Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 583: Uninvited guest, East Emperor! [补8]

Chu Yang felt a pain in her heart, and tightly held her in her arms. Her chin gently rubbed the blue silk on her head and muttered: "This life is like this, I would rather live in the sky!"

Mo light dance raised his head, and Qiu Shui's eyes gaze deeply on Chu Yang's face, whispering: "I have been infinitely satisfied, Chu Yang, all kinds of things in front of me, are they really?!"

On her head, the blushing bow was beating, looking at Chu Yang, slowly bringing the soft lips together, the petal lips gently kissed on Chu Yang's lips, whispered: "This is my dream." I didn't get the gentleness, I was really scared. When I opened my eyes again, Huang Wei woke up and my dreams became empty..."

Gently leave your lips.

Chu Yang’s heart was a pain. Suddenly, Mo’s whole body was tightly held in his arms, and he kissed Mo’s lips with madness, and she would not let her escape from her arms.

Mo light dance shuddered, and then reacted enthusiastically. She picked up her toes and tried to meet the sweet kiss of her sweetheart. The mouth whispered softly and the voice was blurred.


A drop of tears, in the kiss of the two people, dripping from the corners of Mo, and slipping between the four lips that were glued together, the two felt the sourness of the tears at the same time.

Mo light dance closed his eyes.

Since then, there has been no heart.

That tear is the past and present, forever saying goodbye, no longer re-emphasizing.

She told herself in her heart, and then she devoted herself to the sweet kiss with Chu Yang, opened all her heart, and dedicated her entire body, the whole soul, the whole good, all the past...

After a long, long time, the four lips finally separated, and both of them were wheezing, and the eyes of Mo-light dance had disappeared from Qingming, only intoxicated, and a few satisfactions...

After the end of the kiss, the red lips of Mo light dance have been slightly swollen, and the eyes looked at Chu Yang with a confusing look. The teeth of the beard gently bite the rich red lips, and the face is red, so wonderful, it is hard to write. , causing crime.

Chu Yang is never a Taoist gentleman. When you look at your heart, you have to rush to launch a big bite again. But at this moment, there is an untimely voice coughing, with some sly smiles, someone Whispered: "It seems that I am really uncomfortable."

Mo light dance was shocked and heard, "Ah", hurriedly broke free from Chu Yang's arms, "嗖" slid away, shy, even did not look back to see who it is. The wolverine escaped, leaving only a fragrant wind.

Chu Yang turned his head and screamed at the people, gnashing his teeth and said: "If it is not because you still can't beat you at the moment, I am not going to beat you directly to live without taking care of yourself. See if you dare to say so!"

Being disturbed by such a beautiful thing, how can Chu Yang not anger and rush to the crown.

"Haha..." The man laughed and laughed out, and naturally appeared with a kind of gracefulness, a kind of sacredness, overlooking the sentient beings.

The whole world, it seems that in this moment of this person's appearance, it becomes extraordinarily quiet and extraordinarily soft, as if the wind is blowing, and it is as soft as the lover's breathing.

The man stood there with a light smile and said: "I really didn't think of it, but in less than two years, you can actually go to this step."

"Chuyang, you really make me amazing."

The voice of this person is full of praise, full of accidents.

"Why, did Emperor Dong Huang have an unexpected time?" Chu Yang was angry and cold-spoken.

Come, of course, is the second master recognized today, the first in the nine emperors, the vast owner of the East Emperor!

East Emperor, snow tears cold!

At present, the nine emperors are rushing here, but as everyone's identity, it is enough to go up to two or three days in advance; even deliberately delaying on the road, delaying, the best before the ceremony, just Even better.

Dong Huangtian’s ceremonies have also been on the road, and every day, they have contact with Mo Yuntian.

However, I did not expect that when the ceremonial ceremonies were still hundreds of thousands of miles away, Donghuang Xue’s tears came to him in advance and made an uninvited guest.

Also stirred up the good things of Chu Yang.

"As for such a slap in the face, isn't it a good thing to disturb your two old people?" Snow tears and laughs, slowly approaching, patted Chu Yang's shoulder: "This time, never again Mixed."

Chu Yang snorted and rolled his eyes: "You not only have a mouth but also a broken mouth! It is too wide!"

In my eyes, I showed a firm look. This time, how can I still be so confusing? Say nothing!

Snow tears sighed and said: "Women like a light dance, I have seen only a few people in my life. If a lover is a god, then she can help her lover become the supreme god, and she I will become the Virgin myself; but if the lover is the devil, then... she will become the devil's right arm, and she will also fall into the abyss, always the ghost mother Raksha, and no regrets."

