Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 375: Crazy battle!

The rain was so violent that it suddenly came out of the crowd and flew. At this moment, he has apparently been completely stunned by anger.

The rain at this moment is too late. Apart from the idea of ​​killing Chu Yang, there is no other thought.

Chu Yang abused him so much that he had to lose his face in front of the enemy, the enemy, and his subordinates. The rain has been so late in this life, why have you ever suffered such a big loss, or the kind of dumb loss that is reasonable to say.

This hatred does not report, really should have the sentence - swear not to be human!

Chu Yang looked at the rain, and he was so eager to lick his teeth. The eyes showed a strange look.

The rain has now lost its sanity!

The rain has now lost its normal thinking ability.

- And this is the best result Chu Yang wants.

Otherwise, why bother to spend so much effort, first of all, at the expense of the nine-robbery sword method for 16 consecutive times; the rain is delayed and comprehensively suppressed, and the indulgence of the plot is tricky, the design will make the rain delay , but also to spend a lot of monkey play, what is it for?

The real repair of the rain is much higher than that of Chuyang. If it is a real fair fight, the two sides will fight hard and the final result will be dead! If you don’t use the tricks to delay the repairs, the battle will not be able to fight directly!

Can Chu Yang not know that he is arrogant? Can you not know that you are upside down in black and white?

The so-called rationale is simply untenable. As long as everyone can look at the original reason with a little thought, everyone in front of them can only be troubled by a series of so-called "truths", and the bottom of the heart is deeply stunned by the rain. The smashing rain of the word "mouth" is slow!

I believe that as long as we have a little more time, we may not be able to explain ourselves by rain. The people of both sides can understand the Central Committee!

However, as long as this rain is delayed, it will suffice.

All the previous purposes, the only purpose is to be able to stimulate the rain, delay, and chaos. If not, how can you have that chance to win?

If the rain is slow and always conscious, why should he fight with him?

What is a fair decisive battle? It is simply to bully the small, relying on the strong and weak to find a decisive battle!

Before Chu Yang, there was a slogan, or only one sentence was not adulterated. That is, on the battlefield, the two sides are facing each other, and they are all right. This is a matter of course!

At this moment, I saw that the rain was delayed, and I was overwhelmed with anger. Chu Yang sneered and shouted: "The rain is late, I have spared you, you have to come over and find yourself dead! Since you want to die, I simply fulfilled you! Come on!"

This sentence is undoubtedly the oil on the fire, the rain was delayed by his anger and blood, and almost spit out a blood.

Rain is too late to say that it is Chuyang, but the heart is bright: Chu Yang is a shameless guy who is invincible, and he is definitely not an opponent, but why should he talk to him and use it in the past? Give him the opportunity to make another intrigue.

If he still wants to beat himself with his fist, there is absolutely no possibility; and his sword... ...I have already thrown the sky before. At this moment, this goods is equal to bare hands! Although he is also a bare-handed man, how can Chu Yang’s cultivation compare with himself? At this time, I have a lot of chances to win. Before the absolute strength gap, any trick that can't get on the table is meaningless!

How was it just hit, how do you call it back now! Use these fists to make this shameless villain into a meat sauce!

The rain is slow, like a mad tiger, rushing, punching and hitting!

The moment of a boxing, the heart is full of tyrannical pleasure, and a kind of revenge

The opposite of Chu Yang shouted: "Do not think of repentance, bully, and sorrow, I am welcome!"

Actually, the same punch rushed out!

The rain was delayed and the teeth were added. The fists were added with a three-point force. The eyes were full of crazy colors. It seems that Chu Yang’s fist had been squandered and beaten under his own fist.

However, just before the two fists will meet each other; suddenly the brilliance blooms, the sword is so strong!

On the fist of Chu Yang’s straight out, there was a sudden and unremarkable sword.

A glamorous, sharp and unparalleled sword!

Chu Yang said with a smile: "A little cold and beautiful!"

This time, this move is different from the one that was used in the battle with the rain, but the ultimate change of the Nine Robbery!

That's the ultimate version - a little cold!

Eight strokes start with a fusion of the ultimate explosion!

The rain only thought that the other's sword had already been thrown away, at least not yet taken back, but where did you know how to take it out in Chuyang? How can such a weapon of the gods be like this?

