Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 903: The covenant of World War I!

Once and for all torture, once more vicious than once, once more cruel than once.

Once and for all, the smothering and cruelty of the sword and the spirit of the sword are all chilling. He has more than once wanted to admire Chu Yang, and it is not a shame to pay a visit to the powerful existence.

Such a strong existence is the object that should be surrendered and worshipped. However, when he just wanted to speak, he found that he could not move. Don't say that you are talking, you can't open your mouth. Bai Ying did not know when he had already controlled him.

For white shadows, destroying a creature may be a matter of sigh!

What are the injuries of ants and cockroaches? !

Chu Yang can be so indomitable. There are quite a few reasons for it being completely irritated by the fierceness of the heart. If you say a little popular saying, it is anger, it is not!

"You will be embarrassed, you just have to smash, the benefits are great."

At the last time, the white shadow seemed to be a bit tired of this week-round game. It seems that there is some helpless advice: "In fact, you already know that everyone is just sighing. As long as you glance, I won this. In the tone, I immediately let you go to Tongtian Avenue and open the door of the avenue; for you, there is no end to the great benefits, there is definitely a hundred miles."

"Why are you gambling on your own life for the sake of this heart? Is it not worthy of you to lick it?"

Chu Yang sneer: "I can't torture, is it tempting? Do you really ignore it, I don't care about your real reason? I never denied it, you deserve a glimpse, even worthy of my worship, but you open my mouth." Oh, I just don't!"

The white shadow is a bit dumb: "How do you guys die? You won't choose this simple choice. For a moment of time, give up the infinite future, don't you have a long brain? Or is your brain long-lasting?!"

Chu Yang sneer: "The top eight robbing swordsmen are all smashed?"

The white shadow nodded: "Of course."

Chu Yang said: "Where are they now?"

White movies suddenly plugged.

Chu Yang urged: "They can now go to Tongtian Avenue? Open the door of the Avenue?"

The white eyes flickered and he did not continue to speak for a while.

Chu Yang screamed and said: "I never deny your ability, but as long as you can open the door of the avenue? What is the saying? If the door of the avenue needs to bend to open, then does the avenue have the value of confirmation? !?"

"If it is necessary to be a slave to people to embark on the so-called Tongtian Avenue, then what is worthy of my cherished attention to Tongtian Avenue?"

"In the world of life, nothing more than a breath! This tone does not even fight, what can you fight for?"

Chu Yang laughed and screamed again and again.

At this moment, his madness, his arrogance, his jealousy and arrogance, endless arrogance, actually poured out without any reservation!

I am the master!

Only I am the master of my own!

Anyone, I want to let me know! It is you, the man who created the nine robbery sword, the super power between the heavens and the earth, not!

Bai Ying was a long-lost man, slowly said: "It seems that you are never willing to swear? I finally confirmed it once!"

Chu Yang whispered softly: "I still want to confirm what you destroyed my body six times, and destroyed my spirit nine times. Moreover, they are destroyed and restored by a very special means... After fifteen times, am I still standing here?! I won’t be jealous, that’s it!”

Chu Yang’s voice is hoarse and low, and anyone who suffers from such a torture can not hear the sound, but this hoarse voice is mixed with faint arrogance, and there are endless embarrassment, cracking open mouth, very neat and white. The teeth were exposed eight, and it was a very kind smile: "Do you think that after this, will I be embarrassed? If you are, will you be embarrassed?"

He laughed wildly: "I am not afraid of these, who is worthy of me in the world?!"

White Shadow was silent and said: "Yes, there is a bone in your body, a arrogance... Even if you are facing anyone, you don't need to be jealous. I am no exception. In this world, except for your blood relatives, anyone. It’s not worthy of your arrogance. No one can afford it. It’s this piece of land, this land, still can’t afford it.”

Chu Yang laughed happily: "Thank you, thank you for your compliments, thank you very much!"

The phrase Bai Ying is equivalent to setting the tone and ending this incident of 跪 跪 and 跪 。.

"Very good, you don't marry me, naturally there will be no benefit to those who don't respect me, so the road that I opened is not with you." Bai Ying smiled slightly: "You can still What do you say? Will you regret it!"

"Yes!" Chu Yang affirmed, said loudly.

Bai Ying smiled: "What?"

