Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 446: Love? Road length?

The book screamed happily, with some unspeakable bitter taste, shook his head and said: "Drinking! Drinking! Do not bother to drink, how to speak more than drink?!"

The two men pushed a cup and changed a few cups. Chu Yang opened a topic again and said: "Book mad seniors, those things of the year... I am very interested in knowing."

"There are really many people who want to know." Although Chu Yang said that there is no head, but the book madness obviously knows what he said, a bitter smile: "But I can't say, really can't say."

"Understand, understand." Chu Yang's eyes turned: "But just talk about yourself, this is no problem? Just talk about the wine."

"Talk about myself...hehe..." The book screamed and said: "In fact, the road is longer and more wrong. It should be..." He was silent, saying: "The road is longer."

Chuyang’s words are a glimpse.

The book madly picked up the glass, and when he drank it, he laughed and said: "Is the road still in love, is it a love or a long road?"

Drink another cup, said: "Love is still alive! Is it a long time or a long time?!"

Drink another cup, said: "The body is dead! It turns out to be long and affectionate. If not, how can the heart die?!"

Then he simply lifted a jar of wine and rushed into the mouth. He slammed the empty jar on the table. The book snarled: "The fate of this day! This is the **** of the idiot! This awkward life!"

He looked up and looked at Chu Yang and said: "This is my own story, a messy story."

Chu Yang fell into silence.

From the words of these few words, Chu Yang has already heard too much.

The book madness is now seriously injured, and it is a normal repairer. Maybe it has already died a thousand times!

But the book madness is still able to sit here to drink, and the mood is mad.

All his current cultivations, all the remaining ones are used to suppress his own injuries. Therefore, all the wine he drinks is loaded with his own body, just like ordinary people who have not cultivated at all, even drinking. Still serious.

Obviously it is already a little drunk.

But these few words are definitely not drunk, and the kind of regrets, regrets, sorrows, and loss that are like the tsunami in the mountains, but let the listener of Chu Yang feel the shock of the heart.

For a moment, Chu Yang actually remembered inexplicably, in the past life, Mo light dance in the arms of his own fragrance to eliminate the jade!

"The road of love is longer, the road is longer and longer..." Chu Yang sighed. Uncontrollable in my heart, I remembered the long-lost Mo light dance; finally I couldn’t help but whisper myself: "Light dance... Are you okay?"


Tens of thousands of miles away, the red dust is like a dream.

Mo light dances under the bell, and it is obviously going to a critical moment.

Behind her, the two masters of the red dust, such as Mengxuan, are now doing their best.

As long as this level can be sustained, Mo Qing Dance has since become a step-by-step, extraordinary sanctification, and has become the top master in the world!

But this level has not been fully realized until now, and everyone has been exhausted and powerless!

Mogao's magical invasion will be very serious. The beautiful face will continue to show some frantic looks, frenzied and awake, and staggered back and forth.

The two ancestors sighed in the heart.

Seeing... I’m afraid I really can’t stand it...

This girl, the heart is really too heavy!

It is really insurmountable!

If you can't break the sentiment, you have to stop at the current state, and there is no possibility of promotion!

The two looked at each other and they all had the idea of ​​wanting to close their hands: if they continue to reluctantly, Mo-Meng will become a waste, but they will inevitably have to suffer heavy losses!

It is already difficult to find out that the two ancestors who have reclaimed the situation have sighed at the same time.

I don't know if there is anything good about Chu Yang. I can make this girl obsessed with this!

Red dust is like Mengxuan, as the name suggests, it is red dust like a dream, a dream of red dust, breaking the roots of love, red dust.

This is the true meaning of the red dust, such as the dream of a heart, only to break the root of love, broke the sentiment, it is possible to reach the point of the heart of the door.

Once you pass, even if you are talented and qualified, you will still draw a cake.

Now it can be poured down. Everyone from the top and bottom of the red dust, such as Mengxuan, recognizes the future hope, and the spirit of the sustenance of the light dance. This little girl actually came to the opposite direction and made a deep root of love!

You said that you are a young age, a total of a few years old, or a real and pure deed, the bottom of your heart is so...

"Oh." The two ancestors sighed at the same time.

Seeing a worldly singularity, it is actually ruined in the words of love between the day and night.

This situation, can you not sigh?

However, at this time...

Just because everyone is helpless and reluctant, but always have to choose to give up the moment, Mo light dance has been fierce and boiling, and there is no restraint on possible embarrassing emotions. Suddenly, there is a big outbreak that exceeds the limit. From the emotions, passions and passions, fiercely upgraded to the peak!

Thoroughly complete, the complete limit of the explosion.

