Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 340: Thunder wants!

The reason for the princess and the prince to leave is not too simple: the queen will have a long life after the demon! The Lord and the Prince will rush back to celebrate the birthday of the mother.

The people of Jiuzhong Scorpio are all long-lived, even if ordinary people can live for one hundred to two hundred years, the Shouyuan of the military is a long, especially to the level of the demon, and it is almost undead. The so-called birthday has lost its meaning.

If you really want to have a birthday every year, then... conservative estimates have to go through millions of birthdays!

Therefore, the superb's birthday is also changed according to local conditions: for example, after the demon is a double nine, only once a birthday, known as the 99th birthday. In other words, an average of one hundred years before a birthday.

As for the rest of the time, at best, it is a matter of aggregating some of the more intimate people to have a meal, or simply not. The military career seems to have spent a long time in the retreat. Often a retreat is decades, how to birthday? Birthday is simply a delay!

After all, such as Chu Yang, Tan Yi, Chu Leer, and a brother who has been a gang of robes, it is only in his twenties that he has an ordinary person’s life and can’t reach the realm. It’s too rare...·····

However, the day of the specific birth of the superpower, such as the "Jiujiu Shou" of the demon, is not the same as the average birthday.

Speaking of the devil's 99th birthday, it has already begun preparations a few years in advance, and it is definitely one of the most grand festivals in the demon day, unparalleled!

As a son, my daughter must be rushing back to celebrate the mother's birthday, and the difference is absolutely nothing!

It is true that this year is indeed the year after the demon's ninety-nine-year-old birthday. However, Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu’s minds are very clear: the 99-year-old life is at least two months away. It is the right day at the coldest time.

Lonely-Bamboo City is very close to the demon's palace where the demon is located. At most, it is only seven or eight days. If you have the heart to catch up, you will go back in four or five days. What are you going to do so early?

But both of them are old rivers and lakes. They naturally know that the reason why their own grandfather is doing this is definitely to help Chu Yang and others get out.

As for the ‘Chu Leer’s big princess, those ‘the followers, can be imagined, those who fled to the place with Chu Yang all the way...

Anyway, the two people’s actions against the rain have long been pleasing to the eye. Now, it’s no big deal for them to help Chu Yang.

After the demon gives Yuantian a face, allowing you to fly in the Emperor's Day, this is not a fake, but after the demon has never been banned, we can't help Chu Yang, you are looking for you, we are leaving us, well water Do not commit the river!

So the pedestrians were so big and swaying, just under the eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers in the Mo Yuntian, they walked out of the Nancheng Gate!

Even Chu Yang did not think it would be so easy.

Before all, there are still a lot of things to be done, and at most, it is a fight, killing one enough, killing two to earn one, but for a long time, the situation has turned sharply and turned passive, taking the initiative to live in the dead, swaying The Enron is gone!

There is no reason to be fluent in the world!

Mo Yuntian commander rain is slowly standing at a high altitude at this moment, his face is unusually cloudy and looks at the Chuyang group of people walking out of the city gate. It seems that there is a burning fire in the eyes!

"Yu Shuai this group of people are all raw faces; although it is the demon of the demon princess, there are also styles, but...··· There is a lot of doubts and suspicions, can not help but prevent!" One said.

The rain snorted and said: "What is so strange, what doubts are there, what demon princesses are following? It is clearly those people!"

The deputy will have this speculation in everyone's mind, but no one dares to rush to break through. At this moment, see the handsome man's face and the unified face sinks: "If that is the case, then we..."

"I can't be with you now!" Rain slowly sullenly: "The demon princess is alone in the city? The people who entered the city some time ago have already marked the gods; but these people have no trace of knowledge at all... these followers How come it suddenly pops up?"

"All this proves that this is the people of Chuyang!"

"In other words, this is the Yaozu who is helping them in Chuyang." Rain is slower and darker: "But, through this matter, you can confirm that this is the demon prince, or the so-called princess. Meaning, it’s not the decision of the demon queen’s demon! Thanks for that!”

"Yes." The crowd will nod. The inference of the rain is obviously quite reasonable.

"At the moment in the Lonely Bamboo City, it is decided that we can't do it. Once we start, even if they are destroyed by us, they will be ruined by the wicked prince." A smile, a very interesting way: "The demon prince... Prince...·····hehehe····..."

Everyone can hear the wrath of anger in the rainy handsome tone. Who dares to speak at this mouth? Do not speak at all.

