Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 83: Nine powers

Moreover, another thing that can't be imagined in the mountains is that in this world, the extreme garbage physique like this really exists!

What is even more unexpected is that it exists on one's benefactor. Exist in the little brothers I have just approved!

Do you want to get people? Is there an endless creation? What is the situation with his mother? I am going!

This kind of result, even with the power of words, can not help but lose the way!

"The heavens and the earth are two, the yin and yang poles, the power of the five elements..." A wooden stake like a mountain fell on the bed: "...all ready! How can there be such a thing under the sun?"

"Nine Dantians are different... How could this be?"

Ruanshan whispered to himself: "What should I do? Is it really a talented person?!"

The cat is greasy and sighs.

They can fully understand what it is like to be in Chuyang. This is definitely a super devastating blow for an ambitious warrior!

This is equivalent to completely blocking the way forward of Chuyang's martial arts! From now on, even if it is only a higher level, it will become an unreachable scorpio, let alone a peak!

For such ambitious people as Chu Yang, it is better to kill him.

The cat is greasy and sighs like a mountain, and there is no speech.

"If it can't be done..." Yan Rushan sighed: "I can use my authority to arrange Chuyang into the East Emperor's Gate, become an official, or arrange him to become the staff of Donghuangtian Medical Department to guarantee his life. Peace, even if only the level is repaired, it is enough..."

The cat greasy and shook his head: "Difficult. Hard."

When I think of Chu Yang’s temper, I can’t help but sigh.

If you really can't go further, or Chu Yang will still struggle unrelentingly. Until... the day he died!

Chu Yang's character, this is the way!

It is not a long time for the two cats to get along with Chu Yang, but they have reached the point where they know each other. As a result, others may still succumb to reality. But Chu Yang is never accepted!


Chu Yang is after a very crazy big fight. After all, I will return to the original point and try to solve the problem before I am on the right track.

Nine Dantians just make the journey of practice difficult, but there is no fundamental practice. Since there is still a road to practice, even if it is rugged, it is very rough. As long as you find the right direction, way, and method, there is still a day to success.

After a detailed observation, Chu Yang discovered that his nine dantians still have their own differences.

Nine Dan Tian clustered together and formed a strange shape in Chu Yang's body.

Up and down is the world. Inside and outside is yin and yang. Surrounded by the middle, it is the power of the five elements of the golden wood.

Every place is filled with some energy, although the energy in each place is very weak, but it is very real.

These forces are extremely small compared to Dantian’s still small storage capacity. Chu Yang suddenly found out: It is not going to let these nine kinds of energy get together, and after they have reached the breakthrough conditions, can they break through?

If so. Then. The power of heaven and earth, the power of yin and yang. The power of the Five Elements, where should I get it from?

"Sword spirit, this situation, how to solve? Do not tell me, you do not know the solution!" Chu Yang looked at his own Dantian.

Sword Spirit was summoned from the space of the Nine Robbery, looking at the Dantian of Chuyang, the color of the collapse of his face.

When I heard the question from Chu Yang, I didn’t answer it for a while. I just opened my mouth and looked desperate.

Chu Yang’s mood was like a fire, and there was almost a feeling of collapse. I hope that Jian Ling can give himself a positive answer.

However, after seeing the spirit of the sword as the expression of the end of the day, he slowly calmed down.

How is this happening to me? In the past, countless big winds and big waves have come. How can I be so disheartened today? I just said that I will not rely on external forces any more. This will not be the only way to solve problems myself. Is it not relying on external forces? ? !

If you can't stand this kind of blow, then the people who follow you will be even more unbearable! No matter what the desperate situation, but your own mentality does not say calm, at least calm!

After a long, long time, Sword Spirit said in a low voice: "I can't do anything. As far as I know, there is no solution."

Chu Yang faintly said: "There is no way?"

Hearing the calmness in Chu Yang’s voice, Jian Ling could not help but raise his head in a strange way. If you change to someone else, I am afraid that even the heart of suicide will be there, let alone peace of mind.

But Chu Yang’s current calm attitude is by no means a pretense. Sword Spirit can clearly feel Chu Yang's pulse, heartbeat, blood flow, everything, there is no abnormality!

This phenomenon shows that the current state of Chu Yang is an absolutely calm state.

How did he do it? To face and withstand such a big blow, is he completely unfocused?

Under the influence of Chu Yang's transcendental calm, Jian Ling only felt that he was already close to collapse and gradually calmed down.

