Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 450: Not necessarily true, not necessarily fierce!

The book madly nodded slowly: "I will not die; I will not go back now, even if I go back, I will go back to the emperor."

Chu Yang's eyes are bright: "Good! I will help you!"

The world is unpredictable. One day ago, each other was still in an absolute opposition position, and now they are united in the front!

The book madness is so strange, of course, it is also very reasonable to live in Tianbingge.

The whole process was really full of surprises. In fact, when he expressed his willingness to accept Chu Yang’s suggestion, even when he lived in Tianbingge, even he himself felt a heartfelt funny!

His original intention was to kill him. This purpose is still unsatisfactory until yesterday. Just because he had a drink with him, he heard him say something inexplicable, no argument, no stand. At this moment, he still lives in his home, and he still depends on him to heal himself...

This life's encounter can't be said to be not bizarre, and there is no reason to go.

"Right, the other two people who walked with you will not let it go, so keep you here, should they still come back?"

"If it is normal, it will definitely be, but this time is not necessarily. At that time, we were at an absolute disadvantage. If we could not lead the enemy, the old man must have escaped. As for the two of them, hey, only hope they The Kyrgyz people have their own heavens!"

“Predecessors, I suddenly found out that you are probably the least vulnerable person, but the most vulnerable person with survivability?”

"As your judgment is general; my heavenly book is a great achievement, and it can be said to be all-encompassing. It can almost eliminate the attack power of most exercises in the world. But it is also thought that if the attacking power of the hostile person exceeds If I have the highest limit, I will be seriously injured immediately."

"This is the biggest flaw of my magic! There is no such thing as perfect magic in the world! There is a disadvantage in doing something, and vice versa!"

Chu Yang nodded: "Predecessors are seeing through, you are practicing is the **** of heaven, as the name suggests, it is obvious that although this book is a good thing, it can enlighten the mind, can increase wisdom, can inherit the culture, pay the fire Passing...but the book...this thing is really all-encompassing, the carrier of the book itself, but it may not last forever."

"Any truth, any inheritance, anything, is presented, hidden, and derived in the book."

"But it is also because of all-encompassing, it can affect almost everything, but it also leads to not enough specificity, it is difficult to reach the peak level in the true sense, the most important point is the lack of a decisive attack power enough to lay the victory."

Chu Yang faintly said: "However, just because anything can be found in the book, so your specific practice, the more you practice to the depths, the greater the assistance to others; this is no stranger To be embarrassed, even the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi Yuan Tianji asks you to practice with him...because, no matter the traces of the road, the traces of the heavens can be found there."

Chu Yang whispered softly: "If this is the case... even if you sacrifice 18 masters, in exchange for your whole heart assistance; this sale can be done completely, this is not small, but the money is bigger. ”

The muscles on the book mad face instantly screamed, snoring and gasping, and suddenly smiled: "I was so valuable, I know today, I was so valuable, hahaha..."

"The more profound the exercises are, the harder it is to cultivate. For example, if the ancestors of the predecessors can really practice the extremes, then they are all-inclusive. It is not an overstatement." Raise your eyes: "You should be stuck on this bottleneck now?"

"Yes." The book sighed with a sigh: "In these years, I have been desperate, and it is really not a big change to enter the country..."

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "And, because you want to fully support Yuan Tian's practice, this process will require you all unreserved unilateral pay. This is one of the reasons why there is no entry, and maybe even the biggest reason. What, you can understand, the grace of dripping water will be reported by the spring, let alone such a great grace."

The book madly laughed at himself: "Hey..."

In the laughter, the unspeakable sadness and bitterness make people feel heartbroken.

Chu Yang was silent, saying: "What is the realm of Yuan Tian, ​​now?"

The book mad deep sigh: "He is currently... has broken the sage's ultimate embarrassment... If it was a million years ago, his cultivation was far less than the snow and tears, even in the post of the nine emperors, it is also ranked One of the few people who are relatively backward, but now, his cultivation is... I am afraid that the snow and tears that are recognized as the first in the post of the nine emperors are not inferior, even, they are still there."

Chu Yang "hmm" and nodded.

In my heart, I have a deeper understanding and assessment of the strength of Yuan Tian.

The Yuantian limit has been so powerful, but it has always been so low-key among the nine emperors, and the impression is always the last. If it is rushed to meet, I am afraid that the snow and tears will really suffer a big loss.

