Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 828: Bottomless line

The Holy King could no longer stay, and worried that he would collapse at any time, explode, and his body flashed and flew up. He said in the air: "Lord of the Arrow, there is something else in this seat that I want to talk to you alone."

Then the holy king disappeared.

Originally, he said that we included the Elf Arrow God.

The arrow **** went to the front of the snow and tears and the demon, Shen said: "You don't have the meaning to talk to me?"

After the demon, he said faintly: "You are not a fool. Everything will depend on you for your own judgment. Arrow God, I admit that your cultivation can already be with us, but this cannot be a reason for us to treat you specially." If you want us to explain something to you specifically, you still have no such qualifications!"

Arrow God can't help but smile.

When things are up, he has already felt faintly that he seems to be doing something wrong.

However, the road ahead is still unclear.

For the time being, it seems that I can't find the right direction.

The suspicion in the heart still exists.

However, the hate in my heart is very strangely not as sharp as before, and there is no room for change.

"So, treasure." Arrows flew up.

At this time, I received a message from the snow and tears: "If you really want to talk to the saints alone, you can still call your brothers to witness, so it is good for everyone."

The body of the arrow **** could not help but sigh in the air.

I looked back at the strange and looked at the snow and tears, and then I. The sound of "咻" disappeared without a trace!

He understood the meaning of the snow and tears, but he could not believe it. The first person who is famous in the world is the kind of person! If it is so mean and shameless, how can it become a sacred priest for so long? In particular, the present day is more than one's own strength, completely annihilating the biggest hidden danger of Tianzhu - the true spirit of Halloween.

The Holy King is not like a bad person, but the East King is not like a bad person.

However, the Holy King said that the East Emperor was a bad person, and the East Emperor also said that the Holy King is a bad person!

So, who is the real bad guy?

If you are loyal. Is it just such a person?

Could it be said that... I will see the Holy King alone this time, will it really be dangerous?

is it possible?

Is this impossible?

After the arrow **** left, this question was raised. I have thought about it for a long time.

In the end, it was decided that the affairs of the elves would not be the only ones that could be made entirely. Several other brothers also need to witness. Need to judge. Need to make the corresponding decision.

Therefore, he decided to take his brother, to meet with the Holy King, to gather all the high-level members of the Elf, and meet with the Holy King, so more respect is not it!

Under the heavens, only the four gods of the elves are known, and they are the four strongest masters of the elves.

But no one knows that the elves are the strongest. In fact, there are five in total.

There is also a god, dark god! Elf Dark God!

just. This dark **** is always hidden in the dark.

Therefore, those who know his existence also know that the elders are the strongest and have five people, which are the five gods; but those who do not know, only know the elves.

In fact, the ability to know the four gods of the elves is already a master of the world!


"Today, your kid is getting good?" Snow tears cold and looked at Xie Danqiong.

"It's okay." Xie Danqiong smiled and said: "When these things are handed over to the boss, it will naturally produce more value!"

After the demon curiously asked: "Xie Danqiong, what kind of things that your brothers have harvested will be handed over to Chuyang for unified disposal? Have you ever thought about it yourself?"

Xie Danqiong said frankly: "Of course I have thought about it, I have studied it, but I have not studied what results. We seem to have no talent. Fortunately, the boss is also groping. When has formed a fixed theory or experience, it will all Teach us... Our future is definitely to be separated. The boss also wants us. No matter where we are, no matter what skills, we can have the power of self-protection..."

"But it still doesn't work. It's far from when we can calm down and study these things with no hesitation... So these directions can only be postponed."

"Of course, there is another reason. When these things are handed over to the boss, they can get 100% utilization and use the maximum value of use. However, if we are groping by ourselves, we have to bear too many failure consequences... ...and these consequences are the destruction of these treasures of heaven and earth, which is not worth the loss."

Xie Danqiong said faintly: "The devil is just around the corner, we can't afford it."

After the demon couldn’t help but sighed with envy: "This brother is on the side, it is really enviable."

Xie Danqiong smiled proudly and was about to speak, but he heard a violent scream: "Xie Danqiong! You are a little bastard! You are so brave!"

The three turned their heads and looked at them. I saw the purple evil feelings and looked angry and rushed over.

Xie Danqiong screamed in amazement and was horrified. He turned and ran away.

Now Xie Danqiong is most afraid of purple evil!

none of them!

