Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 471: For Wang Jinggong...

"What's wrong?" The soul of the second king who came in with the second heart wrinkled! Come

Then I found out that there were only two painting and painting kings in the room.

The other four people are all in the heart, faintly feeling the bad heart, the feminine voice suddenly becomes gloomy and violent, it seems that the depression before the storm: "Chess king?"

The two kings of painting and calligraphy hang their heads and don’t say a word.

"Who is the chess king?" The other four people sipped together and looked up, and they all became very urgent and anxious!

Knowing that it is not good, but there is still hope in case, even if it is seriously injured to die, the soul is not afraid of injury, as long as it is still alive!

"Don't ask." Yuan Tianjun sighed with a long sigh: "Chess king he····· encounters the five guards of the demon emperor, the siege, already... buried bones!]

In the secret room, the atmosphere instantly becomes abnormally calm and depressed!

I only heard the gasping voice of the four people!

The sage's peak is strong, even if it is not a pant for ten years, it will not make such a heavy gasp, but now, the breathing of the four people is like pulling a bellows.

"Death······??" The heart of the king's voice became dry, and he snorted and laughed: "Giggle. · Adults... You don't want to make such a joke, haha... How could the chess king die like this? ”

He said, his eyes were on the face of the paintings of the two kings, full of hope.

I hope that the two of them suddenly as usual, suddenly telling themselves from the sad expression of the sorrowful expression: You are deceived, you are a fool...

In that way, I will not be angry when I decide, I will only happily pounce on it, happy to catch these two guys arrogant! Even let them beat their own meal does not matter, as long as they say chess king did not die like ??????

Several other brothers are waiting, eagerly awaiting, staring at the book madness and the face of Qiuyuan Mountain.

The two only felt that the heart was swallowing tens of thousands of pounds of berberine; the throat was like being blocked, and for a time it was impossible to say a word. It was just standing in the mud and wood.

The throat rolled a few times, but only swallowed a sip.

The eyes of the other four people gradually became godless, powerless, and desperate from hope!

"Dead?" said the heart king: "Is it really dead? Chess king, really dead? My brother, really dead?!"

Suddenly, I shouted in the sky and yelled: "You two **** are not telling me quickly, this is a joke! Just kidding! Ah!!!"

Suddenly before flying, I grabbed the book madness and the paintings of the king, and yelled: "Quickly say! It’s a joke, let me say it!"

A burst of crazy shaking.

The book madness and the painting king's body were shaken like a sieve, and they quickly trembled, but they looked desperately and sadly at the heart of the king, not a little resistance.

Finally, the heart king is no longer shaking.

He looked at the two men with violent eyes. He had already noticed that the two had been seriously injured before, and they slowly stepped back two steps; standing side by side with the other three.

Suddenly, I smiled and said: "We have lived for millions of years, and **** it, it’s **** too long. Everyone has already seen it, and everyone can see it. It’s light...nothing, who can’t really die?”

To say this, it seems to be comforting myself, and it seems to be comforting others.

However, his voice is harder to hear than crying; his face is ugly than crying!

His chest, the ups and downs are getting more and more fierce, and finally can not help but scream: "But I have to know who they are in the hands of death? How to die!? What is the beginning of the matter?!"

Several other people have also stared at the two.

No words at all; even breathing, all abandoned!

Instantly, the entire chamber is audible.

Yuan Tian’s face was thin and majestic. His eyes suddenly flashed. He seemed to want to say something, but he did not say it. Just with a very strange look, without looking at the book madness and painting the king.

As they complained, the unrecognizable look in Yuan Tian’s eyes has become more and more deep.

Deep bottomless.

After listening to the double king, the heart king sent out a sorrowful sorrow: "We will go to the demon king day! Revenge after finding the demon!"

"Let's go to the demon king! Revenge! Revenge!"

Soul King and others have been making noises.

"Silence!" The strange look in the eyes of Yuan Tianjun suddenly disappeared and disappeared. He was completely hidden. He just sighed with anger: "This matter is related to the battle of hundreds of millions of souls in the world. You can do things like this!"

"Er is also a very important person, life experience is not ordinary, how so impulsive!" Yuan Tian limit anger.

"But, the brothers were killed, how can we be indifferent! Is it impossible to put this matter on hold?"

The heart of the king is full of anger, the voice is suppressed as much as possible, but it is more and more feminine, and the ingenuity is infiltrating. If there is a person who is repaired to a lower level, there is no need for anything else, and his voice can cause internal injuries. .

