Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 925: presumptuous!


When Ling Hanxue came in, he did not say who would like to see Chu Yang. This is the meaning of respecting Chu Yang: no need to divide you. [High quality update.]

Chu Yang’s heart is somewhat touched, and it’s not respectful. It’s the respect. After all, Chu Yang’s strength is still top secret, and it’s calculated by the strength of Chuyang on that day. In the realm, Lingjia can give this respect at this time, it is a very valuable attitude.

The voice of Chuyang just fell, and the old man standing on the outside smiled softly, his voice was cold like the north wind, and slowly said: "Lingjia, Lingyangyang; I have seen the contemporary nine-robber sword master!"

One side of Huang Xia Liu and all the Huang family masters are like being hit by the golden mine, and suddenly dizzy, almost can not believe their ears.

Lingjia, Ling Yuyang!

Did he come in person? !

What does this name mean? ! It can scare people and scare the soul!

This name is one of the founders of the nine major families. The name of the ancestor of Lingjia!

The son of the last generation of the nine robbers!

Ling Xiaoyang, who is a three-year-old sword, is murdered at the age of five. At the age of seven, he has been holding the sword and fighting the throne without falling into the wind. He hated his enemies in his life, walked the rivers and lakes, killed the world, and the whole rivers and lakes were frightened.

Among the nine great ancestors, the most murderous one is the Lingjialing yang.

But in the entire rivers and lakes, the most respected, but also Lingjialing Fuyang.

Ling Xiaoyang never kills innocent people.

Shovel the unsatisfactory things in the world, kill people who can kill in the world!

This sentence has always been the motto of Ling Yangyang. It is the standard of behavior of his rivers and lakes.

Chu Yang looked up and stared.

Outside, in the endless ice and snow, two sharp eyes stunned, and shot straight in, just right on the two eyes of Chu Yang.

Two people. Four eyes, met in half space, contact.

At this moment, even Ling Han Xue, who stood on one side, clearly felt that in the air in the middle, the sword was invincible! It is like a sword of four masters, slamming together.

It’s just a gaze, but the vaguely screaming screaming screams and smashes, and the air is shattered.

It was a sword as a gaze. The sword is cracked into the void, and the power is the same, it is really terrible!

One old, one young, two generations of masters, there is no verbal communication, it is the opposite direction of the sword. Great move!

Is it going to start? !

All of them suddenly felt the pressure of being as heavy as a mountain and suddenly hit their hearts.

Speaking, suddenly, the air sword collapsed. Everyone feels that there seems to be a meteor falling from the sky. disappear.

Chu Yang regained his gaze, his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart. Still and still. Ling Xiaoyang also retracted at the same time, slightly conspicuous, and then opened again, looking at Chu Yang deeply. The voice is cautious and heavy, saying: "Nine robbery sword masters, really worthy of the name. If the old eyes are not dim, the Chu sword master is the sword in the supreme. And, has now reached the nine products! So accomplished. Not only Amazing, even more incredible!"

Among the voices of Ling Xiaoyang, there is a taste similar to ‘thriller’. The Supreme Sword is not surprising, and the nine-piece supreme does not matter, but the problem is in the age of Chuyang.

So young, so accomplished, Ling Xiaoyang never seen. I never even thought about it. To know that Ling Xiaoyang is more than 10,000 years old this year, it is only slightly higher than Chu Yang in his 20s.

No one knows, Ling Xiaoyang’s words have caused a huge shock to Ling Hanxue!

Supreme in the sword? And still nine products supreme?

! !

Ling Hanxue almost fell to the ground at this moment.

Dizzy and stunned, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Chu Yang incredibly, like watching a prehistoric monster.

Ling Hanxue has been with Chu Yang for some time, thinking that he "knows" the strength of Chu Yang, although in the process of separation, Chu Yang may have progress, but even how to improve, how can it, after all, less than The scenery of the year!

However, Ling Xiaoyang gave the height of Chu Yang to the top nine products. This is not only unquestionable, but even more doubtful!

However, what kind of promotion rate is this? This is too fast, right? !

When he saw this guy before the Wanpin ceremony last year, he was the emperor? Or is it a monarch?

Of course, according to the age of Chu Yang, it is very valuable to have such a level of strength. However, in a year's time, he has crossed so many levels and directly rose to the nine products!

And it must be the Supreme in the sword! It is enough to surpass the super strong savvy of all the same level!

This... enchanting!

Ling Hanxue thought incredulously: Is this true or false? Obviously, she should not question the judgment of her ancestors, but she still couldn't help but doubt, because it is too ridiculous!

She even hopes that Chu Yang can give a negative statement. She would rather be a mistake of her ancestors, but she would not believe it. This young man has reached the achievement of others, a lifetime or even a few lifetimes!

But immediately after Chu Yang’s words, she completely broke her hopes and made her completely stunned.

