Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 100: The true purpose of the Chinese family

"Fat, I am doing what you are doing. This is just a way for me to travel around the universe, and I have gotten countless exercises. If it is harmful, you screw my head to the urinal!"

Tiger brother looked at Chu Yang with disdain and said: "This is a kind of hypnosis-like practice, which will enlarge your benefits without limit, forming a belief in her heart!"

Tiger brother said: "Do you know how to make God?"

Chu Yang condenses his brow, and some wake up: "Create God?"

"Yes, there is no **** in the world, but when people worship more, there is God. Can you say that those who worship God are harmful?"

Tiger brother asked a question.

"It turns out that." Chu Yang is relieved. Immediately, it was a shock in the heart, recognizing the horror of this practice: If this method has been used all the time, then is there no traitor in this world?

The tiger brother saw the doubts of Chu Yang and said: "Do you think that anyone can use it? First, you must know this kind of practice, and second, repair to reach the point where the gods travel to heaven. Third, this kind of work The law is only suitable when the person has not started to practice or is very low... to be the most effective!"

"Do you think that the big man of the heavenly sage level will use such a practice for a mysterious level?"

"No. That spring is wasted and it is useless."

"That's not it?" Tiger said: "If I didn't see you so much to these little guys, and there are countless backhands, do you think I will do such a thankless thing?"

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "Not bad, Tiger brother, you really deserve to be commended!"

Tiger brother is proud: "Amethyst heart, take it. I helped you so much, a little bit of Amethyst heart?"

"Ha ha ha ... this is really great." Chu Yang happy laughter, a wave of his hand, countless amethyst heart instantly flooded the tiger brother, completely buried...

The tiger brother screamed and didn’t see what it was.

"Oh... you are going to kill me... What are these things..." Tiger brother shook his head and swayed out, and the next moment, his eyes went straight: "Hey! So much... actually so much... wow hahaha ...I sent it, I sent it..."

Looking at the tiger brother there, the Chu Yang was thinking about his chin: "Now... the situation is almost the same... What situation should I use to call those people and those sects?"

This is a grand movement. It is the most magnificent plan of Chuyang! As long as this plan begins, Chu Yang’s tyrants will start counting down.

But it's hard!

Need the most sophisticated design, you need a great temptation... need to shake the earth!

If the above conditions are not met, what Chu Yang is doing now, though not to say that it is useless, is difficult to do.

Chu Yang thought hard about it...

Just this evening.

Hua Siye quietly singled out and entered the city government.

"Master of the city, I wonder if your injury has healed?"

"Ha ha ha... well, what do you mean?"

"Oh, huh... I came to see an adult this time, I want to ask the city owner for something..."

"what's up?"

"We Jiangdong Huajia, willing to buy the Cangwu Mountain in the north of Zixia City at a price ten times the market price. As a family base, we also ask the city owners to complete."

"Cangwu Mountain? The land boundary there is not small... It is a full thousand miles, and the price is hundreds of thousands of Zixia coins. If it is ten times the market price..."

"Our Chinese family is willing to pay three million purple xia coins, cash on the spot, no default!"

"Three million?! On the spot to cash?" The master of the city suddenly stood up.

"Yes. If the adults agree, the money can be delivered immediately."

"I have seen the sincerity of the Chinese family...just, according to the law of the Nine Heavens, the Emperor's Law of the East... These land mountains are absolutely not allowed to buy or sell..." Although the urban master is very tempted by this sale, he is also swayed by law. Law, it seems a little hesitant.

If it wasn't for the Chinese family that helped him a lot this time, it was only for the stipulations of the law, and the urban master had already bombarded him. But now it is a little embarrassing.

"The urban master does not have to be embarrassed, we may be like this... We are not buying land forever, but buying the land for a hundred years..." Hua Siye exchanged a saying: "So a hundred years later, this The land is still owned by Zixia City and belongs to the East Emperor's Land. Such a cheap two earns, they are all happy, and there is no violation of the law..."

"This one……"

"The Lord of the City..." Hua Siye said: "As long as this matter can be achieved, our Chinese family... absolutely can't forget the grown-up!"

"What? You still have to bribe me?" The urban master immediately sank.

"Don't dare, adults are clean and honest, who doesn't know, you can buy a little bribe in the district... But as a friend, there is a sense of wealth, but the ceremony is the minimum number of gifts." Hua Siye's smile at this moment is even somewhat Humble, the words are more beautiful...

