Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 126: 4th live broadcast, start

   "It's been a month, has the interrogation of that black agent still failed?"

   Jinzhou, in a courtyard in the suburbs, the middle-aged team leader opened the interrogation record and asked while watching


   Xiao Li shook his head: "After a detailed examination, it is confirmed that he has really amnesia. We know nothing except knowing that his name is Nick Fury."

   "Don't you know the white agent who partnered with him?"

   "Yes. This group of agents do not know each other's identities, nor do they know each other's personal tasks. They are very professional."


   The middle-aged team leader nodded, did not say anything, and carefully looked at the interrogation report.

   Three minutes later, he raised his head and sighed: "I can't imagine what happened in the warehouse. Danger, too dangerous, this Chen Yu is too dangerous..."

   "Leader, shall we continue with the next action?"

   "Of course we must continue." The middle-aged team leader stood up and said solemnly: "I came to Jinzhou from Beijing to direct the action myself. This time, I must have face-to-face contact with Chen Yu."

   "Team leader, Chen Yu's attitude is unclear, let's get someone else." Xiao Li hesitated to suggest.

   "It's because I can't figure it out that I want to play in person."

   "Such as... What if the other party's attitude is still tough?"

"I have been authorized." The middle-aged team leader's eyes were cold: "If his attitude is full of hostility, let him know what a real toughness is! The necessary display of force must be present, and he must not have too strong overriding awareness. ."

   Xiao Li wanted to speak but stopped.

   "What do you want to say?" the middle-aged team leader asked?

   "No...No. You must pay attention to safety."

   "Well, I know this."

   The middle-aged team leader nodded and raised his wrist to look at the time: "It's half past eight in the morning, and there is half an hour left. The over-time evaluation is about to begin. The official live broadcast is usually very punctual. Go to the meeting room."


   The two walked out of the office, and under the protection of a large number of live ammunition, they went downstairs to the door of the large conference room.

   pushed open the door, a sound rushed toward his face, and the noisy middle-aged team leader frowned.

   I saw many experts, military officers, assistants, and professors in a mess in the conference room. They were all exchanging information loudly, fearing that the other party would not hear them.

   In the corner, there are two old men who seem to be arguing because of data errors, and they finally fight, causing the students on both sides to fight together...

  The old face of the middle-aged team leader suddenly became dark, and he walked forward a few steps to the main seat and patted the round table hard.


   The meeting room was silent for a moment.

The middle-aged team leader resisted the impulse of snarling, and said in a deep voice: "I know, everyone is very tense now. But calmness is always the best way to maintain efficiency. If you make a mistake, you can do it again. If the information is missing, you can do it again. Ask, the entire special event handling team, with 175 temporary departments under it, totaling more than 12,000 people, can they be suffocated by urine?!"

   Everyone in the conference room did not squint, as if nothing had happened.

   The two old men who were fighting turned flush and turned their heads.

   Scanning around the audience, the middle-aged team leader knows that it will stop there, sitting in his seat and flipping through the stacks of report documents.


   The people were not talking, and they immersed themselves in flipping through various paper materials, and re-entered working status.

   Until 8:50 in the morning, except for some technicians and recorders, everyone else tacitly stopped their work and looked at the big screen on the wall.

   The official live broadcast of the Chrono-Spatial Evaluation will begin soon...


   Lanhe District not far away, Chen Family on the 19th floor.

   Chen Yu sat on the bed, staring straight ahead, waiting for the 9 o'clock express delivery.

   "Mr. Chen, how about this new suit?"

   The portal opened, and Xiao Taohong walked into the bedroom with a black robe.

   "Where did you buy this?"

   "Mao Country."

   took the robe and put it on her body. Chen Yu walked to the mirror and turned around a few times. Then he took the mask and put it on his face, nodding in satisfaction: "Very good, a bit of death."

   "Why don't you wear the royal robe?"

