Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 402: Talk about the review

The reasons for the two demon saints are justified. !

People talked about joining Tianbing Pavilion. That is because he is the younger brother of Chuyang. It doesn't matter what identity, but you are a demon prince, go to a small shrimp-like gang...

What are you busy with?

Demon Ningning is not happy with his stomach, but he has to dispel his mind for a while.

The Tianbing Pavilion was formally established, and everyone was very busy on that night.

The cat is greasy and the cat is lazy. The couple went to Chuyang on the night of the same day and went back to the Yi people to prepare for the alliance with the Tianbing Pavilion of Chuyang... Prepare to send a soldier in a critical moment!

This is all that needs to be prepared.

In order to congratulate the establishment of Tianbing Pavilion, Tang Jiasan sent a private gift of 500,000 Zixia coins. This is a big deal, so everyone is surprised.

Only these 500,000 Zixia coins can supply 100,000 troops for ten years!

Chu Yang was very happy to accept this gift, but he ignored the request of Tang Jiasan to join Tianbing Pavilion.

The Tang family is less depressed and unhappy. He also wants to mix up the lord and the Dangdang. If the strength is insufficient, I will take the money to make up, but the money is given, but there is still no drama. I talked about the situation and comforted me: "I said three less, this is really not I don’t want you to look down on you. If you look a little more handsome, maybe the boss will agree... the problem is..."

Tang Jiasan was very angry and looked at the respect of the sorrowful sorrow. He snorted for a long time and suddenly shouted: "You **** has not yet fulfilled the gamble!"

The face of Tan’s face suddenly became dark, and now he is afraid of others talking about this topic.

"The right pair..." is a group of people who are afraid of the world.

“Hurry to cash in on the gambling!” The crowd shouted together.

Chu Yang saw a stunned look and thought for a long time and finally did not intervene.

I don’t think that the first big thing after the establishment of Tianbing Pavilion is to listen to the review!

“Well, okay···································································································· The unlucky brother didn’t say that he would give me a break. I remember you...·····

Actually dare to marry me?

Really do not know how to live and die, remember me? Ok, I want you to remember me forever...·...

Chu Yang's eyes turned, and immediately told the purple evils. Let Xie Danfeng come over quietly and listen to someone's review.

Xie Danfeng always remembers to talk about it, but her husband is here, and now I heard that I am here, and naturally flies like it; Hu Yan Aobo and others are also coming with great interest. Yang arranged behind the curtain and disappeared.

And solemnly warned: "Everyone is not allowed to speak out!"

All the girls are also good things. Nothing is nodded and nodded.

I only heard the noise outside, and the voice of talking was yelling somewhere: "Check, isn't it a review? What are you in a hurry? Let me brew and think about it!"

Demon Ningning said: "The focus of the review, don't forget those conditions!"

"Get out!" Tan Tan rage: "!! More to say I'll beat you to let you know why Flowers So Red"

"I am willing to gamble and lose, not to intimidate the parties!" A thousand people yelled together.

The hidden illness of the Tang family's three minors has been lifted by Chu Yang's three divisions and five divisions. At this moment, it is called loudest.

"What are they doing? How is it so hot!" Xie Danfeng whispered.

"Well, it’s a bet, talking about losing a gamble, and now cashing in the original bet." The purple evil mouth is full of laughter.

"Live it! Just let him remember for a long time!" Xie Danfeng said with hate.

At this time, in the midst of a smashing, the people threw the talks on the stage. On the high platform, they actually put a table, let the talk stand up, and it was really a small list of people.

Talking about standing on the high table, he is condescending, and he is looking forward to what he is doing. There is no dejection in the slightest gamble, but it is very elated.

"Come faster!" Thousands shouted together.

"I am here to make a review!" Tan said and shouted: "I am betting on gambling, I am willing to gamble, so I will review it here! In order to fulfill the gamble, Laozi is shameless today..."

The audience laughed loudly.

Xie Danfeng listened to this familiar voice, and suddenly there was a desire to rush out to smash the goods.

"As everyone knows, although I am a very handsome person, although it is a sacred hand; although the big girl's little wife and daughter saw me, I was fascinated..." Talk about the loud voice and began to review, although this argument is really not like a review.

Xie Danfeng after the curtain heard the words of apricots and anger!

As far as your virtue is concerned, it is still the sacred hand of the scene... Actually, I have hooked up a lot of big girls... You can really.

"But my IQ is not high, I am a pig..." Tanyi began to follow the agreed gambling, screaming in the air, and did not see a little embarrassed look.

However, countless people under the stage have begun to spray rice and spray water. A person turned upside down.

"I am a stupid pig... Although it is a pretty stupid pig, but the pig is a pig..." Talk about his face: "This is because the bet lost, I am not a pig. ...··· Although I am a pig, I have a lot of virtues...···”

Many people laughed and hugged their stomachs, and according to the development trend, they might be able to laugh out....