"Well... nothing, you will not plan to destroy this mountain? Or is there a hidden treasure under the mountain?" The eyes of the urban master are like two swords.

"This is not the case." Hua Siye's face remained unchanged, and he lowered his voice and said: "I don't want to be an adult. This mountain is a gathering dragon... And we Jiangdong Huajia, what is lacking now... I believe that adults too know."

Wendong came to a slow nod, this statement is more credible.

Jiangdong Huajia rumors that there has been no gas in this period of time, and it is crazy to find the air transport dragons everywhere...

For them, a dragon is indeed an invaluable treasure, about the prosperity of the family...

"Also ask the adults to complete." Hua Siye saw him meditating, and even stood up, respectfully and in the end: "For the Fahrenheit family. Please adults...10%!"

"But it!" The lord of the city sighed with relief: "I will send someone to hand over to you tomorrow, but I can only temporarily rent it... Hua Si, do you understand?"

"Understand! Enough! Thank you, adults!" Hua Siye took the lead and nodded.

At the moment of walking out of the city's main government, Hua Siye spit a long breath.

It finally became!

Two black shadows flashed from one side: "Four Lord, how?"

"It is!" Hua Siye's eyes flashed: "Immediately inform the family, send a strong hand to come, complete this matter as soon as possible! This matter is related to the future of the family, there must be no mistakes!"


Just when Hua Siye entered the city's main government, the Chu family compound also began the first time in history, and the total number of relevant personnel was summoned! Or, a large meeting of everyone collective!

Really everyone is participating!

Includes servants, including those children.

Even, including words like mountains and cats, these two are not outsiders!

Moderator, Chu Yang, Tie Butian.

A team of teenagers, children, entered from outside. Sit in a specific order in a certain order.

Everyone is a new, harmonious body, a special spirit.

Among the more than 5,000 people here, at least 5,000 people, for the first time in their lives, wear their own brand new, comfortable clothes!

Everyone is very excited on the face, excited from the bottom of my heart.

The number of people reported and counted, a total of 5,439 people, no one was absent, all attended.

Everyone gathered here, but it was full of silence.

Everyone cherishes their current life.

Now, it is not the time to speak out.

Do not dare to speak!

Can't speak!

If you are angered by the owner of the family, then it is not good. I am even sorry for the help of others...

People always have a conscience!

Especially for those who know the pictorial!

Chu Yang sits at the highest point, and the black clothes flutter in the wind. It is like a meteorite. It seems to be able to exist forever.

Seeing Chu Yang, the eyes of the following 5,000 people were almost hot at the same time.

It is this person, our master.

It is this person who has pulled us out of the abyss.

It is this person who has given us hope now and in the future!

It is this person, ours... benefactor!

For the rest of our lives, we must fight for him and try to maintain everything for him!

At this moment, the minds of the people naturally rise up to such thoughts.

At this point in time, this kind of thinking is definitely not influenced by the so-called 'mental loyalty' mentioned by Tiger.

Because they have not yet begun to temper the spirit.

It is only the simplest, purest loyalty that is grateful for gratitude, and reaches the loyalty of the soul!

In the eyes of the public, Chu Yang stood up slowly. At the moment when he stood up, no matter who he was, he couldn’t help himself.

This is a subconscious act, and the sole purpose of the act, or the idea is to present your best and most valuable side in front of this person!

"This time we are convening everyone, there are a few things to be embarrassed, and the most important thing is to talk to everyone and chat." Chu Yang's voice is very calm, calm and have a subtle feeling of 'of course calm'.

At this moment, there is a taste of authority.

"The first point, I believe many of you don't understand. Why should I take you here? It is not surprising that this is a suspicion. This is a human nature. We have just established a Chu family, there is no solid foundation of force, no too Many of the former masters have no background backing. So many people think that when we are at this time, we should work hard to consolidate our own power, we should pull the relationship around, etc. In short, we should not spend money on ordinary people, especially On the good deeds, it is a waste, a thing that is meaningless to the family."

Chu Yang’s voice was heavy and continued: “But I still choose to do this... In my case, it’s probably a compassionate heart. However, this compassionate heart is indeed for the future of our Chu family compound. It doesn't make sense... I want it, it's always strength, I think, you can be my strength, my heritage!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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