What has the humiliation of Yu Shuai’s life in the years? This time alone in the Emperor's Day, it was unprecedentedly pointed out by the demon prince, pointing at the nose, and it was the kind that was the most difficult to hear.

Rain handsome at this moment of anger, everyone can guess.

"Is there any news back?" asked the rain late and dull.

"Not yet. It seems that the demon emperor is also very jealous of this aspect." An adjutant next to him replied, "I am afraid to go to other places to inquire, and I can’t ask anything in the city of Lonely Bamboo. I can only come back in the afternoon."

"The news of this day has not been transmitted back." Another person replied.

The rain is slow and the brow wrinkles: "Hurry!"


"Is the front ground better? Is everything all properly arranged?" The rain is slower and the face is more gloomy.

"Arranged, but if you are guessed by me, then... I don't want to..." The deputy will hesitate.

"Now I can't take care of that much." Rain screams in the eyes of the violent murder: "If this is the case, as long as we do enough clean hands, then there will be no problem, at least not the problem we need to worry about." ”

The several generals beside them are heavy.

The atmosphere seems to be solidified.

The whereabouts of the demon prince and others have gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The rainy look is even more haze. For a long time, Shen Sheng said: "The dream is boundless, let his nightmare prepare, once there is news, the first wave of action is caused by nightmares and dreams!"


After Chu and other people went out of the city, in order to avoid the tracking of the enemy sage-level gods, they did not dare to move. They still walked slowly along the way, and it seemed that they were playing in the mountains.

This time is often the most crucial. Once there is a change, it may be noticed by the people. At present, this advantage will be broken instantly. Although everyone is worried, it can only be enjoyed on the surface.

"Big brother, the other party is likely to have discovered any clues, it is impossible to have no doubts." Chu Leer said.

"I certainly don't doubt that it's just that it doesn't matter if it is suspected for the time being. The situation is very subtle. - As long as we don't reveal too obvious flaws, the other side will not be moved; but as long as we are exposed, we will be sure. Just make sure And will take action immediately."

Chu Yang whispered: "So what we have to do is to calm down first. Even if they are now skeptical, but as long as they have not obtained the exact evidence, they will not dare to move. And they dare not shake this time. Is our operational space."

Chu Leer said: "But this is not a long-term solution. If they are sure, they will catch up immediately. At the foot of the master, this distance is nothing or even a distance."

Chu Yang nodded: "Yes. But as the distance from the city is farther, the surrounding mountain forest environment is relatively more, the more we have the opportunity, the safer it is."

Chu Leer said: "But it is still very dangerous, there is no more complete way."

"It is impossible not to be dangerous, nor can it be found that it is very valuable to be able to win the current situation. If it is not your accident, maybe my and my men will be finished." Chu Yang looks Calm: "So we can only do the worst, then go to the best direction and do our best."

"As for the other..." Chu Yang looked at the sky and said: "You can only listen to the fate!"

Chu Leer and the rumors of the rumors are silent, do not say a word.

Demon, Ning, Hehe laughed: "Big brother, you are relieved. But in the demon king day, where can I sit in the place where I am sitting in the town? Is it raining that I dare to kill me together? Big up his dog gall You can rest assured!" Hearing this sentence, Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu on the one side also agree with the demon Ningning.

Kill the demon prince in the demon day, unless the rain is late.

Not to mention that it is in the demon kingdom, whether it is in the world of the party, even if the other party is a party emperor himself, as long as it is not a last resort, it will definitely not be the prince of the other world, especially like the demon Ningning, the only remaining fruit. One day, Prince!

Chu Yang laughed and said no more.

Talked and rolled his eyes and did not speak.

Because the two brothers and brothers have the same thought in this moment: "In the demon kingdom, killing your demon prince is smashed? As long as the gods do not know the ghosts, there is no trace, how can you get angry after the demon? As long as the lock can not really The murderer, other people are dead or alive, what do you do with me?!"

Of course, this sentence must not be said.

Especially now that the three people of the Yaozu are so arrogant...·····

One of the Emperor or the Concerns will not do anything to the demon, but for Chu Yang, Tan Yi, and even Chu Leer, as long as you threaten me, I will kill it. towards!

Or, this is the most essential difference between the upper and the upper!

Chu Yang’s heart is faintly felt that this road will never be calm.

The calm now, I am afraid it is the precursor to the thunder!

On the prestige, I sent a picture of Miaochengcheng made by the game company. Everyone went to see it like it. If you don't pay attention to my prestige, please search in the public prestige ‘windy world, you can see it. Thank you everyone!

The climax starts tomorrow. I hope I can write well.

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