Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 756: Gate of the avenue

That is, at the end of the lake, Chu Yang faintly felt that he was about to break through, but at that time he always resisted making no breakthrough. After coming out, I heard about Dong’s innocence, and I’m coming over with the stars, and I have no free time to make my own breakthrough.

The huge force that was acquired by the breakthrough has been hidden and hidden in his own body.

It is the huge hidden power that saved his life in the most critical moments.

And let yourself have the opportunity to make a comeback.

If it was broken at the time of the battle, there may not be a chance to defeat the avatars of the people on the cloud. It is very likely that the time for insisting on it is slightly longer, but in the end it is necessary to choose this extreme road.

But in that case, I was afraid that it was really over, and it was completely over, and there was no room for change.

Finally, it’s a good day, and I’m not a good person!

Chu Yang has a smile on his face; it’s good, hope is good!

There was no immediate breakthrough at the time. I was worried about destroying the underground world in the underground. Secondly, I didn’t want to let my cultivation be so far away from my brothers... That would hurt the confidence of the brothers...

The choice of the moment has far-reaching implications, creating an opportunity to make a comeback.

Chu Yang really sighs: People, or more for others to think about it, only have a good report.

Efforts to bring Aura into the broken Dantian and begin the process of rebuilding.

The solution is yes, yes, this time may be very long.

This does not matter, as long as there is hope!

In the process of repairing Dantian, the gods have nothing to do, just open the book in the sea, a little bit of reference.

The more you look at Chu Yang, the more you feel that there is no end to it. Everything between the heavens and the earth seems to be in it, everywhere!

Finally, in the moment when I saw a certain sentence with no intention, Chu Yang suddenly felt a shock!

This shock, let the three women who are always on the side of the iron patch Tianmo light dance and Wu Qianqian are shocked.

Chu Yang was seriously injured at this moment, and then shaking it, it may not be a good sign...

When I was worried, but I didn’t dare to shake it, I saw Chu Yang slamming my eyes and cheering: "There is finally a way! There is really a way! It can still be so! The mysterious nature of creation is really endless, only Unexpected, never done!"

The three women face each other. If they don’t have a head, they don’t understand it. They are asking questions, and then they find that Chu Yang can’t wait to close his eyes...


"Dao, what is the road? The road is the road."

"Qi, what is the gas? The world is not the water, the gas, that is, the water, that is the life. It is the reason, the gas, wandering in the air, in the ground, in the water, in the mountains, even in the living, is the Putian The pulse of survival is also under!"

Qi is the pulse of the survival of all things in the world!

This sentence, only the shock of Chuyang scalp suddenly numb! !

These words are very easy to understand: gas, everyone must breathe. However, the deep meaning is survival. Everything is life, including vegetation, including mountains and rocks, including the heavens and the earth, including all living beings, and the spirits and veins, in order to begin cultivation.

This sentence puts everything in the heavens and the earth in an equal position!

This point was not thought of before Chu Yang.

"People have a body, and then there is a way. There is a way in the body, there is a way in the body. The way in the body, nothing more than the blood meridians. Of course, the way outside the body is the way of walking in the world, the way forward."

"Can people cultivate, can the mountains and rivers be okay? Yes! Can the moon and the stars be OK? Yes! Can everything be in the heavens and the earth? Yes! Can you make a grass or a tree? Yes!"

Four can, really let Chu Yang like a squatting top.

"There is a mountain with a mountain, and there is a heaven and a heaven; a land with a land, flowers and trees with flowers and trees."

"Just as people have a body and then have a way, but the way in the body, but there is a way before the body."

"The mountains and rivers have mud and sand as the body, and there are springs flowing through the veins, so they can live forever. This is the same as human beings."

"The same is true of the land."

"The way of heaven is the vastness of the stars and the sky, and there is no body in the sky, so it can live forever."

"Heaven, it’s not life, it’s the same."

"It is, there is nowhere to be angry, there is nowhere to be dead..." Seeing here, Chu Yang recalled the horror of the gods in the city of Luohua to absorb the dead flowers, at this moment, with these sentences in the book If the words are in contrast, it is really Maoshang!

"People's cultivation, the greatest is not the best, it is the cultivation of the body's gas; this is the next repair; the yin and yang two-way reconciliation, the next repair; can swallow the body of the reiki; the lower middle repair; can breathe the moon The elite, the middle repairer, the one who can breathe the heavens and the earth, the upper ones repair; the one who can't be cultivated without the things, is the cultivation of the upper and the upper."

