Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 190: We want revenge! [The third! 】

"So I want to send you out to learn the skills, only to learn the ability, with the ability to meet the circumstances, to cope with all the changes."

"When you go, everyone must bring a little purple coins, go out, don't grieve yourself, money is outside the body, the flowers will be spent, don't be reluctant." Chu Yang slowly stood up: "Perhaps When you have the ability, when you come back, you can't see our Chu family compound... or, at that time, we are still waiting for you to protect."

"But in this world, we must remember one sentence, natural selection, weak meat, strong survival."

Chu Yang said softly: "In the afternoon, someone will come to take you away. I hope that you, no matter where you are, don't forget our Chu family compound, and don't forget the brothers and sisters here."

"I hope more. At that time, everyone has the ability. If anyone wants to bully us, let us go back together!" Chu Yang Yang Tian sighed: "The taste of being bullied..." is not good..."

Without looking back, Chu Yang’s back went out a little.

There was a silence in the warehouse.

All children's eyes flashed with crystal tears.

Are you leaving?

Really have to go?

Really reluctant.

It’s only a few days after a good day, there are hateful bad guys to bully us, not let us be better!

Those people, all **** it!

"If I come back to learn the cost, whoever dares to bully our Chu family compound, I will kill their family, one will not stay!"

A child suddenly burst into tears and stood up.

"Who dares to bully us, kill him the whole family, one does not stay!"

More than three hundred children screamed and screamed, and then they cried.

Chu Yang brother is not not us, but he is now difficult to protect himself...·····

This section can be understood for these children who are too early to live in the world; but in such a bad situation, Chu Yang brother still chooses to send us out, to protect us. We also have a place to live, can learn Ability, have tomorrow, have the future ······

Xie Danqiong’s wife, Mrs. Mei’s eyes, tears and lips, said: “Children··· have to remember this home, remember us...”

"You go here, you have to go through the ages, and you don't know when you can come back, but what is certain is that when you come back, you all have grown up, and you don't look like now..."

"So don't forget to keep your own Tianbing brand.························································································ The Heavenly Soldier of Tianbing Pavilion is also a part of our Chu Family Courtyard!"

Mrs. Mei said that later, tears fell.

Below, there is only one cry.

Every child has a precious and heavy hand holding the Tianbing brand hanging in his neck, crying into tears.

In the future, perhaps this is the spiritual pillar of my own, the only comfort!

All the children made a wish at this moment—in this life and in this world, whenever and wherever, we must keep this comfort forever. We can give up everything, but we must not give up this comfort!

In the afternoon, when Snow Fairy and Haibo came over, I saw two hundred and ninety-five children crying like rabbit eyes.


One by one reluctantly, even, looking at the eyes of Snow Fairy and others, the extravagant hatred.

How can I go back like this?

In this way, it is not the two hundred and ninety-five enemies who are alive and well, but also the genius and enemies who have the ultimate qualification!

"Children." Xue Xianzi cleared his throat and said: "Now your big brother Chu has experienced an unprecedented crisis. He has no ability to protect you now. Even his own security cannot be guaranteed, so you will be Entrusted to us. I hope we will take you away and protect you. Let you grow up safely."

Snow Fairy said that she felt a toothache.

What is this called, where is the ‘trust, gave us? It is clear that we have paid a huge price, and the disciples who have been exchanged for it, and then say it, are simply bought with the wealth of astronomical figures. Even now I think it’s painful...·····

However, these words still have to be in accordance with Chu Yang’s embarrassment: If you don’t say this, I’m really afraid that when you bring people back, there will be huge troubles...·····

Combined with the situation in these two days, Xue Xianzi had to admit that this group of children had a super sense of identity with the Chu Family Courtyard. Each of them is part of this big family.

It’s really hard to take it with you. If you really say that they are actually bought back, it is estimated that the temple will be blown up on the spot. Once there is a contradiction in the heart, then the difficulty of training after going back will undoubtedly increase exponentially: people do not cooperate at all, how do you cultivate?

Therefore, although knowing that this is actually helping Chu Yang, but Xue Xianzi and Haibo have no choice, they can only accept the fate.