If this time, Chu Yang killed his son, causing him to be intolerant, angry and sent troops to crusade, even the fate of the soldiers, eventually sent a book mad, and the book mad and unexpectedly was moved by Chu Yang... I am afraid this thing will still Always in the dark.

"Yuan Tian has always been so concealed of strength, why is it?" Chu Yang frowned and asked: "He is already the master of one of the heavens and the earth. The supreme character of the nine heavens, why do you want to hide this strength?"

The book's mad face moved, but did not speak.

Chu Yang continued to say to himself: "Is it because the enemy is weak... But who is his "enemy"?"

The book's mad face is getting more and more ugly, and the words are stopped. After all, they have swallowed a word.

At this time, Chu Yang stopped this somewhat embarrassing topic.

Turning to another topic: "If the book king's predecessors can make great achievements in the book... then, I believe that no one should guide us... In the all-encompassing manner of the heavenly book, the posthumous mastermind and the real murderer... should be very sure. ”

The book smiled bitterly: "I don't know this. However, my God of Heaven can reach the current realm. In fact, it is already unprecedented. It is the first of its kind. Because of this, after reaching the bottleneck of this realm. Naturally, there is no reference for reference. Everything has to be explored by myself. From then on, I am desperate, no further motivation, and, in order to repay the human condition, I must also do my best. Help him..."

"It turns out that it is also human nature. However, if your mood has always been the same, he will find the real murderer in the day... Is it necessary to help Yuan Tian to help?" Chu Yang said with a deep smile: "What's more... How can you confirm that the 18 people you killed are the murderers who killed you that year? You said that at the beginning of the war, you will be a slap in the face. Heavy injuries, confusion of consciousness..."

"Do you have any evidence to confirm that the 18 people you killed are the real murderers who killed your wife on the same day?"

"And, so far, you still only killed 18 murderers, where is the leading brother? ... that is the real executioner? Yuan Tian is so vast, since he can find the front Eighteen people, how can the last person not find it?!"

Chu Yang’s eyes are as sharp as a knife: “The one who said it’s not good, just the 18 people who have already been killed, is it really the group that attacked you that day?? Yuan Tianji said... the 18 people are the murderers. You believe it, never doubt it?"

"Your enemy, have you been killed by you?"

Chu Yangdao: "Perhaps, one of the 18 dead people, one of the two, the one who was killed by you at the very beginning is indeed the murderer of the day... I mean, the speculation I made is true. However, among the future people, they may not all be! Even maybe not all. After all, the senior saints are also very rare. If they can weaken the strength of the enemy masters, is it to help others? !"

Chu Yang said: "I think you should understand what I mean! Book mad seniors."

The book screams and sweats down.

He has always believed that he never really doubted it.

As Chu Yang said, Yuan Tianjun helped himself find the murderer. At the beginning, several people asked themselves in detail. There was another person who tortured him to death and confirmed that it was the real murder of the day...but Later, killing again... but half of them are based on the confession given by those people, and half of them are greatly assisted by Yuantian.

But after finding it, under the layout design, kill it without asking the indulgence, leaving no room for it!

Without lingering the murder, although they are willing to enmity, but on the other hand, they have lost the true meaning of breaking the enemy.

Even if Yuan Tian is suspected, Yuan Tian is ready to pay the lives of these 18 people. Even then, when he kills his eyes, Yuan Tian will keep the next few people. Other people, or those who do not obey the management of Yuantian limit, will be the ghosts!

Anyway, they have already killed, and there is no evidence of death!

Now I want to come, the more "the real fierce" in the back, the bigger the coming, and some of them are even superpowers in one world, even if they are doing their best, it will cost countless human and material resources to make it happen. I will be more grateful to Yuan Tian, ​​but whether the fact is that Yuan Tianzhi helps me to revenge, or is it that I am biased and married? !

"The heavenly book is full of all things, and it also contains hatefulness." Chu Yang said faintly: "I have heard that if you cultivate it to the depths, you can go back in time."

Speaking of this, Chu Yang has a bright eye.

Opposite, the book madness shocked.


"Today has burned a lot, only less than thirty-seven degrees. Hurry and start working... I have a debt, and I still want to save the manuscript for the New Year..." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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