Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 342: Sudden little girl

When the rain is delayed, those people do not need to come out. It is here that the ambush of 10,000 people intercepts the two sides of the 阎王峡, which is a veritable smashing.

These two goods, not to mention the late to say, did not get the front of the Wang Wangxia, began to explain,

This is not a pit person, what is it?

But now that things are coming, there is nothing to do.

Because at this time, it is bound to be able to change direction again. If the enemy has acted, then it must have locked in the movements of these people.

Forcing changes in the established direction now will only be more passive and have no way to go.

I believe that the other party will never allow him to change the direction of travel again and again; forcibly change, I am afraid that I will return to this "one-way street" because of the enemy's blockade. Only this road is The enemy let himself go this pedestrian!

However, on the other hand, this road in front of you, or the only pedestrian in Chuyang, may have a living path. In front of the King of the Kings, it is a mortal for the enemy to set up for Chu Quan and others. Road, but not necessarily there is no life, not necessarily there is no turning point, as long as you can safely spend Huangquan, the road is behind!

The only choice, let's live in the dead!

Choosing the only one, living the way ahead, but this living path is to get nine lives and even a life of ten deaths!

Can? !

Chu Yang is not sure, no grasp at all!

Talking about it, I just kept staring at the black gas of the Wangwang Gorge in front of me, and I have never spoken.

Always silent, the black in the eyes that is darker than the night is more and more intense. In his body, belonging to the devil's side, actually recovered at this time.

"Chuyang, I feel it, I feel it clearly... The things inside are very useful to me! There may be a huge effect that can be turned upside down!" When the soul of the demon in the body recovers, it is absolutely unwilling to call Chu Yang’s brother.

Although I am speaking with the inertia of the body and soul consciousness, I always refuse to admit that it is smaller than Chu Yang...··

However, at this moment, this sudden word makes the eyes of Chu Yang, who is in a dilemma, shine: "Really?"

In fact, this feeling is not just about feeling, but Chu Yang also feels it.

Chu Yang even faintly felt that this Wang Wangxia will make a huge opportunity for himself!

Otherwise, how can there be a feeling that the road ahead is the only way to live? In terms of the current situation, no matter whether it is going forward or backward, it is a dead end!

There is no reason in Chu Yang’s heart, and there is no sign of a sudden jump out of a thought: Or, this is the opportunity to get rid of yourself!

But what is it to get rid of?

Chu Yang knows nothing about it anyway, not to get rid of the pursuit.

Compared with the "get rid of" in his mind, the pursuit of soldiers is far from trivial.

So Chu Yang is also surprised, inside, what is it weird?

Until I heard the conversation, Chu Yang immediately confirmed it.

Talk about the deep nod. "Exactly... I even have a feeling. If I can seize this opportunity, or I can... the magical soul! Completely break the shackles of the past life That road."

Chu Yang suddenly made up his mind.



In order to talk about the ability to advance to the top level without hindrance, but also for the innocence of their own heart, so "get rid of"!

It’s already worth it to take such a risk.

What's more, there is no second way to go now!

Chu Yang and Tan Yi looked at each other, and the next two people came out in the crowd, and at the same time stepped into the area of ​​the King of the King. It is purely a temptation. The two masters and demon Ningning only think that the two do not believe in evil and have to try it for themselves, and do not stop it. Just waiting quietly.

The two men of Chuyang and Tanyu only walked less than ten feet in the darkness in front of them, and stopped the pace of advancement. Then, slowly came back.

If you don't get around and your eyes are unclear, you can see the faint excitement on the faces of these two people.

Talk about the shackles, and the calmness of Chu Yang has also been shaped, showing how huge the unknown things in this place are!

There is an extremely dangerous atmosphere in the canyon.

There is no doubt that there is an ambush arrangement here.

However, when Chu Yang and Tan 昙 are feeling dangerous, they have clearly and otherly sensed other things; while this other thing does not know what it is, but it is certain that it is "Things" is an irresistible temptation for both of them!

"There is an ambush here." Chu Yang said calmly, and informed everyone of this horrible news!

When things are coming, they are afraid, they are useless. The more they are afraid of being dead, the sooner they will die. Only when they are stubborn, can they have the chance to escape from birth!

Chu Leer and Bai Yuchen and others are calm in this sudden news. For the ambush, everyone has already been psychologically prepared, not surprising. At most, it is only life and death, killing one.