Said, the snow and tears sighed with a sigh.

It seems to mean something, but in the tone, the feeling of deep powerlessness makes Chu Yang feel surprised.

Chu Yang sighed, said: "What are you talking about...?"

Snow tears cold face passed a complex and difficult look, whispered: "My sister... It was so at first... It’s a pity that light dance is happy, there is a chance to come back again, my sister... Or in her heart, she is also happy. Hehe..."

The last sneer, full of inexplicable bitterness.

"Your sister?" Chu Yang was a bit stunned, but he was somewhat puzzled.

In the past life, the snow and tears incarnate into the world's first talent and make friends with Mo and dance, especially favoring Mo light dance, I never understand why. The ultimate reason is actually here.

However, I have never heard of it, the generation of the East Emperor, actually have a sister?

"Lightness as a dream is also floating, blood sea bones and mountains dance enchanting, 仗 千 千 千 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mutter said: "You are living and dying, but what about me? What should I do? Do you not let me live in contradiction and pain for life?"

Chu Yang wrinkled his eyebrows, apparently incomprehensible.

But I also know that the sigh of snow and tears is not for the sake of dancing, but for his sister.

"Look at it, the family has a difficult experience." Chu Yang sighed.

The snow and tears smiled and shook his head, and he sighed deeply.

"Right, you are just right, I am having a big news, I need to discuss with you urgently." Chu Yang sighed, thinking of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit, some of the hearts were blocked, and the snow and tears are It is possible to solve this problem.

"Is there any major news that can make you so nervous?" Snow tears and laughed.

"It's a big news that promises to surprise you. It's also a big news that can shake the foundation of the Nine Heavens!" Chu Yang hurriedly pulled the snow and tears into the Chamber of Secrets.

There are only two of them.

"Or let's arrange it first. Our conversation is extremely important. It can't be eavesdropped. Otherwise, it may lead to murder." Chu Yang is very serious and very solemn.

"The catastrophe? Haha, is it so serious?" Snow tears helplessly smile, waved, the entire space has been completely shrouded by the East Emperor!

This is a unique field belonging to the Eastern Emperor. Even after the Nine Emperors, even the Holy One is a powerful field that cannot be broken: "There is nothing in the end, now I can always say it." Snow and tears look very relaxed.

He didn't even think about it at the moment, what kind of news Chu Yang would bring to him; even some ridicule: What is the matter, maybe Chu Yang, you think it is a big thing, but in the eyes of the East Emperor, it may not be a big event.

So there are some small questions that make a big deal.

Looking at the entire Nine Heavens, who can pose a threat to themselves, at most two or three people, killing themselves? This word seems to be a long-lost violation with yourself for too long!

At this moment, the snow and tears have never dreamed of dreams. Chu Yang is about to say that for snow and tears, it is really two great killers! Two real super bombs!

This super shocking news, even if the East Emperor Snow tears cold, even the snow and tears can not afford to stand alone!

Especially the other one, for other people, it is super shock, but for snow and tears, the importance is even more than the extraterrestrial demon!

This point, Chu Yang, who is about to start telling all of this, is absolutely unknown.

"Since this time, Mo Yuntian has had too many strange things happening, specifically..." Chu Yang explained from shallow to deep.

As Chu Yang said more and more, the tears and cold eyes of the original long-distance eyes gradually became serious. When I heard that the dead people have no soul power, there is no soul fluctuation in the four. At that time, we did not have the means to destroy the soul... These people are all top-level masters... 'When this sentence is heard, the snow-tears trail stands up from the "brush"!

He looked at Chu Yang with a burning gaze, and he asked: "Chuyang, this statement, really? This matter, really?"

"That's true!" Chu Yang swallowed a sip, and also solemnly nodded.

The snow and tears of the cold heard the words and changed again, but it was calm.

Chu Yang is also a faceless, only feels a cold heart.

Originally, Chu Yang’s heart still had a hope of luck, that is, this may or may not be the true spirit of the Holy Spirit! Or, the true spirit of the present is not a big deal for the present nine emperors, at least not to have much impact.

But now, seeing the reaction of snow and tears, all the lucky moments in the heart of Chuyang are like snow in the sun, and there is no drop left.


Although it is no longer worthy of the monthly vote list, but the current ranking is too bad... Where did the guaranteed monthly ticket go? (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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