Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 492: Jiuzhong Tianzhu brothers gather!

Ji Mo Luo Ke enemy is extremely dissatisfied with Mo Tianji: You said that you will finish the news about our brothers, and you will be insulting here, what do you mean...

Sometimes we are asleep, when we sleep well, we are called by your helpers. I don’t know if the buddies have already told me: Any news of the Ministry of Intelligence will call me the first time. ·····

Did you let him sleep so sleepy? !

As for the entire Nine Heavens, this time is even more so that the Sky Intelligence Department of Mo Tianji has made a fuss and a sigh of relief!

"The devil invaded..."

"Some...···· was killed by the demon... The scene is bloody, how is the tragedy..."

"There is a demon in a certain city..."

"The latest news, the Moyun Tiandi Yuantian limit is the extraterrestrial demon, the news has been confirmed, according to witnesses on the scene..."

"The latest news, the Mo Yuntian seven guards are shocked by the Yuantian limit is the truth of the extraterrestrial world, has been rebellious..."

"The latest news, the first handsome Shumu of Mo Yuntian got the truth and the uprising, the demon action was vigorous..."

"latest news……"

Of course, all the latest news is extremely expensive, not how to reflect the authenticity of intelligence, but at this time, everyone who cares about the price? As long as you hear it, you will buy a new news to understand the specific situation.

Have to say, Mo Tianji this war money, it is a drop!

In this regard, Gu alone is the most incomprehensible, once dedicated to the book Mo Tianji: such a message you can not send it? How do you have to get into the eyes of money? This has already reached the critical moment of the death of Tianzhu. Do you want to make this money? You are so funny!

Mo Tianji specifically explained that Gu’s singularity was speechless: the news of the white delivery can be valued! So there is no good goods at a cheap price, who is rare? ! Only let them buy, but also spend a lot of money to buy the 'significant intelligence, they will only look at one word and one word. ·································································· The second child doesn't understand these things, he is a fart!

This rebuttal, Mo Tianji was sent to nine people at the same time!

Only one of them was depressed, and the other eight were laughing and sulking.

At the same time, the tops of the major worlds have also paid close attention to the movements of Mo Yuntian!

Even a lot of Heavenly Emperors sent their most capable men, secretly rushed to Mo Yuntian to determine whether the current rumored information is true or not.

After all, one day, the emperor is actually the incarnation of the demon, this kind of news is really too shocking and incredible.

After waking up the book madness and painting the king, and confirming the truth of the news, Chu Yang immediately communicated to Mo Tianji.

"Speak to the brothers, everyone seems to have been idle for so long, really should work.

"There are separate departures from the elite parts of the team. At that time, the ink clouds gather together!"

"Nine heavy heavens, nine robbers reunite!"

When I said this, Chu Yang’s eyes were shining! The excitement from the depths of the soul is a heartfelt excitement!

Finally, it’s the day! !

Brothers, are you okay?

"Who is high and who is low, when the time is re-arranged! The position of the boss is also competitive. As long as you have this strength! As the intermediate level of the sage, the current boss who is the senior leader of the saints, Chu Yang Chu, welcomes the challenge!"

This news was sent out by Mo Tianji at the fastest speed.

Suddenly caused a mourning for the brothers... Boss, you will not be so cruel...·····

You are all saints and you are fighting for a fart... You are not naked to show off... Strike...

The reactions between the brothers are of course different.

In the first time of receiving this news, Gu Duxing immediately arranged all the things of his Tianbing Pavilion, and then he was alone and lightly on the road!

"I am waiting to cultivate here, continue to recruit and expand the strength, and when I come back, I will lead you to kill Zitian, kill the demon, and achieve the immortal fame!" Gu Duxing said in a sword.

Immediately, the whole person even made a sword with a sword and made a smashing sword light. The electric rushing and running thunder generally disappeared into the eyes of everyone!

For the boss, such a fierce and violent departure, the people who are under the command, all of them are not able to touch the mind; our Gu boss has always been cold-faced, and it seems that he has never been so excited. What happened to this time? Is it excessive practice and ignorance?

But listening to his last sentence, everyone feels a kind of passion from the bottom of my heart.

It is an undisguised, imposing warfare!

Since joining the Tianbing Pavilion, Gu Laoda has been promoting a very stimulating and popular slogan all the time: today's hard training, the day to smash the devil!

