Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 737: Terror jungle!

After the sudden intrusion of the two men, the worries of everyone’s minds disappeared and they continued on the road.

Mo Tianji walked to the side of Chuyang and the two men marched side by side. Obviously, there is something to say.

"If I am a holy prince, I choose such a place, it must be absolutely secret, and will not be discovered by anyone. Then such a place must not be a place open to all sides."

Motian machine.

Chu Yang’s eyes brightened: "You continue to say."

"For the same reason, the location is best located in an inaccessible place, at least it is extremely desolate; but it is not enough, because no matter how desolate, it can not stop the footprints of the master. So, I will choose a relatively very A special place. In this place facing the mainland city, it must be... a mountain into the sky."

"And this mountain must be giving people the feeling of 'the end of the sky'... and Tianganshan is echoing this request."

"Then there are... I want to choose a place similar to the terrorist jungle according to the ratio, there must be extremely fierce beasts... and these beasts can be prohibitive. But it is not great for people. The value of ... is not easy to be shackled, regardless of the danger of coming to capture."

"If I want to choose, I will not choose a terrorist jungle."

Mo Tianji said that Chu Yang nodded.

"So I think... Tianganshan and the horror jungle should be just a blind man. Or... it is a natural cover."

"I have to choose, I have to choose the back of Tiangan Mountain. Then I will set up a magical array on the top of the mountain..."

"This is the only way to be completely isolated."

"This is to put an end to the side of the mainland. In addition, there is at least one side... That is to say, if I set such a secret, there will be no more than two outlets and entrances. Even the safest and safest way is to have only one entrance and exit!"

When Mo Tianji finished, he looked at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang completely understands and expresses his nod.

"And here is responsible for covering the mountain of this base. I believe it must be a special material! It is impossible for a general master to move, lift, and chisel the mountain, but to get this kind of mountain, it is naturally generated, The second is the addition of the tactics, most of which belong to the latter."

Mo Tianji finished. Look at Chu Yang again.

Chu Yang thought for a moment and said: "You have a very good idea about this, and I have nothing to add."

Mo Tianji nodded: "If this is the case, then things will be easier. As long as we have found the specific means of strengthening the mountain, we have a great chance to catch the enemy. Let the enemy be self-restraint."

Chu Yangdao: "But before we catch it, we have to search all the places around us... to find out the secret entrances and exits that may exist, and to eliminate all possible variables."

Mo Tianji nodded: "This is the case."

"In this case, our workload is actually quite large... to find such an exit when the enemy has not yet discovered it, around the periphery of all directions."

Chuyang Road.

Mo Tianji continued to nod: "Really. Only after all these entrances and exits are found, and then strictly controlled, it is determined that there will be no omissions before they can start to kill. And this entrance and exit, only need to sit here, um, or even not stay Here, as long as the toxin is not filled in advance, it will be fine!"

"So the absolute field that Le Er just said... is actually unnecessary." Mo Tianji whispered.

Chu Yang glanced at him with a smile: "Why didn't you just say it? Don't tell me, you are here to think of what you just said, I believe you will not believe it!"

Mo Tianji’s muscles on his face pumped and faintly said: “I believe that good men will do this. How can I be in the face of public happiness?”

Chu Yang looked at him interestingly.

Mo Tianji looked at him with an open-minded look, but after a long, long time, his face finally turned red. Angry: "What do you mean? Do you have to force me to tell the truth? What is your own sister's temper? You don't know?"

Chu Yang laughed happily, and he was very happy. He could make a certain machine eat, but it was too rare.

Chu Leer turned around and asked: "What are you laughing at?" I thought of a good countermeasure!"

Chu Yang said: "No. It is the secret plane asking me about you..."

Just said here, Mo Tianji has already turned his back on Chu Leer's eyebrows on Chu Yang, and his face is pleading. The expression is sincere.

Chu Leer has already been interested: "What did he ask me?"

Mo Tianji waited for the trial, and his face was close to the death test.

Chu Yang coughed, said: "Tianji is asking me, what do you like most? The taste is not heavy? And... What do you like about vegetables? Why do you like... What are the specific reasons, etc..."

Mo Tianji took a long sigh of relief.

Chu Leer smiled like a flower and said: "This guy is more than a thing... Big Brother, what do you say?"

"I just told him that..." Chu Yang Shun Mouth made a pass.

Chu Leer is still full of interest: "So he is talking about it?"

