Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 58: The patient who fell in the sky!

"If I said no, what do you do?" Tiger brother asked a little dignified.

"Then I would like something else." Chu Yang smiled calmly and said: "The channel for money does not have to be from here."

“Why?” Tiger asked strangely. It did not find it by itself. In this sentence, there was a long-lost, strange emotion.

It bowed its head and prevented Chu Yang from seeing his own eyes. But only it knows in its own heart, and is looking forward to an answer.

"Why is there any reason?" Chu Yang said, of course, strangely: "Because you are different from the beasts in the game field of the beast, now you are my partner. We just signed a partnership contract. Don't you know?" What?"

"Amount..." Tiger brother did not speak.

"Since it is a partner, of course I have to respect your choice." Chu Yang said: "If you do not agree to fight against these lower spirits, then what do I force you to mean? The partner is not a subordinate, nor a slave. It’s not that I can order, we have to discuss it. You know this very well, why do you still ask why?”

The tiger brother bowed his head and snorted in his throat for a while. For a long time, he was almost indescribable: "In fact, I also want to go to the Colosseum for a while... to fight a few times... Oh, just for some memories in my heart..."

He said these words are extremely light and very vague; Chu Yang did not hear clearly, and asked: "What do you say?"

Tiger brother suddenly raised his head and smiled and said: "Of course I am willing to go, hahaha... I like to play pigs and eat tigers. I like it the most. Every time I see those guys who think they are eating me, I suddenly feel like I’m going to hit the big one. The board, the eyes reveal an incredible mortal look, my heart is like the sweetness of eating honey, hahaha..."

A burst of mad laughter, Chu Yang face black line.

This goods is actually as insidious as myself...

"That's good! Let's go play pigs and eat tigers!"

"Hey! Hey!"

One person and one beast continue to walk dragons.

Chu Yang is thinking: Does the tiger brother seem to have a heart, or feel? I always feel that my heart is not very fast... Why? I want to find a way to make it happy...

Tiger brother is thinking: Well, this Chu Yang is really good... Just because of this respect, I don’t want to worry about my heart, hey, benefactor, where are you? Really miss, the short gathering...

All the way back, came to a secluded place, Chu Yang quietly changed the shape, and then completely ignored the opposition of Hu Ge, forcibly let it restore the real body, the size of the palm, a glimpse into the arms, hurriedly returned to the men's hall.

The cat is greasy and this will be completely messed up.

The cat teacher is really depressed now!

He had been meditation in the room, but he couldn't keep his heart. He was so worried that he turned around in the yard. He had not turned two rounds, and suddenly he fell from the sky!

Very accurate and very heavy on the head of the cat teacher!

"Awkward grass! I took a sly pain to kill the cat.... Who is attacking me! I am mad at me..." With the cultivation of the cat teacher, I did not notice it in advance, and more It was got a big, swollen bag from the cat's head. This time it was like a unicorn.

"I want to fight with you!" The cat teacher was stunned for a long while, only to get up, just to be angry, but found that the person who descended from the sky did not have to fight again, this will have been bleeding, unconscious Faces like gold paper, dying, and worrying about life.

Seeing that I am going to die. This makes the cat's greasy anger ignite instantly.

Trying to kick two feet, someone did not respond at all; with the experience and eyesight of the cat teacher, I also saw that this person is really injured and dying, and it is very likely that it will be completely finished soon...

"It’s really a slippery world, the world’s great Tang! Oh!” said the cat teacher: “There is still such a suicide attack from heaven...”

骂 骂 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Switching to any other person, even if you don't immediately add a knife to this guy, it will only throw it away. After all, dead people mean trouble, and seriously hurt people who are dying.

But the cat teacher is still very old-fashioned: help the poor, help the knife!

First, I tried to give this guy a bone. The cat teacher found something wrong: this guy almost smashed his fracture, but he didn’t have anything to do with it. The bones on his body seemed to be slightly misplaced. nothing!

"It's really a hard bone." The cat teacher lamented.

In the spirit of saving the wounded and dying, the cat teacher gave the guy a self-cultivation to help heal the wound, but it was very, very, that the body's meridians were like a bottomless pit. After the cultivation was entered, there was no reaction at all.

According to the judgment of the cat teacher, judging from the situation at hand, I am afraid that even if I have to drain myself and die, I am afraid that this person will not wake up.

"I scribble! Is this a monk?!" The cat teacher suddenly stopped, and did not dare to make it.

In desperation, I had to give this guy a healing remedy, but the cat teacher himself knew that this was a complete cup of water, and the situation at the moment, only hope that Chu Yang can still have a tone.

