Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 883: Great victory!

The King of Chu, who has won the victory and won the victory in the Jedi, is ignorant of his victory in the confusion, and he does not know what kind of benefits he has gained in this "game". He is the only feeling now. It’s only pain!

It’s really only pain. The pain of the previous devils on him has not really been eliminated. It’s just forced to endure. If the magic is retreating today, the pressure is not so great, the heart of rebellion naturally disappears, and the pain feels recurring, or The recurrence is not correct. It was only forced to endure. Now, when the strong beam is gone, the spirit is a break and can no longer be suppressed.

I also know that the sea is bloated beforehand, and he knows the energy in the sea, but it has always been in accordance with certain rules, or just from the demon where the 'learning' attack method is in the line, in the automatic finishing, in the arrangement of the combination, stirring Endless, the impact is endless...

The brothers were worried about the surrounding, looking at Chuyang, who was in a state of confusion and full of pain. Everyone was anxious, but they all knew that they could not bother him now. Moreover, the demon has been defeated by Chu Yang, but he is still defeated. Although he is worried about his heart, he has a little relief.

After all, the devil has just retreated and the momentum is not small.

Chu Yang is weak and strong, and it is estimated that some mysterious ban is also used. Now it is countered by his own ban. The after-effects may not be small, so it is painful, but as long as people are still there, it does not matter if there is a problem. There are nine heavy Dans who are afraid of any troubles. The nine-robbery sword master has always been a special existence of miracles, especially in Chuyang.

However, no one can think of it, the devil must be devastated, and people can swallow the devil. Chu Yang is suffering at this moment, but in reality it is a lot of interest, making a big profit.

Seeing the lover’s suffering, Mo Guangwu’s eyes were filled with tears, and the whole person turned around in anxiously around Chuyang, but he also knew that Chuyang is now at a critical moment in the battle between the heavens and the people, and he did not dare to speak loudly. I got a little red face, tears and tears, and my heart hurt like a knife. I grabbed a small mouth and didn't dare to cry a little.

Because the game between Chu Yang and Tianmo was carried out in the dark fog, even the later battlefield was even more in the minds of the two people. The outside world knew nothing about what happened between them. The devil retreated too much. Fast, too sudden, although everyone vaguely saw that he still seems to have taken away one person, but everyone is not at all concerned.

Everyone is there. As for whether the demon is taking others, it means little to oneself. The people did not think of it anyway, the person who the demon took away was actually the law!

I really can't think of it, the strength of the law can be almost stabilized into the top three in the world. For everyone, the strength and danger may be above the devil, and if the two devils join hands, Chu Yang and others will even count Together, they are also not the enemy.

After a long, long time, Chu Yang suddenly yelled: "Open!"

I don't know what it is ‘opening’. The King of Chu suddenly opened his closed eyes.

In the eyes, two gods burst out.

The eyes of the brothers' care are suddenly exposed to these two gaze, almost subconsciously shifting their own eyes, everyone feels an unprecedented heavy pressure, it is a kind of majesty!

This indescribable but true sense of pressure is that even if the people face the Supreme Nine Strong, everyone has never encountered it!

Chu Yang in front of me seems to have any change of gods, but when I look closely, his cultivation is still the same, and there is no growth, even because the ‘game’ has just been worn out.

It’s not a big surprise. Where does this pressure come from?

At the next moment, Chu Yang seemed to be completely restored to normal. He breathed a few breaths and his face suddenly became red. Then the sweat of the size of the soybeans came out from the forehead and the body, and it was sweating in an instant.

This is the aftereffect of excessive mental exhaustion. Just in the war of consciousness, both sides of the battle have consumed a lot of energy, especially Chu Yang. He has never experienced such a decisive battle in the sea. He just fell into intense pain and only hurts. Now that the pain has passed, the symptoms of heart loss will naturally follow. In addition, there is a heartfelt heart.

Don't look at Chu Yang's mind to decide not to succumb to the yinwei of the demon, but he is still afraid, anyone will fear the threat of death, Chu Yang is no exception, now the crisis is lifted, but the feeling of fear is also It emerged, but after the fear, it was endless luck.

I have kept the heart of being a "person", breaking through the temptation of desire, defeating the threat of death, and breaking free from the devil's claws!

After this time, I will never be afraid of any demon! Never give in again, anyone, anything!

Chu Yang’s heart was awkward, and after a while, he was very tired and said: “It’s so powerful... almost loses, and when it’s defeated, it’s all over, it’s not flying, it’s going to become a complete walking dead.”

