being able to wait for the general point of 'only me alone'; these four words were clicked, and suddenly the golden light was grand, but it was more dazzling than other golden characters. .


Tonight, one of Laiwu's proud rudders, Ziyu, called to find a wife, and showed me and my wife a good look. Haha, I went out to treat. After returning, I will report to you, haha.

The second is a little later. Third, I see the situation... No wonder. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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