Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 127: Limit to death (on)

Somewhere in Mount Tai where the gale is roaring, under a huge metal arch, Chen Yu faces the camera and begins his opening remarks.

"Good morning, audience friends, here is the official live broadcast of the fourth phase of the Super Time Evaluation. Thank you for waiting in front of the screen."

"The evaluation product in this issue is the big box next to me. Like you, I don't know what's in it. Don't talk nonsense, just open the box."

When the words were over, Chen Yu stretched out his hand and tore off the seal. With the help of Xiao Taohong, he opened the express box layer by layer, revealing the rectangular metal body inside.

The metal body is two and a half meters high and one meter wide. The whole body is black, and the surface seems to be covered with frosted matte, with poor light reflection.

At the top, there is a mirror similar to a solar panel.

In the middle of the metal body, a thick arc-shaped glass protrudes. Through the glass window, you can see a purple jumpsuit inside the box.

"this is……"

Chen Yu pushed the mask and reached out to touch the console under the metal body, a virtual projection suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Welcome to use the full-coverage special protective clothing of Harbin Military Industry, please enter your fingerprint and bind your personal information. 】

"Is it just a protective suit?"

Muttering in a low voice, he stretched out his index finger and entered his fingerprint.

[Binding is complete. 】

[The completeness of protective clothing is 100%. 】

[Opening the hatch...]

"His hiss..."

Accompanied by the sharp airflow, the metal body slowly rose up facing Chen Yu, exposing the protective clothing lingering in the white mist inside the box.

[The air pressure is normal and you can enter the cabin. 】

"I don't understand this thing a bit."

Chen Yu slid the console, searched for it several times, and found an option for instructions, and clicked quickly.

Then, the virtual projection disappeared instantly, and the entire metal box was glowing.

[Product description is in progress, please pay attention to the highlighted part of the product. 】

[This product was produced by Harbinqiu Military Industry in 2305 and is one of the best special protective clothing in the 24th century. Can adapt to most extreme environments. In addition: except for ultra-extreme environments such as black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, and stellar cores. 】

[The highlighted part at this time is the protective clothing repair warehouse, which can automatically repair and save the protective clothing. 】

The introduction sound stopped for a moment, the light of the metal box disappeared, and the solar panel above lit up.

[At this time, the highlighted part is the solar charging board for the repair warehouse, which can automatically charge the repair warehouse in the sun. 】

[The highlighted part at this time is for repairing the warehouse console...]

Under the gaze of nearly 700,000 spectators, the metal box shined brightly, but within five minutes, the introduction was over.

[Please enter the cabin and wear protective clothing for the following instructions. 】

"To be honest, when I first heard it was protective clothing, I was a little disappointed. But now it seems that this thing is a bit awkward."

With that said, Chen Yu cautiously got into the cabin, and then the cabin door began to slide and close.

【Please wear protective clothing. 】

Chen Yu turned around, took off his mask with his back to the camera, and quickly put on a purple protective suit and a tight headgear.

In the next moment, he was forcibly turned back by a pair of mechanical arms, and various strange white armors were installed on his body.


First, it is a breastplate.


Then, there was a carapace.


Arm guard.





The whole process is like assembling building blocks, with a pair of mechanical arms flying up and down, and various accessories and armor are buckled on Chen Yu's body.


With the last muffled sound, the white helmet was tightly locked at the connection, and the hatch slowly opened.

"His hiss..."

In the white mist, Chen Yu stepped out, under the sun, carefully checking the armor on his body.

[Fuck! A bit too handsome! 】

[Do you call this a protective suit? 】

[The company clearly stated that it produces military industries. 】

[Haqiu military industry in Ice City? Ward day...]

[Can it resist nuclear bombs? 】

[This TM is power armor...]

[Stark: "???"]

Straightening his arms, Chen Yu moved around for a few laps, facing the camera, and using the external equipment of the protective suit said: "I know what everyone wants to say, but this thing is really not power armor. Every piece of armor is very light, according to The explanation I heard in the cabin is that the armor is filled with a type VI solid aerogel, which can isolate high temperature and high radiation."

"The carapace is equipped with a low-power plasma engine, which allows the user to move slowly in extreme environments. This slow speed is... um..."

"Under the standard atmosphere, the maximum is 3,200 kilometers per hour."

"More than twice the speed of sound..."

[This "slowness" is very spiritual. 】

[Anchor! Fly in a circle! I beg you! 】

[@消—20, come and see, someone demolished your station...]

[Just look down on the way you have never seen the world. 】

"As far as I know, this speed has completely surpassed the most advanced fighter jets in 2020. I can only say that-it is worthy of the future technology."

"The unboxing and simple introduction are over. Next, we will start the next item, product evaluation."

After setting the floating camera into automatic follow mode, Chen Yu continued: "Since it is a protective suit, I now have a lot of ideas for evaluating it in my mind, but don't worry, it will take a long time, one by one."

After speaking, Chen Yu looked at Xiao Taohong: "I am the only one to come for this review. You move the protective clothing repair warehouse into the engineering ship and wait for me in the ship. The portal stays here, I still use it."

"Are you alone?" Xiao Taohong looked very hesitant.

"Yeah. There is only one protective suit, you don't need you."

"Well, my king, pay attention to safety!"

Chen Yu gave an OK gesture, then adjusted the engine pressure with the help of the protective clothing assist system, and jumped hard!


But hearing a huge sonic boom, a sand wave composed of dust and rubble rose instantly! Hundred meters around!

As for Chen Yu, he has flown to an altitude of thousands of meters and has a bird's eye view of Mount Tai.


The blue light sprayed under the carapace collided with the air to generate recoil, causing Chen Yu to hover in the air.

Reaching out and touching the faint blue "flame" behind him, Chen Yu's voice was dull: "From the front, it looks like my **** is spraying flames... Is this mentally retarded design really okay?"

[Fat Yan, no problem at all. 】

[Haha, the UP master doesn’t say I haven’t noticed yet...]

[The speed just exceeded the speed of sound, right? 】

【in? Super hero? 】

[Excited, I squeezed an egg without hesitation. 】

[Only I found out that the anchor did not change his voice today? 】

[Just entering the live broadcast room, I ask weakly, is this the latest movie...]

[Children don’t watch the storm. 】

He lowered his head and glanced at the silly little pink, facing the camera, Chen Yu opened his arms: "This protective suit obviously has a special device as a buffer. The acceleration just now did not cause me any discomfort."

"Then start a detailed evaluation. First, test the speed of this protective suit to see if it can reach more than 3,000 kilometers per hour."

After speaking, Chen Yuyao pointed to the east: "I am now in Mount Tai, more than 300 kilometers away from Daoqing. Under full speed flight, see if I can arrive in six minutes."

At the end of the speech, he assumed a classic Superman flying posture, facing east, jet engine!


Under the loud noise, the clouds exploded!

Chen Yu instantly broke through the sound barrier and turned into a stream of light that violently rubbed against the air, disappearing into the blue sky and clouds.

The next moment, the suspended floating camera chased at a faster speed. Let nearly 800,000 viewers experience first-person supersonic speed in five live broadcast rooms!

At the same time, the air defense alarm systems at various points in Shan Province sounded continuously...

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