Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 880: This is not a game, it is a fight!

So far, seven items have been chosen. Chu Yang looks at the remaining options. He said: "There is still immortality, but... If only I am alive, after a few hundred years, after thousands of years...that is A nightmare, it’s better to die with everyone, the tasteless option..."

Hesitated for a moment, but there was no choice.

Then I ordered the next one: happy and enmity!

"Life is alive, the husband is self-satisfied and enmity. When the sword is drawn, it is necessary to pull the sword!" Chu Yang remembered the sorrow of the old man in the snow and tears, and smiled in his heart: "A sword is in the world, Killing is killing, and the **** sea has its own bright road. There are days in the bones....not bad."

As for the last item, Chu Yang did not hesitate any more, and directly clicked on the ‘I am happy.’

"Being a man, if possible, the greatest wish is to be happy, if there are many such restrictions, then ... it is really boring." Chu Yang haha ​​smiled and said: "I have finished! Lifemate partner, life and death brother, Parent-child family; blood brothers; invincible in the world, the world is dying, commanding the world, happy and enmity, one world!"

"Good! A good choice!" There is a hint of approval in the strange voice of the devil, but there is also a sneak peek.

From the bottom of my heart, the choice of Chu Yang, the devil consciously demonized Chu Yang's grasp a little more!

You are very powerful. The ones that are chosen are actually the human side that is biased towards the glorious side; oh, this is also good, in this case, you can reach the bottom line of your heart without a few levels.

It is more beneficial to cultivate the magic awakening and call out the source of the demon!

For winning this game, win the Chu Yang, the demon is obviously more sure not to say ten to ten, but also eighty-nine!

"Since the election is over, let's take a break, then we will play the next game." The demon geek smiled and looked like a good advice.

A moment of rest is necessary, let these things stay in your mind for a while, taste more of the wonderful taste, and the torture that will be given up when you give up will be relatively large!

Chu Yang did not reject the "goodwill" of the demon, and really felt and tasted there.

When I was on the top, my brothers were by my side, accompanying me to overlook the world!

With the palm of your hand, you can swallow the sun and the moon. I am free in my life...

In my life, no matter how hard or hard, or the spring breeze, I have a lifelong companion, accompanied by deep feelings...

Drunk in the beauty of the knee, wake up the world right!

Somewhere, my parents and brothers and family, in a happy life, carefree.

This is life, the perfect life.

Chu Yang narrowed his eyes.

"Now, in the final part of the game, you must now abandon the one you just selected, otherwise, you will die!" The demon geek looked at Chu Yang with his eyes intoxicated, and his heart was more happy than Chu Yang.

Oh, so invested? Great.

Start to feel the pain, boy.

“Abandoning one?” Chu Yang narrowed his eyes and asked lazily: “Do you not abandon it?”

The devil blame for the knot: "Don't understand what I said? This is the rules of the game! Don't give up, die!"

Chu Yang Shen Qi said: "So serious, if this is the case, then get rid of the past. After all, no matter who, can not really be happy, the so-called one free, but also has its limitations, remove this ""

"Well, below, remove one more, don't choose, still die."

"Remove the order to the world. Tired!"

"Go one more."

"Get rid of the world. Annoying!"

Chu Yang's choice is extraordinarily rapid, and the quick time does not give the number of days of the monsters, as if there is no thinking, no choice but to quickly choose.

"Remove one more."

"not going!"

The demons suddenly stunned: "You must go! Otherwise die!"

"You said to get rid of it, then I have no face?!"

"This is not a face..."

"I don't want to go to the face, I don't want to go!" Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "Against... You are old? Are you not a face if you say no face? In my opinion, this is my grandfather. It’s just the face!"

" have promised to play the game, how can you play it?" The magical eyes turned, **, for thousands of years, it was the first time I encountered such a hob.

Half of playing is not playing? What is the saying?

face? At this time, the goods can actually take into account this kind of face, and it is really wonderful to get home.

"I didn't care! This is not playing?" Chuyang old **** is here: "You play with you, I play with me, play with them."

"No! This is the rules of the game! You have to play together, you have to go one by one!" The devil is gasping and has the urge to vomit blood.

"That is your rule, not my rule!" Chu Yang did not let: "Your rules are just a fart in my eyes!"

The hair on the head of the monster's popularity is erected: "Don't go? Hey... you will get rid of it!"

He snorted: "Kid, this is what you forced me!" The next moment, the magic in this dark space suddenly rushed.

In the Devil's Array, it is the home of the demon.

"Yeah? Want to move rough? You **, you are not talking about playing games? How do you start playing this?"

"This is the game..." The devil laughed.

"I have never seen you like this!" Chu Yang screamed.

This sentence makes the devil almost collapse: Who is the skin? You have all gone to the top of the mountain, and you are still arrogant and arrogant.

At this time, Chu Yang looked at it and seemed to feel wrong. The next moment, he suddenly felt that his mind was like the severe pain of falling over the river.

He bit his teeth, sneer, and said to the demon in a word: "Although I have not finished playing this game, but I have already understood the true meaning of this game; you are using this method, first Let people choose, let people get first, let people taste the pleasure first, but also deliberately set nine items, the number is relatively large, behind the wonderful taste, the pain is relatively more terrible."

