Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 877: The first battle of the demon [three]

The devil was accidentally injured and actually injured.

The heart of the devil whispering is suddenly concentrated.

Once the magical gas is in contact with the fire of Nirvana, oh... a strange sound is ringing in the air, and a small part of it is instantly turned into a blue smoke. The black hand is also distorted, and then disappears. It is actually burned dry. Clean.

The devil screamed, full of heartache and anger: "The wicked phoenix, the wicked Nirvana!" The heart is moving, and it is a big hand. This big hand is more solid, and it is caught.

The Devil's face is still calm and self-confident, but the heart is already secretly complaining: "I don't know where so much so strange souls come out... It's not awkward to repair, but every attack The way, it’s so weird and unexpected, don’t you die...”

The spirit of the demon is not afraid of any swords and weapons, but the effect on the fire with Nirvana is not great; and, it is also faintly restrained by the fire of Nirvana!

However, it is still not easy to repair, and after a moment of stalemate with each other, the magic continues to rush and roll, and has surrounded the fire of Nirvana.

Water can certainly extinguish the fire, but the fire can boil water, to a certain degree of magic, the fire of Nirvana is actually suppressed.

"Oh..." Rock's enemies stood up, rushing in from the fire of Nirvana, and a sword flashed, such as lightning, slamming into the air, yelling in the black mist, yelling : "You Luo Erye has a sword!"

"The dog is awkward!" Ji Mo also slammed from the other direction, screaming: "What bird monster, see Ji Erye to teach you!"

Finally, someone said something, and he is still a curse!

"I x! There are two... fight together..." A few days of no-powerful demon geeks in the heart of the sad reminder, 勉力催功, the magic gas again full force surging, and two black big hands volley out, on the ink and ink Rock's long sword.

All of this happened almost at the same time, and the difference was nothing but the blame! The Devils had already catalyzed nine black hands and smashed nine waves!

It turned out to be no worse!

"Nine Hearts Break the Devil!" Mo Tianji blinked, and suddenly he raised his hand. Nine copper coins screamed and rushed into the air, like nine small suns, screaming and screaming.

"Break the devil?" When you listen to this mover's name, it is undoubtedly the overbearing, and the devil is shocked. Is it the practice of the demon? There was still a little bit of scorn, and Philip then turned a hand, volleyed and grabbed nine coins.

But his hand has not touched the copper coins in midair, and the nine copper coins have disappeared and the traces are not there.

Mo Tianji laughed: "Idiot, I said that you are really convinced."

"You!" The demon geek almost vomited blood, but squatting in this rare space, Mo Tianji long and screaming: "Blowing through the nine heavens and lakes, only my palm in the purple jade!"

The purple brilliance of the palm of the hand flashes, and a faint jade of purple is like a emptiness. The volley rises and slams, and the lightning slams.

"This is the killing trick!?" The demon geek saw the enemy come to the forefront, still dare not scorn, the big hand slammed, grabbing the sturdy purple jade.

"Say you idiots did not say that you are wrong, killing is a sword! Have you ever seen a murder with a cockroach?" Mo Tianji once again ruthlessly fell, Ziyu 箫 did not know when it has become a long-handed sword A sword slashed across the sky, actually cut a black palm.

The devil screamed and said angrily: "Despicable villain! It turns out that your killing is a sword!" In the busy schedule, he tried his best to spur the magic, and almost the strength of the milk was also brought out. The sword, he hated the owner of the sword. Determined to hold the sword in his hand, immediately crushed this hateful sword!

It’s awful.

"It’s an idiot who is home, and the enemy and me are distinct. If you say something, you can also believe it. Actually, you will be fooled again and again!" Mo Tianji’s sword flashed, but suddenly became awkward: "Actually, my killing is really Hey! Say you are trusting, how can you be so sincere!"

The purple light flashed and slammed on the back of the black monster's hand.

Once again, the Devils judged the mistakes, and they were trembled by the devil. The raging fury of the fury, under the anger of anger, actually broke the limit of the black gas demon soul at any cost, and entangled the purple jade.

At this time, the blue light flashed, and the Mo Tianji sword came out. The "brush" rushed into the black fog, and the lightning-like body did not enter the dark body of the monster, and hit the left chest accurately!

"Really still a sword." Mo Tianji can't laugh and cry: "Is the gods so brainless like you? If it's like you, then I can easily, just playing idiots really have no sense of accomplishment!"

The devil "wow" spit out a black blood, black blood sees the wind, turned into black smoke and immediately dissipated.

This time it was a serious injury.

Half of it is hurt by the body, but more is mad.

The Devils have never been so angry.

Ink tears sneaked into the shadows, and suddenly disappeared. In this day's magical black air, her black magic shadows played more like a duck, and the sword light flashed between, three consecutive short swords rushed into the black fog, near The distance is inserted into the Devil.

