Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 512: The limelight changes!

"Yes..············································································································· Many people, but not to be aware of the army of the heavenly emperor, is simply impossible. If those people are killed by the people of the heavenly emperor, then it is only possible...·hehe, I mean, it is possible, maybe Sex is a bit bigger.······”

"There are too many doubts in this, too many unreasonable things, unreasonable, and inconsistent with the facts."

"Yes, why do you want to smear this black scorpion? He has already been pointed out by thousands of people. As for how many more feet?"

"I am afraid that there is something weird about it."

"Yes, then, where is the weirdness?"

"These soldiers are really dead. If this is the case, if it is not the hands and feet of the raft, it is most likely to die in whose hands?"

"You are talking nonsense, since it is not the raft? It must be ordered to die under the armpit..."

"Hey! Hey!"

"I mean a possibility, and I don't have to say that it is done under the arm, but the possibility is higher!"

"The world is so chaotic, who should we believe in?"

"This is this..."

After five or six days before and after, the public opinion of Mo Yuntian has become a fog from the innocence of all people.

Too many people are beginning to be confused and overwhelmed.····

There are also some people who are interested, and they start to think and start to pursue the so-called ‘truth.

What the **** is this all about?

"If Mu Tianyi really wants to rebel, he has been rebelling for so many years! Why wait until now? He has always been the peak power!"

"Since rebellion is not the original intention of Muxi, why should he do this, and what reason has it created his righteousness? If it is not a smug, what will it be?"

"Those who have been killed are the soldiers of Mo Yuntian. Since they have taken the initiative to leave the raft, why are they killed?"

"The Emperor of Heaven has made a promise that he has never lost."

"Is it true that the Emperor of Heaven has a fateful word and is fat? Jun has no jokes, not to be!"

"That is millions of people..."

"What the **** is this for? It's confusing!"

"There is also the fact that this battle has been carried out very differently. The Emperor of Heaven has clearly occupied an overwhelming advantage and has the upper hand. However, it is the delay to give superior strength and carry out a large-scale decisive battle. They are fighting, it is simply a strategy to die.······

"I heard that I just heard that when the magic is injured, I want to recover quickly. I need a lot of soul power..."

"There is something like this. There have been similar rumors. I have heard that as long as it is a high-level warrior, I know the ability of the demon!"

"Cough, I mean... I actually said... before the raft was not said...not to say

"Ah, you mean that the Emperor of Heaven needs a lot of soul power? That is to say..."

"Oh, oh... I just guessed it casually, just talk about it, it’s just possible."

"I really have this possibility. I have also heard that the Devils do have such evil skills..."

"That said that...·Is it not that the Emperor of Heaven is really..."

"The devil?"

"This... can this be said casually?"

"But so many things, everything points to... no reason..."

The so-called object must be reversed, and the use of Mo Tianji’s means is purely extreme, beginning to produce subtle influences from the opposite direction.

Moreover, the two armies of the two sides who are engaged in the war have also begun to have the meaning of suspicion. They have their own concerns, and each has their hands. The number of casualties on both sides has dropped sharply.

However, Yuan Tianjun could not make a big response to such a form change; because... After the big explosion of Mo Tianji, Yuan Tian’s limit was not easy to recover, but it was directly blocked by the freezing point.

Even the wounds of the soul are even more serious than the painting and painting kings!

A lot of heavenly treasures can be eaten, but they can only make up for physical trauma and repair strength, and can not make up for the wounds of the soul.

Therefore, Yuan Tian is also very helpless. If it is not a large population, how can it be quickly compensated? Therefore, although I know that the winds of the public opinion have already turned a bit, I can only continue to go down with my scalp.

I hope that more people will die. This way, the energy of the soul can be a little more, and it will be faster to recover. Then the hibiscus will be wiped out and then turned to deal with the mainland trend. It is relatively easy.

As the wave of public opinion rose again, it slowly began to derive other remarks.

"Hey, do you know?" whispered.

"what's up?"

"With the ear coming over..."

"How is this so mysterious? What is it?"

"I heard that in a battle over there, there was an unprecedented violent big bang, and the Emperor of Heaven took off from it and was filled with black air..."

"Black air is diffuse? How come this way?"

