Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 466: Double king left

"Now these pains can't stand the past, or the good days will be delayed! Late, several times, maybe even never..."

"So, not only Chu Yang has to endure, even we have to endure; not only Chu Yang to practice, we must practice."

The purple evil is soft, but it is firmly said: "The woman's Yuanyin, especially the strength of the woman who is like you and me, is a great woman. For the cultivation of such a person, it is very useful. !"

"And the higher the self-cultivation of yourself and me, the more the benefits of each other, the stronger the yin and yang."

"Qian Qian and Tian Tian have lost this opportunity, so we have to cherish it... because the one they lost in advance will be passed by Chu Yang in the future, and then they will make up for them... ..."

Speaking of this topic, even if the purple evil sentiment was initiated, and it was cultivated for many years, the content contained in the inside is actually almost nothing. The purple evil is always a yellow flower prostitute. Shy and flushed.

Mo light dance is a pretty blush to the neck, tenderly bowed, but it is a small ear, listening to the word, lest what is missing.

Purple evil blushes and looks at Mo light dance. The cautious and heavy word says: "So... light dance, you can never give yourself away easily...······ How urgent is Yang, you must also hold on to the last level at this stage. You must insist on this. If necessary, you can follow my example. My plan is to use all things, and Chu Yang has nothing to do."

Mo lightly blushing, nodded slightly.

But the determination in my heart is infinitely powerful: "The original...················································································· ”

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I just touched it, but I still let the light dance do the same, but also follow your example.······I, I remember your life...···”

It turned out that the goods had long been awake, and they were always in a coma. Bo sympathized with the conversation between the two women. I have been hearing it now and I can’t help it anymore. These days, I have already been stunned enough. Now I am being swayed by the purple evil, and I have extended my sexual life to the monkey year.

Chu Yuzu cried on the spot.

I really haven’t been so tossed.

Although you said something, there are some truths...

"How? I didn't make sense? I don't understand this layer? Remember me forever? I am so scared?! But I am afraid that your memory is not deep enough. Do you want me to help you remember some more?!" The evil spirits asked evilly.


"But what?" Mo lightly asked with a red face.

"Even if you two don't let me touch...but...the two..." Chuyang eyes said with extreme sorrow: "Butian and Qianqian... always OK...···"

"We will not let you touch! We must follow the example of the big purple sister!" With a word, Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian walked in with a red face and looked at each other.

Chu Yang squinted: "Don't be sorrowful and ruthless... Lunjia also has the right to enjoy sexual life..."

Ever since, a bunch of powder punches have come up...

After a hard training of up to half a year of purgatory, Chu Yang’s ability to fight and fight has finally made great progress before the two strong men of the book madness and the painting king left.

At the very least, when facing a book madman, Chu Yang can already do the attack and defend!

Although it is still difficult to avoid defeat in the end, but ... at least no longer has no power to fight back.

Of course, this is only limited to the scope of discussion. If it is really life and death, Chu Yang still inevitably loses within a dozen strokes and even within a few strokes.

But at the very least, during this time, almost every day and night, tempering and forging, Chu Yang’s own foundation has been completely sturdy!

Even if you immediately improve your realm now, there is no worries!

The book madness had said such a sentence the night before leaving.

"I have never seen a person who has such a crazy practice in this world! If there is an absolute king in the future, if Chu Yang will not die at that time... I believe that person will be him!"

For this sentence, the painting Wang Qiuyuanshan deeply agrees that there is no objection at all.

The two senior peaks of their seniors accompanied Chuyang in the past six months, and they feel tired and half dead every day.... It can be imagined that the current realm of Chu Yang has reached a point!

How old is Chuyang now?

How long have they been practicing for two?

How big is the space for Chuyang?

This is unpredictable and difficult to estimate. It is difficult to count things but it is something that everyone is optimistic about!

"The two predecessors went back this time... I only want to treasure!" Chu Yang specially set up a table for the two people to leave the practice of wine, toasting wishes.

"Do not worry, if it is really like that, even if I fight this old life, but also help the nerd to get back a fair!" Painting Wang Qiuyuanshan look awe. !

The book madness is naturally something that can't be his.

