Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 537: Qionghua Emperor

Everyone saw it and laughed.

Under the deliberate arrangement and design of Mo Tianji, under the pressure, Xie Danqiong must personally come forward, and in a few days, Xie Danqiong is already suffering. That handsome face, almost laughed stiff... but still had to come forward, have to laugh, it is simply selling laughter, no, even worse than selling laughter.

The road to the cup is not to be said!

The real body and mind are exhausted, and it feels more tired than the previous battle with Yuan Tian.

But this way, Xie Danqiong’s image of the people is undoubtedly deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In particular, Xie Danqiong looks handsome and elegant, and he speaks eloquently, has a decent manner, is graceful, and has a high degree of impossibility...

"This is the true king of the wind..." Someone groaned.

"This is the real king of the world..." Some people lamented.

"Xie Danqiong is so handsome... If I can give him a small slap, I will be satisfied..." A large number of flower idiots shouted.

"Xie Danqiong is so handsome... I love him too, I can spend a night with him, there is no regret in this life..." A few wretched men said,


I don't know when, the crowd began to have a voice like this: "You said, let Xie Danqiong come to us as the Emperor of the Clouds, everyone said?"


"If someone is against our hero, what should we do?"

"I dare to oppose it, that is, I am ill-conceived and have a bad heart. What should I do if I use it?"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Resolutely support Xie Danqiong!" Someone began shouting slogans.

"Resolutely support Xie Danqiong!"

"Long live the Qionghua!"

"Long live the Qionghua!"


The voice is getting higher and higher. Xie Danqiong still had to thank him many times and deducted: "How can you be a kid, how can you be the emperor of the day? This can be impossible! The original intention of the kid was to eradicate the demon and let the son of the cloud." People are no longer blinded by them, they can live a good life without real hidden dangers... I didn’t actually do anything, they were just small things..."

When talking about the words of Mo Tianji, Xie Danqiong felt like a false look.

These are still small things, is there still something big? !

However, the voices of the public are even more heated, and the support is even stronger.

Some people even burst into tears: "Xie Danqiong is not the emperor, I will die... oh... what a good person..."

"Only such a person who is dedicated to the people and has no selfishness can be matched as the Emperor of the Clouds!"

"The previous Yuan Tian limit, that is a trip!"

"Resolutely support Xie Danqiong! Resolutely thank Xie Danqiong the emperor!"


Unconsciously, such a call has swept the entire Mo Yuntian!

Countless people have begun to march toward the emperor, just like the tide of the sea, endlessly coming... unstoppable!

On this long-distance road, it took a full three months to return to the Imperial Beijing.

During these three months, the basics of the brothers’ cultivation were basically a big increase. Every day, they practiced hard work, and they also had two cold-faced supervisors, and they had Chu Yang’s Supported by Tiancaibao, everyone is working hard to cultivate.

Almost all have reached the critical point of breakthrough.

Only Xie Danqiong repaired it but did not advance, stepping on the ground, and even slightly a little regress.

But Xie Danqiong’s momentum is changing and changing day by day.

Under the strong support of more than 80% of the people in Mo Yuntian, Xie Danqiong, who is submerged, gradually became a master of the show. Regardless of whether Xie Danqiong is willing or not, but... as long as he has reached this position, he has reached such a height...

The peculiar superiority of the upper class is so natural and natural that it appears on Xie Danqiong.

Want to refuse no way!

The Japanese-style Imperial Beijing is already crowded with people.

Even the vast palace, already on the road when Xie Danqiong was on the road, has already started construction, and all the masters of the Imperial Beijing have joined forces, which will have been established a little.

The Palace of Hearts is above the original site of the Imperial Palace in Yuantian.

"Qiongwa Imperial Palace!"

In the days of Mo Yuntian, no matter whether the officials and the general public were surging, a massive collective letter was submitted, requesting that Xie Danqiong be the new Emperor of Mo Yuntian.

The letter of the collective petition quickly rushed to the place of Zhongji Tiansheng.

On that day, the sky was densely covered with clouds, and the infinite haze obscured the entire clear sky. The thunder was faint, such as a heavy rain.

It seems that a silent anger of the sky shrouds the entire nine heavens!

Everyone is trembled and does not understand what happened. Only a small number of people who know the inside story know that for the act of Xie Danqiong’s first slap in the face, His Majesty has not accepted it!

Can't accept it, but also accept that the holy sorrow is absolutely uncomfortable in my heart, I am afraid I am already angry!

The whole Nine Heavens, I am afraid that something big will happen next...

However, it is expected that these ‘eyes of the eye’ are not: The saints have not made any objections to this collective petition. At the very least, on the surface, it seems to be very happy. Very happy to pass Xie Danqiong to take over the application of Emperor Yunyun.

Even said: At the time when Qionghua Emperor will be enthroned, he will be in person and congratulate.