Under the eyes and ears, everyone in the Tianbing Pavilion has already ‘killed the demon, as a goal of lifelong pursuit!

Now, is this day finally coming? !

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, anyway soon, we will set foot on the battlefield and kill the devil!

Achievements are endless, and the world is shining!

Gu alone all the way to speed, but the heart is inexplicably hot!

Finally,····· finally arrived at the same time with the brothers and sisters in the nine-day scorpion!

Yesterday, vowed, still in your ear, brother, can you still remember? !

The cold wind blows the surface, like the cutting of the blade, the pain of the silk, for a long time, but Gu alone does not seem to feel it! It was just turned into a sharp sword light, and between the swaying, it has disappeared into the clouds, and there is no trace!

On the other hand, Mo Tianji still handled all the things at hand in a slow and orderly manner. He arranged all the things and issued a strict order: "During the period of my departure, the Tianji Intelligence Department must not be a little slow!"

"All intelligence, as always!"

"Everyone has his or her duties, but if there are sloppy people, they will not be punished!"

After confirming that it was correct, it only picked up seven or eight confidant masters, and put away the hand of the heavenly machine. Then, with a command, the boat was driven out; the Motian machine fluttered and boarded the flying boat, all the way, waving toward Moyun Tianfeng rushed away.

Well, this flying boat was bought after Mo Tianji sold intelligence to earn wealth. For the current Mo Tianji, in the eyes of others, it is a sky-high price, and a flying boat that can not be expected for a lifetime is simply too easy and easy.

However, it is a flying boat... It’s only a few dollars... When Mo Tianji bought the flying boat, he said.

Almost, the official officials who sold the boat turned their faces. Knowing that you have money, it’s not so bad...

Compared to taking a stand alone, Mo Tianji’s approach is undoubtedly comfortable.

Moreover, the speed is definitely not slow.

It’s just the same in the heart of Mo Tianji. Always calm and calm, the face of the ancient well does not wave. At this moment, there is also a hint of excitement. Finally, everyone is going to get together again.

He sat in the flying boat, and he was stable and stable.

However, several of his confidant masters can clearly see the excitement of the boss.

Because the situation of Mo Tianji is really different from him in the weekdays!

In the past, there has never been one thing that can make Mo Tianji have the slightest movement, his face excitedly red, or the angry redness - that is absolutely impossible.

Mo Tianji has always been calm and gentle, no matter what, no matter how serious, in his eyes, it is ordinary. Everything is not important, it is difficult to shake his meditation.

The light expression of the chest seems to last forever, but today the boss face has changed.


Although it is still not very obvious, it is really red!

Mo Tianji, while excited, while in the heart, but also to make a calm, long time, finally helpless smile, shake his head, no longer deliberately.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" asked the next person.

"Nothing." Mo Tianji was a bitter smile.

Mind: Nothing? Just blame!

At the moment, Mo Tianji was a little shocked, a little scared ‘a little fear, and a little panic!

In the previous period, it seemed that it was a bit too much. It has been chasing Gu Duxing, Dong Wushou, Mo Tears, Proud and Evil, Unruly, Ji Mo, Rock Enemy······

These guys are a bit miserable by me... This time I met, in all likelihood, very, very, very likely, I have to have a bitter wait for myself... The guys have always been I will not be merciless, and now I have the opportunity to retaliate. There is no revenge for revenge.

It is very possible that you have to face a brutal family.·····

Thinking about it, Mo Tianji was a bitter smile, faint, and there were still some expectations in his heart.

As long as the brothers can be together, it seems that even if it is suffering, it is not unacceptable...···

Come out and mix, the day that the total is repaid...···

Mo Tian’s mouth overflowed with a bit of happy smile: I couldn’t think of my god’s ghost, but also know that the front is a trap, and I can’t wait to jump in this time...

"嗷呜··································································································· Did not say, directly rushed out, all the way, laughing, like a madman.

All of the subordinates looked at their own heads with a sloppy look, and they still didn't figure out what was going on.

Although the head of the house is very unregulated on weekdays, it seems that today is even more mad, what is it because of it? !

Just so excitedly rushed out dozens of miles, Rock's enemies remembered that they made a big mistake: as a leader, they suddenly left without a word, seemingly did not even say hello!

Nothing is arranged, this is too much to say...·····

Little sister, happy birthday! !

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