Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 406: Ink cloud chaos (2)

The master of the day, especially in the nine-day Tianzhu, is a big reason. Even if it is broad-minded and broad-minded, it is the most taboo of the courtiers who have the ability to replace themselves. Even the courtiers do not have to have this heart, but as long as they have this ability. That is already dead!

'All things, one-handedly; this is tantamount to saying that Mu Tianyi covers the sky and arbitrarily; and that 'the Emperor of Heaven is also very dependent on you, and it is obvious that you have already triumphed, and the Emperor is almost Can't leave you alone!

"As for your cultivation is not inferior to the Emperor of Heaven" is the most vicious curse: your wooden sky is completely capable of squatting!

I believe that no matter what an emperor has heard these words, he will not be indifferent.

Not to mention that Yuan Tian has already been very dissatisfied with Mu Tianyu because of Yuan Yuantu and dreamlessness. At this moment, if you hear these fires on the fire, your heart will be even more angry!

"The right and wrong are already clear, no need to argue again." Yuan Tian limited cold said: "Mu Shuai!"

Although Mu Tianyi was a sigh of anger, Yuan Tian’s position is now clear, and it’s no longer useful. It’s only a lifelong command, saying: “Please ask the Emperor to show down.”

"He believes that the nightmare of the dreamless endless rate, no need to exist, can be canceled." Yuan Tian limited said.

"Your Majesty, this is a must-have!" Mu Tianyi heard the news and was shocked.

Under the careful management of the dreams, the Mengmeng Army is united in the minds of the officers and men. It can be said that there are a number of elite troops among the Moyuntian military, and the number is quite large. There are 500,000 troops in the whole army!

This is a powerful force that no one can influence any other person.

How can you say that the withdrawal is withdrawn?

Although Mu Tianyi knows that it will be more sinful, he will be more guilty of this crime, but this matter is crucial, and it is still trying to persuade!

Yuan Tian’s limit is a sly expression: “Even if the coaches are betrayed, do you still need to keep the preparation of this unit? Do you have to wait until the day when the rebellious dreams are not returned, and the entire army has been in the past?”

"Your glory. I know what I see, I see the blood!" The rain was late and cheered on the side.

"Your Majesty, please think twice about this matter..." Mu Tianyan’s face was bitterly awkward.

"You don't have to say it again. You have decided, and you have to decide!" Yuan Tianjun waved his hand and made a point for this matter.

"In addition, after all the members of the Nightmare Army were disbanded, all the soldiers and officers under the original establishment were strictly managed! Everyone must be included in the inspection line of sight." Yuan Tianjun said coldly: "If something is wrong, Immediately decide to eliminate the possibility of all hidden dangers!"

"As for the share that was vacated after the withdrawal of the Nightmare Army," said the "Dream Army, these three words, Yuan Tianji’s face with a disgusting disgusting look, said: "The rain He has been slow to take up the task of expanding the army. Mu Shuai has never been careful in recent days. He is also tired and tired. It is because of this matter that Mu Shuai no longer has to worry about it.

Wood Tianzhu’s heart sighed long.

The matter has already been finalized. On one side of the game, the main force of the nightmare has been weakened. The rain has slowly added a new 500,000 elite army. The real thought of the Emperor’s heart is already clear.

The rain was so excited that he was very excited and loyal.

"In addition, I immediately ordered that I would try my best to take my dreams in the home of Mo Yuntian, and that the families of those who follow the dreams of betrayal are also arrested. This group of people can also be quite a lot. A synergy can not cause considerable losses!"

Yuan Tian said that he was cold and heavy, and he swept through a murder that was never hidden.

The rain slowly wrinkled and said: "Your Majesty, the dream is bound to betray this day, although the sin is unforgivable, but his family and his family will not have a rebellious heart; and these people, each It’s a good thing to do it later. Maybe it’s a little useful.······

The wooden scorpion screamed and the rain was slow and trembled.

This sentence, on the surface, seems to be a feeling of truth, but in fact it is to remind the Emperor of the Clouds - there may not be a rebellious heart, of course, there may be a rebellious heart, the dream is boundless, their family is not ordinary leisurely The generations are quite good. If you want to get rid of the roots and eliminate the hidden dangers, I am afraid that it will be a little better...

Sure enough, Yuan Tian’s eyes were more murderous and categorically: “The crime of rebellion, the sin is not blamed, the nine people do their best. All the relevant personnel are killed!”

Wood Scorpio only felt that his heart was knocked hard by the hammer and there was a feeling of Venus.

The tough enthusiasm said: "Your Majesty... They don't even know what's inside, they are the people of Moyun... sire!"

Yuan Tian limitedly snorted: "There is no doubt, no words!"


Mu Tianyu was on the ground and touched the ground with his head. He said: "Your Majesty, please also take back your life. The minister is willing to guarantee by his life. They are not rebellious, but also please Open one side, leave your hands behind..."