In addition, he has also greatly acknowledged his previous negligence: "This is a heartfelt slogan. In this long million years, I have not fully seen the true identity and origin of Yuantian, and I have been blinded by my ghosts. The Qionghua Emperor was bitter and lonely, and he insisted on the original heart, and understood the true face of the demon. It also integrated the forces in the field and united the evil spirits. It was really commendable... This incident also sounded the alarm for this seat. The comfort of this millions of years has been so People are slack..."

In addition to those few criticisms and feelings about themselves, the remaining 90% of them are full of essays, all of which are sincere praises to Xie Danqiong.

Mo Yuntian cheers and thunder.

It is also because of the next sentence of Shengjun, Xie Danqiong’s ‘Qinghua Emperor’’s name is gone; in a few days, it has already resounded to the world, so it’s true.

Qionghua Emperor!

Under the unanimous and strong request of the courtiers, Xie Danqiong had to be awkward, to be good at nature, to let it go, and naturally, to change the name of the Moyuntian Palace to the Qionghua Emperor Palace.

His own emperor, it is also logically named: Qionghua Emperor.

The court of the ministers, 曰: Qionghua Temple.

And Mo Yuntian Emperor Jing, officially renamed: Qionghua City!

For a time, the whole ink cloud is full of Qionghua!

It’s really “Qionian blossoms, a hundred flowers poor”!

A veritable name!

Rivers and lakes rumors: "Qinghua the Great shot, the sky is full of Emperor Jingan!" This is used to describe Xie Danqiong's superb cultivation! Invisible, Xie Danqiong’s cultivation has become the first person in the name of Mo Yuntian!

Qionghua is unbeaten, and it will last forever.

For the ‘Man Yuntian’s first master Xie Danqiong, Qionghua’s emperor deserved it. The result of Qionghua’s unbeaten and long-lasting success, Mo Tianji fell into the cup in the first time he knew it!

This is a few times that Mo Tianji has a few gaffes.

"What is the first master! Saint Jun, do you think that I don't know what you are going to do? Is it true that I have nothing to do with you? I am annoyed, and you can't do it for a long time!"

Mo Tian said with awkwardness.

When I said this, only Chu Yang was next to it.

Only Chu Yang really understands the Mo Tianji, and truly knows what the anger of Mo Tianji has reached at the moment!

But no matter how violent the Mo Tianji...

For a time, the entire Mo Yuntian was instantly transformed into a sea of ​​joy. Everyone was greatly relieved that the Holy King finally accepted Xie Danqiong to take over the Emperor.

Immediately, it is a super gratitude to the Holy King: The Holy Man is really a good person...

Therefore, the grand ceremony of the Qionghua Emperor's enthronement is being prepared everywhere. At that time, it will be a celebration of the whole day, full of joy!

Whether it is urban or rural, or in the mountains, but where anyone is in the place, the Qionghua Emperor is regarded as the first great event!

A force that is hard to see with the naked eye, the power of faith, has quietly formed, and has grown magnificently...

Under the suggestion of Muxi, Xie Danqiong re-established a new seven-star escort; while the book mad and the painting king under the strong persuasion of Chu Yang, with a complex and extreme mood, became the new seven-star guard leader of Xie Danqiong.

Or the original position, or the original position, or guard the original place...

However, the good brothers who have been together for millions of years have never seen it.

I thought that when I was in the limit of the Yuan Dynasty, I would like to fight for death. If I could fortunately fight for the same thing, but the day of my great hatred, it was when I gathered together with the brothers who had already gone to Jiuquan, but the result was... It was Chu Yang, together with the Nine Robbery, which together annihilated the Yuantian limit. Although in the process of destroying the demon, the two of them also made great efforts, but the real fatal blow was always Chu Yang and Jiu Luo, the husband is happy. Enmity, now hatred, but the righteousness has not been reported, this kindness is not only the two of them, but also the great grace of all the brothers, how can you not report? !

In view of this, the two paintings and calligraphy had to let go of the soul of the nine springs, and then guard the seven stars to protect the world.

When sitting at the core of the air transport squad again, sitting in the place where the older brother and the second brother sat, the two were inexplicably inexplicable and burst into tears.

Big Brother, second brother, brothers, you... can you feel it?

We both miss you!

I really miss you guys...


The other five guards are carefully selected from the top five saints, but within half a day, they have been fully implemented.

The choice of seven-star guards, in fact, the strength is still second, the most important thing is sincerity and loyalty, but now everyone is united, but it is a rare bully.

Seeing the sky above the clouds, the new air transport nebula was reborn, and the brow of Mo Tianji wrinkled tightly.

"What's wrong, but what's wrong?" Chu Yang asked softly.


Sorry, I went out with my wife in the afternoon, and the update was late.

"In addition, today is the birthday of 'Ling Piaoping' sister, let us wish her a happy birthday!

In addition, secretly said: Piao Ping sister is a beautiful woman who loves to be loved, and... Hey, just graduated from college, no boyfriend...

Hey, I have revealed a very good news to you, how can I thank me for ...... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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