"...In summary, I am really a stupid pig, really true!" The voice of Tan is full of smugness! Full of content, after the initial embarrassment, gradually evolved into No face, no skin, no shame, no shame, more and more interest: "My review is over, do you want to listen? If you want to listen, I will do one more, I am a cow, a stupid cow. ·····”

"Oh oh oh oh..." The atmosphere under the stage is even hotter, and there are countless people.

"Wow, hahaha,..." talked on the stage, seemingly self-satisfied, actually placed a hand in the air, twisting his buttocks and shaking, mouth yelling: "吼吼吼······吼吼吼······” shouting a word and shrugging his shoulders and twisting his ass.

Actually, it was like a singer in a concert.


Chu Yang’s head slammed on the table with a free fall, and played two times...·····

I rely on my younger brother, can you still have a little fucking, after you go out, don’t call me my brother, the teacher’s door is unfortunate, the master of Jiuzhongtian, will you let me I am a brother to clean up the portal? ! ......

"Bastard! Wow! ······" Xie Danfeng finally couldn't stand it anymore, and the teeth of the claws rushed out, and both hands akimbo: "Talk about you, you are so weak, don't give me down!"

Talking about the rumor is a glimpse, and when you focus on your eyes, you will be shocked by the moment: "Ah~~ see a ghost..."

I drop a day, how is this girl here? This is a life to be old!

Heaven, earth, help!

Xie Danfeng slammed into the high platform, and when he reached out, he slammed the ear of the big devil. The anger said: "The person you lost is not enough? You are a pig? Are you a cow? Are you still?"

Then it is a force twist, the amplitude is at least 180 degrees.

Talk about the "嗷", the body will turn up and the belly will bulge, one foot and the ground: "pain... let go! You are happy little skinny... How come it suddenly popped up, how is it going... ”

"I don't want to come out, I don't know if you are actually a sacred hand. ······················································································ The bird is silent.

Countless people are staring at themselves and talking about their in-laws.

And I actually squatted on the high platform, and it seems that I have kept this shape for a while...·····

Can't help but shy: "Go down! The old lady will calculate the account with you...·····"

The two immediately jumped off the high platform, and the speed of a smog disappeared in the eyes of everyone...

The following was a little quiet for a while, then suddenly burst into a burst of violent laughter, someone patted the table, licking his stomach, laughing and tears...

"Talking about this time is really terrible. I don't need to take care of cleaning up the portal, it is enough for him to suffer." Chu Yang gloating in the fun of the disaster, only heard the screams that came from behind to talk about the pain and unwillingness to live: "Raining ah· ····· I just talk about it casually. Don’t be serious...······

Chu Yang silently cracked his mouth: "It! Deserve it! Retribution is not good!"

"The two masters, according to you, Chuyang's Tianbing Pavilion. What is the future development prospect?" When the demon Ning was leaving the venue and returning to his room, he asked Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu about this question.

"There is no limit! It's hard to estimate!" Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu both looked very serious and gave this answer.

Obviously, the amazing strength that Chu Yang showed after integrating all the staff here made the two sage-level powerhouses also shocked.

"If we continue to develop on such a scale, I believe that it will take 50 years. The strength of Chuyang can compete against one side of the world, and this estimate does not include which brothers he mentioned before. If he is If it is true, his strength will be more difficult to assess, but at least one of the strengths of the world is not enough to compete."

Uncle Ma sighed and said: "If such a huge force develops in our demon kingdom, it is not a good thing for us, we always think that we have already seen this Chuyang. However, it is still underestimated."

Demon Ning Ning said faintly: "Is this the case? I agree with this judgment on the prospect of Chuyang's future strength, but it is not a good thing to say that the rise of Chu Yang is not good for the demon emperor. I don't think so. There are disadvantages in the world, but there are differences in everyone’s eyes."

The sky is ‘breaking the old card, and ‘clear water, the birthday, good, let us wish this sister, a brother’s happy birthday...

Every year and now I am now, I will give you a tonight!

Tomorrow is my father's birthday. Now I have a chapter in the draft. I still have a chapter. I will work overtime tonight. I can't code my father's birthday, or if he is uncomfortable, he will yell at me... How many years have you played since childhood?

After looking for a wife, I changed my name and yelled at me. This stuff actually has relay...·····

Cough, two chapters tomorrow, scheduled to be released tomorrow at 16 o'clock and 17 o'clock.

At that time, I just went to the wine table... oh.

I kindly ask you to vote for a few annual author votes as a birthday gift to my dad. After tomorrow, I am brewing, ready to make a big explosion at the end of the month, when the time is estimated to be no less than ten chapters...·············································· Want! !

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