However, just in the moment when it will not move, the waist on both sides is actually a hemp at the same time, and suddenly it will not move. Xie Danqiong turned his head in disbelief. After watching the emperor and the demon around him, he said with anger and anger: ""

Just now it was the East Emperor and the demon who simultaneously shot the Moyun Emperor!

As for the purpose, it is very simple and very obvious, just to let him accept the punishment of purple evil.

Xie Danqiong apparently dreamed that this would happen!

However, looking around the Nine Heavens, the object that can be worthy of the East Queen’s debut at the same time, at most, there is only one person on the cloud. Do you know if Qiongdan’s Xie Danqiong should be very proud? !

“Why?” Xie Danqiong asked in anger.

He really can't think of why the two men should do this, why should they treat him like this!

I just helped the snow and tears, and gave each person a good thing with a full space ring. How to turn a face will not recognize people, this is too much to say!

You took my things, collected my gifts, and sold me in a blink of an eye... What does this mean?

I just talked about it very much, and turned my face in ruthlessness! Don't you say that you are such a lofty position as the East Emperor, and change to the most shameless hooligans... Do you have to stagger this time?

Snow tears and cold hands, said: "Xie Danqiong, don't blame us, we are helping you now. You as your brother, even if you don't thank us, shouldn't you blame us?!"

"Don't blame you? Thank you all..." Xie Danqiong sadly looked at the shameless Emperor. I almost burst into tears at this moment!

You caught me here, I have to wait and see...

So I actually have to thank you guys?

There is such a thing suddenly in the world.

Do you dare to be more shameless if you are awkward? Can wood? !

"You don't need to be so convinced." The demon smiled and said: "I told you clearly, no matter who Xiaomei wants to fight, we will catch it. Even if the emperor does not help, I will help, she thinks. Oh, what's the trick! At this point, there is no principle, no bottom line."

Xie Danqiong was stunned and dumb, and was speechless.

Why is this?

It’s just that he didn’t have more time to think about it, and the purple evil has already come to the forefront.

Before I even had time to speak, I saw that the Emperor and the demon had shouted Xie Danqiong at the same time, with an infinitely kind smile: "Little purple, you want to play this guy out of the way? Give, I will give you Hold it! How do you want to know how to get rid of it, how come!"

This moment, the purple evil stunned.

For a long while, I finally smiled red-faced and bowed to the ceremony: "Snow uncle, enchanting mother... you are well."

"Okay, okay, we are good." Snow tears and the demon suddenly smiled gratifiedly, and looked satisfied. It seemed that no matter what he did, no matter what he paid, he could hear the sentence "Snow Bob, the enchantress" I am already satisfied, and I am a little bit flattered.

So simple and simple, what about? !

"Then I will take this guy back?!" The purple evil is a little envious of watching the devil and the snow and tears.

"Go, go, good boy. Haha... I don't mind how to do it." After the demon and the East Emperor are busy, they reply: "Nothing... discount his hand, interrupt his leg." Also. As long as you don't kill, you can do it all. If you have ours, how can you come and get happy, it will be no big deal if you get rid of it."

Xie Danqiong suddenly had a cold in his heart.

What is this saying... What is going on in the end? Why can't I understand?

The purple evil smiled and then turned and gave orders.

"Come on!"

"Bring this guy back to me! Dare to have any change, directly interrupt me! Strangled, the hand is also discounted!" Purple evil murderously screamed.

Xie Danqiong’s sad reminder closed his eyes: "Dayu... you are forgiving..."

"Rain your head!" Purple evil spirits do not hit one place: "Go back to me to clean up, wait for Chu Yang and Mo Tianji to come, Xie Danqiong, your unforgettable good life will come, rest assured I am not interested in your little life, only interested in you. As for Chu Yang Mo Tianji, they are interested in your body, or if you are interested in small life, it is hard to say."

Xie Danqiong sighed indefinitely and sadly, his eyes mournful and pleadingly looked at the purple evil, trying to win the sympathy of the eyes, but it seems that no one cares about him.

The catastrophe of the catastrophe was self-contained as a breeze, wrapped in Xie Danqiong and went back.

The purple evil sentiment said goodbye to the emperor after the emperor, and then he began to stand up and swayed the Tianbing Pavilion.

Looking at the purple evil spirits, the demon sighed with infinite gratification: "This child is so good... I found out that her eyebrows are similar to the ones that I was like in the past... just a Cast in the mold..."

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<Seeking a monthly ticket! Third, work harder! >(To be continued.)

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