At the same time, some of them feel a little funny: even if you make it cheap for a while, do you expect Chu Yang to really remember these children forever?

So small, as long as you are in the mountain gate, once the colorful life is integrated into it! For three months, you will forget all about it! On the way to practice, the time is the most easy to pass. It is thirty or fifty years or even more than one hundred years. When these children are really talented, where will you remember who Chu Yang is!

Now it’s not necessarily a bad thing to get along with it.

"But ······" A little girl stared at the big eyes of the water spirit, said indignantly: "You are not very capable? Can you help us?" As long as you help the enemy of Chu Yang brother killed Can we continue to stay?"

Little Loli whispered while talking, screaming and angering.

"Yeah, why don't you help us? Why are you so worried?" Many children's eyes lit up and they questioned.

Snow fairy is a beggar.

Childhood is unscrupulous, but this is too outrageous?

We have tried our best and paid such a big price, just to take you to walk. Now, you actually let us help Chu Yang to cook the enemy and let you stay?

Then we also paid for it, but the last two hands are empty?

It seems that it is not right, it is not empty-handed, because helping Chuyang is equal to the two heavens and the earth on the other side of Yunzhongtian and Yuanshudu, fighting for the enemy, giving astronomical wealth, but also helping you to eat such a strong enemy, the benefits You have taken up, good people are also what you do, there is such a truth under the sun!

If you don’t help, you’re still worried...

Xue Xianzi smiled amiablely: "But... your Chu brother's enemies are very strong, we are not their opponents, and even the road that takes you back is also a crisis... Children, hopes are on you, as long as If you have done a good job, you can come back and help your Chu Yang brother, so work **** the children!"

"But...······We are afraid that Chuyang’s brother can’t wait. ......···························································································· Mom died like that, what can I do..."

Xue Xianzi can't laugh and cry: "You Chuyang brother must wait for it; but this big yard is not well preserved.... I will say it again, you left, but also let you Chuyang brother a lot more care, help If you don't want to talk about it, you are still very tired. If you are tired, you need to be distracted. This will only make Chuyang more dangerous. Is this the truth?"

As a result, Xiaozheng’s little Lolita slowly stopped the sorrow and grievances.

In the crowd, a 13-year-old white boy emerged in the crowd and said loudly: "Well, let's go with you, just, we have a request before we leave!"

"Yes! We have a request!" The little guys screamed in unison.

"What requirements? Even though, as long as we can do what we can, never push it!" Xue Xianzi and Haibo are relatively bitter, and their hearts are relieved. It is close to the end...

"This requirement is..." who is now bullying our Chu family compound, we have to know! You always know this?" This boy is obviously the head of this group of children, and the words are actually well organized. This son is the Chu Jinfeng.

"We need to know the name of each martial art, and who is the chief culprit in pressing Chu Yang's brother, we must know this!"

"Now we have no ability, even the tired Chu Yang brother was wronged. In the future, we must have a hundred times of revenge!" Two hundred and ninety-five children were in unison.

Obviously, these little guys rehearsed in advance.

"kill them!" Chu Jinfeng vibrates!

"Kill them!" More than two hundred children yelled together!

"Destroy them!" Chu Jinfeng vibration arm again.

"Destroy them!" Two hundred and ninety-five children are exhausted.

"Revenge and hate!" Chu Jinfeng once again led.

"Revenge and hate!" The children shouted and the scorpion was almost broken.

This kind of tender buzz does not have a slight repair, but it gives the snow fairy and Haibo a feeling of cold sweat and chills!


so horrible! !

If a person, a sect, or even a piece of heaven and earth, is so hated by such 295 super-genius teenagers, then once these children are full-fledged, I believe that even the Tianjian League will have a headache. !

The two looked at each other and were stunned by the sneaky and the sneak pebbles. They also felt a joy: the power of revenge is extremely powerful. With this motivation from the bottom of my heart, the future can be expected.

With revenge as the driving force, the progress of these little guys will be very fast! This is already expected!

Besides, Zhongjitian, Moyuntian, is our opponent. ah... It will be hostile sooner or later. Education is to start from the dolls, especially if the children are willing to do so, it will definitely be more effective.

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