   "You can't always wear a piece of clothing, you have to give the audience a new feeling."

   "If you don't want to wash it, Xiao Taohong can help you wash it!"

   "Bullshit! I'm so lazy?! Which public figure do you see always wears a suit? Don't say these unnutritious ones, hurry up and put the mask on, and it will be broadcast live."

"it is good."

   Xiao Taohong obediently wears a mask.

   Chen Yu also picked up the bow-tie voice changer, put it on his neck, adjusted it, and said, "How about this sound? The style of the magnetic gangster."

   "It sounds good."

   "That's it, it suits my temperament."


   Time, flicking every minute and every second.

   When the number on the representative watch jumped to 09, in the middle of the bedroom, a space-time wormhole opened on time, and a huge white box fell out of it.


   The box fell heavily and smashed the floor...

   Chen Yu: "...Is this a robot again?"

  Waiting for the wormhole to disappear, Chen Yu tentatively pushed the Sokoban without moving.

   "Isn't it a real nuclear bomb?!" Chen Yu doubted: "Little Pink, can you hold it up?"

   Xiao Taohong stepped forward, embraced the white box with both hands, pushed her waist hard, and the large box over three meters tall was suddenly lifted: "Wow, it's heavy."

   "Then you can carry it."

   Talking, Chen Yu walked to the portal, called up the virtual earth, and looked for the live broadcast location.

   "Little Taohong, where do you want to go?"

   "Go...anywhere, Mr. Chen hurry up, it's too heavy."

   "The wild or the city?"




   "Then Tarzan."

  Flicking his fingers to complete the twists and turns of the space, Chen Yu pushed open the wooden door, and a cold wind immediately poured into the house.

   "The wind on the top of the mountain is a bit strong."

   Before Chen Yu took the lead, Xiao Taohong rushed out and put the big box heavily on the ground.


   A few pieces of crushed stones were instantly pressed into powder.

   "It's heavy..." Xiao Taohong wiped the simulated sweat from her forehead, and looked up and down the box: "What the **** is this inside?"

   "It must be an iron bump."

   Chen Yuhe walked out of the portal, looked around, then disconnected the space from the bedroom, and changed the shape of the portal to a five-meter-high metal arch.

   "It's past nine o'clock, and the live broadcast starts, Xiao Taohong, you stand behind me, pay attention to the name, don't miss it."

  " Don’t Xiao Taohong patted her chest: "You can definitely trust my Xiao Taohong. "


   sighed, Chen Yu waved his hand, then adjusted the floating camera to aim at himself, and opened the live broadcast room.

   [The promotion live broadcast room is being opened...]

  【Station B is opened. 】

  【The funny fish is opened. 】

  【The tour push is completed. 】

   [Quick foot opening is complete. 】

  【The vibrato is turned on. 】

  [Total number of people in live room: 0 people]

   With lines of text floating, the total number of people on the screen skyrocketed!

  1983 people.

   25,879 people.

  77034 people.

  360081 people...

   Ten seconds later, the number of people exceeded 500,000, and the number is still rising.

  【Ahhhhh! I'm going crazy! 】

  【Lifetime series. 】

   [Do you still have a face to start broadcasting? ! 】

  【The Lord is off. 】

   [What kind of show am I? 】

【the first! 】

  【True·Fifth! 】

   [husband, I’m here! 】

   [husband, me too...]

   [This suit is so irritating. 】

   [I don't know which grandson stands out from the crowd of millions of barrage? (Dog head)]

  【Come to archaeology before 2025. 】

   [Tears, the UP master is not dead! 】

  【Don’t leave comments, don’t pay attention. 】

   In the turbulent overlap of the barrage, Chen Yu straightened his mask, held his head high, and said loudly: "Good morning, viewers in the live broadcast room. This is the fourth phase of the Super Time Evaluation..."

   "Positive! Style! Straight! Broadcast!"


   (Speaking counts, four more complete!)

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