Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 598: Seamless clothes

For a time, after the nine emperors, other people actually stunned and sneaked out.

"You don't have to be surprised." The 'East Emperor Snow Tears cold' Pi Li Yang Qiu once again said: "The Mad Sword Emperor is like this, but it is not his original face. The reason why it will become this virtue is for a reason. ”

Wu also madly even his neck is also red, licking his mouth: "Snow tears cold!"

The Eastern Emperor shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "The Sword of the Sword is also a beautiful man, but when he broke through the order, he was slammed from the top of his head at the crucial moment of reshaping. A hammer. It’s like a soft mud that hasn’t dried up yet. It’s been smashed by life. But, as everyone knows, it’s the most important thing when shaping. Once it’s destroyed, it can’t be recovered for life. The savage sword of the Emperor of Heaven is tragedy, and it has become the virtue of today..."

This time, not only Xie Danqiong, but even the other Heavenly Emperors are also meaningful ‘oh’.

It seems that I don’t know about this big home.

I have to praise that the Emperor of the East has seen the true profoundness...

Of course, the premise is if he did not say the next words.

"That situation..." At this moment, everyone feels that the East Emperor, who is now talking, is infinitely insignificant, infinite gloating, and even some thieves are blind, and they are all shocked, just listen to him and continue to say: "... That situation... It’s like a person who just got into his mother’s womb, was hammered... oh...”

The last laughter is simply wretched to the extreme.

The Emperor of Heaven and Heaven will lead the gods, and will open their mouths and laugh.

After the demon snorted, he said: "The dog can't spit out ivory!" Turned his head and turned a deaf ear.

The Mad Sword Emperor Wu also screamed and screamed and squinted: "Snow and tears, can you not say a few words when you are jealous?"

In the dark, the real East Emperor, who knows his brother's personality, stunned his face: if you don't talk, he can still say less, you can talk, even if it is really finished...


I saw the "East Emperor" in the field, but I couldn’t see my eyebrows. I laughed and said, "You know, who is so smashing at such a critical moment?"

Wu also screamed and furiously: "Snow and tears, you and you..." have been shy and shy, and the words are not complete.

Snow tears cold to hide in Tibet, the action is extremely flexible, strangers, blue and purple, and so on, for the sake of the tiger, it seems to be unintentional, anyway, it is to stop the madness of Wu, also rushed one by one: "Quickly say, say ah..."

It seems that people's gossip psychology, regardless of men and women, status is high and low ... that is the same. Especially for the anecdotes of people of the same rank, it is more and more interested.

The emperor of the East emperor laughed: "The place where the Swordsman retreats, how secret it is, and the idle people naturally don't know, how can they be hammered? And is it still a crucial hammer? Hahaha ......"

This cargo is obviously smashing.

Although the demon does not go too far, but the ears are also listening to the vertical, apparently very interested in this news. But this product stopped at this critical moment, obviously it is a bad appetite.

"Yeah, why?" Purple Promise asked very well. Others have also shown a curious look.

"I want to know?" Dong Huang asked with a smile.

"Of course." The Emperor of Heaven has nodded.

Dong Huangfu looked up: "But I don't want to tell you."

Everyone is arrogant... He's... This product is really owed today!

Wu also mad this will be a little relieved, full of purple, gasping. Mind, this product is still a bit of a bottom line...

I did not expect that the next moment, the Emperor of the East, revealed his true colors: "There is a lot of Zixia coins to buy a message on the rivers and lakes. You get the news from me, you want the white gloves of the white gloves. ?"

This sentence directly exposed the identity of his first robbers more than half!

Fortunately, everyone is now interested in his topic, and no one wants anything else, just rushing: "Isn't it just asking for money? You can ask for a price, and never bargain!"

Who are there? For these people, Zixia Coin is just a bunch of numbers, no more meaning.

How much can be obtained.

The Eastern Emperor’s squatting knocked a sum, and he smiled and collected the money, and he was satisfied with the opening: “I tell you, knocking on the savage swordsman’s stick...”

"Snow and tears, I am fighting with you..." Wu also rushed up in desperation, but was turned back to the dust by the stranger and the blue sky, and he stopped his eyes and squeezed his eyebrows: "Quickly say...we all Paying... I am most interested in such news..."

"It’s the wife of the sorcerer’s sorcerer...hahaha...” The gloating sorrow of the lord’s lord has reached the extreme, and the front and back are combined: “Wu also mad this kid has always been a heart, and he has a handsome face everywhere on weekdays. I was tempted to sneak into the grass, and I still wanted to be the first beautiful man in the world. It was convenient to continue to find flowers and ask Liu. The younger brother was angry. At his crucial moment, he was hammered up... Wow hahaha... It’s really addictive...”