The brothers were speechless for a while. After all, they didn’t understand what happened to Chu Yang. Seeing Chu Yang, Ji Mo rolled his eyes and said, “Boss... you said just now?!”

Chu Yang "hmm", turned around and looked around, said: "Where is the demon?"

Everyone looks at each other.

Rock's enemies are crying and laughing: "Big brother, as early as half an hour ago, the demon has already lost and lost, and fled, and all the way to screaming, the wolf has escaped, the speed, I can't wait, 100% can't catch up... ..."

Chu Yang stunned: "A half an hour ago? Is it half an hour ago?"

In his consciousness, until he opened his eyes, he was still fighting, how... How could the enemy not advance before half an hour! ?

What is going on? Looks too strange, right? !

"Don't you know that the gods have already lost?" Xie Danqiong asked an unbelievable look.

Chu Yang smiled, just shaking his head.

Mo light dances up and hugs Chu Yang, and now he can finally cry out loud, but finds that he does not want to cry at all, only happy, as if there are thousands of words to tell Chu Yang, but When I got to the lips, there was only a stack of sounds: "Great, great..." That's all.

However, Chu Yang was moved.

He knows that ‘light’s dance is ‘too good’, it’s not ‘to defeat the devil is too good’; ​​but ‘you’re fine, great! ’

"The strong enemy has gone, we seem to be doing something right?!" Mo Tianji looked at Chuyang thoughtfully, and then changed the topic.

"Exactly!" Wei Gongzi's spirit was greatly enhanced. "The guy who is in the way is out of the way. I will take you to the entrance of the Elf City. It is serious to do business."

Chuyang was a big winner. Everyone was in a good mood. Hahaha, surrounded by Wei Gongzi, all the previous haze disappeared.

Only Mo Tianji Mo light dance and Chu Yang walked in the end.

"Just... It seems that you have taken up some cheap?" Mo Tianji smiled and asked in a low voice.

"Well; the situation is inexplicable, I seem, maybe, maybe it’s a swallow of his spirit, maybe it should be like this..."

Chu Yang converges on the mind, once again immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge, this unexpectedly found that his knowledge of the sea has almost doubled, and he is also shocked by this sudden change, the question of Mo Tianji, There is no concealment.

"Cough..." Mo Tianji snorted and coughed. "This change, don't talk to anyone."

"I can save it." Chu Yang smiled: "It's natural for you."

Mo Tianji’s heart was warm and blinked: “As long as you are always good to my sister, it’s natural, if you dare...”

Chu Yang laughed, he naturally understood the Mo Tianji, Mo light dance on the side but blushing, how the second brother said anything.


"Where did you go?" Among the nine robbery spaces, Chu Yang was dissatisfied and asked Sword Spirit: "So dangerous moments, why don't you come out to help? Do you know how dangerous it is, you think it is really Game?!"

This is very dissatisfied with the Chu Sword Master. If there is no sword spirit on his body, how can he agree to the other party's game so confidently?

I did not expect that the sword spirit, which I regarded as the best helper, actually fell off the chain at this critical moment. Even more than just falling off the chain, it was even more directly disappeared. At this moment, the crisis is lifted. Of course, I have to ask for a clear understanding of the future. Opportunities are only inevitable, you must understand the reasons, but this is a risk of life and danger!

Sword Ling wondered: "Do you think that you are only strange? I am also strange. I just wanted to go out to help my hand, but I don’t know how it is moving. It will be really bad now, that tastes. ......"

Chu Yangyi: "Inexplicable can't move? Will it be the role of the magical power?! That strange fog looks very sharp!"

It is not completely impossible to do this. If it is really the effect of the demon power, then the assessment of the demon family must be re-enacted!

Sword spirit disdain swearing: "I swear, the sorcerer's trick, if it is hard to repair, this sword is really out of reach for the time being, but when he says that he completely controls and suppresses the sword, he can't do it with exhaustion. That little ghost, this sword can be broken by hands, but it is really strange... but this has never happened before, the power of suppression is really terrible, and now it is especially scary."

Chu Yang nodded and looked up at the sky, thoughtfully.

For a long time, I said: "If that's the case, it's okay."

Secretly biting your teeth: It must be the ghost of the old thing, except that he has no one else, you are embarrassed, you wait for Laozi to go up, see how Lao Tzu toss you! Actually dare to count me, take Laozi’s little life as a playboy...

It was already far away from the snow and tears of the Nine Heavens, and suddenly sneaked a sneeze.

"Auntie!" A sneeze like a thunder and screaming, rolling out.

"Lord?" The old man is inexplicable.


First more! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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