Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 761: The source found

Ji Mo was played, and he heard such a cool words, and couldn’t help it anymore. He was angered and rushed to the past: "I am dying to kill you! You are a bad guy, Xiaobai’s face is not good, you are all bad. ......"

The two suddenly became a group. Everyone was injured and healed. At this moment, they are evenly matched. Even Ji Mo has taken a small advantage because of anger.


Mo Qingwu and other women are all beautiful, although they know that they can't live here for a long time, but in the spirit of loving beauty, even if they only stayed for a while, they still built two pavilions on the lake. Anyway, they repaired them. In order to make a few pavilions, it is almost the same as playing.

At first glance, the clear water is full of water, the fountain rushes to the sky, and it falls again and again, squatting on the awning that has just been built, and then scattered down, it is like a piece of broken jade constantly jumping.

In the pavilion, whether it is talking about the land, or the quality of the road, it is comfortable.

In the hearts of all men, they all sneered at this, women like this tone... but the face also has to dress up like it, the mouth keeps praise, what is elegant, what is the atmosphere, what grade However, my heart is in the abdomen: "On this broken thing, can you eat or drink, can be used for what... It’s better to play with Ji Mo, everyone’s nose and face are swollen..."


Since the emergence of this lake, the changes in the entire valley have become more pronounced.

Previously, because Mo Tianji used the nebula to lock the big array, forcibly squeezed all the plants inside the valley. All of them were unable to load these unprecedented pressures, and they all turned into powder, and no longer saw a trace of green.

And with the emergence of the lake. The aura was poured into the lake like a tidal wave, and then spread again. Slowly, the lake was surrounded by a green grass at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lush, like a green satin, gradually extended out.

This greenery seems to spread. On the surrounding hills, it was slowly dyed green.

There is even a slender little sapling. It grew very tenaciously.

The brothers who were very impatient in the heart suddenly felt a shock when they watched the green grass crawling over the ground at a slow speed!

In such high-density land, it is extremely difficult for plants to grow and grow inside. Everyone can imagine it. Growing up on such a land, the degree of difficulty in survival is undoubtedly a million times more difficult than in the outside world!

However, the grass is still a small grass, still green, still facing the wind, full of vitality.

The kind of joy and enthusiasm that grew up in the moment suddenly poured into the hearts of the people.

Let this group of people who have long been accustomed to killing and killing on the rivers and lakes. At this moment, all the silence is silenced.

A clear understanding is in the hearts of everyone!

"Is this the power of life pulsation? The original feeling of the original is so!!" Mo Tianji squatted down and looked at the ground with ecstasy. The grass is as thin as a hair; the meaning of worship is apparent in the eyes.

If human beings are changed to such a harsh environment, can people work so hard to survive?

"People can work hard in the desperate situation." Mo Tianji said to himself silently.

Mo Tianji’s idea is not wrong, but the inferiority of human desires makes most people only wake up at the last moment of despair, and only when they face up to despair, they will choose to face. People are always like this. !

Three days later, the entire valley was renewed, but the roots of the mystery were still not found among them. What made this valley change like this...

However, in the past few days, everyone's body and mind have become very quiet. Seeing that these days are struggling to grow grass, each person's mind is touched to varying degrees.

It is a sense of awe of the pulse of life, and it rises...

Under such a state of mind, everyone was surprised to find that the repairs that were previously limited to the bottleneck state were actually leaps and bounds!

Although the internal and external injuries suffered by the previous wars have not been so good, but ... their own cultivation is like a wing, and it is going forward... just in this short half-month...

Ji Mo and Rock Enemy officially completed the advanced from the saints to the peaks of the saints, and they have completely rebuilt themselves at the peak of the saints, and even have spare power!

Especially Ji Mo, since the last serious injury dying, Chu Yang did not hesitate to use the nine great medicines as its solid foundation, and the daily life spring, Jiu Dan Dan almost made a meal.

The whole body is almost on the verge of qualitative change.

Nowadays, under such a strong and uninterrupted aura, the qualifications and roots have changed in one fell swoop!

蜕 becomes the body of the innate spirit!

This amazing change means that Ji Mo's qualifications and Gu Duxing's Dong Wushou and others are on the same starting line, even better, and the future is limitless.

This change made Ji Mo excited almost crazy.