"He said..." Chu Yang has a black line.

"Then you said it again?" Chu Leer was full of interest.

Chu Yang’s heart is also calling for help: What sister is this, forgiveness... Hey! Why do women like to ask you this question: What did he say to you? Then what do you say? What did he react to after you said it? Then what do you say... What is the final outcome? The most unbearable thing is: after you have asked the finale, you have to ask: Then?

(Cough, this is actually the day I lived, the phone rings, someone calls, the wind will ask: Who. I replied: Big cousin; then ask: What? What do you say? What did he say? What did you say... Finally, what? Then? A few brothers... Every time I pick up a phone call, as long as she knows someone, I need to finish the call after I finish my call. Repeat your personal phone record... God knows the curiosity of a woman...

If you dare to say: Don't you ask if you are not? There is immediately: Ok, I don't ask, I won't ask you later, don't tell me... Then I will go and go, this time I have to go, I am so good. Then I repeat the phone record... I finally got a comment: Did you say that it was so troublesome? Silent.........

When Chu Yang said that the dialogue he had made up had not been elaborated, he was already sweating, sweating and heavy, and he was embarrassed.

It’s probably the bleak end of the so-called sorrow!

Someone in the heart of the king can not help but sigh: woman, woman.

Mo Tianji shakes the fan and smiles. The heart is dark and cool.

Finally, Chu Leer was sent back to the team of women who had done it. Chu Yang’s fierce warning was unclear: "I will respect you later, or else you will feel better!"

Mo Tianji changed his previous three-fourth and angered: "You have a sister, don't I have a sister? You respect me! You will complain, won't I?"

Chu Yang squinted, hehe smiled: "You certainly have a sister. But what do you listen to when you say it? My sister can always use what I said as a sacred decree! Different people have different lives, people are more dead than people!"

Mo Tianji opened his mouth and stabbed the black line of the brain, and suddenly broke into the army!

I couldn’t help but sneer at the side: “The so-called dog bites a dog’s mouth, but it’s nothing.”

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji glared at this guy at the same time!


A group of people day and night, this has already entered the destination terrorist forest.

Everyone is extremely careful, but whenever they meet the beast. If you can avoid it, you can avoid it as much as you can. If you can't avoid it, you would rather make a few sacred sages to take out the embarrassing things of such a big fall, and also deal with the spirit in countless interestlessness in the first time. The beast, then destroy the corpse in the next first time, leaving no trace.

- Does the ghost know if this beast is being raised? Or what caused the movement to alert the people in the villa? Everything is done with care!

This road is careful. It’s hard to describe the grass and the trees.

However, because it has already arrived here, away from monitoring, everyone's speed has increased many times.

Of course, there is still the possibility of eyeliner here, so all the sage masters are silently spreading their own knowledge, and no matter what the wind is blowing, they will not let go.

All the way into the terrorist jungle. All the way to the south, like a silent arrow, shot out!

The jungle of terror is really worthy of its name.

To say how terrible the danger is, it may not be, at least in the eyes of a group of people like Chu Yang, there is not much danger. But the denseness of this piece of wood is visible, since Chu Yang and others entered, if not jumped to the treetops. Actually, I can't see the blue sky at all. It’s really a terrible horror.

After coming to this horror jungle, all the way, constantly encountering countless beasts. In the natural environment of the survival of this beast, it is not an exaggeration to say that the beast is so numerous.

Moreover, the strength of these beasts is also quite horrible. Although it can not pose a real life and death crisis for Chu Yang and others, it is not easy to kill them silently.

In view of this, Mo Tianji warned everyone, once this situation is encountered, do not hesitate to manpower, scruple identity or something, even if everyone is together to ensure that the death of the beast is not allowed to mourn, it must be encountered The spirit beasts are extinguished in the first time, and they are processed silently and silently.

Who knows if there is something like a secret probe nearby? At this moment, we have come to this step. In the process of being close to the home of the Holy Spirit, any negligence of the point may cause the success of this campaign, and there must be no omission.

Everyone marched all the way. The team of 16 people walked through the jungle quickly. Even a leaf did not move the original position. On the ground, even a small grass was not contaminated with excess dust.

Three days!

A full three days before and after!

When everyone finally saw the towering Tiangan Mountain Mountain appearing in front of the eyes, even the three seven-star guards who had always been heavy and heavy were also gently, long, and took a breath.


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