Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 920: In chaos

"Forget it. Let you roll, you still really roll, your left half of the face must have gone to the right half of the face, one side is the second skin face, the other side is shameless, give me a stop, save the old man and your faceless face... Chu Yang shook his head without a word, smiled.

"Hey, then I won't roll, how can I not let your old man have no face..." Huang Xia Liu laughed.


This person is absolutely perfect.

Not only Ji Mo and others want to be absolutely down, even the calm people like Mo Tianji, such a cold face like Gu Xing, can not help but reveal a kind of crying and laughing... This is the best, looking at the nine innocence is rare in ancient and modern times, really Stepping into the world, relying on the sky!

I don't know how Chu Yang was rehabilitated at the beginning, but he can make this obviously obsessive and arrogant guy so obedient. Really better than the mouse to see the cat is obedient, no, the mouse saw the cat is fear at best, because the dead mouse, the guy was tempted by Chu Yang, absolutely not as good as death.

Chu Yang turned over the eyelids, a faint saying: "Do you want to enter the city? Come here to participate in the Tianding event of law enforcement?"

"Yes, yes, the uncle is wise, the uncle is the eye." Huang Gongzi nodded if the chicken glutinous rice, the next year, one sentence after another.

"I am just in line with each other. I am going with your team. Is it convenient?" Chu Yang asked, still very casual speech.

However, the amount of information in this area can be greatly increased.

Since everyone can go in now, why should they go in with the Huang family? Clearly you don't want to be exposed, and why don't you want to be exposed? Is there something to say?

In such a sensitive rivers and lakes, what does this kind of sneaky mean? Anyone knows well: Chu Yang and others are going in, and nothing happens. If something happens, the Huang family can’t get rid of it.

Don't look at Huang Dagong's arrogance, just like the old man, he is old, 2, yes, no, it is Chuyang old 2, his third child... still not right, is Chuyang boss, he is old 2, day count Old...

But in fact, Huang Dagong seems to be not really a role, let alone him, even if the whole Huang family, at best, is a second-rate family, the real high-end characters will not put it in the eye, such as law enforcement, nine Any family in the big family can be wiped out by raising their hands. Huang Dagong may not be able to have such self-knowledge, but many people around him have this experience.

Since these people want to go in like this, what are the reasons for not doing things?

Although this is still only speculation, the probability of this guess is quite large. Once the group has made trouble, whether they have the ability to make troubles, whether they can finally retreat, or stay in Zhongdu, Huangjia Eating and fishing is a certainty, this style can not be loose!

One thought of this, several masters of the Huang family are solemn, and several people have even been squinting at the yellow, and you can decide that you can't agree!

Huang Xia Liu seems to have nothing to think about, a shot of the chest, said with pride: "Well! Why not! That dare not say, this young master will marry his old 2 to feed the dog!"

When he turned around and looked at the bright-eyed Huang family master, he said with great anger: "How is yours? What eyes? Are you worried about his eyes? Is it true that I have seen this young master? Winked eyes? This young master has no hobbies, vomiting ~~~ What are you dying to die for me?"

The Huangjia master’s face was so stunned that he didn’t understand the meaning of his own young master’s words at first, and he almost did not spit...

There is always a fate between people. The chance of a person is the most unpredictable. I don’t know when people who meet will be able to rewrite the fate of their own life, even the fate of a family, the fate of a family!

Huang Xia Liu is a real super 纨绔, just as it is, because of a chance, a random answer, rewrote the fate of his family.


Under the insistence of Huang Xia Liu, Chu Yang and others were smoothly integrated into the Huangjia team, and they entered the capital city with great enthusiasm.

Along the way, Huang Jia master only heard his son whispered a word on the ear of the mysterious ‘pro-grand’, but made everyone more in the clouds.

"I heard that you are the legendary nine grandfather?" "Uh huh." Chu Yang nodded without a trace.

"Hey, hey, nine grandfathers, my dear grandfather..." Huang Xia Liu’s face was full of excitement: "I really didn't expect to meet you here, you are my dear grandfather... ..."

One of the Huang family masters made a dizzy one by one.

Nine Grandpa? The legendary nine grandfather? Grandpa?

**, what the **** is going on? Is there actually nine brothers on the head? The owner is actually the old ten?

But as far as we know, the owner is the boss... How come out of the nine brothers out of thin air?

This is not a general mess...

The nine-grandfather, talking and taking the tone, but the voice is quite tender? Is it natural to be so? Today is another time!


The Zhongdu City at this time is really lively.

On the street, just a street, it seems to be in the market. People come and go, and the flow is endless.

