Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 560: Nothing is true!

"Me too, I am still strange, the soul power of such a master is usually abnormally congested. As long as it is not deliberately destroyed, the basics will instinctively look for vitality, and will regain what is born again. I have not deliberately destroyed it. It will disappear from the air, and the situation that everyone encountered is the same..." Ji Mo said.

"I have a different opinion." Chu Yang's dignified opening: "The so-called soul power dissipates. The process of single theory is indeed disappearing, but the reason why it disappears is because one of the real spirits is gone, and the most The basic existence of the basic spirit alone will cause this kind of active dissipating."

"Oh, if you want the spirit to not be scattered, or even give birth to rebirth, the most important thing is not the strength of the soul, but the strength of the true spirit. If that is true, if the body is destroyed, the soul will naturally dissipate. ""

"That is to say, the soul core of those people has long since ceased to exist!"

“There is no exception.”

"In fact, when a person reincarnates and reincarnates, what he relies on is the true spirit. This is the basis of the sentient beings given by the heavens and the earth. If it is not destroyed by external forces, the break will not disappear naturally; normal people still do, let alone those A master enough to swept one side?"

"The crux has been found, but the crux of the problem is indeed more strange, difficult to understand, the human body may not exist with itself, and sent to another place?!"

Around the Chuyang ring: "So today, bring your seniors together, and your seniors will have a wide range of knowledge, or you can solve problems for us and discuss what it is all about."

Everyone looks at each other.

Then Chu Yang will say everything that has happened since this time.

"These people are not in the flesh, but there are all similarities..."

"...all from the same place, this is already certain."

"...self is also very close to being repaired."


In this way, after saying this like this, Muxi and others are still confused and did not give any relevant advice. Only the meditation of the book king seems to be caught in deep memories.

Everyone saw his mouth shut up automatically and didn't dare to disturb.

After a long, long time, the book king finally looked up, not very sure: "Do you say... Is it really that year..."

When the book king said this, the painting king and the demon emperor's two guards changed their faces at the same time. They seemed to think of something. They said: "What you said is... that year... that kind of kung fu... Already?"

The book king frowned: "If it is based on the existing signs, there is indeed such a suspicion: there is a place where a large number of masters are trained to let them grow freely in the rivers and lakes; in fact, they have already planted holy poison in their hearts. There is a person who controls the true spirit of all people... Once a person who has been controlled by the controller is above the level of the heavenly person, after that person’s death, the true spirit will follow the decomposition of the holy poison and become the finest between heaven and earth. Pure mana is attributed to the master..."

"The most pure mana... the magical power!" The painting king screamed and his face was pale!

It’s not just him, the two guards and the hibiscus of the Emperor’s Day are also white and pale, and they are a little trembling.

Several people looked at each other and said four words at the same time: "The true spirit of the Holy Spirit?!"

The voice of some of them was actually shaking.

"Impossible! Nothing is impossible!" Mucha whispered: "The Wansheng Mojun has already died under the saints, and the magical power has been destroyed by the saints. It is impossible... ..."

When the voice just fell, I saw Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and others slammed their heads. Dozens of gaze were like dozens of sharp swords, and they were stabbed in the face of the raft!

Chu Yang made a light in the eyes!

Halloween true spirit? Killed by the Holy King? Destroyed by the Holy King?

"Dare to ask the true spirit... What is it?" Mo Tianji gave a sigh of relief.

"The true spirit of the Holy Spirit, only I am alone!" The book king swallowed and said the eight words. There is a heart of fear in the eyes.

"I want to hear the details." Mo Tianji smiled.

"The so-called universal spirit, only my own respect, is definitely not an empty talk, a big talk, but a... Everyone who masters this practice, then it is easy to achieve the uniqueness of the whole world. Therefore, the practitioners of the true spirits of the Holy Spirit are considered to be the public enemies of the warriors under the universal sky! Once someone is found to be practicing, they will be self-defense, and they will attack and stand up to death!"

The book madly took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart. He slowly said: "The true spirit of the Holy Spirit, the pollution of the rivers and lakes! If not removed early, any martial arts person will be restless."

He paused and his voice turned to dignity. He said in a word: "Even if it is the superpower of the ranks after the nine emperors, it is no exception!"

