Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 742: Let's go together and hack them!

The Mo Tianji is even more slippery, and there is no way to cover it. It is even more difficult to succeed.

Here, you can play ping-pong, and the rest of the people continue to kill and stop.

Almost instantaneously, twelve people have been rushing from the side of the hole to the other side, and then turned around and killed again!

Those who are lucky enough to escape the net, once again face the call of death!

Only this time, the number of masters in the villa has all reacted. They furiously shot and stopped.

Dong has no injuries, and ink tears have already handed over to different enemies. Mo light dance is also working with two black women. Although these two women’s cultivation is not as good as Mo, but two people also There are intermediates of the saints, and they are joined together to temporarily block Mo-Meng.

The two sides stunned for a while.

Chu Yang, who opened the killing, slaughtered the remaining true spirits on his side, and turned around and joined the battle circle of Mo Qingwu. When the nine robbery swords volleyed, he crossed in an extremely unreasonable way and forcibly smashed into it. Battle circle.

One of the women just had to fight, and the sword in her hand had been turned into a powder in the nine robbery swords. In the future, she could dodge her hand, and one arm was gone. Then she was the shoulder and chest skull... I was all beaten by Chu Yang. Ground slag.

Xie Danqiong took the three guards, no one stopped, really is the tiger into the flock, from the south to the north, and then from the east to the west, thoroughly implemented the order of Chu Yang: one does not stay!

The only seven masters in the villa have been stalked by Chu Yang, and. One by one is falling in the wind, Xie Danqiong and so on, naturally more unscrupulous!

Seeing that the general trend has gone, the rest of the people almost uttered a whistle. Going out to the hole, one by one, like a funeral dog, like a fish that slips through the net.

Xie Danqiong is just a sneer, but it has not stopped, just chasing. Seeing that the thousands of people who survived rushed into the hole; as for the others, they had already been killed.

After Xie Danqiong searched the entire village with his guards, he confirmed that there were no more than half of the live masters except for a few senior masters!

The only remaining part of the net is the fish. Only less than 3,000 people have entered the toxic fog channel.

Under one command, twelve people surrounded seven people and shot. Everyone in this heart will feel a little relieved. Although it has long been expected that the attack will be very smooth, it is really so smooth. Still let everyone relax in their hearts.

Among the remaining seven heads, the woman in black was first defeated, and she was smashed by a tearful sword, and was smashed by Dong’s wounded ink knife; then the other two died in the rox enemy’s two swords. Under the contract. The other is killed in the hands of ignorance.

There is another person who is not seeing the opportunity. Wanting to escape, Mo Tianji Jasper has already flew out of his chest, and then his body "boom" exploded.

If it is a blink of an eye, the other seven masters have gone to five!

The last two people left, one hair is like grass, the face is squatting, and the other is red, like a ghost. But it is the highest of these two people. Especially above Chuyang, it can still support. Even if there is attack and defense, there is no wind.

Chu Yang 仗 sword watch, the heart is clear: these two people, should be one of the nine great magicians of course!

Otherwise, there will never be such a strong repair.

To know that the players involved in the attack now are the masters of the sage at the peak level! Only need a little bit of weakness, you can be broken immediately!

But the two men have always supported the present, and even did not fall.

"No one can help!" He yelled and screamed and rushed up.

His opponent is the red hair.

Rock's enemies also want to scream, but they haven't called the exit yet. In front of the sword, Chu Yang has taken over the opponent and sneered: "Nine Great Magicians? Which one are you?"

The opposite of the beard and the cold voice: "It’s rare that you know the name of our nine magicians! Who are you?"

Chu Yang Changjian show, Jianqi is like a storm and rain, the enemy is shrouded, faintly said: "Nine great magicians, has long been a past tense, now the world, there has been no place for you to die." You can't hold anyone who holds the rotten sign!"

The beard is cold and cold: "Is the signboard decaying? I have to know how to live and die."

Chu Yang sneered: "Good, happy!"

Between the two conversations, the sword was full of anger, there was no room to stay out, and Rock's enemies were resentful, but they couldn't get into the hand. The niece pulled him forward, but the Rock enemies also knew it, and slowly retreated. One side.

Mo Tianji smiled in his heart.

He has already seen it out. The cultivation of this enemy is not only on the top of the Rocky enemy, but even slightly better than Chu Yang. If only the Luo Ke enemy is continued to fight with it, it will eventually suffer.

