Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 805: Recalling old things [third! 】

After the demon heard the words is a glimpse, looked at the East Emperor with suspicion: "Snow and tears, you are not right today, what do you mean?"

Snow tears took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and finally said: "This is the case... cough, I have long been looking for a paradise, isolated from the world... and, prepared tens of thousands in advance Years... If the war is over, the life is still there... I don’t think about it any more... I want to go in and enjoy the blessings, and give the world to the young people to play.”

After the demon frowned, "This plan is very good. What can you say? I am embarrassed to say it? We should enjoy the blessing..."

Snow tears and heard a big smile: "Do you think so?"

After the demon is another glimpse, said: "So I want to have a problem..."

When I talked about it, I suddenly realized what I was.

It turns out that he is the meaning, it seems that there is ambiguity in what he just said, God...

As soon as I read this, my face couldn’t help but be red, and the fierce **** looked at the snow and tears. "The following words, you don't have to say it."

Snow tears and cold mouth, regardless of the demon to kill the eyes, actually said with a strong expression of death: "I actually said that ... if there is only myself, it is quite lonely ... how is there still a woman The master is not... I don’t know if you are willing or not... I also go in and enjoy the blessings... Didn’t you just say that we should enjoy the blessings...”

"Enjoy the Qingfu..." After the demon, his face became more and more red, and there was already an explosive trend.

Snow tears sighed deeply: "This is between heaven and earth... actually so lonely..."

"You get out of me!" The Donghuang dialect has not finished yet, and the demon has already become angry and broke out. A big drink, the Thunder broke out!


The polar emperor of the East Emperor was smashed out by a kick.

Stepped on the footsteps of a certain prince.

This foot is really heavy, and the prince of the East Emperor is flying so fluttering and fluttering. I don’t know how far...

Everyone in the demon palace was shocked to see this scene as stunned.

Mom, the demon squats. This is the lord of the East Emperor... You are so free to give your face a kick... Your injury is not good... But this is the prelude to the war?

The most important thing, we seem to be playing the East Emperor now... my one.

Suddenly everyone’s heart was up and down, and they were in a bad mood. However, I saw the emperor’s embarrassment and stood up, coughing twice. Actually, I left without a hand, and I still have some self-satisfaction.

Everyone is dizzy, is this something going on?

In the demon palace; after the demon, the face is flushed, and the teeth are cut: "The **** snow and tears, actually dare to face the game after the game... Actually so daring... actually... I am oh... Hey!"

"I dare to blatantly say that there is still a little hostess... I really have no sincerity! Is my devil's heart so casual?" After the demon, he snarled and snarled. After he finished, he felt his blush more and more. Some hot trends. Actually, the little daughter is generally lame, and a gust of wind usually returns to the bedroom.

Too annoying...

Ignore you……

When the devil was young, it was infinitely beautiful, with Ling Piaoping, Xue Xianer, and called the three beautiful women. I fell down in the pomegranate skirt. But quite a few...

At the beginning, including the Yuan Tian limit, purple Promise, and other emperors of the future, also dumped for it...

Snow and tears have also been tempted. But the demon heart has set a parental relationship since childhood, and she is very happy. Therefore, the snow and tears will not retreat.

Later, after the demon married to the demon king, the snow and tears finally came another. Parenting, this relationship is deeply buried in my heart.

After each other became the master of heaven and earth, Donghuangtian and the Emperor Heaven are natural allies. This time, the demon was seriously injured, and the snow and tears came in hundreds of thousands of books in the first time... The reason is imaginable.

However, the snow and tears of the mind, the demon is known in the same year.

But I couldn’t think of it. After more than a million years, the goods actually reappeared again...

now. The tears of the ear, the original wife of the early death has not known how many years, the demon king has also been sleeping for 900,000 years, this time the old words, I really do not know ... What will be the result?



Chu Yang and Sheng Jun, the two are still confrontation.

After the vows of heaven. Nothing has to be said.

The positions of both sides are distinct, and the enemy is born and killed!

In this life and in this world, never die!

The nine-robbery sword in the hands of Chu Yang made a fierce vibrato.

The murderousness of Ling Xiao, like the storm, the whole sky has become a heavy and stagnant.

"Good!" Shengjun's face was gloomy, and suddenly he sneered into the sky: "Chuyang, since you have this heart, this seat, today will be complete with you!" His face turned to 狰狞: "I am in front of you, first kill Die your brother, I want to see you, how can I not die with me!"

After that, when the sword is on display, it is necessary to start.

He always faces Gu Lianxing and others, and the distance is closer.

And Dong Wuxiu, Xie Danqiong and others are completely complete, and there is no such resistance at all.