Chu Yang frowned and said: "This true spirit is so terrible, but where is its terrible place? Please ask the seniors to explain!"

With the question of Chu Yang, everyone looked at the book madness together.

There are several people who have a big heart. This sound is really timely.

It is clear that the book madness here completely tells the origin and the degree of harm of this set of exercises, so that everyone can hear it. However, Chu Yang has played a very timely role in attracting jade.

Ask everyone to ask, ask in advance, and avoid the embarrassment of others.

"The true spirit of the Holy Spirit, in its literal meaning, is that there are only thousands of saints, but there is only one true spirit; that is to say, there are only one master of the martial arts!"

"Under the control of this master, people will be born and born, let people die and die, without any room for resistance." Book mad said.

"What? How can there be such a practice, this is too exaggerated, and this is only the only one that I am alone, it is simply..." Ji Mo, who answered the news, suddenly did not know how to proceed, because of the book madness It’s just too absurd, it’s too much beyond everyone’s imagination!

"When I finish talking, the master is not really able to manipulate anyone indiscriminately, but is specifically targeted. He can control only those who are completely affiliated with him. The goal is undoubtedly requires huge human and material resources, an extremely secret base, and the need to gather a large number of talents from the rivers and lakes every year. Under this premise, we can be able to perform real spirits."

“Can the predecessors be more specific?” Mo Tianji heard the words “a lot of manpower, material resources, and extreme secret bases”, and suddenly remembered the similarities of those who had died, and the heartbeat unconsciously accelerated.

"Specifically say? How to describe it? According to the most primitive statement, it is... a person who has mastered the cultivation methods of the true spirits and begins to prepare for the proper matters; then will..." Mad and thought about it, and thought about the words in my heart, said: "The true spirit of the Holy Spirit, simply say, is to eat people!"

"Eating people!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling.

These two words are incredible and unbelievable to ordinary civilians; even unbelievable; but at these levels, they can fully understand what these two words contain.

"Yes, the end result is to eat people. From the time of weakness, it begins to devour. This kind of phagocytosis is different from the general phagocytosis; such phagocytosis is the true spirit of engulfing!"

The book madness said, everyone can even clearly see that the hair of the book's skin that is exposed to the outside is straight up.

Obviously, the deep fear that this incident has caused him is simply ingrained.

"First find the qualified youngsters, kill their families one by one, then turn the young one into an orphan and bring them back to the village to cultivate the true spirit. Once they become a warrior, with the true spirit, they will use the heart-warming technique to The true spirit is locked. Then, after repairing to a certain level, it will be put on the rivers and lakes to practice. Everything is based on the promotion of strength, and even has a clear promotion and repairing tasks. Once it is impossible to complete the task, it only needs a thought of the heart to be able to Obliterate it, no matter where the party is, instant Tianya Haijiao, a thought is enough!"

"After the killing, the true spirit of that person will return to the embrace of the master with the traction of the heart-to-heart, and become part of the master's cultivation."

"This is the so-called process of cultivation. It can improve the cultivation without any effort. The acquired cultivation is the most pure and pure source. If the heart is successfully implanted, it will be The peak saint can't be lifted afterwards."

"But the lord will take the initiative to obliterate the controller, and the repairs will be at least halved, or even useless. The best way to get the repair is to let them die in the fight, not involuntarily. Causal, so that you can fully absorb the true spirit after death."

With the book madness, everyone only feels a cold sweat.

There is such an evil practice in the world, and it is no wonder that the book madman named this method as 'cannibalism'!

This is indeed eating people.

Moreover, it is definitely the first evil practice in the world!

"In addition, this practice method has another level limit. If the master himself is only at the level of the heavens, then he can only absorb the level of the real spirit; so step by step, but once the master If it reaches the level of saints, it means that this method of practice is close to Dacheng, and the true spirit of any level can be absorbed!"

"There is also the higher the controlled person, the true spirit produced after death can provide relatively powerful help!"

"This method does not interfere with the progress of the master's own practice. The master himself can practice as usual, and use the heavenly treasure to increase the cultivation. All this is feasible. The power of the true spirit absorbed. , is equal to an extra extra fast, windfall."

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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