No, it is an explosion beyond the limits!

Mo Mo dance in the chaos is inexplicably scornful: "Chu Yang... Are you thinking about me?"

Suddenly open your eyes, the eyes are filled with fascinating detachment, full of happiness and satisfaction. All the previous problems have been lost, and if they leave, they suddenly disappear completely without a trace.

As long as you miss me!

Regardless of the horizon, regardless of the cape, you think about me, I can feel it!

No matter how far away, as long as you have me in my heart, I have no regrets!

The mood of Mo-light dance seems to have induced subtle changes, and it has become quiet and safe.

All the previous problems have been lost, all the careful eyes, all the vinegar, at this moment, completely disappeared without a trace, if not.

It turns out that what I want is so simple and simple, that's it!

Extremely affectionate, extremely lawful, extremely hearty, and extremely versatile!

Just as the two ancestors were dumbfounded, stunned, unbelievable, and unbelievably sullen, the body of Mo Qingwu suddenly rose three feet and fell into the air.

The next moment, the sudden sigh of boiling on her body suddenly suddenly seemed to be completely still, and then the sky was full of madness and the general crazy flying down!

Underneath, there are countless holy white light rushing, turning into a holy white to clean white lotus, constantly tumbling in full bloom, fountains constantly appearing out of countless petals.

Momo dances the body firmly.


Slowly, the number of holy white lotuses finally came out with the number of nine - nine, but the underground white light is still in the wild, half into the body of Mo light dance, half into the nine white lotus.

Endless life, continuous flow, endless.


The four eyes of the two ancestors took their eyes at the same time!

The two stretched their necks, squinted, rubbed their heads, and opened their mouths...

This shape is undoubtedly extremely indecent, especially in the woman, but also a woman with two pretty looks.

Don't doubt, don't be bored, the members of the red dust like Meng Xuan are all women, especially those who are in high position, the two elders are women, and it is still a very beautiful woman. What a surprise!

But the two beautiful women at the same time are so unfortunately very indecent, very shameful!

But the two apparently can't think of anything that is indecent, shameful, and shameful. It is directly messy in the wind!

The brain of a time consciousness is messy, I don’t know what to think, I don’t know what to say, there are only four words in my mind: “How is it possible? This is impossible! How could this be like this...”

For a long time, these two talents have finally returned.

I glanced at each other and saw the shock in the eyes of the other party, and the envy that was completely unconcealed!

"Tianlu Caixia, Diyong Shenglian; Jiu Pin Liantai, red dust like a dream!"

These four sentences are the origin of the name of the red dust such as Mengxuan.

It is also the time when the practice of red dust, such as Mengxuan, is practiced at the highest level, and when the real ‘red dust is like the dream method’ is opened, the ultimate phenomenon will be there!

However, this layer of ultimate realm seems to have been done for a long time, no one has ever done it, or it should be said that no one has done it except the founding fathers!

The two ancestors only felt that the mind was full of chaos and it was difficult to sort out.

How could this be the case?

Mo light dance is clearly into a misunderstanding, entered the extreme, embarked on the road of no return, Huang Quan approached, and at any time the soul of the nine springs, why would this happen? Is it that we are wrong?

Squeaky eyes blinked, and then blinked, still seeing the colorful clouds, all over the white lotus.

The two ancestors only felt that they were going crazy in an instant!

At the same time, at the same time, he began to recite the red dust like the highest law of Mengxuan.

"Red dust is like a dream, and it is also true and illusory. It can break the sentiment and be righteous. The jade is clear and the road is open... the red dust is like a dream, like a dream red dust..."

Just halfway back, the two stopped their mouths at the same time.

These two people are all masters of practice, and the key points have been discovered in an instant. The problem is obviously in the words of 'destroying the situation'.

The two looked at the radiance of Mo Qing dance, watching the golden lotus growing in the ground, the heart is inexplicable bitter, can not help but have the urge to burst into tears!

You must know that since the founding of the red dust, such as Mengxuan's founder, the red dust, such as Mengxuan, no one can practice the highest level of red dust as a dream!

Although these years, some people have become saints, even senior peak saints.

However, this legendary Tianxia Caixia, the earthly sacred lotus, the nine-pound lotus platform reopened the supreme scene, but never appeared again.

Everyone has only said that they are not sincere, or that their martial arts have not yet arrived. Therefore, since generation after generation, strict observance of the ancestral training is strictly prohibited.


The third time of the prestige sweep is about to begin, brothers and sisters rush to leave a message, the opportunity is dripping!

I didn't add my prestige to me. The public prestige search has found it in the world... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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