This is the first time that Mutianyu has been kneeling since he had worshipped Yuanyuan for 300,000 years ago!

Seeing this situation, Yuan Tianjun obviously hesitated.

"Your Majesty, Chen is also willing to guarantee that they have no rebellious intentions by their own lives. Mu Shuai is justified..." The rain struggled slowly and said: "If they really care about their enemies in the future, they will rebel against this day. When you will be arrogant, you will never be affected by the same influence...···”

If they are betrayed in the future, maybe Wood Scorpio will follow it again - this is the true meaning of the rain slowly saying this sentence!

Wood Scorpio only felt the blood and the heart attacked, and jumped up violently. He slammed on the rain and delayed his face: "The shameless villain of the mouth and the belly sword! You are really a good scorpion." !"

"啪", the rain fell off the chair, the blood in the mouth squirted, and the mouth screamed: "Wooden, you dare to swear before the squatting, you..."

Wood Scorpio strode up, his eyes were red, and the killing machine was stunned: "I want to get rid of your despicable villain today, and I will be in the sky!"

However, in front of the shadows, Yuan Tian limitedly stood in front of Mu Tianyu indifferently, faintly said: "Mu Shuai, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, I heard this cold, oh, the handsome, like a pot of water, the wooden potty suddenly felt weak. Taking a step back and saying: "Chen..." is guilty!"

Yuan Tian’s eyes narrowed and he looked at him for a long while and said: “Since there is Mu Shuai Shuai and at the same time guaranteeing this class, the Emperor will spare them for the time being. However, the crime of death Can be exempted, live sin can not escape, all people and so on into the dungeon, to see the effect!"

"Thank you for grace." Wood Tian slammed his head.

"The rain is late, you have promised, promised to destroy the pro-righteousness, and you will be ordered to supervise the dungeon. It is necessary to bring a lot of traitors to the case, but if there is a net leak, the emperor will rule you a crime of neglect of duty!" Yuan Tian said coldly.

"Yes, Chen obeyed!" The rain promised aloud: "Please rest assured that the court will do its duty, not be influenced by anyone, will not marry a good person, and will not let go of a traitor. If there is a mistake, let him kneel down. Heavy punishment!"

Wood Scorpio slammed his eyes and felt that his heart was cold. If the rain was late, every sentence was directed at himself. I never had a chance to intervene again. ·····

The monks and their family members are really in the rain, and where can they still have a good end?

From the heart of his eyes, Mu Tianyi does not believe that dreams will be betrayed, but now the dream is boundless under the rain. It has become a rebellion. This point has been finalized and is still limited by Yuan Tian. Other people are all the same.

The arrest of one of the prisoners in the dungeon is directly controlled by the rain, and the end is undoubtedly even more miserable.

Perhaps, the Emperor of Heaven is warning himself 7

If not, Mo Yuntian has his own official responsible for the criminal law. Why do you need to use a deputy marshal of the world to manage a small dungeon directly? Even though the prisoners inside are tight, but... there is no need for this... ...

It can be imagined that after this incident, the permission of the rain will be astonishing, and he will gradually be alienated by the Emperor, and a group of good brothers who are with him will suffer.

And myself, now I can only give in.

If oneself is provoked and has any action, then this group of people who are centered on themselves will be truly facing the disaster!

Wood Scorpio doesn't even know how to quit the Moyuntian Palace. Wood Tianyi lost his soul and looked up to heaven. His eyes closed and he only felt ashamed.

Endless······ Although I have tried my best to mediate, it does not help. At the moment, I can only try to protect the homes of some of you, as far as protection is concerned... I can't do anything about it.

Moreover, even this small part may not be able to...

There was a sharp tingling in the heart of Mu Tian.

Suddenly, a piece of cold fell on the face, and then it was a piece of cold bone.

In the distance, there is a child’s voice cheering: "It’s snowing... It’s snowing..."

Wood Scorpio opened his eyes unexpectedly, only to see the numerous white snowflakes fluttering in the air.

"This year's snow seems to be earlier than in previous years..." "Wu Tianyu stunned in the snow, muttering, I don't know what it means to say a word."

Outside the palace, the military generals who are waiting are welcoming them. They are concerned: "Mu Shuai, how is the situation?"

"Mu Shuai, how do you say?"

"Mu Shuai, what happened to the old dream? Is it possible to open a side?"

Wood Scorpio sighs in the sky, does not say a word, walks in the sky, the expression is inexplicable

Behind them, the faces will face each other, and their faces will suddenly sink down, full of disappointment, and one person will actually cry out.

Although everyone did not see any results from the face of Mu Tianyu, there was no expression on his face, and nothing was said.

But this has already explained: the name of the dreamless traitor is already solid, and there is no room for change.

Nightmare army, finished!

These chapters are not excessive; they are not irrigation, but must be. Who can understand my intentions?

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