"Mountains can accept their weight; water can accept their spirits; the sky can be harvested, the land can be innocent, the vegetation can be collected, and the animals can take their lives. Help me to repair, the world is doing the same with me, and I will do everything with you..."

"This is the real mystery and the mysterious, the door of the avenue."

"When you enter this door, you will do whatever you want to do."

In an instant, Chu Yang saw a bright road that healed quickly. Even if there were any injuries, he would do whatever he wants!

Yes, my previous thoughts and practices are too narrow.

Simply using the gas in your body to heal, the practice is simple and the efficiency is extremely low. Where can you compare it with the aura of the whole world? That is the true life of all things that are inclusive! !

As a way to heal, what can't be healed, why can't you get hurt!

Chu Yangyi and this, the moment of heart and soul, will put into action, sink the heart, use your own heart, release your own soul, release your own ideas, to feel everything around you, including your own bed, the air you touch, this body Under the earth, this is a million years of agile mountains, this long starry sky, flowers and plants, billions of creatures...

Everything, he has to understand it with his heart.

I don't know how much time has passed. Chu Yang suddenly feels that he is inexplicably happy... It seems that he is by his side, and countless lives are cheering.

He is full of novelty and feels the power of countless lives around him. Some are light, some are heavy, some are honest, some are spiritual...

This is an unprecedented journey...

Chu Yang immediately liked this feeling, this feeling of joy.

Then, he really had his own understanding of the words that appeared in this book that he once sneered, and he really recognized it.

"Practitioners practice, step by step; pains, tens of thousands of arrows, heart piercing, suffering and suffering, self-proclaimed as 'big perseverance' also ... I sneered at the nose ... I do not know the joy of cultivation, self-created pain, stupid like pig, talk He Yili? Stupid, this is also true!..."

At that time, Chu Yang saw this sentence and thought that he had come hard all the way. He was particularly dissatisfied with this sentence: In this world, who is practicing is full of fun and full of pleasure? Who is not all the way, struggling to survive? It is hard and difficult to say.

This guy is actually ridiculed here, it really is true.

However, when he truly understood these forces of life and integrated into it, he suddenly discovered that these words are really reasonable!

It turns out that there is such a cultivation of infinite enjoyment in this world...

My previous practice was really... it was stupid like a pig.

But who knows that there is such a mysterious way of cultivation?

In this regard, Chu Yang only smiled.

Things in the world, I really can't think of it, I can't do it!

"How can these gangsters be so heavy?!" Chu Leer was somewhat distressed to deal with the face injury, and complained: "When I first came in, I never dreamed of being so squatted on the ground, actually It will be you. How do you get it..."

Mo Tianji grinned and said: "In fact, I just teased them to play, let them happy, if I am not willing, then how can they..."

Mo Tianji was there to die the duck's mouth, so that Chu Leer suddenly felt the inexplicable joy, smiled and said: "They are all beaten with the pig's head, actually still here, the mouth is hard, you mouth this mouth..."

"Oh..." Mo Tianji looked satisfied: "If I don't get beaten, you won't be so gentle to me. Now I can have a happy smile. This is a good fight."

Chu Leer suddenly squinted: "Is it worth it? Do you want to make me more happy? If you add a pair of panda eyes on your pig's head, I will be happier, you definitely don't mind?! ”

The Mo Tianji who sells the mouth is so dumbfounded and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Lee, I am so painful now, what can the panda eye wait for next time..."

Chu Leer smiled: "I know you are not sincere, forget it..."

Mo Tianji saw the beauty and laughed, and the soul flew: "If you really want to see it, then hello, I can stand it!"

Chu Leer laughed and said: "Forget it, your current virtue is already perfect. According to what you said, keep it next time... Yes, my big brother doesn't know what it is now, I have to go Look."

Mo Tianji screamed: "You didn't just go to see it before half an hour ago. In fact, it didn't take a quarter of an hour..."

"Isn't this all for a while?" Chu Leer said: "It's not half a quarter of an hour, isn't the time long?" Then he went, shouting: "You guys are too selfish." ......"

Mo Tianji sighed and felt only infinitely sad. I am selfish?

Hey, Mo dances over: "What happened to your second brother?"

Suddenly felt the comfort of the Mo Tianji smiled: "I am fine, really nothing!"

"You are really okay? Then I went to Chuyang to guard it. He needs someone..." Mo-light dance only revealed the outcrop, and then shrank back. (To be continued.)

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