But Chu Yang’s sword in his hand is clearly the sword that he just fought with himself!

When did he get it back? This... is this too illogical? !

The rain was slow and full of strength, and the momentum was like a rainbow attack, but before the attack on the frontal collision, they felt the tyrannical threat from the sword of Chuyang. For a moment, the consciousness was blazing and screaming. : "Despicable!" is actually trying to pull back the body!

At this moment, although the sage's golden body is fully supplemented, it is achieved by stimulating his own life potential. This is not the case. The decision cannot be recovered so quickly, and after this consumption, if he can’t calm down after he returns, In the past eight or eight years, it has never recovered.

If it is to be beaten once again by Chu Yang at this moment, the rain will be too late to be completely destroyed, but it will not be possible to recover in this life...

Even with the intuition of the warrior's sense of crisis, he can clearly and realistically feel that Chu Yang's current move is ten times bigger than the power of the previous moves.

Therefore, the rain can only choose - ˉ - retreat.

However, he had been rushing forward before, and suddenly changed to retreat at this moment. In his presence, he was inconsistent, and he was lost in anger, and the subtlety of reasoning - in the end, finally inevitably appeared a little bit. Some slight delays!

Although the flaws are subtle, it is enough for Chu Yang, who has been deliberately searching for its flaws!

Chu Yang’s swaying cold light was shot at the same time on the rain.

However, at the last moment, the pair of fists that were late in the rain finally waved!

Colliding with the front of the sword of Chuyang!


With the sound of a series of collisions, the two of the fires are separated again -

The rain is too late, and the tall body is like a broken kite, which falls backwards, and the opposite side of Chuyang is spinning and slamming back. On the ground, four deep traces appeared at the same time, which was traced by the feet of two people!

The rain gown was a robes, and it instantly became an armor. Numerous tiny blood lines were spurred from him. His body rushing and the sages were finally unable to withstand the Chu. Yang's ultimate sword.

At least one hundred of the body was traumatized. Although there was no exception, it was only a flesh wound, and some even scratched a little skin, but it was still hurt!

Chu Yang’s swordsmanship is invincible and pervasive. This time, the rain has been delayed. The bones and internal organs, although not directly and most directly hurt, have been shocked countless times.

"Wow", the rain slowly spit out a blood, and his face quickly turned gray.

Opposite Chu Yang is also the same "wow", spit out a blood, body swaying, and then spit two blood, face like gold paper!

This time, the hard hit, the result is both lose.

This time, even this result has not been thought of by Chu Yang.

In the calculation of Chuyang, the rain has been delayed for a long time, and it seems that it has been hit hard by itself. Before that, even the saints were beaten up, although they forced the restoration of life potential, but his real combat power. How should it be reduced by at least one grade?

Also add to the guilty injury, the shackles of sorrow and anger, the anger is unclear, and now the rain is slowly repaired, even if the strongest can only be at the primary level of the saint?

But under such circumstances, can it still result in such a loss?

How thick is the bottom of the rain?

Even, this is not over yet - after the rain has been spurting a sip of blood, even breathing has not breathed, the roaring screaming and pulling up, chasing the past to Chuyang, some like a storm The general strong blows suddenly started in midair.

Although the rain is slow in the process, the corners of the mouth are always overflowing with blood, and the injury continues to increase every moment. However, at this moment, he is crazy, but he does not care, and only has a hard time attacking.

Opposite Chu Yang roared, as if not to be outdone, generally supported the body, leaping and leaping, a mouth, the same blood constantly rushing out, even the seven scorpions are constantly spurting blood, he is also very hurt The front of the rushed up.

The body that was slow with the rain slammed into the air in the air, and the sword was rushing, and the sword was full of anger. Under the spell, the ground was directly shocked by a deep and invisible canyon. And the two of them were once again smashed in the air, and no one would be willing to retreat!

Both of the two sides of the battle are stunned and unwilling to take care of themselves. It’s like two mad cows, crushing each other! collision!

And everyone watching the battle below couldn't help but see it. Everyone feels that the hairs of the whole body are erected!

Everyone has lived so much, hundreds of years, hundreds of thousands of years, what kind of battle scenes have not been seen? However, as the two men in the air are fighting so fiercely, they are the first time they have seen it in their lives.


It seems that only these two words can be described.

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