They are a million-year-old friendship, and they have nothing to do with each other. As early as the first day when the painting king came to Tianbinge to start healing, the book mad told him about it and Chu Yang’s speculation. At that time, the painting king almost collapsed...

"If it is...", don't be forced. Don't be reluctant, don't be tempted, chances will always be there; there are so many good brothers, there is such a powerful force, this fairness will be discussed sooner or later. return!"

Chu Yang said sincerely: "This is really true that I am crossing the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain; in case there is such a thing... I hope that the two can come back to me as quickly as possible. Come here; I am here... I need you; and, outside the field, the demon battlefield... I need you too. From the sacrifice... It’s not the hero’s action, it’s a moment of anger, it doesn’t help.”

The book mad and the painting king sighed.

"Of course, if there is really no such thing... everything is my guessing mistakes..." Chu Yang solemnly said: "Please also forgive Chu Yang... sin!"

The two hurriedly got up and said no.

Although Chu Yang said so, but the experience accumulated by the two for millions of years, can you not know who is true?

If this judgment is not yet, then it will really live a lifetime.

This practiced the wine. The two drunk and drunk, but drunk.

When I left, I stopped talking.

Chu Yang and Yi Wang and others were accompanying, and everyone did not speak.

When the time came, the three were coming together, but only two people went together. There is also a guard who doesn't know where he is!

Both of them want to ask about the whereabouts of their brothers, but this is a word, but they can't ask for it anyway.

Everyone understands that there has been no news until now, and it must have been destined for the hands of the five guards of the demon king day! The demon emperor’s five guards also shot at the same time, but now there is only one wing king.

What does this mean?

What does this mean?

Where did the other four go?

The strength of the three people is still so bleak, and only one of them is facing the demon king's four masters on the same day, and is at home to fight at home... Have you survived?

But what can you do now? Can you still go against it?

So the two did not go nonsense and left directly.

Even if the heartache is painful, it will only be manifested after leaving. The current atmosphere is really not suitable for revealing any strangeness.

Looking at the back of the two people, Chu Yang deeply sighed and said: "They are afraid that they will not leave directly."

"Yes. No matter what the opportunity of embarrassment, they always look for the traces of their brothers. I am afraid, just a trace of the breath." Wing Wang has some sighs.

"Seven Stars Guardian · For millions of years, it was only in the first half of the year that only one of them fell!"

Chu Yang nodded heavily.

"If they go back this time..." Chu Yang’s eyes are deeply worried: "I don't know... will..."

"If the matter of the year is really... Yuan Tianzhi's so-called words..." Wing Wang long sighed: "Then these two people can only come back to a half-dead person... it is already very good!"

Chu Yang’s heart hurts: "I hope they can bear the temper, if it is not reluctant..."

Everyone is shaking their heads slowly.

Such a breath, as long as it is a river and lake people, it will never endure!

"The singer of the singer, the latest news from Mo Yuntian; the battle between Moyun Tiangegege Xie Kui and the Mo Yuntian Tianting military has now fallen into a downturn. The outlook is very pessimistic."

The person in the Tianji Intelligence Department rushed over to report and gave the above information.

During this period, the Tianji Intelligence Department under the careful planning of Chuyang, under the careful guidance of Mo Tianji, quietly entered the world of Moyun. And quickly contacted Xie Danqiong.

However, the large-scale battle between the brigade and the people is always different from the rivers and lakes.

Although the importance of intelligence is still enough to affect the overall situation, it is far from reaching the point of subverting the victory and defeat of this battle. Xie Danqiong’s combat power is always too weak, and the real strength of the two sides is too different. Even accurate information, at best, can be used in advance to avoid some tactical evasion, it is difficult to become a decisive influence.

With accurate intelligence, it is indeed possible to carry out some small ambushes in certain areas and achieve certain results, but this is already the limit.

In addition, I really don't have much use.

In that case, the real power gap between the two sides is too great. Before the absolute strength, even if there are some specific high-quality external factors, it is still impossible to control the trend of the situation.

"Sorry, I was taken home by my dad for a young age... The update is late. Today's special circumstances, the new year is even more - it is too late, the second chapter can't write it...·····

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