Chu Yang said: "Today's gift, Chu Yang remembers in his heart, never dare or forget; I hope that he will one day be able to fight against you from the real body, one by one. Chu Yang will take you as the goal of life, absolutely Don't forget, never slacken!"

Bai Ying laughed: "I listen to what you mean, it seems to be calling me? You don't want to have to rectify me fifteen times a day?"

Chu Yang grinned: "What do you say?"

The white shadow laughed and laughed, and he almost couldn’t breathe. After a long, long time, he suddenly accepted the laughter. He said solemnly: "Good! I am waiting for you! I look forward to that day!"

He said with dignity: "If there is a level of cultivation that can reach the level I recognize, I will definitely give you a chance to fight for a fair war! If you are repaired, even if you don't come to me, I will go find it. your!"

He smiled deeply: "Just... I hope you don't want me to wait too long, I hope that day!"

Chu Yang suddenly appeared in the eyes of a ray of light, heavy road: "It won't be long! There must be that day, I must go to you to find a fair!"

In his heart, he was so grateful that he was inexplicably raised.

What is the real life of the white shadow in front of him? Chu Yang is not clear. The strength of the white shadow in front of him is far beyond the understanding of Chu Yang. The only thing that can be determined is that even if it is snow and tears, In front of this white shadow, it may not be a match!

This is only the strength of the white shadow display, what is the strength of the white shadow real body? !

It’s tens of thousands of years, millions of years... It’s possible to reach that point...

But this white shadow should bear the battle with himself.

He does not think that he can never reach the height of his or her peers.

This is already a great respect, hard to recognize!

When I promised, I already saw myself as a respectable opponent.

This respect is the most precious thing that Chu Yang got from him.

A big Luo Jinxian, will you fight with a mortal?

Obviously, that is impossible and unrealistic.

Today, the distance between Chu Yang and this white shadow is farther away than the distance between Da Luo Jinxian and the mortal, but the white shadow has promised it, and it is very solemn.

This is a kind of mind, a kind of superman's mind.

At this moment, Chu Yang had the urge to slap him. If he did not do anything else, he would rush his respect for himself. This respect, at this stage of Chu Yang really do not think!


In the distance, two people, one black and one white, sighed at the same time, and they sighed with relief. For this result, the two are very satisfied.

At their level, it’s been too long to stand at the top, and it’s a very rare thing to have someone who can exceed their budget! It is also a very, very interesting thing!

The white youth smiled slightly: "Old black, now you can admit defeat."

The young man in black snorted: "Our gambling contract is that you have to do all the means. Do you only have these means? If you don't do your best, dare to say win? I said you lost!"

The white youth stalls, as if it doesn't matter, said: "If you think that there is unfairness, you can take it out yourself. Even people who can suffer nine times can be seen. I am very interested in seeing what you can do to make him Be willing to kneel down."

The black-haired young man grinned and said: "The way to deal with him is that you can use his niece, his red face, and his brother to ask him to let him swear. If you don't believe him, don't you tell me this simple way. You can't think of..."

"Roll!" The young man in white clothes picked up his eyebrows and sighed with a sigh of relief: "This kind of mean and shameless splattering, you actually want me to use? Do you think I am you?"

"Let your awkward fart! How can I say so mean and shameless under the splash? I mean let you use it, can you understand people?!" The young man in black started to shoot the table. The table was flawless, but the air around it was faintly fluctuating. Then the brightest three stars in the sky suddenly went out.

The next moment, there were countless meteor showers in the air, with long tails across the sky.

It seems that the meteor shower in the sky is caused by the slap!

A light slap, almost no trace of a slap, the final effect is not knowing how far away the three stars burst into tears, turned into a comet! The table that was the first to bear the brunt was safe and sound.

This is how it is repaired, it seems to be too exaggerated, really beyond the "person" cognition!

"A big prestige!" The young man in white squinted: "Do you make me out of this, are you scaring me? I am so scared!"

The black man snorted.

The white youth smiled: "You made this hand, it wasn't the founders of the three continents that sinned you 8,000 years ago. I didn't expect you to use them to make them off after eight thousand years... actually still Take advantage of the anger I gave you! I am also contaminated with a little cause and effect, so I can admire and admire."


The first is more. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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