Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 85: crazy?

Especially after a certain level, it is even more so. Perhaps after three years of cultivation for three years, one day suddenly discovered: Hey, he has reached a certain point...

Therefore, it will never be felt after a day of cultivation, or even less than one day: Hey, he has improved! Progress is so fast - this is absolutely nonsense, not even in the legend!

But now, at this moment, this absolutely nonsense thing has appeared in Chu Yang.

Chu Yang clearly can clearly feel that his cultivation is increasing, and still can be seen.

Moreover, nine Dantian, all of them!

What's happening here? Is your own qualification for cultivation not the most garbage? How can there be such a progress?

Chu Yang was completely confused.

According to the greasy and sword spirit of the cat, his physique belongs to the kind of no future. The progress of the practice is not to progress forever, at least it is slow to the extreme!

But how can the current situation be the opposite? I have clearly sensed that I have made obvious progress!

Garbage physique, genius progress?

Chu Yang is full of confusion, puzzling: Is it all about its own illusion? Because of being too anxious, there is an illusion?

It is really because the assertions given by the two people are too determined. At this moment, Chu Yang does not dare to deny this possibility.

So Chu Yang began to firmly remember the situation of Dantian, closed his eyes, and once again tried his best to luck the nine heavens. This time, they did not open their eyes and deliberately observed, nor did they have internal vision.

It’s just a whole thought, the two things that I have forgotten.

It wasn't until he felt that his spirit was tired and could no longer support it.

Immediately after the first time, he opened the internal view, and then he suddenly screamed.


Really increased!

Although it has increased very little, even if it can't be said to be almost negligible, at most it is just a glimpse. However, it is necessary to know that the difference between ‘almost negligible’ and ‘completely neglected’ is the difference between heaven and earth, two completely different concepts!

Especially, in the aspect of practicing!

Any bit by bit, a little bit of growth is very valuable, even if it is only a growth of the Nine, it is still a considerable improvement!

Chu Yang can't help but feel a little stunned at a time: I believe that even the most genius physique of the Nine Heavens, it may not be as strong as it grows during cultivation! Significant growth visible to the naked eye!

If the full value of Dantian is five hundred; then, now, after that time, I have already filled in about 5% of it!

No matter how genius physique, as long as it is not by means of external forces such as Tiancaibao, it is believed that there will never be such a cultivation speed.

The most garbagey body, but has a faster cultivation speed than the most talented physique?

Then, can this be called garbage? If this is still called garbage, how should those geniuses be named, super garbage? Invincible garbage? ! Fairy trash?

Chu Yang explored the look up and looked out the window.

I don’t know when it’s already a starry window. Look at the hour, about three or more days.

When I started practicing, it was mostly in the morning, and the sun was empty.

At this moment, the entire practice time is almost... half a day and a half?

There is such an achievement in the middle of the night...

Chu Yang eagerly awakened the sword spirit: "Come and help me see, what is this?"

Sword spirit is confused: "What is going on?"

Chu Yang looked at him with his eyes open, opened his mouth, closed it, and then opened his mouth, finally stunned his face, somewhat uncertain: "You look at my own Dantian, I know I want to ask What are you doing?"

Sword spirit full of doubts, began to visit the Dantian of Chuyang. At first glance, I couldn't help but scream, and my face was completely distorted: "Ah! What did I see?~~~ This is this... What is this? I said, how do you do this? What happened?"

As the most familiar person to Chu Yang, Jian Ling clearly knows the situation of Chu Yang just now. However, I sighed a few times, and after a while, God’s effort was actually increased.

And it’s such an extreme garbage...

This one……

Sword spirit looked up and looked at Chu Yang. He said, "I said, this is what is this?"

Chu Yang can't laugh and cry: "This is not the question I want to ask you! You still ask me?!"

"Sword Lord," Sword language is incoherent: "You took Tiancai Dibao? Although it can help to repair, it is not a cure, but it is only a matter of urgency. Can't make that fundamental mistake!"

Chu Yang frowned. A little unhappy: "I said Sword Spirit, what do you think about it? Am I a kind of person who is not important? How can I use Tiancai Dibao? This is the result of my hard work. I ask you, what kind of heavenly treasure can raise nine kinds of energy at a time? You can fill nine dantians at once? You don't have to find out, as long as you say a name, can you? !"