If it is true that Rock's enemies will say "no one can help", the situation of riding a tiger is difficult, the result is only very unsightly, Roque enemies can not have no immortal body.

And Chu Yang used this method to replace Rock's enemies without traces, which is the most appropriate way to solve this situation.

"How did you find it here?" The beard and mustard greeted the storm-like attack in Chuyang, and it was more and more difficult. Can't help but be shocked.

Repairing deep, but not equal to the battlefield will certainly prevail, tactics, weapons, tactics, morale, etc. These conditions are combined, is the key to victory and defeat, when the beard is on the top of the roc enemy If you have the advantage, you can go to Chuyang, and you will fall into a comprehensive downturn!

Where are these people drilled out? Also one by one is so sharp? !

Most of the masters of this world know that even if they don't know, every minute, someone will pass new information.

However, there are only three people in front of them who know each other; the other nine people do not know at all.

Who are these people?

"Of course we can find it." Chu Yang laughed: "This place is what the saints told us!"

The beard and sneer sneered: "You fart!"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Do you believe it? Who do you think tells us?"

The beard and the beard are twinkling. No more talking, suddenly suddenly in the rapid wear and tear! Standing on the sword, suddenly a shout. The hair roots on the head are upright, and a force full of devastating taste starts from his body!

Chu Yang's face is awe-inspiring, and she knows that this guy has moved desperately.

The next shot, it must be a decisive trick!

But Chu Yang has been puzzled: now they are only two of them, the situation is so unfavorable, why still do not escape?

The current situation, the fool can see. Their own group of people has already occupied a comprehensive advantage, even if they are desperately trying to fight, it is absolutely impossible to escape a defeated end!

That being the case. Why don't they escape?

As the beard's desperate move, another scent of destruction also rose, and there was no screaming, and a squash turned out.

The two men on the opposite side were in desperate choices.

“Why don’t you escape?” Chu Yang’s nine robbery swords are ready to go. Why is it that the world is full of power? Can be sent out at any time; in the face of desperate enemies, Shen Sheng asked.

"Oh..." Opposite, this stunned look in the big manuscript, one word said: "I waited as a magician, never succumb to the enemy! And for ourselves, it is never ... under the mercy! ”

"But you have always been conquered, and you have stayed here to give people a million years of slavery." Chu Yang snorted: "If you really do not put your life in your heart, then you have already died." I have died a million years ago! The fact is that you have not died yet, and you are still stealing. Now, in the face of us, it shows your life and death, what makes sense? Do you play?"

On the other hand, the red hair seems to have touched the pain in Chu Yang's words. The violent temperament of the body is getting stronger and stronger, and roaring: "If you can really escape, do we still use you to remind us?!"

Chu Yang’s heart: Can you say that there are restrictions here? Let them simply can't escape?

It is only reasonable to think about it.

With the sage of the sage, how can these people be responsible for this secret base without control? You must know that each of these nine great sorcerers is a ruthless murderer!

As long as any one goes out and squats, all the schemes of the Holy King will be drained!

But they are always here so honestly!

There must be another reason for it!

Chu Yang is thinking about the various sources, and the two opposites have launched an attack.

Chu Yang shouted: "To deal with these murderers, what are the rules of the rivers and lakes? Let's join them and hack them!"

"Shameless!" Opposite the two people suddenly smoked.

This guy who never thought of the opposite is also the peak saint. There are a number of strong people in the world, so I can ignore this face without any demeanor! If the attack is sent out, the two men opposite, this sword may still be able to save a life, but the thin man is doomed to the end of the same end.

But at this juncture, the guy who took the sword actually ordered the group!

A lot of effort!

This result... This is too frustrating!

The two masters of the sages, the ultimate singer can not even pull a back cushion? !


Mo Tianji gave a command.

Dong is not hurt, ink tears, 祀娘, Xie Danqiong, Mo light dance, three guards, Rock enemy... everyone rushed up!

The swords are all out, the hidden weapon is flying!

Everyone is doing their best and doing their best!

The scent of destruction suddenly broke out, and the opposite of the two people tried their best to finally make a move!

The two rays of destruction suddenly spread!

Like a tsunami, raging in all directions!

< Tell everyone a good news! 37 games and starting point to create the "Ao Shi Jiu Tian" the latest page tour has been developed, the game will be officially started tomorrow (June 27) at 11 am without deleting the file test, although I am a game white, but this game I I have seen it myself and I have tried it with my friends. It feels good. It is very comfortable to experience. I will win the game in the future. I will play the game with you. The game address: as.37> Floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

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