"Ah... oh, daring!!" The devil who was injured again screamed loudly, and the magic gas slammed into the air. The palm of the "砰", this palm was actually allowed to hit the ink tears, the ink tears a sigh, the whole body flew out.

But this time, the demon attacked, and the overall situation has a profound impact, this magic bubble burst, the magic invisibly loosened a little; Chu Yang Wei Gongzi Gu alone Xing Dong Wu and other people immediately broke away from the magic of the containment, flying back.

However, at this moment, the red light suddenly flashed, like a dream, like a real fake, in the middle of the squat, the shadow of the whistling dance volley, a red shadow between the heavens and the earth, a sizzling drink: "Nine days Dance, a dance world..."

In the dreamlike fantasy dance, the star dream light dance knife turned into a dream lightning, brush brush continuously falling.

Breaking into the magic fog, the blade turned out to be a magical weapon like nothing, three consecutive knives, cut the magic fog black gas, penetrate, squat on the devil.

The sound of "啪" was light and half of the arm fell to the ground.

Actually, the entity of the demon geek was wounded, and the big hand of the magical illusion was broken!

This blow is a real accident, a big accident, beyond everyone’s expectations, regardless of the enemy.

An earth-shattering tragic sounded: "This... What is this practice?! He is **, such a low-level attack plane, how can there be such a practice, how can this kind of **** soldier, this is impossible... ”

In the tragic sound, Chu Yang screamed fiercely: "Nine robbery swords! Hey!" Jianguang surging rapidly, brushing and brushing, the nine strokes behind the nine robbery swords pushed out the brain, the nine robbery swords force full force .

A blade of Hengtian Wanshiqiu, this road Huangquantong nine secluded; cut off the red dust and more affectionate, the front is everywhere. The iron wall and the copper wall have been fighting, what do you want for this life? Jiuyi Fengqi Qi party, I am not worried when I am dead. The hidden front of the hidden front is still in the dark, and the strategizing is long and long; Ning will be completely hidden in life, but it will change the savage!

Wei Gongzi, Gu alone, Dong Wushou, proud evil cloud, Xie Danqiong, ignorant, Ji Mo, Luo Ke enemy at the same time desperately go forward, trying their best.

Dong is not sad and hurts his wife, and he does not want to be attacked by the general madness. The heavy ink knife is like a mountain and madly slamming!

Mo Tianji floated back and gasped.

Just now, I used the wisdom to confuse the enemy. I was lucky to succeed. At this moment, I’m desperately fighting. It’s not suitable for Mo Tianji. It’s just superfluous, even cumbersome.

The nine-day dance of Mo-light dance greatly restrained the magical spirit and destroyed its edge; the ignorant Nirvana fire also burned and destroyed the magical power, frustrated its spirit, and Chu Yang’s full-fledged nine-robbery sword further dispersed Magical, others are working hard together, go all out, and want to do their best!


Both sides are completely positive!

The horrible scream of the monsters that day: "Abandoned!"

It was all the way to the black blood, like the same black smoke, half smashed into the ground, half rushed into the long day, violently escaped the battle group, twisted and changed in the air, two black gas re-combined Together, a while condensed, and then the black gas slowly disappeared, finally revealed to the original.

absurd. It is indeed absurd.

The characters of my great demon are so powerful that they are combined with a dozen small ants to injure this virtue.

On the ground, there is also a broken hand, where it squirms and emits a faint black smoke.

I can't walk through a step, and the fire of Nirvana in the palm of my hand rises, and I will break my hand in my own hands. The fire of Nirvana expands violently, completely encircling the broken hand, and the burning flame is burning wildly.

It is just right to give this work to the ignorant, and it is no longer appropriate. To deal with the magical things without follow-up power, the fire of Nirvana can only be annihilated.

The broken hand is twisted, struggling, and jumping in the flame of the phoenix, just like the pain of life, but the ending is already doomed.

In the distance, the monsters looked so quietly that day, and the infinite anger and heartache were revealed in the scorpion, but they were not surprised to grab it.

After breaking the hand, it was thoroughly roasted under the fire of Nirvana, and then it became a black smoke, completely dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

The only thing left is that there is only a strange smell floating in the air.

That taste is like scorching a pig's trotter.

In the sky, the Devils looked at everything that happened so coldly, and the magic of his body suddenly surged, and a large hole in his chest, the wounds of his body, recovered at a high speed visible to the naked eye.

The left hand that had been cut off before, just like a wooden stake, was exposed outside the sleeves. As the magic continued to surge, a new palm slowly grew out of the broken arm.

Wrist, palm, finger...

It’s just like this, it’s born out of thin air! In the blink of an eye, I recovered to the way I was not injured. I moved my fingers and was flexible and screamed.

Such a scene is simply incredible. Unseen, unheard of! The brothers saw their eyes straight for a moment...

There are such things!

If so, then the devil is not killing?


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