"Ling Lao really has a good eyesight, and at a glance, he has an insight into the current progress of Chu, the achievements of the district, and the lack of hanging teeth." Chu Yang calmly looked up and smiled slightly: "Ling is coming from afar, can you give a thin face and have a drink?"

He just bowed his head and met with Ling Xiaoyang's slightity. In fact, they all took the opportunity to eliminate the damage of their invisible swords to their eyes. In this section, both of them are well aware that the current strength of the two is just at the level of the middle and the middle. Perhaps Lingyang is higher than some, but not much.

Therefore, Ling Xiaoyang only said that the words of the nine products are the highest, because that is the realm of his present.

"Good!" Ling Xiaoyang stepped forward without hesitation.

Both Huang Xia Liu and Huang Jia masters felt that a sword full of killing spirits came out of the sheath and carried endless sharps and turned into human figures step by step.

An inexplicable illusion arises spontaneously. The person you see in your eyes, in your own feelings, is clearly a sword, a peerless sword with endless edge!

Everyone subconsciously feels the pain of their skin. It seems that it has been split by the sword.

Ling Xiaoyang walked step by step to the front door. The two Huangjia Supreme masters on both sides of the front door had long been stunned by him, and they could not help but straddle two steps. Then they felt that it was not enough, and they took two more steps. Still feeling that the sword is still coiled in the throat and other important points, simply brushing back three steps. Going back five steps!


The backs of the two men leaned against the wall at the same time, or it was more suitable to hit the wall.

After even retiring twelve steps, he was forced to retreat to the walls on both sides of the yard. This collision actually hit the wall and shook, almost not falling down.

How can a wall in a district block the decline of the Supreme Power? There is no reason for him. The two supreme powers have all put all their strength, skill, and physical strength on the sword that is completely traceable, but can be clearly sensed. That collision has only the power of ordinary people, although the momentum I was in a hurry and finally failed to knock down the wall!

Both of them are ashamed.

The so-called layman watched the excitement, and the insiders looked at the doorway. Although the two men could not understand the realm of Ling Xiaoyang, they also understood that this situation is still not targeted by Ling Xiaoyang. Otherwise, even if it is just ordinary momentum, as long as he is fully committed If so, the second-class supreme like himself will definitely be crushed to death by his momentum?

If you are murderous, don't use it, look at yourself, or sigh, you can easily get it!

I am a sword, my eyes are condensed, although it is the legendary magic, the people in front of it must know!

"These two people, are you people?" Ling Xiaoyang asked calmly.

"No." Chu Yang smiled.

He understood what the other party meant: the two were really too weak.

Chu Yang has a fascinating look, and there are counts in the heart: Ling Xiaoyang is equal to the implementation of Ma Wei? or……

"Retreat!" Ling Xiaoyang did not turn around, just a light drink.

Several Huangjia masters only felt that their hearts were shaken, and they almost had to spur blood. There was still a guilty conscience, and they should retreat in a sigh of relief.

"This kid is..." Ling Xiaoyang looked at Huang Xia Liu, and his brow frowned.

This kid is not very ugly, and it is more rubbish. At most, it is a little more limited than ordinary people. How can there be such a friend around the nine robbers, so that even if they are self-recommended as servants, they are too shameful, and they are too involuntary. Now!

"The younger generation is the person of the southeast Huangjia, Huang Xialiu... I have seen it, I have seen... Ling old predecessor..." Huang Xia Liu was looked at by the other party’s usual vision, and somehow suddenly felt like she was dead. Also like.

For a moment, as the end of the day, the death will be normal, and the feeling of the bones will suddenly come to life, and suddenly it will scare almost the fart.

Seeing that Huang Xia Liu was so unbearable, Ling Xiaoyang’s eyes glimpsed and said: “So what is the qualification of waste materials? I am not going to retreat!”

Chu Yang brows a wrinkle, but did not stop to stop, just faintly said: "Ling old, you are old and powerful."

Ling Xiaoyang stood in front of him, cold and cold: "Oh?"

"Where I am, there will never be my enemy." Chu Yang said coldly and coldly: "I believe that you are the same. But nowadays, relying on your own tyrannical strength, bullying? Bullying a young man I don't know if this can make Ling Lao a little more pleasant?"

“Is it going to be very cool?” Chu Yang hurriedly looked up and looked like a slap in the face.

Outside, the other seven Ling family members sang in unison, and everyone looked at them with a bad face: "What is your kid, dare to talk to his ancestors?! I really thought that the nine robbers would Is it amazing?"

"Let's relax!" Chu Yang slowly turned his gaze and drank back. His eyes are fabulous, cold and constant, like a vulture staring at his prey: "What are you guys, dare to talk to me?! The nine robbers are of course great! How many of you want to teach?"

In an instant, the relatively calm atmosphere suddenly changed.


<Infusion, come back later, I continue to code the third and make up. >

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