"On the cloud, if you dare to do it, I really admire you!"

The cold voice of Chu Yang came: "The people on the cloud, now you really dare to do it?"

The glory of the eyes of Saint Jun’s eyes suddenly found that there were many people behind him, and everyone had the atmosphere of the peak saints, and a fierce battle of killings was more powerful than the usual sages. !

Under such an unprecedented fierce pressure, the Holy King found himself and could not move.

A move will surely provoke a strong attack like a thunderstorm!

Slowly turning around and looking at it, you can't help it.

I saw people in a row behind me.

Rocky enemy, 祀娘, 纪墨, 芮不通, Mo light dance, Chu Leer... There is also a faceted Mo Tianji!

These people, if they are alone, do not fear themselves, and the palms can be destroyed.

Even if you embrace it, you are not afraid... Well, if it is normal, you are really not afraid, absolutely free!

But the problem is... now I have been seriously injured.

The biggest defensive ace - one hundred phantoms, has all been consumed. If you want to use it again, you must get the strength to recover... And now, where is the spare time to recover?

If he is now killing a hand and killing Dong Wushou and others, these people must collectively play with themselves, if it is true. I am afraid that this prototype body will inevitably be destroyed here.

The phantom is gone, the repair is a big loss, and under the serious injury, if the original body is destroyed again, it will become an unbearable blow!

The most important thing is that even if you use another avatar to reproduce... there are many restrictions;

Judging by the degree of damage today. I am afraid I can’t go back to repairing to the peak...

The conclusion is - not worth the candle!

Chu Yang and others slowly approached.

A semi-circle, surrounded by the Holy King.

Chu Yang's eyes are dignified and look at the past: "The people on the cloud, you are leaving now, we have scruples, we will not rush to kill you! Even if there is a great hatred, we must count it later. And. There are only a few of us here. There is no outsider to see your ugliness... We are enemies between each other, even if it is how to preach you, others may not believe... it is not bad for you."

"But if you really start now... then, do you think that in today's situation, can you resist our joint strike?"

Chu Yang added a tone. Again: "I just believed that you have tasted the desperate taste of our brothers... Are you sure that your current body can be repaired?"

People on the cloud really can't be sure!

On the contrary, he is quite sure of another thing: if he is barely shot now, while Gu Duxing and others are dying, his own body will be beaten in a flash!

However, as soon as he left, he was really reluctant to make this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

After all, whether it is Dong Wu's injury, Xie Danqiong, ink tears or Gu Zhixing, it can be regarded as his confidant. They are all fatal crises that can threaten his life.

But he was alone in front of him, standing in front of him, steady as a mountain, his eyes were cold: "You really know, I don't have a single blow? Can you really hit it?"

Sheng Jun took a long sigh of relief and suddenly smiled: "Chu Yang... Do you want me to go? If I go, I missed the perfect time to kill the three. But I will still You can kill again, unless you are always together, not giving me the chance to break through each other... and you, today, have the opportunity to destroy me, miss today, but are destined to never have it again."

Chu Yang faintly said: "Even if it is the life of 10,000 people on the cloud... it can't be compared to one of my brother's toes!"

The holy prince did not anger, haha ​​smiled, took the sword, suddenly volleyed, said: "If this is the case, then I will go... you will meet again, the strange road!"

His figure suddenly vacated.

Rock's enemies and others saw a sigh of relief.

Only Chu Yang and Mo Tianji seem to be relieved on the surface, but they are secretly prepared.

Sure enough, the holy prince has risen to the heights of hundreds of feet, and suddenly a backhand, such as the mountains of the general horror power can be smashed down!

The goal is that Gu is alone, Xie Danqiong, Dong is not hurt, ink tears!

The power of this palm has completely condensed into essence, like a sword, breaking open space and rushing down!

Obviously, this is a holy strike that the Holy King has prepared before he retreats!

I want to cut off those four heartaches!

And if you want to do this, you must take the time to leave yourself, Chu Yang and other people who are relaxed!

As long as it is a little lax, the people on the cloud can not only get away from it, but also calmly kill the four masters!

Rock's enemies and Ji Mo were shocked, but it was too late to get the skills to intercept.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Chu Yang snorted, and the nine robbery swords that had already been ready to go had an instant attack. At the same time, Mo Tianji’s purple jade, Mo Xiaowu’s star dream light dance knife also shot at the same time!


The power of a palm, has not been hit, it has been hit by the four scattered!


Third, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! There is a fourth more!

Today, I did not expect to write a chapter on the plane flying to Beijing. On the high-speed rail from Beijing to Taian, I actually wrote another chapter. Haha, I am amazing!


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