"Ah! Yes, black gas..." It is said that... that is the so-called suffocating! The gas of the devil...·····!

"Oh... how is this possible, the Emperor of Heaven has left him..."

"Beep! Lying in the Nima, you want to die... Don't kill the old man if you want to die..."

"This is this... It’s too ridiculous, the real surprise...·····


"Is it true that Mu Shuai said... really?"

"This... this, no comment."

One person knows that two people know that two or three people know that there are two hundred people who know that, slowly, the entire Mo Yuntian Street is whispering, mysterious.

Ever since, there have been such voices coming out.


"The trough!"

"No way……"

"The trough is lying in the trough..."

At the same time, some of the achievements and some attitudes of Muxi have been widely disseminated.

"Mu Shuai is actually a good person..."

"Yeah, I still remember that Mu Shuai once wrote a poem; called ····························································································

"Hey, Mu Shuai has guarded the days of Mo Yuntian for millions of years. It is really a good person who protects the country and defends the country..."

"Yuan Tian is the **** of the demon heard? This matter has been confirmed, the evidence is conclusive..."

"Hey, I thought it was a group of idiots before I waited. I have lived for so many years under the devil's arrogance. I don't know the truth. If it isn't Wood Shuai... I really have to be kept in the drum until I die. That is the downright sorrow. It..."

"Is this news reliable?"

"Grass, you know a fart! Come and come to me to explain in detail, you will understand when you finish..."

"呜呜···The original truth is like this...we can’t hold the wood handsome ah······”

"I am **** ah... I also yelled at him the day before yesterday, I really didn't want to go ah..."

"I am **** too..."

"We want to be famous for Mu Shu!"

"The devil scorpion rolls out of the clouds!"

"You are not right, it should be killing and killing these magic scorpions!"

"The grass is his horse; my disappointing son is still serving in the Yuantian limited military camp. The old man immediately wrote a letter to the little rabbit, and he was actually a traitor."

The atmosphere on the battlefield slowly became a bit strange.

Seven or eight days passed, and the rain was slowly discovered. When I gave orders, I looked more and more and more densely with my doubts.

Moreover, the soldiers seem to be somewhat unsatisfied, and their morale is unprecedentedly weak.

There are still some people who can't move to a tent. Many people are quietly saying something there... As long as they go in, they are silent.

Fighting, one by one is no longer screaming like before, but is weak.

There are more and more complicated voices. Although it is only four times, but the rain has been delayed, I have heard more than once...

"The devil..."

"His Majesty……"

"do not know……"

On the other side of the raft, this will be a little leisurely. The daily battle between the two sides seems to be dealing with official business. It was a big war. One day, the two sides will die and hurt more than 100,000 people, but for the past few days, Especially in the last one or two days, there is almost no death or injury...·····

It’s like the two armies are negotiating. On the battlefield, you hit you, I beat me, and then we played a show. Just deal with it.

The sword came like a wind, and the tricks were lost.

The knife is like electricity and the knife is hurricane.

The fist is weak, and the palm is like cotton...

Anyway, all the attacks, all of them do not have the most basic lethality, how can there be casualties? !

"This is also called snoring!"

The rain was slow and eager to convene the crowd, and a burst of swearing: "You **** is such a war? Such negligence, so big rebellious! So..."

Those who greet him are the special eyes that are full of doubts and doubts.

One of the generals, Shantou Qing, couldn’t help but screamed, “Yu Shuai, the brothers want an explanation...Is it true that the Emperor is the devil? You must know the truth, you are the Emperor of Heaven. Closer!"

The rain was delayed and the nose was discouraged: "What are you doing?" Do you believe in such rebellious rumors? It is simply unreasonable to ask for export."

"How is it a miscellaneous account, if not, why did the Emperor of Heaven not come up with evidence to prove himself? Let me wait for no doubt?" The man stalked his neck and refused to scream.

"Miscellaneous things! Do you want the Emperor of Heaven to take off the nakedness and let you check it out?" The rain is too late and the face is red, and the mouth is not a word.

The Shantou Qing obviously still has some refusal, and he refused to accept it. The rain slowly delayed his brow and ordered: "Come, drag this **** thing down and hit two hundred army sticks!"

In the silence, Shantou Qing was dragged down.


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