Everyone suddenly opened his eyes, and what about these things?

Purple Promise burst out of a thick mouth: "I am going! There is such a thing!"

Suddenly burst into laughter.

Everyone laughed, but they also felt incredible. There was such a wonderful wife in the world. In order not to let her husband find flowers and ask Liu, she directly turned her husband into a gnome...

The problem is... In the status of the sorcerer, you only need to abolish his life, and if he grows ugly, he can still be blessed.

The Emperor of the East has some regrets to say: "Unfortunately, the younger brother and sister broke the wrong place. If there is a real part about finding flowers and asking for a willow, our savage swordsman is really honest... Hey, It’s a sigh of sighs.

The Emperor of Heaven is holding his stomach and he is sighing.

"That's a pity."

"It’s a pity... How can a younger brother not be able to look at it? The above head is useless... It should be the following..."

"Oh... hahahaha...justified!"

Wu also screamed at the blood of the heart: "Snow and tears, you, you... I am not in harmony with you..."

After the Emperor’s hands were down, he said faintly: “You don’t want to wear snow with the tears of the snow, it doesn’t matter, you are waiting for you at any time. I’m afraid you are afraid to come!”

In my heart, I said: You have a relationship with me because of the snow and tears. When you fight, I will definitely watch the lively drops on the side... To be honest, I have never seen two Heavenly Emperors fighting in this life. I’m wearing a lot of days, or the scene is definitely not hot enough...

The secret snow and tears only feel that my heart and liver are swollen...

At this moment, he finally realized that he chose this **** to pretend to be himself, but he was the most misguided, the most stupid, and the most unforgiving of his own mistakes in his life!

none of them!

After he had such a trouble, the original imperial concubine, graceful and graceful, the emperor of the East, has been completely degraded into a small scorpion, the city is like a street gangster... that...

Still, even if it is talking about 昙, Ji Mo, plus Ning Taizi, plus Tang Jiasan and Tang Yangwei, it is also worthy of the wind, bowing to the court, or even squatting, it is too overbearing!

The imperial concubine who wants to cry without tears will vomit blood...

Xie Danqiong smiled for a while and continued to move forward. In my heart, I asked myself: "Is this guy really a brother of the Emperor of the East? A brother of a compatriot? This character... I can do so much... It can be a bit exaggerated..."

Eighth, the ruthless Heavenly Emperor is drunk and ruthless.

"The world is ruthless, the dream is ruthless!"

Zhongji Tiandi Emperor, this is the center of the world, but because of the transcendental existence of the Holy King, this ruthless Emperor was almost completely ignored by the people, and was directly squeezed under the other few intentional or unintentional crowds. Edge zone.

The ninth, Qingyitian, Wuwei Tiandi Mo Qingqing.

"During the day, I am only green!"

Tenth place, Chibeitian, Yanyang Tiandi Dragon Shadow!

"The sky is in the sky, the dragon is a fantasy!"

After meeting with the Emperor, you are the most important part.

Board the last floor of the 99th ladder!

Achieve the position of the Emperor!

Although the ceremonies of the ceremonies have a high degree of weight in this life, they are the first to play the role of the master of ceremonies, and they have become a ceremony for the marriage of newcomers.

However, no one has spoken out.

Who should stipulate how to enroll in the ceremony? Here is the world of Mo Yuntian, the world of Qionghua, and Qionghua the emperor said that there is no problem, then there is no problem.

As for the nine emperors and others, there is no opinion. Not only have no opinions, but several people are still envious, because when they ascended the throne, they were far from stable because they were not stable.

The raft was shaking with excitement at the moment. Let go of the trick and yell: "I have the Emperor Yunyun Emperor Qionghua Emperor to be enthroned!"

The drums started to sound.

After the nine emperors stood up at the same time, they reached out and let them go.

This is an attitude that expresses support. Of course, several of them are complex, somewhat anxious, and seem to be waiting for something between looks, but in this case, they can only express the number of gifts.

Xie Danqiong laughed and said, "Thank you."

As soon as the body floated, the brush pulled out countless residual images, and it was already under the first step leading to the ninth floor. At this time, the salute of the salute rang, and the world shook, and the white smoke rose. , shelter from the ground.

Everyone could not help but turn around and look at it.

—— At this time, between the moment when Xie Danqiong pulled out the afterimage and the salute of the salute, Chu Yang quietly shot, and the real Qionghua Emperor brushed into the space.

At this moment, before the first step, there is still a Qionghua Emperor standing in the back.

The white clothes are like snow, handsome and handsome. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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