Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 740: immortal? Photo by!

Although Qu Youfeng was thinking about it, the speed of fleeing was not slow at all. I didn’t want the cloud in midair suddenly turned into a big hand, grabbed his hair and pulled it down. The next moment Qu Youfeng feels that his body has been smashed into fists by hundreds of hands!

Before and after his own lower body, he was bombarded by hundreds of knees at the same time!

"嗷~~~" Qu Youfeng made a scream of inhumanity, incredulously said: "What is this?"

A very mild explanation: "This is what you are, people floating in the rivers and lakes, how can you not?! Surprise has come one after another, let's understand!"

The next moment, the cloud turned into a phoenix, and a red-hot purple spray would come out.

"The fire of Nirvana..." Qu Youfeng's face is green.

Here, how come a phoenix?

Water and fire, grams of water can fire, fire can be boiling water, if the world can really bring life crisis to yourself, this Nirvana fire, at least into the top three!

Under the bleak condition of the half body damage, Qu Youfeng is not afraid to be smothered by the fire of Nirvana, and he is totally reluctant to evade.

Unintentionally, goodbye to the black Jianguang flash, his chest suddenly has a large transparent hole. He screams wildly, and the clouds in the air are like a hundred rivers gathering around his body.

"I have already embarked on a half-step, the clouds are all my life! You can't kill me! How can you kill me!" He screamed, the clouds creaked, and the speed Imported into his body.

The incomplete body that suffered from severe trauma after being caught off guard was actually recovering a little.


Two short swords, deeply inserted into his two eyes, Qu Youfeng made another scream, and reached out and pulled out the flying knife in the eyelids, throwing it back and turning it into two electric lights. Roar: "Who is it?"

Ink tears hit the game, but did not stay in place, the top killer hits immediately, and immediately, the two flying knives naturally can not hurt the ink tears, but at this time Dong no injury has been pulled up, ink The knife is thundering. Fit down!


A good hegemony!

Qu Youfeng from the Tianling cover to the chest and abdomen, completely smashed by this knife, such as the separation of the body, a knife and two.

But he still can't die, clearly distinguishing the body that has been cut, and there is no blood at all. Dong did not hurt the ink knife. The body, which was originally a knife and a half, quickly gathered toward the middle.

It seems to be going to grow together again.

Is it really like a cloud-like body? !

Nine robbery swords shine again, Chu Yang a move "killing the world and why not" swords are old, rushed back to breathe, goodbye famous tricks - "a little cold and eternal mans"! The speed of this move went up to the next level, and the body of Qu Youfeng was pierced when it was not allowed to be sent. The sword gas exploded in the body of Qu Youfeng.

At the same time, the most devastating power of the Nine Robbery Swords opened fiercely.

This move is a real killing attack. The lethality seems to be above the fire of Nirvana. Qu Youfeng screamed, and it was actually a hand that stretched out and smashed his body into two halves. The two phases separated and the right hand grasped half of his body. He was freed from the power of the nine-robbery sword and fluttered out like lightning.

next moment. But it is by putting half of the body on the other half of the body, and the two half of the body are showing signs of healing! Almost at the same time, the clouds of hundreds of miles were swarming into his body.


Chu Yang and Xie Danqiong and others looked at each other with surprise.

I did not expect this guy to have reached such a point!

If you come up with a fair battle with him, you may not be able to eat his losses. Maybe!

However, the recovery speed of Qu Youfeng is slower than just now!

For a time. Chu Anodes entangled, Xie Dan Qiong Qiong flowers flying, ignorant Nirvana fire, ink tears dark dance. Dong Wu's ink knife is like a giant hammer in the mountains and is constantly falling on Qu Youfeng.

Yes, hey!

Directly with a knife back!

The effect of the knife is far worse than usual, and it is better to squat down!

Rock's enemies and aunts, the new couple, have a pair of swords and smashing.

Under the twist of the two swords, Qu Youfeng’s two arms flew out. Immediately, he was caught by Mo Tianji; but the two arms that had left the body were still struggling fiercely, and the strength of the same person who climbed the summit of the saint was almost impossible to grasp. The three guards also sworded out at the same time. The arm is completely turned into a powder!

Until now, Qu Youfeng finally saw blood, but still not blood, but blood fog.

The two arms that are completely turned into powder are turned into a **** fog, misty and floating in the air. Slowly turn into a cloud.

The three guards did not know where to attack, but they could defeat the enemy.

"Nowhere!" Mo Tianji took the initiative and made a big drink.

I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t hesitate to come. One mouth, the fire of Nirvana came out again quickly. It was a miraculous effect. After a moment, the blood of the two arms was burned and cleaned. No traces.