"Then people are forced to abandon; one person is of course abandoning the relationship that has nothing to do with himself, but the relationship is small, but when the pressure is gradually increasing, the pressure will gradually increase, and it will be unbearable, and will inadvertently abandon some important things in life. Finally, in the end, the instinct of human self-defense will make subconscious choices."

"And at that step, it is the beginning of a real fall. Slowly, like a river breaks the river, it will not be able to clean up, and the soul will be handed over, and it will become the same kind of your demon... Hey, good means! What a good way!"

Chu Yang screamed: "But Laozi is Chu Yang!"

The devil stunned and laughed: "Chuyang? Chuyang, how?"

The Devils really don’t think about Chu Yang. The heart of Chu Yang’s heart is amazing, but it’s not as good as Law, and it’s natural to experience tens of thousands of years of law. The Devil does not believe that Chu Yang can have any amazing Counter-measure!

Chu Yang Li said: "Some things, Chu Yang is rather dead and will not give up! This game, you lost! This is not my own game, this is basically you and me, two people's game, no Is fighting! And this battle, you have lost!"

The Devil is furious: "Fart! I see who will lose! You don't choose, just go to hell!"

Suddenly, all the consciousness was released, and the magical force spread suddenly. In a flash, it was ascending, as if it was pure and crazy, it was infiltrated into the Chuyang brain!

Murderous! This time, it is really moving!

The true meaning of the game, this person really knows! He can actually figure out that this game is actually his own game with him.

One attack, one guard!

This is tantamount to a war of faith, and as long as the selector continues to choose, he will be defeated. But if he can hold on to his heart, the demon will be defeated.

This is also the real reason for the day when the night drunk is not chosen!

The so-called, it’s not strange, it’s blame!

Another major reason, Chu Yang has never been a young demon who has cultivated magic power! This point is not comparable to the night of the day!

At this time, Chu Yang’s knowledge of the sea really seemed to boil up like a pot. The unspeakable pain invaded and caused Chu Yang to collapse. But Chu Yang was biting his teeth tightly and never stepped back!

The demon whistling, sending out the sound of a ghost crying and crying; the fierce **** is a general soul energy, and it is like a broken bamboo that rushes into the sea of ​​Chuyang!

In the magic array, where do I want to go, where to go!

Fundamentally change you!

This is the advantage of having the source of the demon! If you didn't get a copy of the source of the demon before, then there is no way to take your kid at the moment... But now, hey, you can only say that you are unlucky!

Before you arrived, I happened to get a copy of the most super-natural demon in this plane. Wow haha... It’s raining in time.

The devil has a thought, a thought into a demon, a thought as a person, a turnover between one thought, or a super-depletion of God, or a catastrophe!

Chu Yang does not know that this day's magic array, although extremely dangerous, is also a great test. If you can support it, this life will benefit a lot!

Although he didn't know, he bit his teeth and didn't let it go!

I have made up for the regrets of past lives. You actually want me to create new regrets. dream!

Chu Yang can't talk now, if he can say it, he will definitely slap on this guy, swear: Go to your paralysis!

However, at the moment when the magic gas was boiling, Chu Yang’s spiritual power of the mainland was almost the same, and finally began to really work.

Even more than just running, it is actually further concise!

The meditation of Chuyang still only stops at the Supreme Six. If it is the average person, the spiritual strength is roughly the same level according to common sense. Even because of the particularity of the exercises, it can surpass the general restrictions, but the effect of the increase is still limited. But don't forget, Chu Yang was born again.


It was hit by the blue sky today. At noon, just got out of bed, my wife came in very embarrassed and said: Something is not easy to do...

I asked: What happened?

The wife said: The car is illegal.

I suddenly smiled: What big thing is it, isn't it a deduction? There will not be too much fine, so pay attention to it later.

The wife cried and said: Not a little bit...

I glance: How many times?

The wife said: Not a few times... It’s been dozens of times... and the traffic law has changed, and it’s no problem to find someone...

I am stupid: dozens of times? How many points does this take? how much?

Wife said: a total of ninety-four points of violation of regulations......

I suddenly vomited blood and coma... I yelled: I wiped, you only drive for a few days? Violation of ninety-four points? A driver's license is only twelve points! ! What?

Wife is weak and weak: Just because I don’t know what to do, I will find you...

I squatted on the keyboard...

God, earth... ninety-four points...

I will do this again in the afternoon, call the comrades in the Public Security Bureau, and say this, the comrades say: It’s easy! How many times violated the rules? I will do it. I said that it was not a few times, that is, the points were deducted more, ninety-four points.

The comrades-in-arms then went dumb, and then they shouted: I changed your defeated girl...

I can't smile. It seems that... there is nothing to do.

Going to check, actually all speeding in the same place, there is a corner bend and not complying with the rules, one asked, his wife said with round eyes: How is it possible?

I sighed and sighed to the point of weakness: the entire Laiwu knows that there is a police car that stops measuring speed in the middle of the downhill **** every day. Your old man is over twenty-nine times in the same place...

I have been teaching my wife for hours, and this matter can be adjusted.

I knew that it was not as good as I opened... although the technology is not good, but... at least it will not speed. I can't do it with him.

Sigh... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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