"Yes, there is no way, crushing is even more impossible. Any broken Dantian is representative. The body of the sword master will completely collapse. The only feasible solution is to gather enough energy needed! Keep filling it up. Constant efforts, continuous accumulation, and when it comes to the water, it will advance, with such accumulation, there will be no bottleneck state." Sword spirit's voice is heavy.

"Since then, every step of the promotion, every promotion, is the case."

Chu Yang long and long spit out a breath, then he slowly closed his eyes.

There will be no bottlenecks. This is the only good news so far. He wants to get to the bottleneck state. I don’t have to fill up so many Dantians. I have all the powers I have practiced before. One-hundredth of the nine dantians, or even one-thousandth of them, are not filled, slowly...

Sword Spirit is still waiting with full fear.

An unspeakable sense of oppression continues to accumulate.

Chu Yang finally opened his eyes and looked calmly at the front. He said: "Explain to me what is the power of heaven and earth, what is the power of yin and yang, what is the power of the Five Elements."

His voice was a little paused at the beginning, but when it came to later, it was already a slap in the face. Full of enthusiasm!

Sword spirit suddenly felt. At this moment, Chu Yang has changed.

It’s just like a thunder!

"Does the sword master really want to try to break through the biggest obstacle between the heavens and the earth... obstruction?" Sword Spirit asked incredulously: "There are more than three Dantians, which have always been called the martial arts 'world's restricted area'. There is no hope, and it will be reduced in ancient times. If there is such a person, there is no possibility of a martial art."

Chu Yang's face is calm. Calm and even a little cold: "What about that?"

"I have already reached this step! Don't go forward, can't you go back?"

"My life is to go against the sky; cultivation, the essence is to **** energy with the heavens and the earth! Change the fate of the people defined by the heavens and the earth!"

Chu Yang said coldly: "I have no choice but to move forward!"

His eyes seemed to flash a blazing flame.

Swording saw his eyes and couldn't help but shudder.

Chu Yang's eyes. It’s like to burn this nine-day scorpion completely!

Suddenly, Jian Ling understood Chu Yang’s determination.

He is really going to be on the road that has been called the ‘the world’s restricted area’ since ancient times.

This person will never back off!

Even a step will not!

"Sword spirit, I hope that you can remember a sentence, a very important word..." Chu Yang said faintly.


"No matter how difficult, no matter how hopeless. But we. After all, still alive! As long as you live, there is hope. There is a future!" Chu Yang word.

"The current situation, compared with the situation when we just went down to the iron cloud, how? Compared with the past life, I am struggling on the road of all hopeless rivers and lakes, how? Compared with the last moment of the previous life, compared with the battle of the wind and thunder ,how is it?"

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "Since I can create the legend of the Nine Heavens continent, I can continue to write the legend of this world in Jiuzhong Tianzhu! Hey, the so-called heaven and earth restricted area? What about it? As long as there is still a breath, you Know that I can't break through the restricted area of ​​this world? Entering the martial arts?!"

"Miracles have always been created by people. Others can't, maybe I can't!"

Chu Yang ordered: "Now! Immediately! Explain to me these nine forces!"

Legend continues, just today!

The next moment, when I heard Chu Yang’s decisive words, the originally dejected sword spirit suddenly felt that she was full of confidence again. I feel a little confused, desperate, and calm down again.

Since Chu Yang said that it can, it will certainly!

Step by step from the next three days, what can be said that Chu Yang did not do it?

How many times can't be done, it's impossible to succeed, and even if it's difficult, it's always desperate. Even if you are desperate, you may not be able to show hope in despair!

Stepping into the present, working hard in the future, everything is hopeful!

For the rest of the world, the inability to break through the restricted area of ​​the world, is a relatively difficult test for Chu Yang, or is it actually a source of motivation? !

Who can tell this?

"First of all, the power of heaven and earth, this is relatively good to collect, it is the power of heaven, the power of the earth." Jianling said: "As for the power of yin and yang, also known as the power of life and death; in fact, if it is a different way It can also be said that it is the power of the sun and the moon, and it is used by me. Since ancient times, the sun is yang and the moon is yin. It is not difficult to understand things."

"In fact, there is another saying about the power of yin and yang. The power of life and death, dividing the boundaries between yin and yang, is the power of life and death. This may be relatively difficult for others to collect, but the power of the nine-robbery sword can be used in every When killing an enemy, it devours vitality and death. This power, which did not know why it is hidden, reappears at this time, or God may not.


(To be continued...)

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