It seems that to deal with Qu Youfeng's cloud martial arts, it is still the most arrogant Nirvana fire is the immediate result!

One stroke succeeded, and Qu Youfeng, who was still suffering from the eight masters, made a slap in the face of the soul!

Obviously, these two arms were completely burned, and for him, it was more painful than all the previous injuries!

This result seems to remind everyone.

Nine robbery swords, ink knives, long swords, shot again at the same time.

A large piece of flesh and bones was cut, and the three guards were responsible for the meat.

Qu Youfeng is miserable: "You are too much... I have swallowed up 90 million lives to cultivate the immortal body, the immortal body... Ah!!" Another scream, but the two legs were In spite of the fall, it is burned and destroyed, and it does not exist in the world.

Almost at the same time, the Nine Robbery Sword once again topped down, straight into the Baihui Point from his head, and the power of engulfing was once again fully launched!

This time there is no interference between hands and feet, the power of devouring really exerts its power, and the effect of defeating the enemy is no less than the fire of Nirvana.

With this change, the power of the nine-robbery sword will be more powerful. Qu Youfeng's screams are getting smaller and smaller, and after a while, the body with the incompleteness is slowly shrinking, gradually turning into a cloud of smoke. Eventually, a slamming sound, even the smoke is gone.

Until this time, all the talents finally put away their respective weapons, and it is still fearless that the enemy will resurrect. Very simply use the fire of Nirvana to burn the clouds here thoroughly, smashing the roots and destroying the hidden dangers!

It was only after the burning of the space piece collapsed.

At the end of the war, everyone looked at each other and felt the same feelings!

Face such an enemy. It is really terrible.

The battle that happened just now is actually very temporary, but the tragic degree of the battle is obvious. However, if there is a slight gap left by Qu Youfeng, I am afraid that it will be escaped by this person, so the result of this campaign is only to be rewritten.

The repair of Qu Youfeng may be slightly higher than the others; however, this kind of immortality. It is a headache. It doesn't take a while to get a nirvana rebirth, but he doesn't need it at all, and he can use the cloud to enrich himself at any time.

Even if he burned him gray, he was worried that he might still be alive.

Only burned without ash, even if there is no vaporized gas, it is considered to be killed.

90 million dead spirits...

Only to create such a perverted devil!

The people are still not at ease, look around carefully. This confirmed that Qu Youfeng had really vanished, and all the talents were relieved.

"Dead?!" It is still unreliable to continue to search.

"You can confirm that you are dead." Chu Yang felt the slight tremor of the nine robbery sword, which is a rare feeling of 'satisfaction'. Obviously, the soul power that has just swallowed up Qu Youfeng is also a very rare big complement to the nine-robbery sword!

"This kind of master, how strong it is. Everyone is aware of it, and in this villa, there must be at least one of the same level of character." Mo Tianji said heavily: "So, don't take it lightly."

"Yes." Chu Yangdao: "The snow and tears of the day have been said. In the same year, the battle of the eternal true devil, and the nine magicians under the hands of the true magic, no one saw it, it is said to be sanctified. Jun killed all alone..."

"And as far as the actual situation is concerned, this person has a great chance of being one of the nine great magicians of the year. And the people on the cloud did not really kill them at all, but instead they used them all for their own use. ""

"If this is the case, if the three bases are evenly distributed, there are at least two such super-powers under this opportunity. Our chances are really not optimistic, so everyone must be very careful and careful." Yang took a deep breath.

Mo Tianji said with a wry smile: "Yes, in fact, or only these magicians, do you really know how to cultivate the true spirit of the sun? In this respect, even the people on the cloud do not necessarily have these magicians know. There are so many, and we have never had this information, everything is obvious..."

Everyone sighed at the same time.

"I don't want to be late!" Chu Yang said: "The big array here has not really been broken. It is just a guardian who has died. The formation can still be effective. For the time being, people can't go out. We will go down immediately and go in from the hole. ”

Mo Tianyun said: "Others may not go out, but the other two such masters may not be able to get out. This section, be prepared for early, must not let any life leave!"

Everyone was a heavy nod and solemnly accepted.

If the other two are similar to Qu Youfeng, then... this battle is not necessarily optimistic.


<Today cleaned up a day of health... The reason was that I chatted with the group last night, and then several sisters were exploding, and I was looking at the excitement. I’m just commenting on a few photos, and there’s a voice in the back of my voice: Hey, teasing the girl... You’re doing well, even the photos are coming out...

My wife is very angry, let me clean it today...

Can only say: 囧...>

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