Sword spirit is completely speechless, and it seems that there is really no such treasure, but at least Sword Spirit does not know.

However, he is even more surprised!

Since there is no heaven and earth treasure, then what is going on? Can it really be practiced?

Is it possible?


Certainly impossible!

But what is the result of this? !

"Since I ended the conversation, I have been practicing until I just finished." Chu Yang said faintly: "Then I found out that my physique is not the same as what you said..."

Sword Spirit has lost the ability to speak.

Not the same? Is it different?

It is simply different!

"I said, do you think that this is still not a garbage physique?" Chu Yang slowly said: "If so, why is my practice progress so fast? If not, then what is my constitution?"


Sword Ling stunned and returned to the nine-robbery space. In the face of Chu Yang’s questioning, he simply did not know how to answer it. It seems that he can’t answer it!

He can only use a kind of horror to get up and crash, and silence.

But after he returned to the nine-robbery space, his heart was still unable to calm down.

Yeah, what is going on here?

This physique is theoretically the most garbagey body, but why is the result of cultivation the opposite?

Is this physique actually good physique? But this theory does not match? !

What is the matter of his mother? !

I don't understand!


Outside, Chu Yang Yang Tian meditates.

He walked out of the door unconsciously and came to the courtyard. Looking up at the sky, facing the stars, meditating.

The thoughts are becoming more and more clear. Chu Yang can clearly feel his own chaotic emotions. In this night wind, he gradually calms down. It seems to be a clear and clear spring water flowing slowly from the spotless jade.

In his heart, he gradually developed some kind of enlightenment.

"My physique, although specific, is definitely not a garbage physique."

"My physique is probably a super-genius physique that has never appeared before, or... is an undocumented physique. After all, no one, any information has ever asserted that there can be no amazing progress in the possession of multiple dantians. I have never had it before, it doesn't mean that I can't have it! Who am I? I am the master of the Nine Robbers! I am the legend of Jiuzhongtian!"

"In other people's garbage, but in fact, my physique is not the same, there is no hidden."

"I have more than eight Dantians than others, and at the same time have a faster progress than others. This kind of thing can never be transmitted. Once it is spread out, I am afraid... troubles."

"No matter what my physique is, my physique is my physique. This is unchangeable and needs to be changed."

"When I was identified as junk, I can accept it. Now, I have nothing to accept. I have already written the legend, but it is only the legend."

Chu Yuzuo thought for himself, and his heart was stinky.

Chu Yang originally planned to be good. If it is really so rubbish, then at most, he will pay ten times more effort than others, ten times less, then one hundred times, one hundred times, that is thousands of times...

People are forced out!

Chu Yuzuo has always been very determined: nothing more than to force himself. Is it true that Chu Yang, I really can't succeed? What is the quality of the garbage?

However, I did not expect that my physique did not give me a heavy blow, but gave me a huge surprise!

This surprise is directly equal to the thirty-three heavens from the hell!


Laozi Niu!


Chu Yang thought about it and smiled lightly.

When the cat was tired and walked out, Chu Yang was smiling there. Full of relaxation, full of pleasure, it seems that it is to integrate your body into the night wind, into the natural ease of the world.

The cat is greasy and sees this situation.

Originally intended to persuade Chu Yang, suddenly all in the throat. When he wants to come, Chu Yang is now sure that he is unwilling to live, angry and desperate, now the most helpless, the most sad... the most need for his own comfort...

However, at first glance, it is quite different.

Is it because of the gesture?

Could it be that this cargo can't stand this heavy blow and is hit hard?

Well, it is very possible.

The cat was tired and nervous, and walked to Chuyang in a few steps. He stretched out a hand and shook it in front of Chuyang. He asked nervously: "Chuyang, how many?"

Chu Yang looked at his fingers inexplicably, and the second monk couldn’t touch the mind: "What do you do with your feet? What is the night of the night?!"

"When the bird is finished!" The cat was tired and whim.

Chu Yang is really crazy, actually recognized his fingers as a scorpion, the sick person always treats others as patients... Judging from these two major symptoms, it seems that it is crazy.


Please open your mobile phone and search for ‘Winling World’ on Public WeChat... I am waiting for you there. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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