If this guy can't keep up, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the strength to help him wait...

Fortunately, although this guy is seriously injured, he seems to be unable to come up at any moment, but he can feel like a fart at any time, but it is full of vitality. The last fire is awkward, it will not go out... it is like the wind. The candle in the middle, shook and swayed, and it was clear and dark, but it was never destroyed.

"This survival is really good..." The cat teacher admired it.

The cat teacher ran out to see it after a while, and ran out after a while... Finally, I hoped that the stars would look forward to the moon and hope that Chu Yang would return.

"You can come back!" The cat teacher looked forward to seeing.

"Oh?" Chu Yang is very strange.

"Looking for you can still do it, save people." Cat teacher took Chu Yang and left.

"Save... people?" Chu Yang stopped when he had not finished speaking because he had already seen the people who needed to save himself.

"What is this guy going on?"

"I don't know exactly what happened....Why would I walk in the yard, and then I slammed, this person was on my head! I fell down, and then I got up and found this. The person was seriously injured..." The cat teacher pointed and painted.

"Stop!" Chu Yang decisively raised his hand and interrupted the cat teacher's narrative.

Because Chu Yang discovered that the cat teacher is definitely not a storyteller. In his narrative, suspense is definitely enough, but the problem is... the person who listens to the story does not seem to understand anything! Because there is no process at all, there is no shadow of the ins and outs!

Squinting at the cat and greasy and tired, Chu Yang sighed weakly: "Please, please... temporarily shut up, I will save people first..."

"Oh..." The cat teacher endured silently. It was just a low and light scream that expressed his faint dissatisfaction.

Chu Yang immediately fell into a busy treatment.

But the last word of the cat teacher was a word, but it caused an uproar*.

I saw a small, hand-sized cat in Chu Yang’s hand, and went to the cat teacher’s arms. She narrowed her eyes and looked up. She looked at the cat teacher and used a kind of 'others’ knowledge. 'The expression voice said: "Hey?"

The cat teacher barely stumbled, and looked at the little guy in his arms with amazement, his lips groaning, and a feeling of chaos in the wind: "Hey? You will be jealous?"

Tiger brother licked his six beards with a front paw, then stretched out to grab the cat teacher's six beards and yelled, saying: "喵???"

The cat teacher violently knocked down his front paws and glared at him: "Hey!"

The tiger brother bowed his head and seemed to be smothering.

The cat teacher smacked his beard.

Chu Yang’s voice echoed the voice of the tiger brother: “You are a big cat in this humanoid shape, it’s a stupid*!”

Chu Yang suddenly was shocked by this sentence, a burst of laughter to the unbearable feeling of oil, however, a hand, a shake, a whole incomplete version of the nine heavy Dan just cut in half, the complete two pieces are Fall into the guy's mouth in the bed.

"Oh yeah!!" Chu Yu is crazy: "My medicine! My peerless medicine, you are two defeated things that are not enough to defeat you!"

The cat teacher and the tiger brother turned their heads at the same time. The question was: "Hey~~?"


Even if it is not because of an idiot and a certain idiot, Chu Yang will be mad.

In the end, what kind of sorcerer did you get a special disease number? It seems to have fallen from the sky?

There are pies in the sky, there are discus throws, traps, traps, etc., and maybe even beautiful!

However, I have never heard of serious injuries!

Moreover, the injury of this person in front of him is too heavy and too heavy. If it is only a serious injury, Chu Yang will recognize it. It will take a little bit of blood and waste some medicine. But this person is really weird.

Note that it is not a weird, but a weird person!

The internal organs are not damaged, the sense of consciousness is not damaged, the body's meridians are very wide and unobstructed. I believe that even if the master of the heavens, such as a cat, is not so good, it is just a lack of vitality, and it is almost dead. . It may be finished at any time... So strangely hurt, Chu Yang is the first time I see it.

Juyang’s judgment is not necessarily a complete version of Jiuzhong Dan, and may not be effective. Therefore, I plan to use only half a try. It is good to save it. It’s enough to save it, enough to explain it to someone.

As a result, I was stunned by a word, a beast, and I went in.

Incomplete version of the nine-deno Dan entrance, instantly has become a vitality!

Chu Yang sighed: destined to be wasted.

Then I turned around and asked the cat to be tired: "Cat teacher, who is this person? Your friend?"

The cat is greasy and greasy: "What my friend, how do I know who he is?"


Test you: Since I was in Scorpio, I have been working on various lines. At present, there are seven lines, three of which are long lines and four short lines... Who can list for me? (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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