"Don't I be sad?! I am also sad! But...···Now we are in a mess here. If we rush to fight, the outcome is still second, I am afraid that there will be no chance to avenge the chess king in the future..." Yuan Tian limitedly sighed: "So we can only be patient for the time being, and when the civil unrest ends, I will naturally...··············!

Yuan Tianheng said heavily: "The gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, this emperor will be the chess king, and he will get back a fair!"

After a long silence, Yuan Tianjun said with a heavy weight: "The chess king has gone... You only know that he is your good brother, but you have thought about it... He is also my brother! Years of life and death brothers!"

The heart of Wang Wangwang and others heard the silence.

For a long time, the heart king said heavily: "I hope that the Emperor of Heaven will remember today's words... don't forget this **** hate!"

Under sorrow and anger, the heart king

I didn’t realize that I’m talking to the Emperor of Heaven, and it’s already a bit of a pass.

However, since the Emperor of Heaven has already said this, it is equivalent to a guarantee. If the heart king still insists on revenge on the demon emperor, it will be excessive, too unpopular and unreasonable.

Yuan Tianjun nodded deeply, and his face was solemn.

"Thank you for the Emperor of Heaven!" The six guards were all together.

At the moment of the whole body, there were finally a few drops of turbid tears, and the cockroaches fell on the ground.

"Your Majesty..." The book madly stepped forward and tried to stop.

Yuan Tian’s eyes flashed and he asked, “What else?”

"This mission failed. ····································································································· ·······”

Speaking of it, the voice choked, and it was hard to say.

Several other brothers sighed long and said: "How can you blame you for this... Book mad, why are you blaming yourself..."

Yuan Tian limited the heart and said: "Don't be because of this... No wonder I think the book madness is not quite right... With his sentimental personality, this attitude is the right thing!"

Suddenly relieved, the tone of the more gentle and soft voice: "Book King, this matter can not be blame you...···哎, the sky is unpredictable, people have a good fortune, life and death wins and defeats for us Jianghu people, It’s an ordinary thing... Or, although the chess king is in the body, he is trying hard to make your two brothers return safely. For the chess and other empathy, perhaps it’s still dead, laughing to the don’t have to be too Self-blame."

The brothers have echoed and appeased.

Ask yourself if you have gone to that place, and you can't choose to sacrifice yourself to ensure that your brother's safe departure is the top priority. I think that I feel all my heart.

Perhaps, for Chess King, in such a dangerous situation, can cover the book madness and the painting king safely leave, he ... has no regrets, right?

The book mad took a deep breath: "Before this, for many years, my heart has always been reserved...············································································ It turned out to be his own brother..."

The book mad suddenly fell to the ground and burst into tears: "This is really my fault! I should not have selfishness..."

The brothers are red again.

Yuan Tian limited to sigh and step forward, gently patted the shoulders of the book madness. Wen Yan said: "Nothing... this hatred, we will certainly report!"

The book madly grabbed the ground and said loudly: "There must be all the best under the guise, assisting the sire, making great achievements, pressing the demon, revenge for my brother!"

"Okay, good." Yuan Tianjun relieved his heart and nodded. "You can have this heart. I believe that the chess king knows, and Jiuquan smiles."

"Your Majesty, the next time he was seriously wounded, and his life was a few times, but it was a curse and a blessing. He accidentally realized a more effective practice method than before." The book madly stood up and looked firm: " Your Majesty is only a book in the book, and you can't break through. There is a lack of a sense of direct vision. If you feel like a painting, you can't fully integrate it with your heart. ······

"Nice ······" Yuan Tian is bound to do this for a long time, and the spirit of the news has been spurred: "What do you think of specifically? You can talk carefully to see if this emperor can give you Some comments!"

"This thing still needs a special medium to participate, draw the king!" The book said wildly: "There is a saying that painting and calligraphy are not separated! But for so long, we have always ignored this."

Yuan Tianzhi heard the words and pondered.

"Books can be all-encompassing and carry everything. But painting can look at Wanliheshan in a more direct way!" The book mad said: "If it can be included in all-encompassing, add the texture of the picture; that enlightenment···· ···It’s really all-inclusive, at least more powerful than ever.”

Yuan Tian said: "I am afraid that this is not so easy. We have tried many ways before, but ... has little effect."

"This time, I really realized a new and more feasible method!" The book madly took a deep breath, and his face gave a glorious radiance: "As long as I join forces with the painting king, I will let go of myself without reservation. The spirit, the two people's spiritual world is fully integrated, and then, I will host the Vientiane Dafa, start the highest level, and certainly can achieve the combination of painting and calligraphy!"-

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