However, this will be very different from the general market, each one is a cross-cutting sword, look at it, a master!

All kinds of breath, colliding with each other, everyone's momentum, are sprinting.

Under such an atmosphere, just one person is also careful to be thin.

Most people are lamenting: This time the Tianding event is definitely the most dangerous experience of his life experience. No one has never been. I believe that it may not be there in the future.

Whenever you are behind, you are a master, taller than yourself, lower than yourself, much higher than yourself... abound!

Often one eye is wrong, and two people who have never met each other have already drawn their swords.

The onlookers did not feel any fuss at all, but they were very interested in watching.

Someone died, and a smothered corpse powder was sprinkled, and the sorrowful scent turned into a pool of yellow water. Then the shops on both sides of the road were poured out of a basin of water, and they disappeared without a trace...

At most, it’s just a yellow smoke rushing into the sky... This is the last trace of the finished master of the rivers and lakes – including those who are on the outside and who are kings...

Here, the basic is that the supreme is everywhere, the holy level is full, and the holy condition is not as good as the dog.

The law enforcers who should have maintained order here are invisible and have long known where to hide. On the other hand, as the landlord's night house, it is also a matter of killing people on the street.

It is the inaction of these two aspects that has led to the fact that this situation has become more intense.

Chu Yang and others came in all the way, and they could hear screams and screams everywhere.

Along the way, I walked into the downtown area for less than three hundred feet, but I have already seen ten fights. Every fight, the dead talents are normal, but the blood is rare.

"See what? Are you looking for death?"

"It's you who are looking for death! Are you sick?"

"Paralyzed, look at the knife!"

"Grandma dripping! Look at the sword!"

Brush, hey, hey, ah!噗通,滋滋滋,哗!

"Brushing" is the sound of the sword hollowing out, and "砰砰" is the sound of the impact. "Ah!" is a scream of the loser; "噗通," is the sound of the body falling to the ground; "Zizizi," is the corpse powder in the melting of the body, the last '哗', is where I do not know where a basin of water Splashing over and smashing the ground traces without traces...

This is a progressively skilled process, or an inevitable, common, and most common process.

Just like life, there is life and death.

It is only here that life and death have been shortened to a few steps, between a few sounds.

This is not a long journey. If you can't walk a few steps, you can hear ‘brushing, swearing, ah, swearing, sighing, swearing...’



Because of a call, the world's warriors came to the Zhongdu City with the most perfect and beautiful dreams. At the moment, the whole is a natural field of weak meat.

The strong survive.

The strong is king!

These words, this cruel law of the rivers and lakes, are the most vividly performed here.

The people who lost their restraint, especially the rivers and lakes with superhuman ability, are like a group of beasts, all of which are locked into a huge cage.

Many people who are sinister and sinister, take the opportunity to cultivate themselves to be high and make a lot of chaos.

Just grab one, and don't care if this guy has no enmity with himself? Do you know? After a knife cut, and then began to calmly search the body, touched the money treasure, and went to his arms.

Of course, if there is really something good to find out, people around you look hot; that is a sudden melee without warning.

Under such a melee situation, of course, more dead people.

But here, at this time, it’s already nothing, the lives of the masters of the rivers and lakes, at this moment in the capital city, it’s like the cabbage that has suffered from a super bumpy harvest.

It may not even be worth the Chinese cabbage. Even the cheap Chinese cabbage has a price and a small amount of money. However, those who have died at the end of their lives have nothing to do with their lives.

Nine robbing people along with Huang Xia Liu all the way, no doubt there is no shortage of things.

This kid has a large number of masters to follow, and at this moment, Chu Yang and others have joined in, and this article is even more innocent.

However, under the strict orders of Chuyang, those who are truly innocent are not daring to move. Only those who are squandered and made a fortune, but Huang Xia Liu’s encounter with the mold, of course, for Huang Dagong In fact, it is an opportunity for the city of Daphne.

"Hey, say you, come over, you just murdered in front of this young master, this young master is courageous, frightened, come over compensation!"

"Grass! But come? Come on, ** he is jealous, let him kill people casually, see him later, the world dare not kill anyone."

Brush, oh, ah, 噗通,滋滋滋,哗...



I continued the code word, but it was less than two thousand words... It was the first in June. The brothers who have a guaranteed monthly ticket request a few support.

Now I still owe my debts. I owe seven chapters in the mid-month leave, double-fill the fourteen chapters, and now I have added nine chapters. If I don’t finish it, my promise is not to have a monthly ticket... except for the guaranteed monthly ticket, I’ll hold a few cheeks. ......

Continue to make up next month. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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