When people can ignore death, they can face it in most situations!

But Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma also have a demon, but the news is a big change. !

It became extremely ugly, and it was a bit of a slap in the face.

The people of Mo Yuntian really set up an ambush here; this reality has caused an unspeakable anger in the hearts of these three people: knowing that we are accompanied by our Prince, you are still ambushing here? You are really courageous!

This is too much to put people in the eye.

"At this moment, there is no way to go back and forth. The pressure of the back is very big, indicating that the road has been completely blocked. It is impossible to return." Chu Yang said calmly.

Huma and the two heard the face more gloomy.

Since you can't go back, you can only move forward.

In terms of the cultivation of the first class of the saints of the two people, even if it is not the royal master of the demon king, there is no such background of noble status, but it is still self-confident to do it, but it needs to be faced now. The question is whether it is going to rush forward or backward, but it is related to an attitude problem, a problem of qi.

"Dry!" Demon, Ning, Ning, angry, and excited, flushed.

Finally, I have to see the legendary rivers and lakes ambushing, flesh and blood battles...·····

Oh, rivers and lakes, I am coming!

Huma and the two looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile.

The Prince is obviously not aware of the bad situation in front of the situation, and he is very interested in the upcoming changes, but the two of them cannot but cope with it; if the Prince has such a little damage, he will also bear the burden. Can't afford this responsibility!

"Now the situation is easy, there may be accidents happening. You will enter the Wangwang Gorge in a while. Your two old people will be responsible for the safety of His Royal Highness, and all other things will not be used by you." Chu Yang said faintly: "by I am responsible for opening the road. After talking about the temple, Le Er, you are behind me. When I drive out, I will use poisonous arrangements immediately, and block as much as possible after the three sides!"


"Don't forget to take the antidote to everyone in advance to avoid accidental injury."

"Got it."

"White old, you must wait behind me, no matter how you move, don't pay attention to it, protect yourself, and save your life. Now we have only one rush to rush, and there is life!"


Bai Yuchen laughed happily: "I have to say that the old man has a comprehension in this series of battles. Even if he is alive and dead, he can calmly deal with it. If this is not dead, I believe that the breakthrough of the saints can be expected. ""

"Oh, congratulations." Chu Yang gaze.

As a result of Bai Yuchen’s remarks, Chu Yang’s subconsciously looked at the past and found that among the remaining 32 people, every individual’s cultivation was greatly improved, and hundreds of thousands of miles fled. The nerves of these people have been turned into copper cast iron castings. The ups and downs of identity changes have also caused the most fundamental changes in their mindset!

As long as the current crisis can be safely spent, Chu Yang absolutely believes that this is already a drag-and-drop steel master!

Already formed!

"We will all survive, will definitely." Chu Yang filled with a confident smile.

Although everyone on the surface is not shocked, the heart is inevitably still a little nervous, but suddenly inexplicably eased. It seems that Chu Yang’s gentle smile, the confident sentence, dispels all the shadows of death.

Hu Lao watched the smile of Chu Yang, watching the negative emotions of the hidden connotations of the 32 people change instantly, and could not help but sigh with infinite appreciation.

"Becoming a leader is not difficult. As long as it works, anyone has a chance to have a chance. But it is too rare to become a spiritual leader. Chu Yang’s smile at this moment can already influence his own people in a subtle way. The mind, this kind of spiritual control is the momentum of a generation of heroes!"

"If Chu Yang still can't die this time, the powerful forces brought by the strong leaders of the next generation... On the top of the nine heavens, there will be another person outside the nine emperors! Or... Replace one person!"

Ma Lao said softly.

Both old people have a mysterious sorrow in their hearts.

Such outstanding figures have not appeared in the history of the nine heavens for millions of years...

After millions of years, the legend of the nine emperors will be rewritten by this young man, a young man in his early twenties? !

At this moment, a voice came from far away: "How can I not let me go? Why? Why?"

This voice is soft and weak, and it is pitiful and affectionate.

It’s like a girl who is the most innocent and innocent, being bullied, and when she is crying there but still not crying.

Everyone heard a word.

Looks like this sudden change, and the environment in front of the eyes is completely complete, completely out of the box? !

At this moment, how could a sudden come to a little girl?

What is the situation? !

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