It also made Rock's enemies almost mad. I can't wait for the last time I was injured. I sighed myself last night. I didn't get hurt, but I didn't dying... I actually let Ji Mo have a big deal... ...

These arguments naturally made the brothers laugh.

In addition, the mother of the wolf, the wolf king, has been leaping forward in the past few days, and is also at the foot of the sage.

The most advanced of all, it is still the two women of Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian.

Both women used to hold power, and they all ordered the Lord of the world; from the peak position, and then saw this change... The two women's mentality is the most specific.

It is a feeling of appreciation, comfort, happiness, calmness, and serenity...

The cultivation of two people is a level. From the high level of the holy level, the singularity of the road is violent, and it has been forcibly broken through to the high-level peak of the heavens. It will soon break through to the level of the saints, and this will gradually slow down.

This kind of progress has allowed Mo Tianji and others to almost blind their eyes.

Although the original degree of the two women belongs to the end of the crowd. But this progress is too exaggerated, right?

The other has obvious progress, it is Mo light dance.

Mo-light dance has now been promoted to the level of the late peaks of the saints.

For the progress of the above three women, Mo Tianji and others are puzzling.

because. Even with such an aura density atmosphere, it should not be, and it is even less likely to progress so fast!

This is completely unbelievable progress; even though it is always maintaining such aura density, in the same sense, Wu Qianqian and Tiebutian have to have at least two years of hard work and hard work to reach the present level.

It’s just possible!

But now, it only takes a few days before and after!

There must be another flaw in this.

Is it because people watch dishes? Specially for beauty discounts?

It’s not right. Although Chu Leer and Yan Niang have made amazing progress in these days, they are still within the scope of everyone’s perception. Even if it is amazing, it will not be horrible, it is as shocking as the progress of the three women!

But everyone did not study it anyway, and wherever it came out; this made the most wanted to explore the mystery of Mo Tianji thinking almost to blow his head. He is most eager to find such a number of ways. Let all the brothers and family members improve by leaps and bounds.

Nowadays, this road has been clearly presented, at your fingertips, but you don’t know how to go up anyway...

Things that can't be expected are in front of you. How can you not be depressed?

Say it. Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian, who have made the most progress in their own lives, and Mo Qingwu’s progress on their own are also inexplicable. They simply don’t know what is going on. It’s a common practice to cultivate progress. If you practice, you will progress. Although I have progressed a bit too much in the past few days, I really don't know what is going on.

This is amazing...

Until this day...

I thought about the little night of Mo Tianji frowning and went into the room of Chuyang. What he hopes most now is to see Chu Yang wake up and discuss this quirky thing with Chu Yang.

but. Into the room, looking up to see the moment of Chu Yang, Mo Tianji suddenly understood everything!

It turns out that the source of long-term search is actually here!

At that moment, he squinted his eyes to the maximum, without eyelid restrictions, and the eyeballs were able to smash out. One step, lightning rushed to the Chuyang bed!

"I understand! I finally understood! I understand!" The voice of Mo Tianji was almost shaking.

"What do you understand? How come you yelled in the morning!" Tie Tiantian, who has been accompanying Chu Yang, Wu Qianqian and Mo Qingwu were shocked by Mo Tianji.

"This time, the amazing entry of everyone's practice, including the apocalypse of the outside, is all because of the boss!" Mo Tianji said in a row: "No wonder you three are the most improved, because you always stay in Chuyang. Around, the near Zhu is close to the black, this metaphor is not very appropriate, near the water tower first month? No matter... Anyway, your progress is faster than others so fast..."

The three women could not help but be surprised.

I have waited for three or more people for more than half a month to be in this house, but I have not felt anything unusual.

I have to wait for three people to take care of Chu Yang, seemingly much less than other cultivation time!

"You look at Chu Yang's face. Look at his hair and sense his pulse!" Mo Tianji finally took a long sigh of relief.

"What you said we do often, there is nothing unusual at all." The three men said in unison.

"This... you..." Mo Tianji sighed and said: "You are with him every day, you are used to this atmosphere, so you can't see a change..."

"Let's take a closer look... Is there a feeling of warmth and jade in the face of the boss?"


< Going out for a massage, back pain, coming back and updating the back, it’s definitely impossible to break out the 10 chapters and 8 chapters today. Small explosion, oh... small explosion... 嘻嘻

After the outbreak, there was a small outbreak, and I felt like I was sprouting... I asked for a monthly ticket...>(To be continued.)

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