Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 114: The magic of love goes round and round

   took the Spiral Ascension Vehicle, Chen Yu faced the camera, smiled "evil charm" in the mask, and then put the propeller on his head.

   "Stay away from me, three hundred meters away, don't get blood on your body."

   "You have to be careful!" Xiao Taohong looked worried: "Why don't you change me."

   "...Is there a way to survive for you?"

   Little Pink: "……"

   drove away Xiao Taohong, Chen Yu fixed the three frames to his body, grasped the hilt of the sword, pressed the start button, and adjusted the length and width to the extreme.


   The weird resonance sounded. The white beam of light, one meter wide and forty meters long, appeared again in the pictures of 300,000 electronic screens.

"Looking at my dress, everyone must know how I am going to operate it." Holding the lightsaber, turning the forty-meter blade towards the front, Chen Yu calmed the mask: "So, I won't be too slow. Next, it is. Witness the most correct way to use the high-frequency lightsaber."

"take off!"


   Along with the rotation of the propeller, a background music of "The Shrimp Catch" was played immediately, igniting the atmosphere in the live broadcast room!

   And Chen Yu, also in this exciting rhythm, turned faster and faster, and flew higher and higher!

   The forty-meter lightsaber that he held tightly in his hand rotates synchronously, forming a fuzzy white vortex, cutting the hills beside him into one piece after another.

   Rocks collapsed and trees destroyed.

  In the smoke and dust, only this white storm is the most dazzling...

   [It's really fried! 】

   [696969. 】

  【99999. 】

  【This operation...fuck it. 】

  【? ? 】

  【? ? ? 】

   [This is a sword storm, right? 】

   [BUG version of Blade Storm. 】

  【The anchor is awesome! 】

  【Human whimsy...】

  【UP Master, you are so good. 】

   [Black question mark? 】

   [Come here! Drag me down and cut it! Let this Xiu'er be the emperor! 】

  【Demacia! 】

   [Time is money, my friend. 】

   [Don't forget the shame of Taiyoi! Go ahead! The space station was demolished! 】

  【The magic of love goes round and round. 】

   [Think of you thinking of the day and night in full bloom. 】

   [But I am afraid that love is only a moment. 】

   [In a blink of an eye...]

【break in! 】

  【The Great Sage! Collect magical powers...]


   Ten minutes later, the lightsaber vortex disappeared, and Chen Yu spun down from the air, standing on the ground with his feet.

   "Are you...are you okay?"

   Xiao Taohong quickly stepped forward to help, and helped to remove the three fixing frames.

   "No... ugh..."

Taking off the propeller on his head, Chen Yu took a big breath, raised the hilt in his hand and pointed at the camera to show: "Look at the stripes, the energy has been exhausted, so the evaluation of this high-frequency lightsaber can only go to this point. That's it."

"In terms of performance, it exceeded my expectations. Especially after adjusting the length and width to the limit, it has both lethality and scope. In my cognitive system, it is difficult to believe that there will be something that can resist it. offensive."

   "To sum up, this is a melee version of the 404 hotline gun, which is unstoppable in 2020. If you pair it with this spiral ascending aircraft... Believe me, you are the most beautiful boy on the battlefield."

   turned his head, glanced at the hill turned into ruins behind him, and Chen Yu crossed his index fingers: "Tonight's small live broadcast is about to end."

   "Before we end, let me tell you two things."

"First, my authority has been enhanced. The official live broadcast next month will be more advanced in terms of product technology. Don't forget to wait in front of the screen in advance. Because if you miss it, you may miss a history worth remembering. "

"Secondly, this month, I am sure that there will be at least one additional small live broadcast, and in that live broadcast, I will evaluate a very, very interesting small product. Although the small product is not high-tech, it is not special. , But I promise you will be interested."

   "Okay, finally thank you everyone for your attention and support to the super-time evaluation. With you, the evaluation is meaningful."



   Saying goodbye to the exit, he decisively closed the live broadcast room.

   The screen turned black in an instant, and only the barrage densely swarming was still sliding...


   Jingcheng, Special Team Leader’s Office.

  The middle-aged team leader closed the laptop screen and closed his eyes tiredly.

   was very clever, and he hurried forward to help massage his temples.


  The middle-aged team leader sighed comfortably.

   "Team leader, you are too tired, you should rest earlier."

   "I just took medicine and can't sleep." The middle-aged team leader shook his head slowly: "How is the progress of the two fools digging the tunnel?"

   "The progress is a bit slow." Xiao Li replied softly: "They are in contact with the surrounding ‘squads’ very frequently, and there seems to be some action. But by tomorrow, they can dig into Chen Yu’s warehouse."

"be prepared."

   "Yes, I have already arranged it."

   "How about the replacement of teachers in Sixth Middle School?"

   "Except for some teachers that Chen Yu often meets, the rest of the teachers have been replaced by a third."

   "Enough, you can stop." The middle-aged group leader nodded: "What can't be done is too obvious. But the surrounding area must be occupied."

   "Don't worry, many residents and businesses in three residential areas and one commercial area around No. 6 Middle School have been replaced by our people. Other residents are also under surveillance, and three online wanted criminals have been caught."

   "I don't worry about your work. By the way, what do you think about this short live broadcast of the Super Time Evaluation."

"..." Xiao Li hesitated for a moment, and said: "I don't have any I only know that some people will stand up again and say that if you don't catch Chen Yu now, Chen Yu will become more and more dangerous. Remarks."

   "They are right. In the live broadcast, Chen Yu also said that his authority has been increased. Next month, the product technology content is higher, and he is indeed becoming more and more dangerous. Although it is also very dangerous now."

The middle-aged team leader opened his eyes, picked up a cigarette from the table to ignite it, put it in his mouth, and inhaled deeply: "Everyone is worried, even panic. It's just that some people are bold and dare to go straight. We are shattered. We are courageous, with so many burdens on our bodies, we are worried about this and that, and dare not take risks."

   "Chen Yu's psychological portrait has been analyzed many times, he should not maliciously engage in sabotage and..."

"That's just what it should be." The middle-aged team leader interrupted Xiao Li, vomiting smoke lightly: "So many terrible technologies, in the hands of individuals, represent danger in themselves. Moreover, he is only a high school student, and his behavior is logical. A bit of recklessness, even if he is subjective and innocent, he may cause major disasters due to operational errors."

   Upon hearing this, Xiao Li was silent for a moment: "Group leader, these superiors will consider it."

   "In fact, if it weren't for the letter left by Chen Yu, my superiors would have allowed me to contact him."

   "Then...what did that letter write?"

   The middle-aged team leader stopped smoking, turned his head, and stared at Xiao Li with sharp eyes.


   Xiao Li was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

   In the office, there was a depressive silence.

   After a long time, the middle-aged team leader put out the cigarette and closed his eyes again: "How can you make such a low-level mistake."

   "Team leader..."

   "Don't let me get me wrong."



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